Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

James MacArthur
Islay, Port Wemyss
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
ladharNotes: claw of the lobster, crab, etc.
làmhQuotation: làmh riut. Notes: beside you.
liathQuotation: an liath. Notes: blade of an oar.
liosda[lʹisd̪ə] Notes: plausible, unreliable rogue.
luideagQuotation: Meall is caith agus tilg nan luideagan air an dùnan iad.
maorachNotes: limpet.
maorachQuotation: òrd mhaorach. Notes: hammer for knocking them [i.e. limpets] off the rocks.
maorachQuotation: bascaid mhaorach. Notes: oval-shaped basket used for collecting limpets.
meallQuotation: Meall is caith agus tilg nan luideagan air an dùnan iad.
meuranNotes: thimble.
misdeQuotation: Cha mhisde deagh naidheachd a’ chluinntinn a rithisd.
muimeNotes: stepmother.
mulachanQuotation: mulachan càis. Notes: round of cheese.
rèineach[rɛ̃ṉɑx] Quotation: [rɛ̃ṉɑx] mór de thigh. Notes: a big rambling house. (Cf. Applecross rèileach.)
rithisdQuotation: Cha mhisde deagh naidheachd a chluinntinn a rithisd.
ròcaideachQuotation: bodach ròcaideach.
iarunnQuotation: Tha tuilleadh ’s a chòrr a dh’iaruinn aige ’san teine.
iasgachQuotation: Iasgach amadan, corra bheathach mór. Notes: saying used by old fishermen. Not clear what it means.
iasgairQuotation: iasgair chul-chreig. Notes: amateur fisherman.
inneanQuotation: Cuiridh mi mo cheann air innean dhuit. Notes: I will put my head on an anvil for you, I am so sure of my point.
iomallachQuotation: àite iomallach. Notes: lonely place.
irisQuotation: ithris. Note: rope on creel.
iteachNotes: fin.
iteachQuotation: an iteach. Notes: first row put on the creel, at the mouth.
ithQuotation: Ithibh agus òlaibh, tha gu leòir an tigh Sheumais.
naidheachdQuotation: Cha mhisde deagh naigheachd [sic] a’ chluinntinn a rithisd.
neasg[n̪ɛ̃sɡ] Notes: rope of rushes for tying cattle inside. (nasg)
oideNotes: foster parent.
òlQuotation: Ithibh agus òlaibh, tha gu leòir an tigh Sheumais.
òrdQuotation: òrd mhaorach. Notes: hammer for knocking them [i.e. limpets] off the rocks.
painndeagQuotation: painndeag bhraochgach (bhreacach) [pɛ̃nʹdʹʒɑɡ vɾw:xkɑx]. Notes: cowrie shell.
plocQuotation: ploc buntàta. Notes: potato masher.
prìneQuotation: prìne gruaige.
saighdeachan (pl.)Quotation: na saighdeachan [sɑ:dˈʒɑxəṉ]. Notes: upright staves in creel. Made from hazel because of strength.
salainnQuotation: “O’ cha b’e sin an salainn saor!” Notes: said of anything that is dear.
seileachNotes: used in creel-making. The horizontal wands.
seòltaQuotation: Tha e cho seòlta ri sionnach.
sgadanQuotation: Nuair a bhios a’ sgadan m’a thuath, bi Donnchadh Ruadh m’a dheas. Notes: never in the right place.
sgàileagan[sɡɑ:lʹɑɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: umbrella.
sgàlNotes: pour hot water on, scald.
similinnQuotation: ceann similinn. Notes: gable end.
sionnachQuotation: Cho seòlta ri sionnach.
slaopQuotation: “a’ slaopadh a’ mhaorach”. Notes: putting hot water on them.
sluisdearachdQuotation: a’ sluisdearachd. Notes: messing about with water or any liquid.
sluisrichQuotation: a’ sluisreadh. Notes: working with water, washing dishes, etc.
snodhach[sn̪ɔ̃ʔɔx] Notes: female crab.
spàinQuotation: Ni mi spàin neo millidh mi adhairc. Notes: I’ll do one thing or the other. It’ll go one way or the other.
spairidh (?)[spɑɾi] Quotation: Cha robh móran [spɑɾi] aige. Notes: furniture. Sparraich (Dwelly): household furniture – Islay.
sporanNotes: where the crab holds its spawn.
stiùirQuotation: Cha rachadh e’n uisge na stiùireach do’n fhear a bh’againn roimhe. Notes: He came nowhere near the standard/quality of the one we had before him.
stuadhQuotation: [əst̪u̟əi]. Notes: the gable of a house.
teineQuotation: Tha tuilleadh ’s a chòrr a dh’iaruinn aige ’san teine.
teineachar[tʹʃeṉɑxɑɾ] Quotation: an teineachar. Notes: (Check.) implement used by blacksmith.
tiotaQuotation: tiota beag. Notes: a moment.
triubhaisNotes: cod roe.
turramanQuotation: clach-an-turraman. Notes: round boulder which can be rocked.
uachdarQuotation: an uachdar. Notes: the uppers of a shoe.
uchd-gràdhaichNotes: adopt.
adhaircQuotation: Ni mi spàin neo millidh mi adhairc. Notes: It will go one way or the other.
aghaidhQuotation: Tha e ’n aghaidh na [fɛ:nʹɑx] [?] Notes: thrawn, awkward sort who would never agree with you. [NOTES: in second hand – fèinneach.]
amadanQuotation: Iasgach amadan, corra bheathach mór. Notes: used by older fishermen. Not sure what it means.
amharc[ɛɾɑxk] Quotation: Bha mi dol a dh’[ɛɾɑxk] oirre.
anabarrachQuotation: anabarrach math. Notes: unusually good.
annasNotes: change.
bagarrachNotes: dull, threatening. (Used of weather.)
ballan-boghanNotes: given as “species of cormorant with a white breast”. (Could be an immature cormorant – it has extensive white area on underparts.)
balt[bɑɫt̪] Quotation: balt na bròige. Notes: welt.
bann-dùirnNotes: wrist band, of a shirt etc.
bann-muinealNotes: neckband, of a shirt etc.
bàrrQuotation: am bàrr dearg. Notes: seaweed attached to the “doire”.
bascaidQuotation: bascaid mhaorach. Notes: oval-shaped basket used for collecting limpets.
beagadan (s)[bɛɡəd̪ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: blouse worn by girl farm servants. Worn outside the skirt.
beòlachQuotation: a’ bheòlach. Notes: red embers among the ashes under the fire.
biadhNotes: bait. Bait in order of preference: 1. Luga. 2. Conachag (buckie). 3. Feusgan. 4. Maorach. 5. Gobhrachan Breac (snail).
biastQuotation: a’ bheist dhonn. Notes: otter.
biorNotes: prick of a plant.
bleithQuotation: a’ bleith a’ bhuntàta. Notes: breaking potatoes in two to cool them.
blianachQuotation: Is blianach Nollaig gun sneachd. Notes: bleak.
bodachQuotation: bodach ròcaideach. Notes: scarecrow.
bolg-snàmh[bɔɫɔɡsn̪ɛ̃:v] Notes: the covering on the bone of a fish which has to be scraped off with a knife when gutting.
brocach[bɾɔxkɑx] Quotation: duine brocach or brochdach. Notes: a person whose face is disfigured with small pockmarks after having had smallpox.
brotQuotation: brot éisg. Notes: fish soup.
buachairQuotation: “Tha a’ bhó a’ buachair.” Notes: (noun and verb) The cow is dropping dung.
buainQuotation: Buain ribeach, robach, shalach air droch (dhroch?) bhann. Notes: making a complete mess of things.
bughallQuotation: am bughall [bu̜ʔəɫ]. Notes: pot handle.
buigealag[bu̜ɡʹəlɑɡ] Notes: shellfish after they have cast their shells.
burabhuachaille[bu̟ɾəvu̟əxilʹə] Notes: great northern diver. (See Gilbert Clark’s list.)
càdhairQuotation: [kɑ:əɾ] a’ chrùban. Notes: the flesh of the crab.
caithQuotation: Meall is caith agus tilg nan luideagan air an dùnan iad.
caomhantach[kw:vən̪t̪ɑx] Quotation: duine caobhantach [sic]. Notes: prudent person, e.g. always careful with his own belongings.
casachQuotation: a’ chasach. Notes: an arm’s length of twisted line between hook and sinker.
ceannQuotation: Cuiridh mi mo cheann air innean dhuit. Notes: I am so sure of what I am saying... (innean: anvil)
ceannQuotation: Tha e cho fada ’s a cheann ’s a bha Fionn ’s na casan. Notes: Islay – in the sense of being cunning. Lewis (Barvas) “fada ’na cheann” means stubborn.
ceannQuotation: ceann similinn. Notes: gable end.
ceann-simideanNotes: tadpole.
cianQuotation: Tha e air an dol chian. Notes: He is always moving about, never in the one place for any length of time.
cìbhrinnQuotation: cìbhrinn drògaid. Notes: drugget covering (on a bed).
ciùrnQuotation: ciurn [sic] casaidh. Notes: a churn which revolved like a spit. Had a handle on it for turning it.
clachQuotation: clach-an-turraman. Notes: round boulder which can be rocked. [NOTES: slipped under ‘clach-an-turamain’.]
cléireachNotes: male crab.
cluasQuotation: na cluasan. Notes: hooks on a pot to which the handle was attached.
cluinnQuotation: Cha mhisde deagh naidheachd a’ chluinntinn a rithisd.
coileachNotes: male lobster.
comhtharradhQuotation: “a’ gabhail comhtharran”. Notes: taking bearings at sea.
comhtharr(adh)Quotation: “Dé ’n comhtharr’ a bha thu air?” Notes: What was your position (at sea)?
cosdQuotation: Ma fhreagras an còta, cosd e.
còtaQuotation: còta drògaid. Notes: drugget coat.
cota-peasan[kɔt̪əpesɑ̃ṉ] Notes: tails.
crannQuotation: “Có tha dol a chur a mach na cruinn?” Notes: Who is going to take charge of sharing out the fish? (Stick, pebble hidden in hand.) Check.
crannchurQuotation: crannchur gill. Notes: lottery.
creagQuotation: iasgair chùl-chreig. Notes: amateur fisherman.
cromanQuotation: Tha mi mar eun a thuit o’n chroman. Notes: feeling washed out, useless. “Croman” is probably the chough, a type of hawk.
crom-uaigneachQuotation: Gabh mi nunn gu crom-uaigneach. Notes: I crept over as silently as possible so as not to be noticed.
cronachadhNotes: an cronachadh – the evil eye.
cuirQuotation: Cuiridh mi geall dhuit. Notes: I’ll bet you.
cùlQuotation: iasgair chùl-chreig. Notes: amateur fisherman.
cunglachQuotation: àite cunglach. Notes: narrow, cramped place.
cunntair[kũ̟n̪t̪ɑɾ] Quotation: an cunntair. Notes: reinforcing piece inside the shoe at the back.
cutaQuotation: cuta snàth. Notes: hank of yarn.
cutagNotes: clay pipe with a broken stem.
deaghQuotation: Cha mhisde deagh naidheachd a’ chluinntinn a rithisd.
dealgNotes: knitting needle. Bior: prick of a plant.
deanQuotation: Bha e a’ deanadh dheth. Notes: He was coming on, getting over it.
deargQuotation: am bàrr dearg. Notes: seaweed attached to the “doire”.
doireNotes: tangle.
dòirneagNotes: handle of an oar.
dolQuotation: Tha e air an dol chian. Notes: He is always moving about, never in the one place for any length of time.
drògaidQuotation: cìbhrinn drògaid. Notes: drugget covering (on a bed).
drògaidQuotation: còta drògaid.
stuthQuotation: Ged stuth eun an fhithich e ’s geal na sùilean fhéin e. Notes: i.e. in his mother’s eyes. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dubh’ (‘dubh?’ added in second hand).]
eachanQuotation: “Coltach ri eachan Mhàiri ribeach, daonnan a’ dol mu’n cuairt.” Said of a person who was never still. Notes: instrument for winding yarn – originally made from suitably shaped piece of tree.
eagalQuotation: Cha bhiodh eagal orm roimh ghnùis Gaidheal. Notes: I wouldn’t be afraid of my own people.
eudachQuotation: Bha e [ɡʹɛ:d̪ɑx] ri a’ bhean. Notes: doubting his wife’s fidelity, jealous. Perhaps this jealousy would be unfounded.
eunQuotation: Ged stuth eun an fhithich e, is geal ’na sùilean fhéin e. Notes: i.e. in his mother’s eyes.
eunQuotation: “Tha mi mar eun a thuit o’n chroman.” Notes: feeling useless, washed out. Croman probably meaning the “chough”, a type of hawk.
fadaQuotation: Tha e cho fada ’s a cheann ’s a bha Fionn ’s na casan. Notes: Islay – in the sense of being cunning. Lewis (Barvas) – stubborn.
faiche[fɑçə] Notes: small hole in the rocks where the “crùban” goes.
feannadhQuotation: Gaoth tuath, fuachd is feannadh; gaoth deas, teas is toradh; gaoth ’n iar, iasg is bainne; gaoth ’n ear, meas air chrannaibh.
FionnQuotation: Tha e cho fada ’s a cheann ’s a bha Fionn ’s na casan.
fitheachQuotation: Ged stuth eun an fhithich e, is geal na sùilean fhein e.
fraochanQuotation: fraochan na bròige. Notes: strip with holes in it across the toe for decoration.
freagairQuotation: Ma fhreagras an còta, cosd e.
fuineadhQuotation: a’ fuineadh aodach. Notes: waulking cloth.
gabhadachNotes: witty.
gabhQuotation: a’ gabhail comhtharran. Notes: taking bearings at sea.
gaothQuotation: Gaoth tuath, fuachd is feannadh; gaoth deas, teas is toradh; gaoth ’n iar, iasg is bainne; gaoth ’n ear, meas air chrannaibh.
geallQuotation: crannchur gill. Notes: lottery.
geallQuotation: Cuiridh mi geall dhuit. Notes: I’ll bet you.
geamaireNotes: gamekeeper.
gearra-bhonnNotes: sole of a shoe.
giùran[ɡʹu̟:ɾɑ̃ṉ] Notes: gill of a fish.
gnùisQuotation: Cha bhiodh eagal orm roimh ghnùis Gaidheal.
gobhrachanQuotation: gobhrachan breac. Notes: snail.
greimicheNotes: fork.
gruagQuotation: prìne gruaige. Notes: hairpin.
guitearNotes: gutter on a roof.

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