Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Ross of Mull
lachach[ɫɑ˖xəx] Notes: shell duck.
ladhran[ɫoorən] [?] Notes: split hoof of an ungulate.
làmhNotes: a handle on a door or any instrument for raising or lowering.
lannain, lannainean[ɫɑṉɑṉ / ɫɑnɑinʹənʹ] Notes: couples. Same as cupal.
laogh[ɫɤ:ɣ] Notes: calf of a cow or deer.
laomain (pl.)[ɫɤ:mẹnʹ] Notes: moths.
na lathichean[nə lɑʔiçən] Notes: the days.
leaba a’ laoidh[lɛɑbəɫɤ̈ɤ̈ç] Notes: womb of a cow.
leamhan[lʹɛ̣vɑ˖n] Notes: elm tree.
leath piobNotes: a half size pipe.
leerds[ɫɛɛrds] Notes: lairds.
a’ leigeil[əlʹikʹɑ̣˖lʹ] Notes: milking a cow.
leirsinn[lẹ:rsinʹ] Quotation: “Bheil thu call do leirsinn?” Notes: sight.
léirsinnQuotation: “Ciamar tha thu ’léirsinn ’s an dorchadas?” Notes: to see.
leògan[lʹeo̜ɡəṉ] Notes: a lion.
leoman[lʹẹomən] Notes: a moth.
lias[ljɑs] Quotation: “Chan ’eil mi léirsinn lias.”
a’ lionachadh[ə lʹiuṉəxəɣ] Notes: becoming inflamed, becoming inflected.
lonaid[ɫɔ̣nẹdʹ] Notes: plunger used in a long narrow churn.
losgann[ɫɔ̣sɡəṉ] Notes: sledge for drawing stone [sic] behind a horse.
luachair[luəxẹrʹ] Notes: rushes.
luadh, luathadh[ɫuə [?], ɫuəʔəɣ] Notes: noun and genitive of luadh ‘ashes’. [NOTES: slipped under ‘luath’.]
luathair[luʔɑ˖r] Notes: chimney stack inside the house.
luchd-blìan[ɫux bliiɑn] Notes: part of the animal directly above thigh.
luchd-lagha[ɫuxk-loʔə] Notes: lawyers and solicitors.
luith nan tri beann[ɫuiç nən trii beuṉ] [NOTES: slipped under ‘luibh nan tri beann’.]
luibhre[ɫɯ̟irə] Notes: leprosy.
luibhreach[ɫɯ̟irəx] Notes: leper.
luidh[ɫuij] Notes: the hock of a cow’s leg.
luirgichean[ɫuirɡiçɑn] Notes: the rope between the wall fastening and the halter round the cow’s neck. There was a swivel between it and the halter.
luith a’ chreas[luiçəxrɛs] Notes: meadowsweet.
lurgan[ɫurəɡən] Notes: shin.
maide-dhroma[mɛdʹəɣro̜mə] Notes: ridge pole of a house.
màireach[mɛ̣ɛ̣rəx] Quotation: “Leat an diugh ’nad aghaidh am màireach.” Notes: tomorrow.
am màll[mɑɑ˖ɫ] Notes: bag of the pipe.
màm-siochd[mɑ:m siiçk] Notes: a rupture.
mart maol[mɑʂt mɤɤɫ] Notes: hornless cow.
mathachadh[mɑ˖ʔəxəɣ] Notes: improvement.
meadachd[mɛ̃ɛ̃dɑ˖xk] Notes: size of an article, its dimensions.
meadh[meuɣ] Notes: whey.
milleadh[mi̜ɫəɣ] Notes: to spoil.
mineach[minʔəx] Quotation: am mineach. Notes: intestines in general.
moigheach[mɔ̣jʔəx] Notes: a hare. [NOTES: original spelling – moitheach.]
mothas[mɔ̣̃ʔəs] Quotation: “Tha e mothas làn, trom, teth,” etc. Notes: excess of anything.
mucQuotation: muc a bearraich [muxkəbeərẹç]. Notes: porpoise.
muilear[muilʹɑ̟r] Notes: a miller.
mulachag[mʊɫɑxɑɡ] Notes: a cheese.
mullan[muɫɑ˖n] Notes: very large hayrick or of corn.
musgan[muskʹən] [?] Notes: razorfish or spout-fish.
ràdhQuotation: ag ràin [əɡɑinʹ]. Notes: saying or speaking.
raichd[rɑ̣̃˖içk] Notes: loud shout of uncouth nature.
rasal mór[rɑ̃səɫ mo̜r] Notes: a horse drawn hay rake, also rasal each.
rathad[rɑ˖ʔəd] Quotation: Thig iad a rathad dhaoine. Notes: to come to a peace.
riadh[riəɣ] Notes: interest from money.
robhNotes: [rɔ̣h].
rochd[rɔ̣xk] Notes: tangles: large species of seaweed which grows in deep water.
rointeach[rɔ̣nʹtʹəx] Notes: bracken.
roineach[rɔ̣nʹəx] Notes: bracken.
rollagan[rɔɫɑɡən] Notes: rolls of wool produced after càrdadh.
roth[rɔ̣h] Notes: revolving wheel in a spinning wheel.
a’ rucadh[ə rəxkəɣ] Notes: ricking hay.
ruchd[ruxk] Notes: hay rick.
ruithle[ruilʹə] [?] Notes: a reel or reel tune.
rùsg[ru:sk] Notes: bark of a tree.
auctioners[sic] [ɔ̣ɔ̣kʃəni̜ʔi̜rʹs]
craobh chaorannQuotation: craobh chaoran [krööv xöörən]. Notes: rowan tree.
siubhal dublachdNotes: double variation in ceòl mór.
siubhal singilte[ʃiuʔəɫ sinɡilʹtʹ] Notes: single variation in ceòl mór.
siùbhlaicheanQuotation: na siùbhlaichean. Notes: the variations.
druimQuotation: an caol druim [əŋɡöldɾ̱ïm]. Notes: part of the back behind the shoulders.
asda[ɛsdə] Quotation: “a chuir asda”. Notes: out of them or in them.
son[sɔ̣n] Quotation: air a shon sin ’s air fad.
iad[ɑɑ˖d] Notes: them, 3rd Pers. Pl.
iall[ɑˈiəɫ] Notes: a thong of leather.
imalag[i̜məlɑɡ] Notes: a round circle of wood, oak if in a cart.
imealag[i̜məlɑkʹ] Notes: navel.
imir-chrann[ɪmiɾʹ xɾɑun] Notes: ivy.
ineachin[ɪṉəxiṉ] Notes: the brain.
iodhlann[iʔɫəṉ] Notes: stack yard.
ionaltradh[inʹəltrəɣ] Notes: grazing.
ionannQuotation: Chan ionann [xɑniənən] ’s mar a b’àbhaist. Notes: not the same as.
ionnaQuotation: ionnachan [iənəxən]. Notes: hank, hanks of wool.
dh’ionnsaigh[juusɪç] [?] Notes: towards.
isean[iʃən] Notes: young rabbit or bird.
neapraigeain[nɛɛpẹɡɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: a handkerchief.
ni[nĩ] Quotation: Cha robh ni gréineadh ann. Notes: nothing.
nuairQuotation: “Dar [dɑ˖r] tha thu falamh.”
oisean, oisnean[ɔ̣ʃnʹənʹ] [?] Notes: an outside corner of a house.
òrais[ɔ:rɑ̣˖ʃ] Notes: nausea.
ord, uirdNotes: hammers in general.
òrdagh[ɔ̣ʂdɑ˖] [?] Quotation: fo’n òrdagh. Notes: in orders (clerical).
osdairean[ɔ̣ɔ̣sDɑrən] Quotation: “’s nan osdairean air fad.” Notes: hoteliers.
partain[pɑʂtɑ˖nʹ] [?] Notes: small crabs.
pearcalQuotation: a’ pheircil [əɸerʹkilʹ]. Notes: lower jawbone.
pearceal àrd[pɛərkəɫ ɑʂd] [?] Notes: upper jaw.
pearceal ìseal[pɛərkəɫ iiʃəɫ] Notes: lower jaw.
peighinn[peeʔinʹ] Quotation: Fhad s a bhios peighinn ’s a phoca cha chuir [?] an t-osdair cul riut.
piob[sic] Quotation: a’ phiob [əɸiḅ]. Notes: any tubular vessel; smoking pipe, water pipes or bracchia [sic] [bronchi?] or oesophagus.
piob[sic] an anail [pʹi̜i̜’b ən a̱na̱lʹ] Notes: bracchia [sic] [bronchi?].
piob mheadhonach[sic] Notes: a pipe without the largest one of the drones.
piob mhor[sic] [piib vo̜r] Notes: bagpipe.
piob[sic] sheinn [pʹi̜i̜b hɤɤnʹ] Notes: bagpipe.
piob shìonnaich[sic] [piib hiəṉẹç] Notes: a chamber pipe. [NOTES: slipped under ‘pìob shìonaich’.]
pìobaireachdNotes: ceol mor or classical bagpipe music.
pòca[pɔ̣ɔ̣xkə] Notes: nominative and dative of pòca ‘pocket’.
port[pɔ̣ʂt] [?] Notes: any tune for play.
port tionail[pɔ̣ʂt tinʹɑ̟lʹ] [sic] Notes: a gathering tune.
prabagQuotation: prabagan [prɑ˖bɑ̟ɡən]. Notes: very small ricks put up when hay is not dry enough to be ricked.
prìsean[priiʃən] Notes: prices.
puirt bheaga[?] Notes: bard’s pieces for competition.
puirt trom[puʂt trəum] Notes: single competitor’s pieces on the bagpipe.
sabhullQuotation: sabhal [sɑuɁəɫ]. Notes: barn.
saighdearanNotes: ribwort plantain.
saileadh[sɑ˖lʹəɣ] Notes: salting, butter, fish etc.
seachmar[sic] [ʃɛəx] Notes: in comparison.
seangan[ʃɛə̃ɣɑ˖n] Notes: an ant.
searmonaichean[ʃɛɑrəmɑ˖niçən] Notes: preachers.
seileach[ʃɛlʹəx] Notes: willow tree.
seileachNotes: black willow.
serrmanachadh[sic] [ʃɛɑrəmɑnɑ̈xəɣ] Notes: preaching.
scuraban[skʊɾub̥ən] Notes: small swelling or growth.
sgabhanQuotation: an sgabhan [əskɑ˖vɑ˖n]. Notes: the lungs. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgamhan’.]
sgeap[skɛɛʼp] [?] Quotation: “sgeap bhechain,” “sgeap shelan”. Notes: a swarm of bees, also a bees’ hive.
sgil[skilʹ] Notes: skill.
sgitheach[skiʔəx] Notes: blackthorn.
sglent[sklɛ̈nt] Quotation: gabhail sglent a mach. Notes: a short trip, cuairt bheag. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgleant’.]
sgliat[skliɑ˖t] Notes: slate.
sgòrnan[skɔ̣ɔ̣N̪ɑ˖n̪] Notes: front part of neck.
sgrath[sɡrɑ˖h] Notes: brush wood or the word ad foliage of any small tree, usually calltuinn or beithe.
sgrathadhQuotation: a’ sgrathadh [ə skrɑ˖həɣ]. Notes: laying down a layer of scrath beneath the thatch of a building.
sgrìob[sɡriib̥] Quotation: air sgrìob man cuairt. Notes: a trip to somewhere.
sgrogadh[skrɔ̣ɡəɡ] Quotation: a’ sgrogadh. Notes: hitting in a rough manner or chewing loudly.
simean-sgiathadh[ʃi̜mɑ˖n sɡiəʔəɣ] Notes: the horizontal ropes on a thatched house.
simileir[ʃi̜milʹẹrʹ] Notes: chimney.
sìneanQuotation: na sìnean [nəʃinʹən]. Notes: the teats.
siolachan[ʃiiəɫɑ˖xɑ˖n] [?] Notes: sieve.
siolastar[ʃiəɫəsdər] Notes: iris.
simean fraoich[ʃimɑ˖nɸrəəç] Notes: a heather rope made by twisting strands of long heather together. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sioman fraoich’.]
simean-taoibh[ʃi̜mɑ˖n töiv] Notes: side ropes running horizontally along the roof parallel to the ridge and tied to specially projecting stones in the gable end. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sìoman taoibh’.]
simean tarsuinn[ʃimɑ˖n tɑ˖rsu̜nʹ] Notes: the vertical ropes on thatched house or a mullann [?]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sìoman tarsuinn’.]
sìsar[ʃiisɑ˖r] Notes: scissor. [NOTES: slipped under ‘siosar’.]
slathugNotes: the base of the horn where it enters the skull of a cow.
slathug[sɫɑ̟ʔuk̥] Notes: cow’s horn.
sliasaidQuotation: sliasaid, sleisdean [slʹiəsẹdʹ], [slʹẹẹsdʹən]. Notes: outside of the thigh.
sliasaidQuotation: an t-sliasaid [əntliiəsɪtʹ]. Notes: front of thigh.
slipQuotation: an t slip iosal [ədɪli̜b̥iiʃəɫ]. Notes: lower lip. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sliop’.]
smeorach[smɛ̱ɔ̣rəx] Notes: sheep marking called a “fork”.
smeuran[smiɑrən] Notes: brambles.
smusailQuotation: an smusail [əsmuʃɑ˖ɫ]. Notes: the height and width adjuster on a master tree. [NOTES: slipped under ‘smuiseal’.]
snàthad[snɑ:həd] Notes: a needle.
snàthadmhorNotes: a darning needle.
sòbhrachan[sọọrɑ˖xɑn] Notes: primrose.
sochd[sɔ̣xk] Notes: the sock on a plough.
soitheach[söʔəx] Notes: any vessel for solids or liquids.
soitheachQuotation: soitheach an laoidh [söʔəxəlʹööç]. Notes: the womb.
sopagNotes: a bundle of heather only or heather filling a hazel framework as a door.
spàin[spɑɑ˖nʹ] Notes: a spoon or a spoonful.
sparran[spɑrən] Notes: pieces of lumber which connect either side of the couples.
speal chraos[spɛəɫ xröös] Notes: razor.
spéradh[spɛɛrəɣ] Notes: spare. [NOTES: slipped under ‘spèaradh’.]
speir[speirʹ] Notes: supranumerary digits on the [?] of a sheep’s hoof.
spògan[spɔ̣ɡən] Notes: on a plough, handles of a plough.
spùd[spu:d] Notes: diarrhoea in animals.
srathairQuotation: an t srathair [əntrɑ˖hẹrʹ]. Notes: gen. is srathrach. The belt which is used as a girth.
sreang[ʃrʹɛ̱ŋɡ] Notes: string.
sreanganan[ʃrʹɛŋɡənən] Notes: strings or strands in a rope.
sreud[srɛɛd̥] Notes: cattle, sheep, farm animals in general.
stàbal[stɑ˖ɑ˖buɫ] Notes: stable.
stamag[stɑ˖mɑɡ] Notes: stomach of humans or in general.
staimh[stɑiɸ] Notes: stem of the plant rochd. [NOTES: slipped under ‘stamh’.]
stéidh[ʃtʹẹẹ] [?] Quotation: stéidh or clach stéidh. Notes: foundation of house.
stocQuotation: stoc, stuic [stɔ̣xk, stuiçk]. Notes: part of pipe into which the dos goes and connects it to the màll.
stuaghQuotation: stuagh, stuathnan [stuɑ, stuəʔnən]. Notes: gable end of a house.
sùgan[su̟u̟ɡ̊ɑ˖n] Notes: a horse collar.
suidheachadh[suiʔəxəɣ] Quotation: a reir an suidheachadh ’s a robh iad. Notes: situation.
sùilQuotation: sùil, sùilean [suuɫ, suuɫən]. Notes: eyes.
sùisdeanan or suisde[sic] Quotation: [ʃuusdʹɑ̣˖n]. Notes: the part of a flail which strikes [?] the corn. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sùistean’.]
saorc[ʃɤrk] Notes: shark.
sàsQuotation: dol a’ sàs [dɔ̣̇ɫəsɑ̣˖ɑ̣˖s]. Notes: going up with, gripping strongly.
seannsair[ʃiənʃɑ̣˖r] Quotation: a practice chanter.
tacan[tɑxkɑ˖n] Notes: small space of time.
taighe[tɑijə] Notes: gen of tigh ‘a house’.
taighean tutha[tɑijən tuʔə] Notes: thatched houses.
tàmh[tɑɑ˖v] Notes: quiet, rest.
taobhan[töövɑ˖n] Notes: cross pieces which go between the couples of a roof on the outside, approx. 3 on either side.
taodQuotation: an taod. Notes: halter on a horse.
taod[tɤ:d̥] Notes: a tether in general.
tarrunn[tɑ˖rən] Notes: any nail.
teadhair[tʹeuʔir] Notes: tether.
teann[tʹɛ̣uṉ] Notes: tight, mean or miserly, constipated.
teine shionachainNotes: phosphorescence.
tioch[tii̜i̜əx] Quotation: an tioch. Notes: throat.
tigh[təiç] Notes: a house.
toic[tɔ̣çkʹ] Notes: a swelling.
toineamh[tonʹəv] Quotation: a’ toineamh. Notes: twisting wool.
toisc[t̪ɔ̣ʃkʹ] Notes: a swelling.
toiseach[tɔ̣̈ʃəx] Notes: beginning, front.
toll a’ choultairNotes: the tunnel on a plough.
toll na sine[təuɫnəʃinə] Notes: orifice in teat.
tomhasQuotation: an tomhas ciorna [əndɔ̣ʔəskiərnə]. Notes: the same way as.
toraQuotation: torachan [tɔ̣rəxɑn]. Notes: long chisels for extracting stone.
na trims[nətrəms] Notes: the trams on a cart. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tram’.]
trathan[trɑ˖ʔən] Notes: lineal feet.
treabhadhQuotation: a’ treabhadh [ətrɛuʔəɣ]. Notes: ploughing.
tribhileach[trivilʹəx] Notes: ribwort, trefoil.
triubhaisQuotation: seann triubhais. Notes: a traditional dance to a strathspey tune.
troigh[trəç] Notes: foot rule.
tuarluadh dubailte[töörɫuə] Notes: doubling of tuarluadh.
tuarluadh singilte[töörɫuə] Notes: penultimate part of ceòl mór.
TuathaichQuotation: na Tuathaich [nə tuɑʔɪç]. Notes: the people of the northern and outer isles.
tuigsinn[tʊıɡʹʃinʹ] Quotation: “a’ leigeil a thuigsinn an cumhachd a bh’aca.”
tuilleadh[tʊilʹiç] Quotation: Ged bhiodh an tuilleadh ann dhiubh ’se b’fheàrr.
tuillidh[tulʹiç] Quotation: “Tha e tuillidh is trom, mor, leathann, etc.” Notes: excess of anything.
tuinachadh[tʊiṉʹəxəɣ] [?] Notes: milk curdling in the udder.
uabhraidh[ũɑ̃rẹj] Notes: ‘very’. [NOTES: slipped under ‘uamhraidh’.]
ubhall an sgoanain[?] [uʔəɫ ə skɔ̣ɔ̣ nɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: “Adam’s apple.”
uchdQuotation: an t-uchd [əntʊxk]. Notes: the chest.
ùghQuotation: [ən uuc] [?]. Notes: the udder.
uine[uunʹə] Notes: time. (Noun.)
uineachd[uunʹəxk] Quotation: [dɑ˖ huunʹəxk]. Notes: time (dat.).
uineachd[ʊinʹəxk] Quotation: fad na h-uineachd. Notes: genitive of ùine.
uinnsean[ɤ:ʃinʹ] Notes: ash tree.
ùr[uurʹ] Notes: earth, soil.
urlar[ʊrɫɑ˖r] Notes: “ground” of the ceòl mór.
urlar-bualaidh[uurɫɑ˖r buəlẹç] Notes: a threshing floor in a barn.
ursannan[ursənən] Notes: the jambs of the door.
acainn[ɑ˖xkɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: equipment for yoking a horse, tools [?] of any kind.
adharcan[ö:rkɑ˖n] Notes: a peewit.
aghaidh[öʔəç] Quotation: “tighinn air aghaidh”.
àigh[ɑiç] Quotation: “móran àigh bhuapa”.
aininQuotation: an ainin [ən ɑ̣˖nʹi̜nʹ]. Notes: the eaves of a house.
na h-aisnean[nə hɑ̣˖ʃnʹən] Notes: the ribs. [NOTES: slipped under ‘aisean’.]
aiseil[ɑ̣ʃẹlʹ] Notes: axle. [NOTES: slipped under ‘aisil’.]
alt[ɑ˖ɫt] Notes: a joint in the bone structure.
amalQuotation: an t amal [əntɑ˖məɫ]. Notes: master trees, airson cliath a cheathal ris na greallagan.
amhaich[ɑ˖wʔɪç] Notes: the neck.
aodannQuotation: far an aodainn [ɤdɑ̟:nʹ]. Notes: front, forefront.
aol[ööɫ] Notes: lime for use as a mortar.
aotroman[öötrəmɑ˖n] Notes: bladder.
asgraidhQuotation: an asgraidh [ən ɑsɡrẹj]. Notes: to tie a cow, equivalent of “ceangal”.
bacan àrd[bɑ˖xkɑ˖n ɑɑ˖ʂd] Notes: sheep marking called fore half.
bacan cuil[bɑ˖xkɑ˖n kuulʹ] Notes: sheep marking called “back half”.
baine[sic] Quotation: a’ chiad bhaine [ə çiəd vɑinʹə]. Notes: first milk after the birth. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bainne’.]
bàirnich[bɑɑ˖rnʹiç] Notes: limpets. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bàirneach’.]
balla[bɑ˖ɫə] Notes: wall of a house.
bannan[bɑṉɑ˖n] Notes: hinges for hanging a door.
bann-lorg[bɑn-lọrɡ] Notes: the portion of the flail held in the hand.
bàraile[bɑ˖rlʹə] Notes: barrel; a measure for fish, potatoes.
bàrr[bɑɑ˖r] Notes: sheep marking called ‘crop’.
barr-dearg[bɑɑ˖r dɛrɡ] Notes: rochd which comes ashore in May time.
bàthaich[bɑ̟:ʔiç] Notes: a byre.
beathachQuotation: beathach cruidh [be̜u̜xkr̥u̜˖ç]. Notes: cattle beast.
beirQuotation: a breith air [ə bɾe̜ eɾ]. Notes: catching hold of.
beum[bẹẹm] Notes: sheep marking called “bit”.
bheir[ɸẹr] Notes: infinitive of abair.
bannQuotation: a’ bhann [ə vɑuṉ].
beoilQuotation: a’ bheoil [ə ve̱ɔ̣ɔ̣l]. Notes: gen. of bial.
briogaisQuotation: a’ bhriogais [ə vrikʹẹʃ]. Notes: used as brake for the cart passed under the horse’s tail.
brolainQuotation: a’ bhrolain [əveɾɔ̣̈lʹha̱nʹ] [?]. Notes: 2nd stomach of cow.
bhuapa[vuɑxə] Quotation: “móran àigh bhuapa”. Notes: from them.
biadh[bi̜əɣ] Notes: food of any classification.
bial àrd[biɑɫ ɑɑ˖ʂd] Notes: upper palate.
bial iosal[biɑɫ iiʃəɫ] Notes: lower part of mouth.
biastag[biəstɑɡ] Notes: a worm.
biast dhubh[bẹʃt ɣu] Notes: an otter.
bioran[biərɑ˖n] Notes: any small stick.
bitheantasQuotation: am bitheantas [əmbiçəʔntəs]. Notes: usually, most often.
blàteachadh[sic] Quotation: a’ blàteachadh [ə bɫɑ̟ɑ̟tʹəxəɣ]. Notes: heating, warming something.
bleoghainQuotation: a’ bleoghain [ə blʹẹəʔẹnʹ]. Notes: milking a cow, sheep or horse.
bocsa[bo̜ksə] Notes: any square object, a box.
bocsaQuotation: bocsa na cartach. Notes: part of cart which is surrendered by the sides.
bodaich dhubhaNotes: ribwort plantain.
bòrd-sgen[bɔ̣:ʂtskɛṉ] Notes: a table for sharpening knives on; bath brick was rubbed on it to sharpen them.
bradan[brɑ˖dɑ˖n] Notes: an inflamed area caused by the swelling of a vein or capillaries.
bramastagan[b̥rɑ˖məstɑ˖ɡən] Notes: burrs.
braonan[brɤɤnɑ˖n] Notes: marigold.
bratag[b̥ɾɑ˖htɑ˖ɡ] Notes: large black hairy caterpillar.
bréid[brẹẹtʹ] Notes: any piece of cloth.
brèid caise[breetʹ kɑɑ˖ʃə] Notes: a cheese cloth.
briosgain[briʃkɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: silver weed.
buachar[buəxəɾ] Notes: manure.
buail[buɑlʹ] Notes: stall for one cow.
buailtean[buəlʹtʹẹn] Notes: the striking portion of a flail.
bualadhQuotation: a’ bualadh [ə buələɣ]. Notes: to thresh corn.
bualtanQuotation: bualtan [buəltɑ˖n] (buidhe). Notes: yellow ribwort, gives yellow dye.
buidhe[bujə] Notes: yellow.
buill[bulʹ] Quotation: gu bhuill fhein. Notes: profit [?] use.
càranQuotation: Tha sinach an càran [əŋɡ̊ɑɑrʹɑ̈ṉ]. Notes: the gum. [NOTES: slipped under ‘càirean’.]
cart[kɑ˖ʂt] Quotation: a cart for a horse. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cairt’.]
cartQuotation: na cartach [nə kɑ˖ʂtəx]. Notes: gen. of cart. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cairt’.]
canntaireachd[kɑuntɑ˖rɑxk] Notes: pipe music produced by humming.
caoineachadh[kəənʹəxəɣ] Quotation: a’ caoineachadh. Notes: drying hay.
caolQuotation: an caol druim [əŋɡöl dṟɪ̈m] [sic]. Notes: part of the back behind the shoulders.
caolanQuotation: an caolan geal [əɡɯ̜iɯ̜iɫɑnɡʹiɑɫ]. Notes: rectum.
caolanQuotation: caolain [kʹɯ̟ɯ̟ɫɑ˖nʹ]. Notes: intestines of an animal.
caorannQuotation: craobh chaoran [krööv xöörən]. Notes: rowan tree.
càrdQuotation: na càrdan [nə kɑɑ˖ʂdən]. Notes: carding combs.
càrdadhQuotation: a’ càrdadh [ə kɑɑ˖ʂdəɣ(ɡ)]. Notes: carding.
càrn chlachQuotation: càrn [kɑɑ˖ɾn] chlach. Notes: sledge for drawing stone after a horse, 3 to 4 wide.
carraigean[kɑ˖riɡʹinʹ] Notes: carrigean [sic].
cartan[kɑ˖ʂtɑ˖n] Notes: a tick.
casQuotation: na casan deirich [nə kɑ˖sɑ dʹërʹɪç]. Notes: rear legs.
casQuotation: na casan toisich [nə kɑ˖sɑ˖ tɔ̣ʃiç]. Notes: forelegs.
casQuotation: casan na cuibhleadh [kɑ˖sɑ˖n nɑ kuiləɡ]. Notes: 3 legs of a spinning wheel.
ceadal[kʹɛhtəl] Notes: a kettle.
ceannQuotation: an ceann [əŋɡɛ̜ʊn]. Notes: the head.
ceannach[keɑṉəx] Notes: buying.
ceannag[kɛṉɑ˖ɡ] Notes: a bundle of straw only.
cearcall[ke̜rkəɫ] Quotation: cearcall cartach. Notes: the iron tyre on the outside of a cart wheel.
ceardach[kẹẹʂdəx] Notes: smithy.
ceathramh deirichQuotation: an ceathramh deirich [ən keɑʔrɑ˖v dʹẹʔrʹiç]. Notes: hind quarter of an animal.
ceathramh-toisichQuotation: an ceathramh toisich [ən kreɑʔrɑ˖v tɔ̣ʃiç] [sic]. Notes: fore-quarter of an animal.
ceol[sic] beag [kʹɛ̣ɔ̣ɫ bek] Notes: comprises march, strathspey and reel.
ceòl dannsaidh[kɛ̣ɔ̣ɫ dɑ˖usẹj] [sic] Notes: tunes for dancing.
ceol mersadh[sic] Notes: any marching tune.
chaidh[xɑiç] Notes: went, used in normal speech.
chaithich[xɑiʔiç] Notes: went, used in answer to a question.
chathan maideNotes: wooden harrows.
corpQuotation: a’ chorp [əxɔ̣̈rp]. Notes: the body in general, also the stomach and intestines.
croisQuotation: a’ chrois [əxrɔ̣ʃ]. Notes: instrument for making hanks of wool.
cruachanQuotation: a’ chruachan [əxruɑ̈xɑ˖n]. Notes: thigh or the back of the thigh.
cìoch nan cailleachan marbhNotes: foxglove.
cìr[kirʹ] Notes: comb for teasing out as it passes on to the roth.
cìrQuotation: an cìr [ənɡʹiiɾʹ]. Notes: the cud.
cìreadhQuotation: a’ cìreadh [ə kirʹəɣ(ɡ)]. Notes: teasing the wool.
clach shiomainNotes: stone on which the rope was tied at the side of the house.
clachaireachd[kɫɑ˖xɑ̣˖rəxk] Notes: masonry.
clachanQuotation: clachan risnean [?]. Notes: corner stones.
claigeannQuotation: an claigeann [əxɫɑ˖ɡʹən]. Notes: the skull.
claigean[kɫɑikʹən] Notes: the support for the birne [?] which holds the wool.
clàrQuotation: clàr an aodainn [kɫɑɑ˖rənɤɤdẹnʹ]. Notes: forehead.
claraidh[kɫɑ˖rẹj] Notes: a partition inside the house.
cliadhaicheanQuotation: na cliadhaichean [nə klʹiəħẹçən]. Notes: the sides of a cart.
cliathQuotation: a’ chliath, cliathan [kliɑhən]. Notes: harrows.
clochd[kɫɔ̣xk] Notes: a growth, swelling in an animal’s throat.
cloichQuotation: a’ chloich [ə xɫɔ̣iç]. Notes: the wool. [NOTES: slipped under ‘clòidh’.]
cnaimhQuotation: cnaimh an droma [k̥ɾɑ̃ĩvəndrọmə]. Notes: spine.
cnaimhQuotation: cnaimh an t-slinein [krɑ̃ĩvəntlʹinʹɑ̣˖nʹ]. Notes: the shoulder blade.
cnaimhQuotation: cnaimh an uchd [kɾɑ̃ĩvənʊxk]. Notes: breast bone.
cnaimhQuotation: cnaimh an urabail [kɾɑ̃ĩvənurəbulʹ]. Notes: tail bone.
cnaimhQuotation: cnaimh urlar nam port. Notes: the framework of the ground.
cnàmhQuotation: a’ cnàmh [ɑ kɾɑɑ˖v]. Notes: digesting or wasting away.
coilean mhara[kɔ̣lʹən vɑ˖rɑ˖] Notes: sea urchin.
conan mara[kɔ̣nɑ˖n mɑ˖rɑ˖] Notes: sea urchin.
coltair[kọɫtẹrʹe] [sic] Notes: the coulter on a plough.
conachagQuotation: conachagan [kɔ̣nɑxɑɡən]. Notes: snails.
conasg[kɔ̣nəsk] Notes: whin.
conbhalach[kɔ̣nəvələx] Notes: a disaster.
comhlach[kɔ̣̃ɫẹç] Notes: straw of corn or wheat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘connlach’.]
copal[ko̜pəɫ] Quotation: copal [ko̜pəɫ], cupal [kupəɫ]. Notes: couple in the roof of a house.
corr-shùgan[kɔ̣r-hu̜ɡɑn] Notes: a round sickle shaped object for making straw ropes.
corr-thulachain[kɔ̣r-hʊɫəxẹnʹ] Notes: the part which is the triangle of the gable, is sloped towards the roof and forms part of it. Used in thatch and slate roofs.
coslach[kɔ̹sɫəx] Quotation: coslach beathaich. Notes: skeleton of an animal.
cracan[krɑ˖xkɑ˖n] Notes: small space of time.
crauchcan[krɑuxkɑ˖n] Notes: any rough lump or piece of wood. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cranchdan’.]
crann[krɑuṉ] Notes: a plough.
crann fhiugha[krɑuṉ iuʔə] Notes: wooden plough. [NOTES: slipped under ‘crann-fhiodha’.]
crann iaruinnNotes: steel or iron plough. [NOTES: slipped under ‘crann-iaruinn’.]
cranndairean[krɑundɑ̣˖rən] Notes: wooden pins used in place of nails.
creachanQuotation: (slige) creachain [krɛ̣əxɑnʹ]. Notes: clam or clam shell.
creathadh[krɛ̣ʔəɣ] Notes: clay: gen. and dat. of criadh.
creic[kreçk] Notes: selling.
[creic]Quotation: a’ crechd [ɑˈkre̜xk]. Notes: selling an article. [NOTES: slipped under ‘creic’.]
creileag[krẹẹlɑ˖ɡ] Notes: a horse fly.
criadh[kriɑ˖] Notes: clay.
criadh ghormNotes: blue clay.
criathar[kriəhər] Notes: an instrument for separate [sic] grain and chaff, a sieve.
cridheQuotation: an cridhe [əŋɡrʹiiʔə]. Notes: the heart.
crimean[krʹimɑ˖n] Notes: a little distance or space.
crithionn[krihʔəṉ] Notes: aspen tree.
crog[krɔ̣̈ɡ] Notes: large earthenware vessel like a jar for most liquids, principally milk.
cronachadh[krɔ̣̃nəxəɣ] Quotation: “air a chronachadh” – bewitched. Notes: bewitching.
crubain[kruuḅɑnʹ] Notes: large crabs.
cruib[kruib] Notes: a piece of wood running down inside the wall on which the lannain rested.
crunluadhQuotation: crunluadh breabach [krunluə bẹẹbəx]. Notes: singling of crunluadh.
crunluadhQuotation: crunluadh fosgailte [krunluə ɸɔ̣sɡẹltʹ]. Notes: first crunluadh.
crunluadhQuotation: crunluadh mach. Notes: doubling of crunluadh and the final part of ceòl mòr.
crunluadhQuotation: crunluadh singilte. Notes: singling of crunluadh.
crunluadh[krʊɫuɑ] Notes: last part of ceòl mòr. [NOTES: slipped under ‘crùnluadh’.]
cuach shimein[kuəx hi̜mɑ˖nʹ] Notes: ceithir luba fichead eadar do chasan agus do chaol-druim. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cuach shìomain’.]
crotal[krɔhtəɫ] Notes: grey lichen, makes a brown die.
cruach[kruəx] Quotation: cruach (fheoir). Notes: a rick of hay shaped like so and thatched on top.
cudtrom[k̥udəɾəm] Notes: weight.
cuibheal[kuiʔəɫ] Notes: spinning wheel.
cuibhleadh[kuilʹəɣ] Quotation: ’gad chuibhleadh air falbh. Notes: forcible removal or genitive of cuibheal. Also [kuilʹək].
cuilc[kuilʹkʹ] Notes: bull-rushes.
cuileag mheandhNotes: a midge.
cuiseQuotation: cuiseanan [kʊʃənən]. Notes: arteries.
cùlQuotation: cùl nan adharcan [kuuɫ nən öörkʹən]. Notes: back of skull [?].
cùlagan[kuuɫɑ˖ɡən] Notes: molars.
cumhaNotes: a lament on the bagpipes.
cumhachd[kuʔəxk] Quotation: “a leigeil a thuigsinn an cumhachd a bh’aca.” Notes: power.
cùrn[kuurn] Notes: churn for making butter.
curnichean[kurniçən] Notes: churns (pl.).
curachd a’ Rìgh[kʊɾəxk ə rʹɪɪ] Notes: 3rd stomach of cow. [NOTES: slipped under ‘currac-a-rìgh’.]
curachd na cuthaig[kʊrəxknəkuʔhɑiɡʹ] Notes: ragged robin. [NOTES: slipped under ‘currachd na cuthaig’.]
dà-chleasan[dɑ̟: xlʹẹsɑ˖n] Notes: bicycle.
dall uineagNotes: window with a bundle of heather or straw in place of wood and glass. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dall uinneag’.]
damhan allaidh[dɑ̃vɑn ɑlʹi̜] Notes: a spider.
dannsa chlaidheamhNotes: sword dance; danced to the tune “Gille Calum”.
darachNotes: oak tree.
dealan dé[dʹɑɫɑn dʹẹ] Notes: a butterfly.
dealg[dʹɛəɫəɡ] Notes: a knitting pin especially for socks.
deargan trathad[dʹɛərɡən trɑ˖ʔəd] Notes: sand fleas.
deasgan[dʹe̜e̜sɡɑ˖nʹ] Notes: rennet used to curdle milk.
deireadh cuaicheadh[dʹẹʎəɣ kuəçəɣ] [?] Notes: a rounded stern as on a skiff.
dialaid[dʹiəɫẹt] Notes: a saddle.
dialtag[dʹiəltɑ˖ɡ] Notes: a bat.
dìdhain geal[di:ʔɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: daisy.
didhean buidhe[dʹiʔɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: daisy.
dìosgQuotation: an diosgadh [sic] [dʹiiəsɡəɣ]. Notes: going farrow (of a cow).
dobhar chu[d̥ɔ̣ʔərxuu] Notes: a dog otter.
doimhneachd[dɔ̣̃inəxk] Notes: depth.
domblasQuotation: an domblas [ədọ˖məɫɑ̈s]. Notes: the bile duct or gall bladder.
dorus[dɔ̣rəst] Quotation: “gabh an dorus”.
dorus[dɔ̣rəst] Notes: opening for a door.
dos mhorNotes: large drone of bagpipe.
dosgaidh[dɔ̣sɡẹj] Notes: rough grazing, rough long grass.
dreathan[drɛhən] Notes: hawthorn.
drisean[driʃən] Notes: any briar.
driuchd[drıuxk] Notes: dew. [NOTES: slipped under ‘driùchd’.]
dromanachQuotation: an dromanach [əndrọmɑnɑx]. Notes: the strap which supported the trams on to the horse.
dromanach[drɔ̣˖mɑnɑx] Notes: elderberry tree.
druim[drɪɪm] Notes: the frame on a plough.
dual[duəɫ] Notes: a strand in any rope, e.g. heather rope.
duileasg[dulʹəskʹ] Notes: dulse.
duisQuotation: na duis bheaga. Notes: the small drone.
duitheamh[duʔəv] Quotation: a’ duitheamh. Notes: extracting stone.
eadar-sgoth[ẹdər sɡɔ̣h] Notes: a middle sized skiff about 12 to 14 feet long.
eadhloin[iɑɫɔ̣nʹ] Notes: ivy.
eadhon[eeʔən] Notes: ivy tree.
ealltuinnNotes: hazel.
ealtainn[ɛəɫtẹnʹ] Notes: scissor or a bird flock, also razor.
earalas[ɛərəɫəs] Quotation: “Bi t’earalas air a pholisman.”
urball[ʊrəbʊ̈ɫ(ə)] Notes: tail. [NOTES: slipped under ‘earball’.]
urbaill[ʊrəbi̜lʹ] Notes: gen. of urball. [NOTES: slipped under ‘earball’.]
earbsa[e:rəbsə] Quotation: Nach eil math dhuit earbsa a chuir asda.
éiseach[ẹ̇ẹ̇ʃəx] Notes: a belt which when yoked for a machine or light cart passed under the tail and joined the srathair on a horse.
eolas cronachaidh[ɛɔ̣ɫẹs krɔ̣̃nəxẹç] Notes: knowledge of witchcraft; witchcraft.
èr[ɛ̣ɛ̣r] Notes: air.
fachach[ɸɑxəx] Notes: a mole.
factair[ɸɑktɑ˖rʹ] Notes: factors.
fad[ɸɑd] Quotation: air a shon sin ’s air fad.
fàilteNotes: a salute on the bagpipe.
falamh[ɸɑɫəv] Quotation: Dar tha thu falamh. Notes: short of money.
faundain[ɸəundɑ̱˖nʹ] Notes: thistles.
faradh[ɸɑ˖rəɣ] Notes: a small platform usually reserved for hens above the cattle, in a thatched byre.
faranach[fɑ̟rənəx] Notes: a delay, stoppage.
fàsgadhQuotation: a’ fàsgadh [ə ɸɑɑ˖sɡəɣ]. Notes: pressing or squeezing.
fasganag[ɸɑ˖sɡɑ˖nɑ˖ɡ] Notes: a round instrument similar to a criathar for separating the chaff.
feadagQuotation: an fheadag [əŋẹdɑɡ]. Notes: the green plover. Said to whistle 24 hours before a storm.
feadan[ɸẹẹdɑ˖n] Notes: chanter on which fingers produce music.
feadan beag[ɸẹẹdɑ˖n] Notes: a practice chanter.
feadhain[ɸe̱u̜˖ʔi̜nʹ] Notes: some.
feamain bhuidhe[ɸɛəmɑ̣˖nʹ vujə] Notes: bladder wrack. [NOTES: slipped under ‘feamainn bhuidhe’.]
feamain chireinQuotation: an fheamain chirein [ənɛəmẹ˖nʹ çi̜rʹɑ̣˖nʹ]. Notes: serrated wrack. [NOTES: slipped under ‘feamainn chirein’.]
feanadhQuotation: a’ feanadh [əɸɛ̱ṉəɣ]. Notes: skinning an animal.
fearQuotation: an fhear [än ɛ̜r]. Notes: the one, the man.
fearnaQuotation: an fhearna [ən ɛɛrnə]. Notes: the alder tree, gives a black dye.
fearsaidQuotation: an fhearsaid [ən ɛərsẹdʹ]. Notes: spindle for twisting wool.
feasgain[ɸiɑsɡɑ˖nʹ] Notes: mussels.
féinQuotation: fhéin [hẹẹ].
feitheamh[ɸe̱ʔəv̥] Quotation: De feitheamh a th’ort? Notes: watching, observing (very rarely waiting for).
foileadh[ɸɔ̣lʹəɣ] Quotation: foileadh de dh obair. Notes: useless work. [NOTES: slipped under ‘(f)eocladh’.]
fiaras a’ bhaine[ɸiəɾəs əvɑ̟inʹə] Notes: milk fever.
fiodhan[ɸiɣʔɑ˖n] Notes: butter pat.
fiodhan[ɸiəɣɑ˖n] Notes: small box with holes used for compressing crowdie.
fiosachd[fisəxk] Notes: knowledge of the supernatural.
fitheadh[ɸiʔəɡ/ɣ] Notes: knitting.
fiughar[ɸiuʔər] Quotation: ’S e’d a ni ’n fhiughar riut. Notes: welcome, anticipation.
fiulan[ɸiəɫɑ˖n] Notes: a beetle of any kind.
fraoch[ɸrəəx] Notes: heather as a dying agent gives a yellow colour or with indigo gives green.
fraoch meagain[ɸrööx mɛkʹɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: bell heather.
frosgQuotation: na fruisg [nɑ˖ ɸruʃkʹ]. Notes: the eyes.
fudair[ɸudẹrʹ] Notes: powder for blasting.
gabhadhQuotation: nach gabhadh [ɡɑuʔəɣ]. Notes: it could not be.
GàidhligQuotation: a’ Ghàidhlig [ɑɣɑɑ˖lʹikʹ].
gàileach[ɡɑɑ˖lʹjəx] Notes: small growth on cow’s gum.
gaillearach[ɡɑ̣˖lʹɛrəx] Notes: willow; weeping willow, long thin green withies.
galair[ɡɑ˖ɫɑ˖rʹ] [NOTES: slipped under ‘galar’.]
galar-chruidh[ɡɑ̟ɫɑ̟rxruiç] Notes: foot-and-mouth disease.
gamhna[ɡɑũṉə] Notes: gen of gamhuin, a stirk.
gaothaire[ɡɤ̈ɤ̈ʔərʹə] Notes: part of bagpipe placed in mouth to blow into.
garbhag[ɡɑ˖ɾəvɑ̈k] Notes: means large thick flounder.
garbhat[ɡɤ̈rət] Notes: thickness.
gàrdan[ɡɑɑ˖ʂtʹɑ̣˖n] Notes: forearm in humans.
ged[CAD] [sic] Quotation: “ged bhiodh”.
gianan[ɡʹiəʔnʹən] Notes: [?] wedges or large chisels.
gifealais[ɡʹiɸɛlʹɑ̣˖ʃ] Quotation: “Chan ’eil e ach a’ gifealais co dhiubh.” Notes: trifling work, work of little or no importance.
gilleacha geala[ɡʹilʹəxə ɡʹiɑɫə] Notes: white periwinkles.
gimich[ɡʹimiç] Notes: lobsters.
gisreagan[ɡiʃrɑ̟ɡɑn] Notes: superstitions.
glanadhQuotation: an glanadh [əŋ ɡɫɑ˖nəɣ]. Notes: the afterbirth or the covering over the foetus.
gleasan[ɡlʹẹsɑn] Notes: rod or thong which is connected to treadle.
gleidheadh[ɡɫẹʔəɣ] or [ɡɫẹʔək] Quotation: “a’ gleidheadh sìth”.
gleus[ɡlees] Notes: reed inside the chanter.
gleusadh[ɡlʹẹsəɣ] Notes: general word for tuning a pipe.
glasaid[ɡɫɑ˖sɑ̣˖dʹ] Notes: clod which goes along the top of the wall beneath and outside the thatch.
globhairQuotation: an globhair [əŋ ɡlɔvɑ̣˖rʹ]. Notes: clover.
glùnQuotation: an glùn [ɑŋɡɫuun]. Notes: the knee. [NOTES: slipped under ‘glùin’.]
goinigearQuotation: an goinigear [ə ɡɔ̣̈nʹiɡʹər]. Notes: the supernumerary digits at the back of a cow’s hoof.
gorm[ɡɔ̣̈rəm] Notes: the colour green.
gortachadh[ɡɔ̣˖ʂtɑ˖xəɣ] Notes: harm, hurt.
gothachQuotation: an gothach [ən ɡɔ̣ʔəx]. Notes: the reed inside the bagpipe drone.
gràpa[ɡrɑɑ˖pə] Notes: a grape for digging.
greallagan[ɡrɛɫɑ˖ɡən] Notes: swingle trees on a plough.
greamh[ɡrɛɸ] Notes: garlic.
greimiche[ɡrèmiçə] Notes: same as a [ɡrɑ̀pɑ]. [NOTES: note added in different hand – ‘grèimige (?)’.]
grothainQuotation: an grothain [ə ɡrɔ̣̈ʔɑ˖nʹ]. Notes: split hoof of an ungulate.
gruthQuotation: an gruth [əŋ ɡ̊rʊ]. Notes: crowdie.
grùthanQuotation: an grùthan [əŋɡ̃ruu-ɑ˖n]. Notes: the liver.
gualainQuotation: a’ ghualain [əɣuɑlʹẹnʹ]. Notes: the shoulder.
gucagQuotation: gucagan. Notes: wild roses.
gurrain[ɡurɑ̣˖nʹ] Notes: a pimple.

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