1. Ag ullachadh na talmhainn airson mòine a bhuain |
rùsgadh | removing the turf to get at the soft peat. |
glanadh | further clearing of the surface. |
2. A’ buain na mònach; na h-innealan a chleachdar; ainmean nam fàdan, etc. |
poll mòna | a peat bank. |
blàr mòna | a large area of [peat] banks. |
ath bhlàr | an area that has been cut [for peat] before and is being used again. |
grobhag | a very small peat bank. |
riasg | the soft peat. |
carcair | portion of peat bank stripped of the top turf. |
bàrr-fhàd | top tier of peats. |
fàd a’ ghàraidh | second tier of peats. |
caoran | lowest tier of peats. |
corfhàdan | thick peats cut from outer edge of bank. |
gàradh | rows of peats on top of each other at front edge of bank. |
gearradh | cutting the peats. |
sadadh | throwing the peats. |
sgioba | a band of workers for peat-cutting. |
tairisgeir | a peat-iron for cutting. |
spaid | spade for taking the turf off the bank. |
ceap | a small turf, sod. |
ris a’ mhòine | cutting the peats. |
3. A’ tiormachadh na mònach |
rùdhadh | standing the peats on end to dry. |
ath rùdhadh | making them [i.e. peats] into bigger heaps. |
rùdhan | a small heap of peats. |
ath rùdhan | a bigger heap of peat. |
4. A’ cruachadh na mònach |
aiseag | gathering the peats to one place. |
stéidheadh | making a wall of peats round the stack. |
ceapadh | covering the stack with turf. |
5. A’ toirt na mònach dhachaigh; an cliabh, etc. |
cliabh | creel. |
cart | cart. |
6. Seòrsachan mònach |
mòine dhubh | black peat. |
mòine bhàn | light coloured fibrous peat. |
7. Faclan eile |