1. Toys |
tailm | a sling. |
leanabh-liùdhag | doll. |
gille-mirean | top. |
fear-bréige | puppet. |
2. Swings, see-saws |
siùdain | swings. |
seògan | swings. |
3. Games played indoors |
4. Outdoor games not involving a ball or puck |
5. Ball games |
ball-coise | football. |
ball-iomain | football. |
camanachd | shinty. |
caman | shinty stick. |
6. Athletics |
7. Heavy events |
8. Contests involving pulling or pushing |
9. Boxing and wrestling |
gleachd | wrestle. |
10. Blows in general |
buillean | blows. |
bualadh | blows. |
gleadhar | blow. |
11. Injury and exhaustion |
gearradh | cut. |
leon | cut. |
làrach | mark. |
sgròb | scrape. |
sgriob | scratch. |
lot domhain | gash. |
snìomh | sprain. |
plosgadh | panting. |
tha fallus ort | sweating. |
tuainealaich | stagger. |
na laighe ann an neul | lying in a dazed state. |