Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

James and Norman Morrison
Sutherland, Durness, Laide, Portnacon
lug[ɫu̜ɡ] Notes: lugworm.
mal[mɑ̃ɫ] Notes: shingle or shingly beach.
mealc[mjɑ̃ɫk] Notes: milt.
rùbhagNotes: crab.
tràighQuotation: cat-tràghad [kɑt̪ɾɑ:ɣəd̪]. Notes: sea-urchin.
iteagQuotation: air an iteag. Notes: flying.
iuchairNotes: herring roe.
nasgNotes: rope round a cow’s neck in stall.
nios[nʹĩs] Notes: weasel.
sgabhdail[sɡɤu̜d̪əl] Notes: jellyfish.
sgarbh[sɡɑɾ[ɑu̜]] Notes: cormorant.
slat-mharaNotes: tangle.
slige-chreachain[ʃlʹiɡʹxɾɑxɑ̃nʹ] Notes: clam.
slisdean[ʃlʹiʃdʹɑṉ] Notes: the shaft of the “caibe-làir”.
smallagQuotation: 1. cudaig 2. smallag (herring size) 3. glasag (small haddock size) 4. glasag dubh or [u̟kʃ] (fully grown).
sporaidh[spɔɾi] Notes: sparrow.
stìleachan[ʃtʹi:lɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a small octopus.
tarmachan[t̪ɑɾɑmɑxɑṉ] Notes: ptarmigan.
ucsa[u̟kʃ] Quotation: cudaig; smallag (herring size); glasag (young haddock size); glasag dubh or [u̟kʃ].
adha[ɑə] Notes: liver.
adhragag[ɤɾəɡɑɡ] Notes: lapwing.
arspag[ɑʴspɑɡ] Notes: black-backed gull. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
bàirneachNotes: limpet.
bliong[blw̃ŋɡ] Notes: lythe.
briseadhQuotation: briseadh na fàir’. Notes: daybreak.
brògNotes: cod roe.
biorachNotes: spiked muzzle put on a calf.
cat-tràghad[kɑt̪ɾɑ:ɣəd̪] Notes: sea-urchin.
ceanna-phollagNotes: tadpole.
cearcQuotation: a’ chearc mhór. Notes: The Great Northern Diver. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cearc-mhór’.]
cìlig[ci:lʹiɡʹ] Notes: cod.
coilleag[kɤlʹɑɡ] Notes: cockle.
corra-chritheach[kɔrəˈxɾiɑx] Notes: the heron.
crasganNotes: (1) starfish. (2) handle of a rutting spade.
crùdan[kɾu̟:d̪ɑṉ] Notes: gurnard.
cù-dubhNotes: otter.
cudaigQuotation: (1) cudaig. (2) smallag (herring size). (3) glasag (small haddock size). (4) glasag dubh or [u̟kʃ] (fully grown).
dàirQuotation: Tha a bhó fo dhàir.
dealanNotes: wooden pin put through loop when securing cattle in stall.
diubhar[dʹu̜əɾ] Notes: difference.
dollag[d̪oɫɑɡ] Notes: the black dogfish.
easgainn[ɛsɡĩnʹ] Notes: eel.
fàireQuotation: Briseadh na fàir’. Notes: daybreak.
feusgan[fe:sɡɑn] Notes: mussel.
fitheachNotes: raven.
foQuotation: Tha a’ bhó fo dhàir.
gairbhean[ɡɑɾɑvɑṉ] Notes: gills of a fish.
glasagQuotation: (1) cudaig. (2) smallag (herring size). (3) glasag (small haddock size). (4) glasag dubh or [u̟kʃ] (fully grown).
gocamanQuotation: gocaman na cuthaig.
guilbearnach[ɡu̟lu̟bɑɾṉɑx] Notes: curlew.