Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- John MacDonald
- Age
- 65
- Origin
- Coigach
- Location
- Sutherland, Lochinver, Torrbreck
- Date
- 10/1969
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
langadal | [ɫɑ̃ŋɡəd̪əɫ] Notes: tangle. |
lanntran | Notes: lantern. |
laomadh | Quotation: a’ laomadh a’ bhuntata. Notes: over-manure (vb). |
leóbag | Notes: flatfish (flounder, plaice, etc.). |
leugh | Quotation: a’ leughadh ùghdair [əlʹiɑvəɣu̟:d̪ɑɾ]. Notes: expression used when a lay preacher would read a sermon from a book. |
lighe | Quotation: Tha lighe mhór san allt. Notes: spate. |
liùbhag | Notes: small lythe. |
lón | Notes: soft boggy piece of ground with perhaps harder bits here and there. |
maois | [mw̃:ʃ] Notes: the seaweed, or quantity of seaweed, dragged after a boat, after collecting it. |
moigh | [mɤi] Notes: mane. |
móine-spaid | Notes: turf divot with the bottom part of peat. |
mola-mhàgan | [moɫəvɑ̃:ɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: toad. |
muigh | Quotation: Tha thu a’ muigheadh [m[ɤ̃ĩ]əɡ] sin dhomsa. Notes: You are grudging me that. |
muigh | [m[ũ̜ĩ]] Notes: mane. |
raid | Notes: plant growing in peat moss – like miniature willow. |
riachd | Quotation: Dean riachd ann. Notes: a cut when cutting the ground, e.g. lining a peat bank. |
riap | Notes: sometimes used for “rope”. |
rùdan | Notes: rattle for frightening horses. |
iullamaid | [jwɫəmɑ̃dʹ] Notes: change. |
oirthir | [eɾeɾ] Notes: shore. |
òrdag | Notes: lobster’s claw. |
poll | Quotation: poll buntàta [p[ɤu̜]ɫbwt̪ɑ:t̪]. Notes: potato pit. |
sac-droma | Notes: load consisting of a creel on either side of the horse’s back. |
sail | Notes: beam. |
saobhaidh | [sɤ:vi] Notes: den. |
saoidhlean | [s[ɤı]lɑ̃ṉ] Notes: bee. |
searbh | Quotation: Cho searbh ris an dom. Notes: dom – gall-bladder. |
sgeolldair | [sɡ[ɤu̜]ɫd̪əɾ] Notes: jellyfish. |
sgoiltean | [sɡolʹtʹɑṉ] Notes: part of cut potato with eye in it. |
sgrath | Notes: divot. |
sgrùbhan | Notes: stook made up of eight sheaves of corn. |
sgùlan | [sɡu̜:ɫɑṉ] Notes: basket made of willow wands, used for potatoes, willow wands etc. |
siolachan | [ʃiɤɫɑxɑṉ] Notes: sand-eel. |
siolag | Notes: small potato. |
siol-cuir | Notes: seed potatoes. |
sioscot | [ʃiskɔt̪] Notes: waistcoat. |
sliabh | Notes: bent grass growing on the moor. |
sluasaid | Notes: shovel. |
smuais | Quotation: Tha móran smuais ann. Notes: There is plenty of energy/go in him. |
sorcan | [sɔɾkɑṉ] Notes: low nursing stool. |
spaid-riachdaidh | Notes: rutting spade. |
spar-deiridh | Notes: cross-piece at rear end of cart. |
spar-mullaich | Notes: ridge-pole. |
spar-toisich | Notes: cross-piece at front of cart. |
srathair | Quotation: srathair sac-droma. Notes: saddle used for panniers. |
stàbull | Notes: stable. |
stadhran | [st̪ɤɾɑṉ] Notes: stepping stones or complete path over a burn. |
stéidh | Quotation: a’ stéidheadh [ʃtʹe:əɡ] a’ mhóine. |
strìleachan | [st̪ɾi:lɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: octopus of some sort. |
tadhan | Notes: pole-cat. |
teallaich | Quotation: an teallaich. Notes: the hearth. |
tigh | Quotation: tigh-bàrraidh. Notes: thatched house. |
toinn | Quotation: a’ toinneadh an t-snàth. Notes: twisting the yarn. |
toraisgean-ghallach | [t̪ɔɾɑʃɡʹəṉɣɑɫɑx] Notes: Caithness tusker, worked by one man. |
tudan | Notes: corn rick. |
tulchainn | [t̪u̜ɫu̜xĩnʹ] Quotation: tulchainn an tighe. Notes: gable end. |
turbaid | [t̪u̟ɾu̟bɑdʹ] Notes: halibut. |
ùghdar | Quotation: a’ leughadh ùghdair. Notes: expression used when a lay preacher would read a sermon from a book. |
ullag | Quotation: ullag bhàrr. Notes: mixture of oatmeal and cream. |
ùrlar | [ɤu̜ɫɑɾ] Notes: second layer of peat. |
abharnach | [ɑfəʴṉɑx] Notes: ground where potatoes grew the previous year. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
abhrad | Notes: eyelash. |
adha | Notes: liver. |
adhragag-luachrach | Notes: lapwing. |
aiteal | Quotation: aiteal beag. Notes: portion. |
àlach | Notes: brood. |
anainn | [ɑ̃ṉĩnʹ] Notes: eaves. |
anaisg | [ɑ̃ṉiʃɡʹ] Notes: nickname. |
aobard | [ɤ:bəʴḏ] Notes: ankle. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
aoidh | [[ɤı]:] Notes: a ford. |
babht | [b[ɤu̜]t̪] Notes: swathe. |
bàitheach | [bɑ:ıɑx] Notes: byre. |
banntach | Notes: (pl. banntaichean) hinge. |
bara | Quotation: Bara-da-laimh. Notes: hand-barrow. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bara-dà-làimh’.] |
bàrr | Quotation: ullag bhàrr. Notes: mixture of oatmeal and cream. |
barradh | Quotation: Chuir barradh as a chliabh/as a chàrn. Notes: stacking above the sides of creel, or rim of cart. |
bàrradh | Notes: thatching. |
bàrradh | Quotation: tigh bàrraidh. Notes: thatched house. |
barra-gùg | [bɑrəɡu̜:ɡ] Notes: flower on potatoes. |
biast-dubh | Notes: otter. |
bliong | [bl[ɤ̃ũ̜]ɡ] Notes: fully grown lythe. |
bochdag | Quotation: a’ bhochdaig. Notes: used as a form of address to a woman. Also a’ bhochdan [sic] to a man. |
bochdan | Quotation: a’ bhochdain. Notes: used as a form of address. Fem. bochdag. |
bodach-bac | Notes: outside peat. |
bonn | Quotation: bonn beag. Notes: insole of shoe. |
bòt | Quotation: bòtan mora [sic]. Notes: thigh boots, made of leather originally, and worn by fishermen. |
brè-lochan | Notes: stagnant pool. |
buaic | Notes: wick. |
bualaidh | [bu̜ɤɫi] Notes: a stall in a byre. |
buntàta | Quotation: poll buntàta [p[ɤu̜]ɫbwt̪ɑ:t̪]. Notes: potato pit. |
buntàta-laomadh | [bwt̪ɑt̪əɫw̃:məɣ] Notes: potatoes which have had too much manure. Shaws would be big. |
cadha | Notes: defile. |
cafarnaidh | [kɑfɑʴṉi] Notes: an opening, a gate. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
caibe | Quotation: cabair-làir. Notes: flauchter spade. |
càrn | Notes: cart. |
càrn-slaodaidh | Notes: sledge (horse drawn). |
cairt | Quotation: a’ cairteadh na bàthaich. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cartadh’.] |
ceann-an-duine-mharbh | Notes: used locally for sea-urchin. |
ceann-mara | Notes: sea urchin. |
cladhan | [kɫɤɣɑṉ] Notes: byre drain. |
cliabh-àbhach | Notes: creel put into a stream to catch fish. Slats would be opened by fish, closed after it. ![]() |
colair | Quotation: colair connlaich. Notes: straw-collar for horses. |
connlach | [k[ɤ̃ũ̜]ɫɑx] Notes: (1) stubble. (2) stubble land. |
crasg | Notes: wooden frame on which a handline is wound. ![]() |
croma-loin | [kɾoməɫɔ:nʹ] Notes: snipe, large; frequents marshy places. |
croman | Notes: potato-digging implement. |
cuidhteag | [k[ɤı]tʹɑɡ] Notes: whiting. |
cù-mara | Notes: dogfish. |
darbh | [d̪ɑɾɑv] Quotation: or darbh-laimh. Notes: hand-line for fishing. |
darbhadh | [d̪ɑɾɑvəɣ] Quotation: a’ darbhadh. Notes: fishing with a hand-line. |
déadhann | [dʹe:ən̪] Notes: (1) fetter. (2) could be used for what tied an animal to a post. |
deargad-gainmhich | Notes: seashore flea. |
dóbhrag | Quotation: dóbhrag bheag; dóbhrag mhór. Notes: coil of hay. |
dom | [d̪[ɤu̟]m] Quotation: Cho searbh ris an dom. Notes: gall-bladder. |
dubh-liathag | Notes: pancreas (?). |
earball | [wɾwbəɫ] Quotation: Chaneil [wɾwbəɫ] oir’. Notes: said of a woman with no family, no responsibility. |
eisil | [eʃəl] Notes: axle. |
fólan | [fo:ɫɑṉ] Notes: pine-marten. |
fosgladh | Notes: lightning. |
fraoch | Quotation: fraoch a bhun duibh. Notes: used for thatching, with the stem to the outside. Would last a long time. |
fraochran | Notes: perforated strip across the toe of a shoe for adornment. |
fudalan | [fu̜d̪əɫɑṉ] Notes: swivel. |
gàgan | [ɡɑ:ɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: cackling of hens. |
gainmheach | Quotation: gainmheach bheò. Notes: quicksand. |
galaisean | [ɡɑlɑʃəṉ] Notes: braces. |
gàradh-bac | Notes: peat-wall. |
gealbhan | [ɡɑɫɑvɑ̃ṉ] Notes: sparrow. |
geallag | Notes: whiting. |
geàrr | Notes: hare. |
glaodhan | [ɡɫw:ɑṉ] Notes: part of cut potato without the eye. |
glùinean | Notes: garter. |
goirsinn | Notes: crowing of a cock. |