Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- John MacKay
- Age
- c. 50-55
- Location
- Sutherland, Bettyhill, Swordly
- Date
- 1969
leumnachan-uaine | [lʹe:mṉɑ̃xɑṉ ũ̜ɑ̃nʹ] Notes: grasshopper. |
lòineag | Notes: snowflake. |
lormadh | [ɫɤɾəmu̜] Quotation: a’ lormadh nan caorach. Notes: dipping sheep. |
meanbh-chuileag | [mɑɾɑxu̟lɑɡ] Notes: midge. |
roith | [rɔi] Notes: tup lamb or ram. |
sitearaich | [ʃitʹəɾiç] Notes: neighing. |
poc | Quotation: am poc. Notes: liver fluke in sheep. |
saidh | [sɤi] Notes: bitch. |
sgàireag | [sɡɑ:ɾɑɡ] Notes: tern. |
sgeilm | [sɡʹɤləm] Notes: a chisel. |
sgleò | [sɡlɔ:] Quotation: pl. sgleothan [sɡlɔ:əṉ]. Notes: a cloud. |
sìlt | [ʃı:lʹtʹ] Notes: the bung in a boat. [t̪ɤu̜ɫʃı:lʹtʹ]: bunghole. |
slat-mhara | [sɫɑt̪vɑɾ] Notes: tangle. |
snioghan | [snʹw̃ɣɑ̃ṉ] Notes: ant. |
speireag | [spɤɾɑɡ] Notes: sparrow-hawk. |
sporaidh | [spɔɾi] Notes: sparrow. |
strannail | Notes: snorting (e.g. a horse). |
stùcan | Notes: a stook. |
stùrdaidh | [st̪u̜:ʴḏi] Notes: water on the brain in sheep, making them lose their sense of direction. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
sùil-chruthaidh | [su̟:lxɾu̜i] Notes: a boggy place. |
tàl | Notes: adze. |
taoman | [t̪w̃:mɑṉ] Notes: baler in a boat. |
tarmachan | [t̪ɑɾɑmɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: butterfly. |
tàsg | Notes: ghost. |
teadhair | [tʹʃɤɣəɾ] Notes: tether. |
tìlleag (?) | [tʹʃi:lʹɑɡ] Notes: a bee. |
toraisgeil | [t̪ɔɾɑʃɡʹəl] Notes: peat-cutting iron. |
tòrnag | [t̪ɔ:ʴṉɑɡ] Notes: a large boulder. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
trom-chadal | Notes: nightmare. |
tudan | [t̪u̟d̪ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: big round cornstack in yard. |
acair | Quotation: acair choirc. Notes: “hut” of corn on the field. |
adhragag | [ɤɾəɡɑɡ] Notes: lapwing. |
alam-stoc | [ɑɫɑmst̪ɔk] Notes: tiller. |
arspag | [ɑʴspɑɡ] Notes: black-backed gull. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
bacan | Notes: tethering pin. |
banabhuisd | [bɑ̃ṉɑvu̜ʃdʹ] Notes: witch. |
bàrradh | [bɑ:ru̜] Notes: thatch. |
biathaidh | Notes: earthworm. |
bodach | Notes: a cod. |
bodach-snèip | Notes: a scarecrow. |
boireach | [bɔɾɑx] Notes: a young seagull. |
brù-lachdan | [bɾu̜:ɫɑxɡɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a boggy place. |
brutag | Notes: caterpillar (yellow and brown variety). |
bùdach | Notes: a young nestling. |
buisdeachd | Notes: magic spell. |
càrn | Notes: cart. |
cathall-dubh | [kɑhəɫd̪u̟] Notes: blackbird. |
ceann-dubhan | [cɑ̃ũ̜n̪d̪u̟ɑ̃ṉ] Notes: black-headed gull. |
cearc-tomain | [cɛɾkt̪omɑ̃nʹ] Notes: partridge. |
clacharan | Notes: stonechat. |
cloimh | [kɫũ̜ɑ̃ı] Notes: wool. |
crasgan | Notes: starfish. |
creileag | [kɾɛlɑɡ] Notes: cleg. |
cròdhadh | [kɾɔ:u̜] Quotation: a’ cròdhadh. Notes: taking the harvest home. |
cuingean | [ku̜ıŋʹɡʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: nostril. |
dàmhan-allaidh | [d̪ɑ̃:vɑnɑɫi] Notes: spider. |
deich | Quotation: a’ deanamh “deichean”. Notes: making stooks of ten sheaves. 8 sheaves the usual number. |
deit | [dʹɛtʹ] Notes: lamb about one year old. |
dìg | [dʹʒı:ɡʹ] Notes: a dyke. |
drideach-dubh | [d̪ɾıdʹɑxd̪u̟] Notes: starling. |
fàldair | Notes: scythe. |
feileastair | [feləst̪ɑɾ] Notes: wild iris, sometimes used for thatching. |
feurtainn | [fjɑ:ʴṯĩnʹ] Notes: warble fly. |
gainmheach | [ɡɑ̃ṉɑvɑx] Notes: sand. |
gath-muing | [ɡɑmũĩ] Notes: mane. |
gearra-breac | [ɡʹɑrəbɾɛk] Notes: oyster-catcher. |
gobhar-adhair | [ɡoɾɑəɾ] Notes: snipe. |
gobhlachan | [ɡo:ɫɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: earwig. |
góbhrag | Notes: haycock. |
goraidh-goirtein | [ɡɔɾıɡɔʴsṯɑṉ] Notes: corncrake. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
gort | [ɡɔʴsṯ] Quotation: Tha a’ ghort a muigh. Notes: corn. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
guaran (sic) | [ɡu̜ɤɾɑ̃ṉ] Notes: the thistle. |