Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald Gordon
- Location
- Skye, Staffin
- Date
- 07/1970
lòn | Notes: a stream (bigger than ‘sruthan’). |
lonaig | Notes: boundary path between crofts. |
maide bhuntàta | Notes: potato masher. |
miosa | Quotation: Chaneil i cho miosa ris a’ ghaoth eile. Notes: It isn’t as bad as the other wind. |
ràc-an-arbhair | Notes: corncrake. |
rùda | Notes: used in Staffin for ram. |
riabh | Quotation: riabh buntàta. Notes: row of potatoes. |
ìre | Quotation: A bheil sibh a’ faighinn ìre air an tigh? Notes: Are you getting on with the house? |
siolachd | Quotation: Tha ’n t-siolachd oirre. Notes: for a mare in heat. |
staran | Notes: 1. stepping stones across a stream. 2. paving in front of a house. |
talamh | Quotation: talamh mòineadh. Notes: peaty soil. |
tòrr | Quotation: tòrr buntàta. Notes: potato pit. (Bracken put on top of the potatoes, then a covering of earth.) |
atharnach | Quotation: buntàta atharnaich. |
bara | Notes: “nest” made for accommodating a boat. Built with stones on either side. |
bidean | [bidʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: sheaf tied with string put on the apex of a cornstack. |
bòrd | Quotation: am bòrd. Notes: used for the funeral bier. |
braghaid | [bɾ[ɤı]dʹ] Notes: horse-collar. |
brìg | Quotation: brìg arbhair. Notes: corn stacked inside the barn. |
brùchd | Notes: seaweed deposited on the beach by the sea. |
buntàta | Quotation: maide bhuntàta. Notes: potato masher. |
buntàta | Quotation: buntàta atharnaich. |
cabhsair | Notes: level area of paved stones. |
cachaileith | Quotation: cachaileir [kɑxəlɛɾ]. Notes: Gate for cattle, between crofts and cùl-cinn. |
cuiseag | Quotation: cuiseag buntàta. Notes: shaw. |
dais | Quotation: dais fheòir. Notes: loaf-shaped haystack. |
damhan-allaich | [d̪ɑ̃vɑnɑɫiç] Notes: spider. |
dubadh | [ḏɤbəɣ] Notes: dipping. |
dubhadh | Notes: blight. |
farsabreac | [fɑʴsəbɾɛxk] Notes: says it is a black-backed gull. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
frasach | Notes: manger. |
gailbheach | [ɡɛlɛɑx] Notes: awful. |
gramp | Notes: grape. |
grian | Quotation: buntàta gréineadh. |