Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
feothaich | semi-conscious. Bha e ’na shìneadh fuar, feothaich. (A common expression on Scalpay. I am not sure of the word being recorded in a dictionary.) [SLIP: Semi-conscious. Common on Scalpay.] |
gàinneag | a bit of tobacco. [SLIP: A bit of tobacco. Vid ‘giteog’ [sic].] |
gitseog | a bit of tobacco. (Perhaps both [i.e. gàinneag and gitseog] differ slightly in the size of the bit, likely.) [NOTES: the slip has ‘giteog’. Definition: A bit of tobacco. Vid. gàinneag.] |
seobha | chew. [SLIP: Chew (tobacco?).] |
pìcear | a mean character. |
plùsgadh | pressing. |
cloimh an domail | this is exactly the correct version, whereas I noted previously dombail. Change it to ‘m’ instead of ‘b’. Delete ‘b’. The loose wool on the heather – remember. [NOTES: the spelling with ‘b’ appeared in another word-list sent in by Mr Morrison. There are two slips: one with ‘dombail’ (no mention of the mistake) and the other with ‘domail’ (the mistake mentioned).] [SLIP: Loose wool on the heather. Previously had: dombail – should omit ‘d’.] |
girgeasaich | pricking. |
soideanach | large (size). Abair soideanach. Or oversized, uncommon size. [SLIP: Large-sized or over-sized.] |
strap | strap. |
strapag | a cut short length of leather, wee strap. |
cnamharsaich | origin, original material. Fhuair mi cnamharsaich. [SLIP: Original material.] |
grinneal | gravel. ’S a ghrinneal ghorm – ‘blue bottom of the sea’. [SLIP: Gravel; (above [i.e. the quotation]:) blue (?) bottom of the sea.] |
greibheal | gravel. |
tàirneach | a good blow. |
sàileagan | gastric from the stomach. |
losgadh-bràthad | heartburn. |
stopag! | interjection for a wee girl. |
conn | the string or thread round a hank of yarn, ‘stability’. Duine gun chonn. |
sgriogal | (also) shabby, oldish. (I may have noted this word formerly.) |
strang-anairt | clothes line. |
gaoithean | a giddy fellow. Nach b’e ’n gaoithean e. [SLIP: Wasn’t he a giddy fellow.] |
min-saibh | saw-dust. |
spiontagan | (also) ‘flakes’ or particles from wool. (I may have noted this word also.) [NOTES: slipped under ‘spiontag’ – pl. spiontagan.] |
min-phreasrach | brose meal. |
taosgnadh | the movement of the hands on dough when baking. [SLIP: Movement of hands on dough when baking. Knead (?).] |
sgleimh | disgust, vomit. Cha mhor nach tug e sgleimh orm. (was common) |
cleamh | (causing some) nausea, nausea. Thug e chleamh orm, dha éisteachd. (was common) |
grùgan | palm of the hand of a wee boy. (Perhaps more associated with a boy.) |
cròcag | palm of a hand of a wee boy or girl. |
gnùthan | humming. Tha gnùthan agad. Perhaps also the low whining of a dog. Yes! This is right too. [SLIP: Humming. Also – low whining of a dog.] |
cnagag | a wee wooden pin. |
peallan | puny boy. (Other sources: tar mop). |
cribheal | a thin bony person. |
megilean | a wee cheeky small person. Megilean grànnda. (common) |
bòrd-uachdair | lid of a coffin. |
spreodag | splinter. [NOTES: the slip has ‘spreòdag’.] |
sgrobag | a wee cut or scratch on the skin. |
thóbag! | interjection when lifting a child from the floor. “A rhythm sort of word.” [NOTES: slipped under ‘thòbag’ with ‘thòbag!’ as a quotation. Definition: (hòbag?) Interjection when lifting a child from the floor.] |
sgàrsach | lot. Fhuair e sgàrsach dhuibh [sic]. |
gànrachadh | mess, all in a mess, plastered (with paint etc.) Air a ghrànrachadh [sic] leis. [SLIP: “All in a mess, plastered as with paint”.] |
augaid | amusement. |
augaideach | amusing, ‘gabbling way of fun’. |
catadh | attracting. (Perhaps from other sources: tatadh.) |
sgibiteadh | skipping. |
sgibiteag | hint. |
cnot | bow tie. |
rachd | disappointment. Fhuair e rachd. |
reachd | sound done as when clearing the throat. [SLIP: Sound as if clearing the throat.] |
rabhd | untidy fellow. Nach b’e rabhd e. (Scalpay) |
rangas | a boat rib or part. (Scalpay) [SLIP: A boat rib or part (?).] |
ma’-sgoile | school master. (Perhaps short for maighstir-sgoile.) |
snuigh | snid [sic]. (Spelling: or snaodh?) [NOTES: slipped under ‘snuigh’ with ‘or: snaodh (D. Morrison unsure)’. Definition: ‘Snide’. (DM had ‘snid’ – presumably ‘snide’ is meant.)] |
snoitearachd | sniffing. (Scalpay) |
peasan | unimportant, unresourceful person, mischievous. [SLIP: Unimportant, unresourceful, mischievous person. Also: pessimist (?).] |
preasan | a wonderful person if I may say as a word of unappreciated sense. The two words [i.e. peasan and preasan] meaning something similar perhaps, pessimists. [SLIP: A wonderful person “of unappreciated sense”. Also: pessimist (?).] |
splaids | splash. |
sglèap | phlegmatic. [SLIP: “Phlegmatic” – phlegm?] |
sgleapaid | phlegmatic substance, like phlegmatic liquid. [SLIP: “Phlegmatic substance”. Does he mean ‘phlegm’?] |
feala | goal. An old reference to a goal, the word isn’t in use now. It was used by boys when engaged in the ‘iomain’ sport or shinty to signify a goal. [SLIP: Goal – used to be used by boys playing shinty.] |
baibeag | baby. |
boula | bowl. |
dorus-cùil | back-door. |
dorus-an-tallain | partion [sic] [partition?] door. |
sgluis | mixture, soft mixture. |
plodraigeadh | bubbling, plodding. |
lubhadh | loafing. |
pràbladh | probing into work. |
slaghtraigheadh | labouring. |
culag-mhor | bluebottle. |
creithlag | bluebottle. [NOTES: the slip has ‘creithleag’.] |
sgiorraghail | crying. |
tanca-cairtidh | barking tank. (fishermen) [SLIP: Fisherman’s ’barking tank’ – ?] |
tuba-cloithe | tub for soaking wool. [NOTES: the slip has ‘tuba-clòimhe’.] |
luchd | cargo. |
lèagadh | (also) pressing to spread, like putty, |
planndachadh | planting. [NOTES: the slip has ‘planntachadh’.] |
aran-donn | brown bread. |
altraigeadh | alter. |
sgumair | sgummer, spoon-net. |
léine-gheal | layer of an egg. [SLIP: ‘Layer’ of an egg. – ?] |
tiachdadh | drying (white) as sea-water. [SLIP: Drying white as if brine had soaked the thing.] |
stèiceadh | striking. |
stupadaich | bobbing. |
màilich | overpowering. Thug e màilich air. |
stailigeadh | mixing. |
migsigeadh | mixing. |
spitsigeadh | speech(ing), talking. [SLIP: Speechify, talk.] |
sàbh-iaruinn | axe-saw. |
eithear-beag | wee boat. |
eithear-mor | big boat. |
long | model (version of a ship). |
crannag | masts, small masts. Long nan crannag. [SLIP: Small masts.] |
smoitse | (also) smoking. Dha smoitse gun fheum. |
smiach | (also) breath (note). Cha’n’eil smiach aige. |
planntais | plant. |
sgineachan | bits. |
sgroblaigeadh | scribble. |
scràbag | scraping. |