Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Alasdair MacEachern
c. 70
Islay, Ballygrant
Islay, Port Askaig, Tom-na-Feannaig
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
[ɡɔs]Notes: call to a dog (old usage).
[kɾo, kɾo]Notes: shooing hens inside.
[hu̜i:dʹʒ]Notes: call to ducks (repeated).
[hɤp]Notes: instruction to a horse to turn left.
[vẽ:nʹ]Notes: instruction to a horse to turn right. (a’ mhàin?)
[ʃi:d̪ɑx]Notes: call to cats (repeated).
[ˈʃi:əɫ]Notes: call to geese (repeated).
[snʹɔ̃ʔəṉ]Notes: eggs of the hair louse.
Quotation: Là na traisg.
laimhsichQuotation: Tha i a’ laimhseachadh gu maith. Notes: said of a beast that had good points at shows, etc.
lannQuotation: lannan [d̪ɛ̃n̪əṉ]. Notes: rafters in modern house.
làrQuotation: Am fear nach eil a’ làr [əɫɑ:ɾ]. Notes: “He who is dead” or “He who was here but is now dead”.
leathad[lʹɛʔɛd̪] [?] Notes: gentle slope.
leibideachQuotation: duine [lʹebidʹɑx]. Notes: small, useless person.
leisgNotes: lazy.
leumQuotation: leum fada; leum àrd, cruinn-leum.
luchd-comanachaidhNotes: church members.
mathQuotation: Gu robh math agad! Usually [kɔrɔmɛ̃]. Notes: equivalent of “Thank you!”
mathar-shùgainNotes: rope or wire round thatched roof near the top of the wall. The ropes going over the ridge were attached to it.
meudQuotation: meud mhór is bochdainn. Notes: applied to someone who had little money but tried to keep up appearances. Or boasting without justification.
mion-éisdeachdQuotation: Tha mion-éisdeachd ann. Notes: He is dull of hearing.
mionnaichteQuotation: (1) Bha mi mionnaichte nach deanadh e e. (2) Mhionnaichinn gu robh e ann. Notes: (1) used by AME in the sense “I was determined that he wouldn’t do it.” (2) I would swear he was there.
muilteanQuotation: car a’ mhuiltean. Notes: somersault.
riaghailtQuotation: bean riaghailt. Notes: midwife.
traisgQuotation: Mo thraisg ort fhéin! Notes: when checking a child.
dol-air-aghaidhNotes: a “carry-on”. See “dol a mach”.
dol-a-machNotes: a “carry on” – stronger than “dol air aghaidh”. It means going over the score altogether.
airQuotation: Tha Aonghas an aon dòigh oirne. Notes: Angus is the same as us.
iochdQuotation: duine gun iochd. Notes: mercy.
neasgaid[nʹesɡɑdʹʒ] Notes: boil.
ordQuotation: a tilgeil an ùird. Notes: throwing the hammer.
peasan[pɛsɑ̃ṉ] Notes: pest.
[pɾi:ʃo]Notes: call to a horse.
peileirQuotation: a’ tilgeil a’ pheileir. Notes: putting the shot.
pìochanQuotation: am pìochan. Notes: hoarseness, chestiness.
pocan[pɔxkɑ̃ṉ] Notes: small, thick-set, cocky child. “O! S tu ’m pocan beag!” Could sometimes refer to adults, but infrequently.
pongailQuotation: duine pongail. Notes: handy, knacky man.
pòsadhQuotation: seirbhis phòsaidh.
[pɾi:jo:]Notes: call for cattle.
[pɾi:veɡ]Notes: call to a calf.
sàilQuotation: sàil an innein. Notes: the blunt end of the anvil.
seachainnQuotation: Cha sheachainn thu do chrannchur. Notes: You won’t escape your fate.
séidQuotation: Bha iad air a’ séideadh an aghaidh a chéile. Notes: They were incited, agitated against each other.
seirbhisQuotation: seirbhis bhaistidh.
seirbhisQuotation: seirbhis bhuidheachais. Notes: Thanksgiving service on Sunday evening after the Communion service.
seirbhisQuotation: seirbhis phòsaidh.
seiseanNotes: session.
seiseanQuotation: cléireach an t-seisein.
seòrsaQuotation: Gàidhlig de sheòrsa ’s as bith. Notes: any kind of Gaelic.
sgainndeach[sɡɛ̃:nʹdʹʒɑx] Quotation: a’ sgainndeach. Notes: rheumatism.
sgaradhQuotation: Mo sgaradh! Notes: same as “mo chreach!”
sgileid[sɡʹilɑdʹʒ] Notes: tin mug sold by tinkers. Used for drinking tea and for filling the “bucaid” at the well.
sgiomalairNotes: moocher, bum.
sgliùrachNotes: untidy female.
sgloid[sɡɫɔ:dʹʒ] Notes: big, fat, useless woman.
sglomag[sɡɫɔmɑɡ] Notes: matter coming from running nose.
sgreab[sɡɾeʔb] Quotation: na sgreaban. Notes: impetigo, scabs.
sigeann[ʃiɡʹən̪] Quotation: duine gun sigeann. Notes: an unpleasant man.
slànQuotation: O slàn ort! Notes: exclamation used by someone who has just been told of a death.
sliomair[ʃlʹĩmɑɾ] Notes: servile person.
sluaghQuotation: an sluagh. Notes: congregation.
smugNotes: spit.
snigheQuotation: an t-snighe dhubh. Notes: drip from the roof in the old thatched houses.
snoigiseach[sn̪ɔ̃ɡʹiʃɑx] Quotation: duine snoigiseach. Notes: huffy, touchy man.
sorachanNotes: rest on which horse’s hoof was put when shoeing. (Dwelly – horse block.)
spàgachQuotation: duine spàgach. Notes: splay-footed man.
spàgailQuotation: Dé a’ spàgail a th’ort an sin? Notes: What are you groping about there for? (not walking)
spògQuotation: a’ spòg dhubh. Notes: disease peculiar to sheep whereby the skin becomes like jelly and turns black. The animal becomes blown up.
sreathartQuotation: a’ [sɾɑiɑrt̪i] or a’ [sn̪ɑiɑrt̪i]. Notes: sneezing.
sròinQuotation: sroin [sic] an innein. Notes: pointed end of anvil.
stràicQuotation: “Nach ann ann a tha a’ stràic.” Notes: pride.
stuaimNotes: modesty. Stuaimeach: modesty [sic].
stuigQuotation: a’ stuigeadh a’ choin. Notes: egg on the dog, e.g. after sheep.
sturrag[st̪u̜rɑɡ] Notes: a sharp rock jutting out of the ground.
suarachQuotation: duine suarach. Notes: worthless, paltry man.
sùrdail[su̜:rt̪ɑl] Quotation: duine sùrdail. Notes: bright and entertaining man.
tabhaisear[t̪ɛviʃɛɾ] Notes: small, silly useless person.
teanndachdQuotation: an teanndachd. Notes: asthma.
thugadQuotation: Thugad! Notes: Watch yourself! Out of the way!
tighQuotation: tigh seisean. Notes: session house.
tinneasQuotation: an tinneas-tuiteamach. Notes: epilepsy.
tiug, tiug[tʹʃu̜k, tʹʃu̜k] Notes: call to hens.
togQuotation: fear togail fuinn. Notes: precentor.
tomQuotation: tom conas [kɔ̃ṉəs]. Notes: hillock or clump.
tonaisg[t̪ɔ̃ṉeʃɡʹ] Quotation: duine gun tonaisg. Notes: a man without sense.
torrag[t̪ɔʔrɑɡ] Quotation: torrag fraoich. Notes: clump of heather.
torrag[t̪ɔʔrɑɡ] Notes: small hillock.
trasgQuotation: Là na traisg. Notes: Fast day, Thursday before Communion.
treimeasgal[t̪ɾɛ̃məsɡəɫ] Notes: rubbish.
tùirQuotation: duine gun tùir. Notes: unskilful man.
tuiteamachQuotation: an tinneas tuiteamach. Notes: epilepsy.
uchdachQuotation: uchdach cas. Notes: steep brae.
uchdanNotes: rise.
udalanNotes: a swivel.
uireallNotes: (1) ring on the prow of a boat for tying it. (2) metal band to keep wood in walking stick from splitting.
ullaidhNotes: hidden treasure.
[əvõ:nʹdʹʒe:]Notes: the day before yesterday. [NOTES: slipped under ‘a-bhoin-dé’.]
[ɛ̃nʹəvɑx]Quotation: Tha esan an [ɛ̃nʹəvɑx] gu a’ chluasan. Notes: He is in debt up to his ears. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ainbhfiach’.]
aithris-mhagaidhQuotation: Rinn e aithris-mhagaidh dheth fhéin. Notes: He made an utter fool of himself.
amadanNotes: foolish man.
amaidNotes: young, foolish girl. Seann amaid: older, foolish woman.
an earalasQuotation: An earalas gun deanadh iad fuaim. Notes: in case.
[ənʹẽʔṉəɾ]Notes: the day after tomorrow. [NOTES: slipped under ‘an earrar’.]
bacanNotes: used of the right-angled piece of iron put in a gate post on which to hang the hinge. Bann – hinge.
bannNotes: hinge. See “bacan”.
barasgall[bɑɾɑsɡəɫ] Notes: rubbish heap, e.g. as when cutting branches off trees and heaping them.
beanQuotation: bean riaghailt. Notes: midwife. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bean-riaghailt’.]
beàrnNotes: piece out of anything – wall, ground, etc.
beum-seicQuotation: a’ bheum-seic. Notes: rupture. [NOTES: slipped under ‘beum-sice’.]
bithQuotation: Gàidhlig de sheòrsa ’s as bith. Notes: any kind of Gaelic.
bochdainnQuotation: meud mhór is bochdainn. Notes: applied to someone who had little money but who tried to keep up appearances or boasting without justification.
bolgachQuotation: duine bolgach. Notes: corpulent man.
bòrdQuotation: Bòrd a cho-thional. Notes: Congregation board.
bòsdailQuotation: duine bòsdail. Notes: braggart.
brabhadachQuotation: duine brabhadach. Notes: bandy-legged man.
bragsaidhQuotation: am bragsaidh. Notes: braxy – sheep disease.
breacQuotation: a’ bhreac [əvɾwxk]. Notes: vaccination, smallpox.
bròdQuotation: Tha mòran bròd ann. Notes: pride.
bròdailNotes: proud.
buidheachQuotation: a’ bhuidheach. Notes: jaundice.
buidheachasQuotation: seirbhis bhuidheachais. Notes: Thanksgiving service on Sunday evening of the Communions.
builgeag-fholaNotes: a small bubble of blood that forms when one hits one’s finger with a heavy object.
cabarQuotation: a’ tilgeil a’ chabair. Notes: tossing the caber.
carachdNotes: wrestling.
carQuotation: car a’ mhuiltean. Notes: somersault. [NOTES: slipped under ‘car a’ mhuiltein’.]
carraghQuotation: carra [kɑʔrə], na carrachan. Notes: standing stones.
casachdaich[kɑsɑxki] Quotation: (a) casachdaich. Notes: coughing.
ceannagNotes: bundle of hay or straw. (Jura)
ciallQuotation: O chiall! or O chiall O! (stronger) Notes: when something startling is seen or heard.
cipeanNotes: tethering pin.
clabhas[kɫɑvɑs] Quotation: clabhas gun fheum. Notes: idle talk.
cléireachQuotation: cléireach an t-seisein. Notes: session clerk.
cleòcQuotation: an cleòc. Notes: minister’s vestment.
clupaidQuotation: a’ chlupaid [əxɫu̜ʰpidʹʒ]. Notes: swelling of the neck in sheep and cattle (liver fluke?).
cnatan[kɾɛt̪ɑ̃ṉ] Quotaiton: an cnatan. Notes: a cold or a chill.
co-thional[koˈhĩṉɑɫ] Notes: congregation.
cochallQuotation: an cochall [koxəɫ] or cochull. Notes: covering on lamb at birth.
coinneamhQuotation: coinneamh ùrnuigh. Notes: prayer meeting.
coinneamhQuotation: coinneamh a’ bhòrd. Notes: meeting of the congregation board.
coinneamhQuotation: coinneamh an t-seisein. Notes: session meeting.
còirQuotation: duine còir. Notes: quiet, gentle man.
comanachadhQuotation: An Comanachadh. Notes: Communion.
comanachadhQuotation: comhtharra Comanachaidh. Notes: Communion token.
comhtharraQuotation: comhtharra comanachaidh. Notes: Communion token. Formerly square pieces.
crannchurQuotation: Cha sheachainn thu do chrannchur. Notes: You will not escape your fate.
creideasQuotation: duine gun chreideas. Notes: unreliable, undependable man.
crianta[kɾıən̪d̪ə] Quotation: duine crianta. Notes: mean person.
cròcachNotes: attachment on calf’s mouth to prevent suckling. Also cròcaid.
cròcaidNotes: arrangement put on calf’s mouth to prevent suckling. Spiked. Also cròcach.
crosdaQuotation: duine crosda. Notes: cross man.
cuachag?[koʔoɢ] Notes: small wooden vessel holding about one pint used for drinking water.
crotachNotes: hunch-backed.
cuing-analachNotes: asthma, difficulty in breathing.
cuirQuotation: Bha e air a chuir thuige. Notes: He was sorely pressed.
dànQuotation: Bha e an dàn dha. Notes: destiny.
dathQuotation: Tha dath maith air a ceann. Notes: said of a beast’s head at shows, etc.
dealbhQuotation: duine gun dealbh. Notes: unskilful, useless man.
deilgneach[dʹʒılıɡʹnʹɑx] Notes: chicken-pox.
diasQuotation: Na diasan. Notes: the straws left when binding corn.
diùidQuotation: duine diùid. Notes: shy, backward person.
dobhrainnNotes: pain. Used preferably to “pian” (q.v.) in Islay for ordinary physical pain.
dubhQuotation: a’ spòg dhubh. Notes: see spòg.
earalasQuotation: An earalas gun deanadh iad fuaim. Notes: in case.
eileamaidQuotation: Na h-eileamaidean. Notes: cup and plates at a Communion service.
éirighQuotation: éirigh a mach. Notes: going over the score altogether. Same as “dol a mach”. See mach.
eudailNotes: dear. Not used now.
fathamas[fɑʔɑməs] Quotation: Fhuair e fathamas. Notes: respite, time to think.
fearQuotation: fear togail fuinn. Notes: precentor.
fiabhras deargQuotation: a’ fiabhras dearg. Notes: scarlet fever.
fiachQuotation: (1) Chuir e [mɑɾiɑxəm] air gu robh cuideigin a’ tighinn. (2) Bha e [mɑɾiɑxəm] orm amharc ’na dheidh. Notes: (1) translates, “He made him believe there was someone coming.” i.e. He misled him. (2) translates, “I was obliged to look after him.” [mɑɾiɑxəm] is the same in both.
fiosrachQuotation: Chan fhiosrach mi. Notes: I do not know.
foghainteachQuotation: duine f. Notes: good-looking, strapping man.
foinneNotes: wart.
foirbheachNotes: elder.
fonnQuotation: Fear togail fuinn. Notes: precentor.
fraochQuotation: torrag fraoich. Notes: clump of heather.
fuachdQuotation: am fuachd. Notes: cold, chill (as affecting the nose etc.).
gabhadachNotes: cunning, crafty; witty.
galar-plocachQuotation: an galar-plocach. Notes: mumps.
garrachQuotation: balach garrach. Notes: mischievous brat of a boy.
gasdaQuotation: duine gasda. Notes: nice man.
geannaireQuotation: geannaire cruinnidh [kɾũ̟nʹi]. Notes: shoeing hammer.
glanadhQuotation: an glanadh. Notes: placenta or afterbirth.
gòrag[ɡɔ:rɑɡ] Notes: young foolish girl.
gràideanas[ɡɾɑ:dʹʒən̪əs] Notes: a saying.
granndaQuotation: duine grannda. Notes: nasty man.
gribheachQuotation: an gribheach. Notes: measles.
guirean[ɡu̟ʔɾɑ̃nʹ] Notes: pimple.
[ɡʹu̟s]Notes: call to a pig (repeated).

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