1. Na togalaichean: sobhal, bàthach is mar sin, agus ainm gach pàirt dhiubh |
casan ceangail | |
gàth droma | ridge. |
muran | sea bent used for thatching. |
sioman fraoich | rope for tying down the thatch. |
sioman thearlaich | quire [sic] [coir?] yarn. A proper rope imported from the mainland. [NOTES: ‘thearlaich’ corrected to ‘theàrlaich’.] |
frasach | box used for horse feed. |
stalla | stalls. |
taod | rope put round the head of a cow or horse. |
saidhbhair | hollow trench in byre where excrement accumulated. |
leac ardarais | lintel. |
starsach | threshold. |
2. A’ mathachadh no a’ leasachadh na talmhainn |
flagais | manure (horse, cattle). Mixed with seaweed and used for oats only. [Corca-flagais.] |
feamainn shiabaidh | seaweed left at high tide used as potato fertiliser. |
tiurr a’ làin | what was left after high tide. |
corca-flagais | [See flagais.] |
3. A’ treabhadh no a’ ruamhar: an crann agus ainm gach pàirt dheth |
sòc | the nose of the plough which went under the soil. [NOTES: corrected to ‘soc’.] |
bòrd ùrach | levelled off the dust/soil. |
colltair | the part that actually cut the soil. |
spòg a’ chruinn | handles of the plough. |
treasaichean | chains. |
[amull] | Amull mór – used with one horse. Amull beag – used with two horses. |
4. Innealan beaga leithid spaid, gràp, ràcan is mar sin |
5. Acfhuinn an eich airson gach seòrsa obair |
an t-srathair | saddle on a cart. |
diallaid | saddle for a steed, charger. |
coilair | placed round the neck. |
briogais | on the side of the horse, used when pulling a cart. |
srian | reins. |
6. A’ cur an t-sìl |
fàsgnadh | winnowing. |
criathair | sieve made with hardened sheep’s skin punctured by a white hot poker. Stretched over a wooden frame. |
moull | chaff. [NOTES: corrected to ‘moll’.] |
cuinneag | bucket for carrying seed. |
7. A’ buain agus a’ tiormachadh an arbhair no an fheòir |
speal | scythe. |
claisean | ridges in the land being harvested. |
corran mór | used in this type of land. |
spàdh (-an) | the line which is visible once the hay has been cut. Lines between each row of freshly cut grass. [NOTES: corrected to ‘spadh’.] |
sguaban | sheaves. |
adag | four or six sheaves make an ‘adag’. |
tòit (-ean) | small rick of corn. |
còcadh | making small haystacks. Also used for haystacks in Harris. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cocadh’.] |
tùghadh | thatch used to keep the rain off haystacks. [NOTES: corrected to ‘tughadh’.] |
cabhlach | straw. Could also be used for weatherproofing. [NOTES: note added – connlach.] |
8. A’ togail a’ bhuntàta |
seargadh | when the potato leaves had withered. |
a’ putadh | penetrating the ground with an iron dung fork so that it would be easier for the next process. |
cròcan | a rounded piece of iron with a wooden handle used to lift potatoes. |
ruidealadh | shaking of the dust in a basket. |
9. A’ tasgadh an arbhair agus a’ bhuntàta |
10. A’ bualadh ’s a’ criathradh |
suist | [NOTES: corrected to ‘sùist’.] |
bualadh | describes the work done with the ‘suist’ [q.v.], which was used to grind the corn, etc. |
froiseadh | oats stripped of their ears with the instrument below. |
clach bhràtha | quernstone. |
cliathan | made of wood with iron prongs. Used for harrowing. |
cliathadh | harrowing. |
11. A’ bleith an t-sìl |
12. Ainmean a chleachdar ri earrainn fearainn |
iomaire | plot of potatoes, corn, etc. |
feannagan | lazy beds. |
sreathan | drills of potato. |
cul ceinn | common grazing. [NOTES: corrected to ‘cùl-ceinn’.] |
13. Faclan sam bith eile |