Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- J. N. MacDonald
- Origin
- Uig
- Location
- Lewis, Uig, Meavaig, Post Office
- Date
- May 1972
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
priach | [pðiɑx] Note: his pronunciation of the word we have as “briachd” [bɾiɑxk]. A soft place on the moor where sheep or cattle are apt to get stuck. |
léig | [lʹe:ɡʹ] Note: a bog which has a bouncy surface. |
suil-chruthaich | Note: a small area of bog which has a bouncy surface. |
stadhar | [ˈstɑəɾ] Quot.: stadhar chruich. Note: usually means here an area of churned mud caused by the passage of cattle. |
staran | Note: path from a house to a gate or stepping stones across a stream. |
breunlach | [bɾĩɑ̃ɫɑx] Note: a wet marshy area. |
lus-na-laogh | Note: grows in wet places. |
feanntag | [fȷ[ɑ̃ũ]n̪t̪ɑɡ] Note: nettle. |
feanntag-bhrògach | Note: a weed which flowers. Can’t sting. Usually in a cultivated ground. |
gìogan | [ɡʹı:ɡɑṉ] Note: thistle. (very near dʹ at the beginning) |
dorus | Quot.: dorus iadht [iɤt̪]. Note: the door in a shieling which was closed because of the direction of the wind. |
cachalaith | [kɑxəlɑi] Note: a gate, an opening in a wall. |
glóran | [ɡɫo:ɾɑṉ] Note: burdock. |
copag | Note: docken leaf. |
cuiseag | Quot.: cuiseag ruadh. Note: docken stalk. |
gallan | Note: wild rhubarb (?). Very like rhubarb growing wild. |
canach | Note: bog-cotton. |
fianach | [fĩɤ̃n̪ɑx] Note: moor-bent. |
lus-na-Fraing | Note: tansy. |
sìthean | Quot.: “sìthean cac a’ choin”. Note: dandelion. |
lus-Cu-Chulainn | Note: yellow bedstraw. |
peallag-buarach | Note: as he pronounces word for toadstool. |
fiùran | [fȷu̟:ɾɑṉ] Note: cow parsnip. |
buathallan | Note: ragwort (yellow). |
seileastair | [ʃeləst̪ɑð] Note: wild iris. |
corra-mhidheag | [kɔrəˈvĩɑɡ] Note: grows among the heather. Small black berries. Blackberries? |
corra-dearg | [kɔrədʹɛɾɑɡ] Note: hard red berries, inside like pith, growing among the heather. Oval leaf. |
muc-fàileag | Note: rose hip (dog-rose). |
sgriathlach | [sɡɾıɑɫɑx] Note: scree. |
litear | [lʹıtʹɑð] Note: bedding of rushes, straw, etc. as in a shieling. |
conas | [kɔ̃ṉəs] Note: whin. |
neòinean | Note: daisy. |
seóbhrach | Note: primrose. |
sgeallan | Note: yellow flower which often grows among corn. |
fliogh-chearc | Note: chickweed. |
cearban | [cɛɾɛbɑṉ] Note: buttercup. |
seacanaich | [ʃɛkɑṉiç] Quot.: “seacanaich na Samhna”. Note: period of good weather in the late autumn. Indian Summer. |
tràthach | Note: mown hay being cured. “Tràthach altanach” – grass which is tall and has “joints” in it. |
liathruisgean | [lʹıɤɾu̟ʃɡʹəṉ] Quot.: na liathruisgean. Note: According to J. N. the lean time in early autumn when the shorter barley growing in shallow ground ripened earlier and was cut to provide food. |
caisean-cumhach | [kɑʃɑnkũ̟ɑx] Quot.: “caisean-cumhach na Bealltainn”. Note: a “rotach”, spell of bad weather at the beginning of May. |
sneachda | Quot.: “sneachda na Càisg”. Note: a “rotach” (spell of bad weather coming about Easter). Comes with a north wind. |
tuil | Quot.: “tuiltean na Liùnasdal”. |
tarmachan-tuinne | [t̪ɑɾɑmɑxɑṉt̪ɤnʹə] Note: the sandpiper (Not “fìdhleir” as said on a previous sheet.) [NOTES: the “previous sheet” referred to is most probably the other word-list completed by the same informant and found in the same box. It gives “fìdhlear” as a sandpiper.] |
làir-mhaide | Note: a trestle on which a full creel was rested so as to hoist it on to the back more easily. |
bodach-sàbhaidh | Note: the figure of a man, its hands stretched out in front of it holding a stick which came down at an angle and passed under its feet. A potato, for balance, was stuck on its lower end. The man then was put standing on a line and it swayed backwards and forwards without toppling. ![]() |
tòtaman | [ṯɔ:ṯəmɑṉ] Note: spinning top, usually made from a cotton reel. |
cas-bheag | Quot.: cas-bheag, sinnteag, is leum. Note: hop, stem and jump. |
bròg-ghlaodh | Note: said that these were made in his father’s time from “guttapercha” – a resin-like substance that used to come ashore. Called by them [kɑd̪ɑbɤɾkɑ]. Sometimes shinty balls were made from it. |
ball | [bɑuɫ] Note: shinty ball. |
hoighlidh | [hɤıli] Note: what they called a goal in shinty. |
buail | Quot.: “Buaileam ort!” Note: when two people were to pick opposing teams, one would call “Buaileam ort!” The second would then say “Leigeam leat!” and the first would pick his first choice. (Two shinty teams.) |
breabadh | Quot.: “breabadh-nan-eich”. Note: played by boys in Valtos. Two of the bigger boys got a hold of two small boys (one each), took them on their backs with their arms round their necks and held by the hands. The small boys then dangled behind them. The two sets then went back to back, the small boys kicking each other like horses. |
éididh | [e:dʹi] Quot.: boirionnach beag éididh. Note: a very slightly-built woman. |
éideag | [e:dʹɑɡ] Note: a slightly-built woman. |
fargnaich | Quot.: Bha ’m bàgh air [ɑɾɑɡṉɑxəɣ] aig na tràlairean. Note: said of a place being cleaned up of fish. |
fìogoir | [fı:ɡɔɾ] Note: a small, thin lively person. |
eubhais | [e:vɑʃ] Quot.: “Tha beag eubhais ort a’ deanamh sin.” Note: “It is pointless / a waste of time for you to do that.” Cf. eubhais (Barvas): “Fhuair e eubhais” – He got a good haul. |
acadal | [ɑkəd̪əɫ] Quot.: “Nach tu a fhuair an t-acadal.” Note: a good thing (got in one’s need). |
cafan | Quot.: “cafan air a’ ghaoith”. Note: sharp edge to the wind. |
caf | [kɑf] Quot.: “Abair caf!” Note: a strong smell that catches one’s breath. |
rath | [rɑ] Quot.: “Chaneil rath air.” Note: said of a person lacking in grace and manners. Uncouth person. |
stùirc | [st̪u̟:ɾc] Quot.: “crodh a’ cumail stùirc ri cheile”. Note: facing each other in a hostile attitude. |
leigeas | [lʹeɡʹɑs] Quot.: “Nach e do leigeas a tha glas!” Note: cheek. |
pliachd | [plıɑxk] Quot.: “Bha mi air mo phliachd air a’ làr.” Note: I was lying stretched out on the floor. |
beul | Quot.: “Bha e air a bheul ’s a shròin fodha.” Note: He was lying face down. (Put also under sròn and fo.) |
plosg | [pɫɔsɡ] Quot.: “Tha e air phlosg.” Note: unsteady, unbalanced, liable to fall over. (Would tend to be used of soft things e.g. a bag of wool, a haystack.) |
glagan | Quot.: “Tha a’ chlach air ghlagan.” Note: wobbly, unsteady. |
suathalas | [su̜ɤhɑɫəs] Quot.: (1) “Chaneil suathalas aige ris.” (2) “Thug mi suathalas thuige.” Note: (1) He is not like him. (2) I sort of half identified him (i.e. there was something familiar about him). |
earchall | Quot.: “earchall an Earraich”. Note: loss of animals, most likely in the time of scarcity. |
caol | Quot.: “Cha robh ann ach a’ chaola ghorm.” Note: time of a dire lack of food, etc. |
oidhche | Quot.: “oidhche nan trì suipearan”. Note: longest night (winter solstice). |
deireadh | Quot.: deireadh-bhuain [dʹeɾəɣvu̟ɤṉ] Note: harvest home. |
cadha | [kɑə] Note: narrow pass on the side of a hill or between two hills. |
stiodha | [ʃtʹwɣə] Quot.: plural na stiodhannan. Note: used in Uig of very steep places on hillsides used for ascent (e.g. the rest of the hillside might be rocky). |
banais | [bɛ̃ṉiʃ] Quot.: “banais tighe”. Note: a sort of housewarming celebration attended by close relatives in the house the newly-married couple were going to live in. |
losaid | [ɫɔsidʹ] Quot.: “Bó air a dhol as a losaid.” Note: cow with a dislocated hip joint. |
liadh | [lʹıɤɣ] Note: blade of an oar. |
lann | [ɫ[ɑ̃ũ̜]n̪] Quot.: “Bu tu a’ lann!” Note: a good worker. |
dosgainneach | [d̪ɔsɡĩnʹɑx] Quot.: àite dosgainneach air beathaichean. Note: a place where animals are liable to be lost. |
corracha-cagailt | [kɔrɑxəkɑɡılʹtʹ] Note: seen among embers with a covering of ash on them when a poker is drawn through them. Coloured flames. |
teine-sionnachain | Note: phosphorescence at sea. |
galla | Note: usual word for ‘bitch’ in Uig. |
gamhainn | [ɡɑvinʹ] Note: Uig pronunciation ([ˈɡõĩnʹ] usually in Lewis). |
seamlach | [ʃɛ̃məɫɑx] Note: a cow which has calved this year. |
gamhnach | Note: a cow which hasn’t calved for a year. |
seachlach | Note: a cow in its second year without calf. |
tri-ghamhnach | [ˈt̪ɾɤɣɑṉɑx] Note: a cow in its third year without calf. |
anaglaich | [ˈɑ̃ṉɑɡɫiç] Note: used of making a person who was bed-ridden comfortable by shifting his position. |
seóin | [ʃo:nʹ] Quot.: “Rinn e seóin air an fheòil.” Note: [He] made a feast of the meat. |
gàtaire | Note: a person who is very open to feeling the cold and hogs the fire. |
iaradh | [ıɤɾəɣ] Quot.: “Cha d’thainig iaradh air a’ bheul aige.” Note: He never stopped talking. |
eileabanachd | Quot.: “Dé ’n eileabanachd a th’ort.” Note: making mischief. |
bòidheanachd | Quot.: “Na bi ’na bhòidheanachd.” Note: petting (e.g. a dog, a child). |
gearra-ghobach | Note: witty. |
siabhan | [ʃiɑvɑṉ] Quot.: “caora air an t-siabhan”. Note: a stray. |
càpraid | Quot.: “Bha mi as a’ chàpraid.” Note: usually used when one is right in the middle of hustle and bustle, e.g. a crowd of people. |
uilleagan | [u̟lʹəɡɑṉ] Quot.: “Bha e a’ deanamh uilleagan dhith.” Note: He was spoiling her (by being too kind). |
geadruisg | [ɡɛd̪ɾwʃɡʹ] Note: the grey mullet. |
capallan | [kɑpəɫɑṉ] Note: the bearded rockling. |
troille | [t̪ɾɔlʹə] tusk (fish). |
carran-creige | Note: small spiky fish found among rocks inshore. |
falamair | [fɑɫɑmɑɾ] Note: hake. |
siol-ghainmheach | [ʃwɫɣɛṉɑvɑx] Note: sand-eel. |
garbhag | Note: sprat. |
claimheag | Note: very small, spotted fish like a ling in appearance. Thinks it’s the butterfish or gunnel in the book (Seashore). |
raingeis | [rɛŋɡʹɑʃ] Note: a very small fish of triangular cross section, flat underside with a sucker on its underside which enables it to attach itself to rocks. |
biast | Quot.: “na biastan-maol”. Note: either the porbeagle shark or fox shark. |
cearban | [cɛɾɛbɑṉ] Note: basking shark. |
stire | [ʃtʹiɾə] Note: sturgeon. |
leóbag-bhrathainn | Note: turbot. |
stiùp | [ʃtʹu̟:p] Note: spout or something spout-shaped. |
geàlaban | [ɡʹɑ:ləbɑṉ] Note: minnow. |
madadh | [mɑ̃d̪əɣ] Note: horse mussel. |
breallach | Note: razor clam. |
cluasag | Note: variegated clam (bearded). |
leòdag | [lʹɔ:d̪ɑɡ] Note: hunchback scallop (shellfish – in book). |
deargann-tràghad | Note: shore flea. |
faochag-bhàn | Note: common whelk (large, white). |
càbon | Note: Rayed Artemis (shellfish). |
guirean | Quot.: “Chaneil ann ach guirean air tóin bainndean [b[ɑ̃ĩ]dʹɑṉ].” Note: said when dismissing something as not being as big as it is made out to be. Usually applied to small injuries, cuts etc. [bɑ̃ĩdʹɑṉ] – bann tighearna. |
roinn | Quot.: “roinn mhic is athair”. Note: Fair deal. (Barvas – Roinn mhic is mhàthair.) |
annsporag | [[ɑ̃ũ̜]spɔɾɑɡ] Note: J. N. understands it to mean the ox tongue and what naturally attaches to it at the back when it is removed to be cooked. |
at-góbhlach | Note: carbuncle (says that its foundation radiates in different directions). |
bucaid-ruaidh | [bu̟kɑdʹru̜ɤi] Note: a boil. |
ruadh-ghlas | Note: erysipelas. |
mialan-crion | Note: eczema. |
màirteanan | Note: hacks on the legs, brought on by the east wind in March. |
buille-thuig | Note: small injury to the toes when going barefoot. |
cas-ma-sheach | Note: cross-legged. |
mionaideach | Quot.: “Tha e mionaideach air a ghnothaich.” Note: particular. |
ruadhan | Quot.: “Tha am biadh a’ dol na ruadhan air an teine.” Note: getting spoilt. |
teóthadh | [tʹo:əɣ] Quot.: “C’àite robh thu gu seo ’s mise teóthadh do bhiadh air an teine?” Note: warming, keeping warm. |
tòit | Quot.: tòit uisge. Note: misty rain. |
tàbhanadh | Quot.: “Thig a nuas a sin ’s mi faicinn do thàbhanadh.” Note: e.g. if a person was in a dangerous place – person seeing (or maintaining he was seeing) the result, e.g. injury. |
ath-fhradharc | Note: second sight. |
tuaileas | Quot.: “tuaileas an ath-fhradharc”. Note: what a person with second sight saw. |
uspardaich | Note: understands it to mean flailing of arms and legs and changing position as when having a nightmare. |