Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Alasdair MacIndeor
c. 70
Port Charlotte
Islay, Port Charlotte
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
[bɾɛcəvɑs]Notes: breakfast.
[ɡʹɔrṉsi]Notes: Guernsey or knitted pullover.
[kɾɛcən̪]Notes: skin.
ladair[ɫɑd̪əɾ] Notes: ladle.
ladairQuotation: an ladair. Notes: collection plate.
leaba[lʹɑbə] Notes: bed.
leabaQuotation: leaba chaif. Notes: mattress filled with chaff.
léineQuotation: léine bhàis. Notes: winding shroud.
lideach[lʹid̪ɑx] Notes: lisping.
linneNotes: (1) pond; (2) deep pool in a river.
lionach[lʹiəṉɑx] Notes: hoar frost in the morning. Gilbert Clark – liantach.
liunnaichNotes: fester. Tha e air [lʹũ̟n̪ɑxəɣ]: it has festered.
luaidh[ɫu̜əi] Notes: ashes.
luideachNotes: ragged.
luidhearNotes: word used for “chimney” before “similinn”.
luigse[ɫwɡʹʃə] Notes: weakness.
lurga[ɫu̜ɾəɡə] Notes: shin.
madadh allaidhQuotation: am madadh allaidh. Notes: wolf.
madadh ruadhQuotation: am madadh ruadh. Notes: fox.
maide poiteNotes: spurtle.
malaNotes: eyebrow. Pl. [mɛ̃lɑəṉ].
màsNotes: buttocks.
meur[mɛ̃:ɾ] Notes: finger.
miagail[mĩɑɡəl] Quotation: a’ miagail. Notes: cat mewing.
miasNotes: basin.
miotagNotes: glove.
mucQuotation: gnos muice. Notes: sow-mouth. In sheep, cattle and horses where the lower jaw is short.
mugaNotes: mug.
muinealNotes: neck (see amhach). Cùl a mhuineal – the back of the neck.
muthairle[mũ̜ʔərlʹə] Notes: ankle.
riarachadhNotes: bread or biscuits, cheese and whisky given to mourners at a funeral.
rosgNotes: eyelash.
ruadhQuotation: am madadh ruadh. Notes: fox.
rùsgQuotation: cas-rùisgte. Notes: barefoot.
sitearraich[ʃitʹʃəri] Notes: noise made by horse blowing hard through the nostrils.
siubhalQuotation: Shiubhal e. Notes: He died.
dòrnQuotation: caol-dùirn [kw:ɫ d̪u̜rĩnʹ]. Notes: wrist.
sliochdQuotation: sliochd an teinntein. Notes: slab in front of the fire. Formerly a slab of slate.
imleagNotes: navel.
iungair[jəʔɡəɾ] Notes: pus.
propanachNotes: a child up to 7 or 8.
sàilNotes: heel.
searrachNotes: foal.
seasgQuotation: Tha a’ bho seasg. Notes: barren, not carrying a calf.
seiseanQuotation: tigh seisein.
sgailcNotes: baldhead. Tha e sgailceach: he is bald.
sgailcQuotation: ’S e sin sgailc mhullach na fìrinn. Notes: That is the absolute truth. Sgailc – pate.
sgainndeach[sɡɛ̃:nʹdʹʒɑx] Quotation: a’ sgainndeach. Notes: rheumatism.
sgal[sɡɑɫ] Notes: dog’s yelp.
sgalairtQuotation: Tha ’n cù a’ sgalartaich [sɡɑɫɑrṯi]. Notes: The dog is yelping. [NOTES: ‘a’ sgalartaich’ in the quotation corrected to ‘a’ sgalairtich’.]
sgaoilQuotation: Tha e ma sgaoil. Notes: He is free.
sgiulQuotation: (a) Tha i a’ sgiulladh. (b) Tha i air sgiulladh. Notes: (a) The (hen) is moulting. (b) The (hen) has moulted.
sglamhadh[sɡlɛfəɣ] Quotation: Thug e sglamhadh orm. Notes: He turned on me and spoke sharply and offensively.
sgòlachan[skɔ:ɫɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: young bird still in the nest.
sguabQuotation: a’ sguabadh a’ làr. Notes: sweeping the floor.
similinn[ʃĩməlĩnʹ] Notes: chimney.
sionnachNotes: fox.
slaic[sɫɑiçc] Quotation: Tha sinn aig slaic. Notes: heavy work. We are being kept at it.
sliasaidNotes: thigh.
smiogad[smĩɡəd̪] Notes: chin.
sneic[sṉɛ̃çc] Notes: door lock. An iron lever goes through a hole in the door. When one end is pressed down the other end lifts another strip of iron up out of its socket on the door post. It swivels on the other end which is fixed to the door.
solaimteNotes: solemn. (Or sòluimte.)
sòluimteNotes: solemn. (Or solaimte.)
spàinQuotation: spàin adhairc. Notes: horn spoon.
staidhir[stɑ̪iɾ] Notes: stair.
starsachNotes: piece of wood sloping out under the door to keep out the rain.
stocainnNotes: stocking or sock.
sùichNotes: soot.
suidheachanNotes: pew.
suipeirNotes: supper, evening meal.
tabhunn[t̪ɑfən̪] Quotation: a’ tabhunn. Notes: dog barking.
tairtQuotation: an tairt. Notes: thirst. Also used for the disease (?) brought on in cattle by lack of good water supply.
tarbhQuotation: Tha i airson tarbh.
tilgQuotation: Thilg i an laogh. Notes: abort.
tòin[tɔ̃:nʹ] Notes: buttocks, backside.
tollQuotation: toll na luadhadh [ɫu̜əɣ]. Notes: hole under fire into which ashes fell.
tòradh[to:ɾəɡ] Notes: funeral.
trùsair[t̪ɾu̟:sɑɾ] Notes: trousers.
trusganNotes: man’s suit.
uachdarNotes: cream.
uairQuotation: Uair a’ ghille connaidh. Notes: when New Year was held on 12th January the day had begun to lengthen a little (perhaps about ½ hr – ¾ hr). This gave a person a chance to go out in the late afternoon to gather in some fuel, twigs, branches, etc.
uisgeQuotation: an uisge dearg. Notes: redwater in cattle. Caused by “cartain” which carried it.
ùrlarNotes: floor. “Làr” is the ground outside in Islay.
ursannNotes: doorpost.
ais-aodach[ɑʃw̃:d̪ɑx] Notes: death shroud.
amhachNotes: more the front part or [sic] throat.
anainn[ɛ̃ʔṉĩnʹ] Notes: eaves of a house.
aoraganQuotation: Tha i ’ga h-aoragan [ɤ:ɾəɡɑ̃ṉ]. Notes: said of a mare wallowing to scratch itself if uncombed.
bacachNotes: limping.
bainneQuotation: bainne blàth. Notes: fresh milk.
bainneQuotation: bainne goirt. Notes: buttermilk. (?) Probably sour milk.
balganQuotation: am balgan. Notes: the calf.
barr-iall[bɑrəɫ] Notes: shoe-lace.
beasta[bɛst̪ə] Notes: waistcoat.
beingidhQuotation: Tha e ’na shuidhe air a’ bheingidh. Notes: the edge of the bed.
bodharNotes: deaf.
boiseagNotes: quick wash.
bonnachQuotation: bonnach coirce. Notes: oatcake.
bòdainn[bɔ:d̪ĩnʹ] Quotation: plural [bɔ:d̪ĩnʹəṉ]. Notes: knee-boots. Originally leather knee-boots were worn by fishermen before Wellingtons came on the market.
brocNotes: badger.
brochanNotes: porridge. Not “lit”.
brògNotes: shoe or boot.
bucaidNotes: pail.
bùirichQuotation: [bu̟:ɾi] “Tha ’n tarbh a’ bùirich.” Notes: bellow.
rain[kɑ:ɾɑnʹ] Notes: gums. [NOTES: slipped under ‘càirean’.]
caitheamhQuotation: (an) caitheadh. Notes: TB.
caog-shuileachNotes: squint-eyed.
caolQuotation: an caol-coise. Notes: slender part between calf and ankle.
caolQuotation: caol-dùirn [kw:ɫ d̪u̜rĩnʹ]. Notes: wrist.
capullQuotation: capull bàn. Notes: mare. [NOTES: slipped under ‘capall’.]
car-seicidh[kɑɾseci] Notes: coarse jacket for everyday work made of canvas-like material. Often used at threshing time.
cas-rùisgteNotes: barefoot.
ceannadach[cɑ̃n̪ɑd̪ɑx] Quotation: ceann-aodach? Notes: man’s cap.
cearcQuotation: galair nan cearc.
ceilearan[celəɾɑ̃ṉ] Notes: woman’s headscarf.
ciabhagQuotation: a’ chiabhag. Notes: the beard (used more than “feusag”).
ciobhrainn[cıvɾĩnʹ] Notes: bedcover.
clachQuotation: clach chinn. Notes: gravestone.
cladhNotes: cemetery.
cladhaichQuotation: a’ cladhadh na h-uaith. Notes: digging the grave.
claidheamhNotes: bar across a door to lock it at night.
clàrQuotation: clàr-aodainn. Notes: forehead.
clibeagNotes: light-footed mare.
cluasagNotes: pillow.
clupaidQuotation: a’ chlupaid [əxɫu̜ʰpidʹʒ]. Notes: swelling of the neck in sheep and cattle (liver fluke?).
cnaimh-dromaNotes: backbone.
cneap[kɾexp] Notes: button.
còmhlaQuotation: “Mur a bi thu modhail gheibh thu taobh na locrach de’n chòmhla!” – Said to a child. Planed side out. Notes: Other name for a door.
connadh[kon̪əɣ] Notes: fuel. Formerly probably used for twigs, branches, etc.
connadh[kon̪əɣ] Quotation: uair a’ ghille connaidh. Notes: when New Year was held on 12th January, the day had begun to lengthen a little, less than an hour. This gave a person a chance to go out in the late afternoon to gather fuel.
copan[kopɑ̃ṉ] Notes: cup.
corag[kɔɾɑɡ] Notes: finger.
crannagNotes: pulpit. Never “cùbainn” in Islay.
cranntachan[kɾɛ̃n̪t̪ɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: churn-stick.
creideadh[kɾɤdʹʒəɣ] Notes: belief.
créileag[kɾe:lɑɡ] Notes: small basket for home use, e.g. for holding eggs.
criosNotes: belt. Word not in common use now.
critheanachQuotation: an critheanach. Notes: shaking disease in sheep; loses flesh. Due to a deficiency in diet. (See a’ chritheanach – DMD, Islay.)
crùbachNotes: lame.
crotachNotes: hump-backed.
cuirn[ˈkwrə̃n̪] Notes: churn.
cùlQuotation: cùl a’ mhuineal. Notes: the back of the neck.
culach[ku̜ʔɫɑx] Notes: boar.
dallNotes: blind.
dartan[d̪ɑrt̪ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: garter.
dealanQuotation: a’ cuir dealan air an dorus. Notes: bar put across the outside door of a house and tied to the handle of the door with a piece of rope. Often done by boys as a prank.
deargQuotation: an uisge dearg. Notes: redwater in cattle. Caused by the “cartain” which carried it.
deiseNotes: woman’s suit.
dìnneir[dʹʒĩ:nʹɛɾ] Notes: dinner.
dòrnNotes: clenched fist.
dreasQuotation: “O’n dreas gus an droigheann.” Notes: from bad to worse.
dreasairNotes: dresser.
droigheannQuotation: “O’n dreas gus an droigheann.” Notes: from bad to worse.
eibhleadh[evlɤɣ] Notes: kilt.
eigheantachNotes: ice.
fadQuotation: Bha mi aige fad, fìnn, foinneach [fonʹɑx] an latha. Notes: I was at it the whole day.
falusNotes: sweat.
fanQuotation: Co leis a tha thu a fantail [fɛ̃n̪t̪ɑl]? Notes: Who are you staying with?
feurach[fɛ:ɾɑx] Notes: (noun) grazing for animals.
feusagQuotation: feusagan cat [fɛ:sɑɡəṉ kwxt̪]. Notes: cat’s whiskers.
fiar-shuileachNotes: squint-eyed.
fìnn[sic] Quotation: Bha mi aige fad, fìnn, foinneach [fonʹɑx] an latha. Notes: I was at it the whole day.
fìrinnQuotation: ’S e sin sgailc mhullach na fìrinn. Notes: That is the absolute truth.
flat[flɑt] Notes: saucer.
foinneach[fonʹɑx] Quotation: Bha mi aige fad, fìnn, foinneach an latha. Notes: I was at it the whole day.
foraraidh[fɔɾɑɾi] Notes: wake.
forcNotes: fork.
furmNotes: stool.
gagachNotes: stuttering.
gàirNotes: laugh. Fiamha ghàire [fıəvəɣɑ:ɾə]: smile.
gàirdean[ɡɑ:rdʹʒɛ̃nʹ] Notes: arm.
gàirnealQuotation: gàirneal mine. Notes: wooden meal chest. Usually had a partition inside it to separate the flour and meal.
galar-plocachQuotation: an galar-plocach. Notes: mumps.
gamhainnQuotation: math-ghamhainn [mɛ̃ɣɛ̃vĩnʹ]. Notes: bear.
gasair[ɡɑsɑɾ] Quotation: Tha i air ghasair. Notes: bitch in heat.
gealbhanNotes: fire.
geannaireQuotation: geannaire ladhrach. Notes: joiner’s claw hammer.
gearranNotes: 2 yr old male, before it matures. “’S math an gearran a chumas a’ bhraim gu feasgar.” He wouldn’t start to play about until the work was finished.
geumnaich[ɡʹe:mɑ̃ṉi] Quotation: a’ geumnaich. Notes: cow lowing.
giùlanQuotation: an giùlan. Notes: the funeral procession.
glanNotes: wash. “Nighe” not used except “a’ nigheadaireachd” – washing clothes.
glùn[ɡɫũ̜:ṉ] Notes: knee.
gnosQuotation: gnos muice. Notes: sow-mouth: in sheep, cattle, horses, where the lower jaw is short.
goirtichQuotation: Tha ’m bainne air goirteachadh. Notes: The milk has gone sour.
greann[ɡrɛ̃n̪:] Notes: frown.
greidealNotes: griddle.
gribheachQuotation: an gribheach. Notes: measles.
guirQuotation: Tha i air ghuir. Notes: hen brooding.

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