Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Angus Campbell (Puilean)
[Lewis], Ness, Swainbost
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
cléigeanach[kle:ɡʹɑṉɔx] Quot.: “Cléigeanach dubh-cheann gun chìreadh, Cha teid mìr an ìre dha.” (waulking song) Note: (1) having unruly hair. (2) a person with unruly hair.
Di-luainQuot.: Di-luain traoidht [t̪ɾ[ɤi]tʹ]. Note: the first Monday after the New Year (old reckoning). (The direction of the wind at midnight that night supposed to be the prevailing wind for the rest of the year.)
Quot.: “Là a’ chuilein”. Note: 3rd of February. (Put also under cuilean.)
Quot.: Là Martainn Builg. Note: St. Swithin’s Day. (Put also under Màrtainn and bolg.)
féillQuot.: “Féill Dómhnaich”. Note: used of any Sunday festival.
grislich[ɡɾiʃlʹiç] Quot.: “Cha do ghrislich mi fad na h-oidhche.” Note: I didn’t stir all night (asleep).
snaoidh[sn̪[ɤ̃ĩ]:] Quot.: “Cha do shnaoidh mi fad na h-oidhche.” “Cha do shnaoidh mi fo raoir.” “Cha d’thàinig snaoidheadh air.” Note: stir.
earraiceiseach[ȷɑrɑcɑʃɔx] Quot.: “Nach e daoine a tha earraiceiseach.” Note: well-off, experiencing good fortune.
pàmNote: the curtain hanging down from the side of the bed to the floor.
filleadh[fılʹəɣ] Quot.: filleadh ard, filleadh iosal. Note: bed-sheets.
piurra[pȷu̜rə] Note: a ledge of rock jutting out. “Bidean creig” – a ledge on which one could stand.
ànraig[ɑ̃:riɡʹ] Quot.: “’S e ànraig duine a tha an sud.” “Bu tu an ànraig.” Note: duine nach eil uamhasach ciallach.
bidean-gun-chonnNote: senseless, giddy person.
bidealair[bidʹəlɑð] Note: a person who messes about without doing very much worthwhile.
tuathQuot.: “duine nach cuir tuath ri tàth” [t̪u̟ɤ ɾi t̪ɑ:]. Note: a person who cannot speak sensibly, cannot put what he is trying to say together properly.
fàthQuot.: “Chan fhàth an eiltich sin.” Note: said by a person who hears of an accident or bad news of some kind. (Could say “Cha b’e fàth an eiltich sin.”)
laic[ɫɑıc] Quot.: “Cha deach laic cadail air mo shùil an raoir.” Note: a “wink” of sleep.
fàlQuot.: “Cha deach fàl bheatha ri m’anail an diugh.” Note: I haven’t had a bite to eat today. (Put also under beath.)
fadQuot.: “Fad, fìnn shuaimhneach an latha.” Note: all day long. (Put also under finn [sic] [fĩ:nʹ].)
traod[t̪ɾɤ:d̪] Quot.: Tha mi gu traodadh leis a’ phathadh. Note: I’m almost parched with thirst.
tud[t̪u̟d̪] Quot.: “Chaill mi mo thud ’s mo thad.” Note: I lost all interest, e.g. in work, or even interest in living. (Put also under tad [t̪ɑd̪].)
stàiceil[st̪ɑ:cɔl] Quot.: “duine stàiceil”. Note: duine làn dheth fhéin.
seadaran[ʃɛd̪əɾɑṉ] Note: chirping of birds.
corrghlaich[kɔɾɔɫiç] Note: low chirping of birds, low grunting sounds made by an animal, e.g. a ram.
peadaran[pɛd̪əɾɑṉ] Note: garland of flowers.
conail[kɔṉɑl] Note: abhorrent.
an-eisearra[ɑnˈeʃərə] Quot.: “duine an-eisearra”. Note: hail-fellow-well-met type of person. An-eisearrachd – noun from above.
so-bhiadhtaQuot.: “Chan fhaca mi beathach a riamh cho so-bhiadhta ris.” Note: easy to feed, would eat anything.
freanadh[fɾɛṉəɣ] Quot.: “Thug mi freanadh air.” Note: I inflicted a lot of punishment on him.
lannadh[ɫɑ̃n̪əɣ] Note: as “freanadh” (above).
lurga-lom[ɫu̜ɾəɡə ɫ[ɤu̟]m] Quot.: a’ toirt a mach a’ lurga-lom. Note: when a beast (cow) was killed there was a test of strength only the strongest could attempt – that of severing the leg at the knee by twisting the lower part of the leg with the hands. (In Uig known as “a’ toirt a mach an dòrn bhuar”.) There is some confusion as to whether the knee joint or the “ankle” joint  was the one severed – some say one, others the other. Puilean says definitely the knee joint.
breacan-uasalQuot.: a’ toirt am breacan-uasal dha duine. Note: carrying a person on one’s shoulders with legs astraddle.
te-shrianachQuot.: an te-shrianach. Note: game usually played on the machair. Each player marked out a square of turf for himself and cut it into a certain number of strips (strianagan). A piece of wood was stuck into the ground a certain distance away and each player attempted to hit it in turn with a stone. If one failed to hit, he lost a “strianag”. Carried on till all but one (the winner) had lost the whole square.
Quot.: “Là an trosgaidh” [t̪ɾɔsɡi]. Note: Communion Thursday. (Put also under trosgadh.)
toidhlidh[ṯ[ɤi]li] Note: a goal in shinty.
tullachQuot.: “Seas do thullaich [hu̜ɫiç].” Note: said by one player to a player he opposes, in shinty. Ordering the other player to take a proper stance with his “caman”.
tòrachdQuot.: “Tha e a’ togail a thòrachd.” (“a’ togail tòrachd a dhaoine”) Note: taking from his people – hereditary traits. Like “’S ann dhà bu dual.”
gaorman[ɡɤ:ɾmɑṉ] Quot.: Tha thu ann a sin na do [ɣɤ:ɾmɑ̃ṉ] grannda. Note: applied to a person who hangs about looking for information.
raod[rɤ:d̪] Note: a small, physically undeveloped person.
gliùnag[ɡlũ̟:ṉɑɡ] Note: a soft person.
buigneag[bu̜ɡʹṉɑɡ] Note: a soft person.
eitigeachNote: a person who looks unhealthy.
biorgadaich[bwɾwɡwd̪iç] Quot.: “Na bi a’ biorgadaich man a tha thu.” Note: said to a person fidgeting about and on edge. Air bhiorgadaich – on edge.
giort[ɡwʴsṯ] Quot.: “air do ghiort fhéin”. Note: independent, on one’s own. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
deamadhQuot.: “Chaneil aon deamadh aige.” “Gun deamadh.” Note: speechless.
turt (?)Quot.: “Tha e gun thurt (?) [hu̜ʴsṯ] gun ho [ho].” “Rinn e e gun [hu̜ʴṯ] [sic] gun ho [ho].” Note: not saying anything. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
diurra-bhig[dʹu̜rəviɡʹ] Quot.: “Chaneil diurra-bhig aige.” Note: he’s speechless.
burruic[bu̜ru̜c] Note: a large, flabby person.
cribheall[kðivɑɫ] Note: an awkward person, hobbledehoy.
toirbheart[t̪ɤðɤvɔʴḏ] Quot.: “Tha mi air mo thoirbheart.” Note: wearied, harassed. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
spadagQuot.: “Thug e a spadagan leis.” Note: same as “Thug e a chasan leis.”
pàileid[pɑ:lɑdʹ] Quot.: “sgleog na pàileid”, “buille man a phàileid”, “pàileid gun nàire”. Note: the brow.
cliaman[klĩɑ̃mɑṉ] Note: duine gun seadh.
cliamaire[klĩɑ̃məðə] Note: duine gun seadh.
siolpag[ʃu̜ɫpɑɡ] Quot.: “Leigeadh e siolpag leatha.” Note: of someone exaggerating when telling a story or saying anything.
préiseadh[pðe:ʃəɣ] Note: (a’ préiseadh) make do and mend; not doing a thing properly.
deannal[dʹɑ̃n̪ɑɫ] Quot.: “deannal fhaoileag”. Note: a flock (of birds).
dusbardan[d̪u̟sbəʴḏɑṉ] Note: a spinning top. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
dìobardan[dʹı:bəʴḏɑṉ] Note: a spinning top. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
lumais[ɫũ̜mwʃ] Quot.: “Ghabh e lumais air.” Note: taking more than one’s rightful share of something, e.g. food.
slabaid[sɫɑbɑdʹ] Note: a heavy, fast blow.
gidseag[ɡʹıḏʃɑɡ] Note: a glancing blow.
rafagQuot.: “Nach ann ort a tha a’ rafag.” Note: could be said to someone who is working on something but is too impatient to finish it.
bruimiseach[bɾw̃miʃɔx] Quot.: “Rinn e bruimiseach dheth.” Note: He made an unholy mess of it.
sgliodaire[sɡlıd̪əðə] Note: a foul, slimy concoction.
sgliodaran[sɡlid̪əɾɑ̃ṉ] Note: mean deceitful person.
suagraid[su̜ɤɡərɑdʹ] Note: an unappetising mixture.
suathlas[su̜ɑɫəs] Quot.: “Thug mi suathlas thuige.” Note: said by a person who half-recognises another person, possibly by seeing a likeness to his relations in him.
rasparsQuot.: “duine làn raspars”. Note: a boaster.
spliùch[splu̟:x] Quot.: “duine làn spliùch”. “’S ann air a tha a’ spliùch.” Note: a boaster. Also spliùchail (adj.).
maolasaich[mw̃:lɑsiç] Quot.: Dé a mhaolasaich ghàireachdainn. Note: a sort of a grin.
spungaid[spɤ̃ũ̟ɡɑdʹ] Note: a fire-spill; also formerly applied to a match.
spung[spɤ̃ũ̟ɡ] Quot.: “Chaneil spung céill aige.” Note: He has no sense, no spunk.
gagarlanNote: a half-wit.
gile-bhòlais[ɡıləvɔ:lɑʃ] Quot.: Cluinn a’ ghile-bhòlais a th’air a chlann. Note: noisy antics.
cruibQuot.: “Tha cruib air leis an fhuachd.” Note: hunched with the cold.
goic[ɡɔıc] Quot.: Rug mi air ghoic amhaich air. Note: on the back of the neck.
ball-crios[bɑɫˈkðws] Note: sort of belt worn by women to hitch up skirts when working.
toll-a-tàillear[t̪otət̪ɑ:lʹɑð] Note: pleat put in the back of a woman’s skirt (còta).
cuirichean[kuɾıçəṉ] Quot.: (1) “’S lom air do chuirichean e!”  (2) Chaneil e air do chuirichean!” Note: (1) said in refuting somebody, e.g. who boasted of having a lot of something. Usually: “Chaneil. ’S lom air do chuirichean e!” (2) “You just don’t have it!”
sglaip[sɡɫɑip] Note: a spit full of mucus.
sglabaid[sɡɫɑbɑdʹ] Note: a spit full of mucus.
broigheadh[bɾ[ɤı]əɣ] Quot.: “Thug e broigheadh as.” Note: a sudden bracing of oneself, e.g. resulting from a sudden fright. Also: “Chuir mi broigheadh air an each.”
cifeanach[cifɑṉɔx] Note: a small, stocky, sturdy man.
cuaircean[ku̟ɤðcɑṉ] Note: a sneak, especially applied to the kind who is always nosing about.
tapagNote: a Harris word used in the sense of being what a person who has been given a sudden fright says as a reflex exclamation. The vocal reaction to a sudden fright.
triallabhaid[t̪ɾıɤɫəvɑdʹ] Quot.: “Tha i ’na triallabhaid aig a h-uile rud a th’ann.” Note: could be said of a housewife with a hundred-and-one household chores to attend to at the one time. “In a ‘trachle’.”
siacail[ʃıɑkəl] Quot.: “Fosgail an dorus gus a’ siacail a cheò.” Note: Open the door until the smoke disperses. (a’ siacladh)
cursair[ku̜ʴsɑð] Note: a brazen-faced woman. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
cursaireachd[ku̜ʴsɑðɑk] Quot.: “a’ cursaireachd”. Note: using coarse language. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
spiorsag[spȷwʴsɑɡ] Quot.: spiorsag cloich, spiorsag fiodh. Note: a small splinter of wood or fragment of stone. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
spung[spɤ̃ũ̟ɡ] Quot.: “Chaneil spung aige.” Note: He has no sense whatever.
sturuic[st̪u̜ru̜çc] Quot.: “Tha sturuic air.” Note: He is frowning, showing considerable displeasure.
trabhlaich[t̪ɾɑu̜ɫiç] Quot.: “Tha trabhlaich dhan an tinneas sin a’ dol.” Note: usually applied to a cold or some mild indisposition.
freanadh[fɾɛ̃ṉəɣ] Quot.: Thug mi freanadh air. Note: I gave him a good leathering.
rùillichQuot.: “Tha e a’ rùilleach as a’ phreas.” Note: rummaging, looking for something and putting other things out of place in the process.
pat[pɑt̪] Quot.: “Bha aodann ’na phatan dubh.” Note: a bruise. “His face was full of black bruises.”
eilghe[ɤlɤȷə] Quot.: “a’ leagail eilghe”. Note: second ploughing, usually of ground which had lain fallow for some time.
fruisQuot.: “a’ fruiseadh nan cearcan”. Note: driving hens away, scattering them.
déis[dʹe:ʃ] Quot.: “Tha e feumach air a dhéiseadh.” Note: He needs a spanking.
bìodan[bı:d̪ɑṉ] Quot.: am bìodan. Note: sometimes applied to the youngest member (male) of a family. In some instances stuck to the person for the rest of his life. Would be referred to as “am bìodan”.
bìodag[bı:d̪ɑɡ] Note: as above [i.e. bìodan], applied to a female.
logaisNote: the worm of the warble fly.
corghlaich[kɔɾɔɫiç] Quot.: “corghlaich na mara”. Note: noisy confusion of water.
cìreanachQuot.: na cìreanaich. Note: combers on the sea.
gròsgach[ɡðɔ:sɡɑx] Quot.: (1) craicionn gròsgach. (2) feamainn ghròsgach. Note: (1) pockmarked skin. (2) seaweed with the appearance of pockmarked skin.
liaghrag[lʹiɤɾɑɡ] Quot.: “as a’ liaghrag”. Note: place among rocks where seaweed grows. Same as “roc”.
cròic[kɾɔ:c] Quot.: “a’ dol dhan a’ chròic”. Note: deposit of red seaweed driven ashore by the undertow.
driollaig[d̪ɾıɔɫiɡʹ] Quot.: “Tha mi na mo dhriollaig.” Note: “I’m in a ‘guddle’.”
leathadach[lʹɛhɔd̪ɔx] Quot.: “duine leathadach”. Note: bashful, self-conscious.
craghn[kɾɤ:ṉ] Quot.: “seann chraghn”. Note: a haggard old woman, crone.
craghnach[kɾɤ:ṉɔx] Quot.: “boirionnach chraghnach”. Note: as above [i.e. craghn].
sgàrsachQuot.: sgàrsaichean de rud – de fheòil, etc. Note: plenty, lots of something.
eubhais[e:fɑʃ] Quot.: eubhais de fheòil, etc. Note: a superfluity of something, a lot of…
troighlichean[t̪ɾɤilıçən] Quot.: “Bha troighlichean dhan a h-uile seors’ aca air a’ bhòrd.” Note: a plentiful mixture of things.
idrisg[id̪ɾiʃɡʹ] Quot.: “’S ann ort a tha ’n idrisg na mollachd.” Note: fidgetiness, restlessness. (Also duine idrisgeach.)
laghbhach[ɫɤ:vɑx] Quot.: casan laghbhach. Note: splay feet.
laghsach[ɫɤ:sɔx] Quot.: duine laghsach. Note: a splay-footed man.
bod-a-sgeing[bɔd̪əsɡʹ[ɤ̃ĩ]ɡʹ] Quot.: “Rinn thu bod-a-sgeing dheth.” Note: You made an unholy mess of it.
diosgadh[dʹwsɡəɣ] Quot.: “Thug e diosgadh as.” Note: a small, involuntary start or jerk.
diosgadaich[dʹwsɡəd̪iç] Quot.: “a’ diosgadaich na chadal”. Note: twitching in one’s sleep.
drabhsadh[d̪ɾɑu̟səɣ] Quot.: a drabhsadh feòil air an teine. Note: toasting, grilling.
éirigh[e:ɾi] Quot.: “Éirigh a’ bhuicean-thaic”. Note: standing up from a crouched position with a person on one’s back. (Put also under buicean-thaic [bu̜ıcɑṉhɑic].)
glagaire[ɡɫɑɡəðə] Note: prattler.
glagachQuot.: duine glagach. Note: prattler.
seimhig[ˈʃɛ̃iɡʹ] Quot.: “Rinn e seimhig dheth.” Note: an object of derision, by beating the person in some way very decisively.
druimeag[d̪ɾw̃mɑɡ] Note: a small load carried by a person on his back.
buicean[bu̜icɑṉ] Note: a small load carried by a person.
cochlaichQuot.: “Chaneil aige ach an t-aon chochlaich cainnt.” Note: frothy, prattling talk.
spursaig[spu̜ʴsiɡʹ] Quot.: a’ spursaigeadh duine. Note: egging a person on. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
innisgich[ĩṉıʃɡʹiç] Quot.: “ag innisgeachadh daoine airson a dhol an aghaidh a chèile”. Note: inciting.
sgiurrghail[sɡʹu̜ru̜ɣəl] Note: applied to the noise of a lot of people talking at once (babble) or, e.g. the cackling of hens.
sgiurrulaich[sɡʹu̜ru̜ɫiç] Note: applied to the noise of a lot of people talking at once (babble) or, e.g. the cackling of hens.
gigealais[ɡʹıɡʹəlɑʃ] Note: giggling.
stiapan[ʃtʹiɑpɑṉ] Note: applied to a slimy, sticky mixture, e.g. làghan. “Stuth leanmhainneach.”
toilleach[t̪ɤlʹɑx] Quot.: caora thoilleach. Note: applied to a sheep whose wool isn’t all white but with black and grey through it.
grìsneach[ɡɾı:ʃṉɔx] Quot.: bó ghrìsneach, each grìsneach. Note: mottled grey colour.
sgogQuot.: Bha mi air mo sgogadh le leann. Note: full up with drinking liquid.
anacha[ɑ̃ṉɑxə] Quot.: “Anacha, nach tusa dh’éirich tràth!” “Anacha, nach e tha teth!” Note: expression conveying surprise. (Also used by Norman Campbell, Arnol.)
gaodNote: wasting sickness.
sógh[so:ɣ] Quot.: “bodach air shógh”. Note: a contented old man.
nighean-a’ghobhaQuot.: Ma bhios tu fada gun a thighinn a nochd bi nighean-a’ghobha air do shròin.” Note: “nighean-a’ghobha” being the lock on the door – “The door will be locked.”
siobanachQuot.: “’Se siobanach grannd a th’ann dheth.” Note: a “soft” person.
sìochan[ʃı:xɑṉ] Quot.: “Tha sìochan as a bhroilleach agam.” Note: a wheeze. [Cf. pìochan.]
pìochan[pı:xɑṉ] Note: a wheeze in the chest but, according to A. Campbell, more laboured or tighter than a “sìochan” [q.v.].
fruis[fɾu̟ʃ] Quot.: “Chaidh e suas an rathad le fruis.” Note: at great speed.
geilidh[ɡʹɛli] Quot.: “’S ann air a tha ’n geilidh.” Note: said of a person in a great hurry or doing something at a fast rate.
spuinean[spũ̟nʹɑṉ] Quot.: processed hemp. “Ròpa spuinean” – hempen rope.
pliac[pliɑk] Note: a young lythe.
pliac[pliɑk] Quot.: “Chaidh mi na mo phliac.” Note: sprawling forward on one’s face.
saf[sɑf] Note: pungent smell.
foireinidh[fɔɾˈɛ̃ṉi] Quot.: “’S ann aige a tha a’ [fɔɾˈɛ̃ṉi] air an airgiod.” Note: equivalent of “’S ann aige a tha ’n cothrom air an airgiod.” (Note that stress is on the second syllable – said just like “for any”.)
crocadaichQuot.: “Tha crocadaich chasdaich air.” “Tha e a’ crocadaich.” Note: hoarse, bark-like coughing.
gige[ɡʹiɡʹə] Quot.: “Rinn e gige dheth.” Note: He made a hash, mess of it. “Chuir e fo fheum e.”
sniagair[ʃnʹĩɑ̃ɡəð] Note: a person who moves about slowly.
righinn[ˈrĩəṉ] Quot.: “Cho righinn ris a’ bhìth amh.” Note: also “duine righinn” – a tough, inflexible man.
gealbhanaich[ɡʹɑɫɑvɑṉiç] Quot.: “Bhiodh e a’ gealabhanaich [sic].” Note: used of a fireside hero, person who boasts but never does anything worthy of it.
Feugarsaich[fe:ɡəʴsiç] Note: “na Feugarsaich” applied to a certain family in Ness. A family name like, say “na Fìdhleirean”. Puilean told by a member of the family that the name applied to deer-poachers in Sutherland, where one of his ancestors had come from. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
smiungarsnaich[smȷ[ɤ̃ũ̟]ɡəʴsṉiç] Note: applied to building refuse – e.g. small bits of stone, clay, etc. Barvas: “Chaidh e na smiungars [smȷɤ̃ũ̟ɡəʴs] air a’ làr” – it broke into smithereens on the floor. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
spudraisg[spu̟d̪ɾiʃɡʹ] Quot.: “spudraisg de bhrochan, de lit”. Note: a thin, watery mixture.
liabhach[lʹiɑvɔx] Quot.: caora liabhach odhar. Note: equivalent of “lacunn odhar” – a greyish dun colour.
dusbardaichQuot.: “a’ dusbardaich”. Note: showing an ungainly gait.
sioban[ʃibɑṉ] Quot.: “sioban de fheòil bog”. Note: used of soft, limp meat.
splogaig[splɔɡiɡʹ] Quot.: “Tha e na splogaigeadh fhéin aig a’ sgàthan.” Note: preening oneself.
dràsdQuot.: a’ drasdadh teine. Note: dousing a fire.
spùidsear[spu̟dʹʃɑð] Quot.: used for a baler in Ness. Boat baler.
rùillich[ru̜:lʹiç] Quot.: a’ rùilleach. Note: rummaging.
aileadhQuot.: truaghan an ailidh [ɑli] (sic). Note: applied to a poor unfortunate person. (Puilean says “truaghan an ailidh”; N. Campbell, Arnol, says “truaghan bochd gun ailidh”.)
faileadhQuot.: “Faileadh ortsa!” Note: exclamation of displeasure at someone.
mullachNote: “mullach” used often for a person in a kindly or loving way, e.g. “M’eudail ’s air a’ mhullach!” or “Sud far an robh an deagh mhullach.” The former usually applied to a child.
liagach[lʹiɑɡɑx] Quot.: “Nach e tha liagach fuar.” Note: not a bitter cold but cold enough to make one feel uncomfortable.
coilleagQuot.: “coilleagan murain”. Note: Bernera, Harris. Sand dunes with sea-bent growing on them.
casQuot.: “O, b’e sin cas bheag a lodain!” Note: endearing remark made to a small child who may have come in with feet wet, etc. (Put also under lodan.)
sùghQuot.: “O mo sheachd sùgh mo chridhe.” Note: endearing remark to a child (Harris).
eun-a’ghob-shrianaichNote: razor-bill.
laparsaich[ˈɫɑpɑʴsiç] Quot.: “Bho thonn gu tonn a’ laparsaich.” Note: a line from one of Bàrd Phabbaigh’s poems. Referring to a bird flying over the waves, flapping its wings. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
cuilbhear[ku̟lu̟vɑð] Note: used of a spurt of blood as knife is plunged into the belly of deer (Bàrd Phabbaigh).
bruaille[bɾu̟ɤlʹə] Note: tide-race (Bàrd Phabbaigh).
buralaich[bu̟ɾɑɫiç] Quot.: Dé a’ bhuralaich a th’air? Note: bawling (usually when crying).
turgadaich[t̪u̟ɾu̟ɡəd̪iç] Quot.: “a’ turgadaich le leanabh”. Note: rocking from side to side with a child as when putting it to sleep.
creunan[kðe:ṉɑṉ] Note: continuous moaning or complaining as an ill person or person feigning illness. Also used of subdued sobbing, as old woman or child.
deamadh[dʹɛ̃məɣ] Quot.: “Na tigeadh deamadh as do bheul.” Note: utterance.
god[ɡɔd̪] Quot.: “Cha do dh’fhàs god fochann.” “Chaneil god dhan an fhalt ann.” Note: the least amount of something growing like grass or hair.
blèireamQuot.: “Chaneil blèiream aige.” Note: “Chaneil ciall aige.” (Harris)
briallam[bðiɑɫəm] Quot.: “Thug e am briallam asam.” “… gun dad annam ach am briallam.” Note: as “the last ounce of strength”.
rollaig[rɔɫiɡ] Note: family lair in a cemetery (Harris).
cruimseach[kɾũ̟miʃɑx] Quot.: “Chaneil innt ach cruimseach mhosach.” Note: an unsociable type of woman.
fùidsidh[fu̜:dʹʃi] Quot.: “Chuir e fùidsidh orm.” Note: He beat me outright (in a game or contest of some kind). (Also used in Barvas.)
creaga[kðɤɡə] Quot.: “Cha robh duine as a’ chreaga nach robh ann.” Note: used of the near vicinity, near neighbourhood.
sgoidQuot.: “a’ dol fo sgòid [sic] umbrella, na rud sam bith”. Note: sheltering from rain.
bugaidQuot.: (1) “Rinn e bugaid dheth.” (2) “Tha e na bhugaid ann a sud.” Note: (1) I killed it outright. (2) It’s lying stone dead there. (“Bugaid” – in places for the puffin.)
sgala-thunt[sɡɑlɑˈhɤ̃ṉṯ] Quot.: “Na bi a’ deanamh [sɡɑlɑˈhɤ̃ṉṯ] dhiot fhéin.” (emphasis on last syllable) Note: like “cuis- bhùirt”.
bruchd-ruadhain[bɾu̟xkɾu̟ɤɣɑṉʹ] Note: a “burp” accompanied by matter coming up from the stomach into the mouth (not the same as “sàileagan” [? first letter unclear: s, c, b?]).
glacaich-cléibhNote: malformation of the rib-cage (says it is akin to rickets, due to lack of calcium). (Murdo Macfarlane, Melbost – glacaichean-cléibh.)
total[t̪ɔt̪ɑɫ] Quot.: total na pìob. Note: burnt deposit in a pipe. It was usually scraped out, the bowl refilled with fresh tobacco, then the “total” put on top before lighting.
deathad[ˈd̪ɛəd̪] Quot.: “’S e a tha a’ toirt mo dheathad [ˈɣɛəd̪] dhomh nach do thill e.” Note: “What puzzles me is that he hasn’t returned.” Applied to something which stretches one’s understanding to the limit.
càra[kɑ:ɾə] Quot.: “Bu chàra dhuit fuireach a stigh ’s an oidhche cho fuar.” Note: “It would be better for you…”