1. Ag ullachadh na talmhainn airson mòine a bhuain |
a’ breacadh na mònadh | marking turf that is to be removed. |
poll | peat bog or bank. |
a’ feannadh na mònadh | turfing peat. |
a’ rusgadh na mònadh | turfing peat. (Skye) |
a’ faileadh na mònadh | turfing peat. (Harris) |
a’ truiseadh na mònadh | turfing peat. (Harris) |
a’ sadhsadh na mònadh | stripping the face of the peat bog. |
a’ buain | cutting. |
a’ leagail | cutting. (Harris) |
an fheanntach | the turf removed. |
ceann a’ phuill | upper end of the peat bog. |
ceann shios a’ phuill | lower end of the peat bog. |
ris a’ mhòine | engaged in peat work. |
anns a’ mhòine | engaged in peat work. |
aig a’ mhòine | engaged in peat work. |
sgaoilteach | ground on which peat is spread out. |
uachdar | the top of the peat bank. |
iochdar | the bottom of the peat bank. |
aghaidh a’ phuill | face of peat bog. |
2. A’ buain na mònach; na h-innealan a chleachdar; ainmean nam fàdan, etc. |
troighsgeir | peat iron. |
iarunn mònadh | peat iron. |
ceapa làir | turfing-spade. |
mèatha | the width of peat bank to be cut. |
carcair | the width of peat bank to be cut. (Skye) |
fàd | peat. |
bàn-fhàd | top peat. |
dubh-fhàd | second peat. |
grunn’-fhad | [sic] bottom peat. (Skye) |
caoran | bottom peat. (Uist and Scalpay) |
gàg | a flaw in peat bank. |
gol-fhàd | the outer peat in the bank. (Uist) |
a’ sgaoileadh | spreading peat. |
gàradh | wall of newly cut peat. |
iarunn | a day’s peat-cutting for two men. (Uist) |
sgaoilteach | cut peat not in ‘gàradh’ [q.v.]. |
3. A’ tiormachadh na mònach |
a’ togail | setting up peat to dry. |
a’ tinneadh | setting up peat on end. |
rùdhan | grouping of peats (about 5 or 6) to dry. |
rùdhan | a small peat stack. (Skye) |
a’ chas-bheag | three or four peats set up for drying. |
ag atharrachadh | re-grouping peat to speed up drying. |
4. A’ cruachadh na mònach |
cruach | stack. |
làrach | base of stack. |
cridhe | inside of stack. |
gniomhadh | the building of peat-stack. |
tubhadh | covering the stack with turf. |
5. A’ toirt na mònach dhachaigh; an cliabh, etc. |
6. Seòrsachan mònach |
mòine bhuidhe | spongy peat. |
mòine chòsach | spongy peat. |
mòine dhubh | black peat. |
mòine chruaidh dhubh | black peat (Uist and Harris). |
caorain | broken peat. |
pronnadh | crumbling peat. |
smùr | peat dust. (Uist and Harris) |
smurach | peat dust. (Skye) |
seana-mhoine | last year’s peat. |
mòine-ùr | this year’s peat. |
a’ dol a sadhsaladh | over-drying of peat. (Uist) |
a’ dol a taisealadh | over-drying of peat. (Skye) |
talamh toll | poor quality peat. |
7. Faclan eile |