Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Hugh MacKay
- Age
- c. 70
- Location
- Sutherland, Portskerra
- Date
- 1969
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
lorg | Quotation: Cha d’thainig duine riamh [d̪ɔxuɾɫɔɾɑɡ] air. Notes: No one ever came to claim it. |
luirg | [ɫu̜ɾiɡʹ] Notes: the shin. |
madadh | [mɑ̃d̪u̜] Notes: a dog. |
mìn-chuileag | Notes: midge. |
móinteach | [mõ:nʹtʹɑx] Quotation: a’ cur dhachaidh a’ mhóinteach. Notes: peats, collectively. |
mu | Quotation: Tha fear aca ma seach fhathast. Notes: one of them is still living. |
oidhche | Quotation: oidhche nighe-nan-cas. Notes: the custom of washing the feet of the bride and bridegroom the night before the wedding. |
pait | [pɑtʹʃ] Notes: a pot. |
pleòtadh | [plɔ:t̪u̜]] Quotation: a’ pleòtadh a’ chéile. Notes: destroying, e.g. of “a’ sgriosadh”. |
préisteadh | [pɾe:ʃtʹu̜] Quotation: a’ préisteadh [ə pɾe:ʃtʹu̜]. Notes: preaching. |
seach | Quotation: Tha fear aca ma seach fhathast. Notes: One of them is still living. |
sliasd | [ʃlʹiɤsd̪] Notes: thigh. |
smiogaid | [smw̃ɡıdʹʃ] Notes: chin. |
snèib | [ʃnʹɛ̃:b] Notes: turnip. |
spearrach | Notes: hobble. |
toll-dion | [t̪ɤu̜ɫdʹʒĩɑ̃ṉ] Notes: the bunghole in a boat. |
alm-stoc | [ɔɫɑmst̪ɔk] Notes: the tiller of a boat. |
amhaich | [ɔ̃ıç] Notes: neck. |
braoin | [bɾw̃:nʹ] Notes: salt water as used for pickling. |
bun-dùirn | Notes: wrist. |
buntàta | [bwt̪ɔ:t̪] |
calp | [kɔɫɑp] Notes: the calf of the leg. [NOTES: slipped under ‘calpa’.] |
clàr-aodainn | Notes: forehead. |
culaidh | [ku̜ɫi] Notes: a boat. |
dochar | Quotation: Tha thu dochar. Notes: wrong. |
fàradh | Quotation: an fhàradh [ən̪ɑ:ɾu̜]. Notes: funeral bier. |
feasgainn | [fɛsɡĩnʹ] Notes: eel. |
feileastair | [fɛləst̪ɑɾ] Notes: wild iris (seileasdair). |
feòsag | [fjɔ:sɑɡ] Notes: beard. |
Fleòdach | [flɔ:d̪ɑx] Quotation: na Fleòdaich. Notes: the Macleods. |