Taigh Gàidhealach / House and Furnishings
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Neil MacDonald ( Niall Domhnallach )
- Origin
- Na Hearadh [Harris]
- Location
- [Glasgow, Bearsden]
- Date
- [1987-88]
- Fieldworker
- A. O’Henley
1. An stéidh is am balla | |
criath | clay foundation. Also black soil was used. |
snaidheadh | dressing the stones. |
a’ ghlaic | the space between the outer and inner walls. |
clachan meanbh | |
glutraigeadh | small stones and clay mixed and thereafter placed between the two walls. |
2. Am mullach ’s an tughadh | |
tughadh | thatch. |
muran | sea bent used for thatch. |
sioman fraoich | heather rope used to tie down the thatch. |
ciadhàir | quire (choir?) yarn brought from mainland. Also called sioman Thearlaich. |
na casan ceangail | placed on the inside of the wall. When finished a grown man could walk round the outside of the wall. |
na sparran | |
luidhear | chimney. |
maide starraig | protruded from the end of the house. |
bòrdan fiodh | put across the beams under the thatch. |
3. Dorsan is uinneagan | |
dorus a’ muigh | |
lùdagan | hinges. |
ursunnan | door frame. |
sneac | used to close the door. A small block of wood. |
socrachadh | word used for positioning the ‘sneac’ [q.v.] on the inside of the door. |
clòsaid | closet. Also called ‘cùlaiste’. |
[cùlaiste] | [See clòsaid.] |
trannsa | lobby. |
mòt | used for a fireplace not in the centre of the floor. |
mòit | [See mòt.] |
busan | on each side of the fire. Made of clay and stone. Flat on top and were useful for keeping pans near the fire. |
leac an teinean | stone slab in front of the fire. |
4. An broinn an taighe: na sèamraichean | |
beinge fiodh | bench capable of sitting six. |
dreasair | used to store china, silverware etc. |
creathall | cradle. Also a table that would sit about eight people. |
cluinneagan uisge | water containers, usually buckets to be found in the lobby or ‘trannsa’. |
sguab fhraoich | a brush made of heather used to sweep the sand of the floor every Saturday night to be replaced by new sand. On having done this the house was then said to be – “air a dhreasaigeadh”. |
5. An t-àite-teine | |
6. Airneis an taighe | |
7. Sobhal, bàthach, no bothanan sam bith eile | |
balla cloiche | between the house and the ‘sobhal’. |
bothag chearc | faisg air an taigh. |
taigh sgàile | extension to the house. |
làr creatha |