Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald R. Morrison ( Dòmhnall R. Moireasdan )
- Age
- [55]
- Location
- Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris,Scalpay]
- Date
- [1975 on the slips]
- Notes
- [NOTES: the words have been slipped and therefore, apart from the definitions provided by Mr Morrison, the definitions as they appear on the slips have also been included (unless the two were the same).]
Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) | |
acrachadh | anchoring. |
smeiligeadh | proud / smelling. |
ruileadh | rolling. |
ribleachadh | ends getting loose. [SLIP: Ends becoming loose.] |
rotachadh | chasing. |
ràcadh | raking. |
tóbhaigeadh | hoeing. |
cruid | horse shoe but cruid na bròige. [SLIP: Horse-shoe. Also: cruid na bròige.] |
tacaid | shoe stud. |
dis | cold. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
stòbhaigeadh | stoving. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Stoving (?) – stowing?] |
shemigeadh | shemming. [?] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Catch-word: seimigeadh [SE:m].] |
sìbhligeadh | starving. |
dìtheanach | flowery. |
sìtheanach | flowery. |
labraigeadh | labouring. |
dàrnaigeadh | darning. |
slabhaireachd | slaving. |
daibheadh | diving. |
seòrsigeadh | examining. [NOTES: the slip has ‘seòrsaigeadh’.] |
thaiseadh | storm. Fhuair iad thaiseadh oirre. [sic] (storm and rain) (Perhaps from tais.) [SLIP: Rain-filled storm.] |
diogadaich | ticking. |
cabadaireachd | gabbling. |
drongair | drunkard (common). |
botraigeadh | bother. |
plèin | plain. |
ramasaigeadh | ramming. |
diasgail | screeching. |
sgòrnanaich | croak. |
briachain | broken porcelain. |
briachan | bit of broken porcelain. [NOTES: both of the above slipped under ‘briachan’ – A piece of broken porcelain. Also: briachain – Broken porcelain.] |
breacadh | ‘fire-prints on the feet’ caused by continually sitting by a large fire and the feet bare, gradually the fire impression sets in. I cannot think of an English word for it at the moment. [SLIP: “Fire-prints” on feet.] |
dùsgadh | revival. |
slipearsaich | (also) slipping. |
slupaigeadh | slipping. |
greighear | flock attendant. |
graill | (also) gravel. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
grailleachan | fine gravel. (I am not sure of these two [i.e. graill and grailleachan]. I take it as a matter of guess – grailleachan could be the name of a bird? I haven’t traced their meaning. Perhaps you have the meanings yourself? It could be a bird associated with a gravel habitat?) [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Fine gravel.] |
ribheadh | redness. |
bruchdach | fat (red faced), fresh coloured person. Duine bruchdach dearg. [SLIP: Used of a fat, ruddy-coloured person.] |
sgumaigeadh | sgumming. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
spiorsaid | an unpopular, authoritative female. [SLIP: An unpopular, authoritarian woman.] |
splaoid | splide. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
splaoighseadh | splicing. |
òrdichean | communion festival in churches. |
òrduighean | communion festival in churches. |
tradaireachd | trading in trash material or pawning, trading. [SLIP: Trading in trashy material.] |
bocsaigeadh | boxing. |
sponsaireadh | sponsoring. |
tradair | trader. |
fear-na-luathadh | dustman. |
cìr-mhìn | dust-comb. |
liuthaireachd | lythe fishing. |
gròbadh | groving. [sic] |
plaister | plaster. |
còta-drògaid | coat made of drugget cloth material. |
bóthaig | (also) torsal [sic] part of a garment. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
salainn-mìn | table salt. |
puist | (fencing) posts. |
slabaisteachadh | drenching. |
snaim-cruaimen | single-knot, difficult to untie. [NOTES: the slip has ‘snaim-cruaimean’. Definition: Single-knot which is difficult to untie.] |
cìleag | soft boy or person, cowardly. [SLIP: A cowardly boy (also used of older persons).] |
bugailean | (softie), soft, nervous person. [SLIP: A timid, nervous person.] |
seisear | six. Seisear ghillean. |
tùchadh | hoarseness in the throat. |
thamsach | confusion, mixed, mixture. Tha e air a dhol ’na thamsach ort. |
tum-tàmh | complete silence. Tha e air a dhol ’na thum-thàmh. |
cadalan-tràghad | sleep before the ebb, wee sleep. I am not sure of this compound word either. Does it mean the nap, wee nap people used to do before the ebb tide when engaged at sea-weed cutting in the Highlands of Scotland, or is it the name of a bird or shell-fish, but if you do not find any other definition, I think you will be ‘safe’ in noting the meaning I have here, see the bottom of page 5 [i.e. above] and thus: ’S ann a tha e cuimhneachadh dhomhsa an cadalan-tràghad. – reference to a ‘slow or easy going’ person. [SLIP: Sleep before the ebb; ref. to a slow and easy-going person.] |
caorann | broken peat (singular). Caorainn mhònadh (plural). [NOTES: the slip has ‘caoran’ – pl. caorainn mhònadh.] |
garran | crank. |
deiligeadh | dealing. |
cnèimh | core. |
armadh | urine which was kept for days for to ‘sour’ for the process of tweed making. |
buntaigeadh | bunting. |
cleith-luaidh | waulking bench. |
fiaclan-fuadain | false teeth. |
òrd-barraidh | clinching hammer. |
òrd-ladhrach | claw hammer. |
sgolag | a little wash. Cuir sgolag air t’ aodann. [SLIP: Cat’s lick – little wash.] |
crabsag | crab. |
sniomh | (also) a winding, a grassy winding path in a rock face. [SLIP: A grassy, winding path on a rock face.] |
snagadaich | (also) teeth striking against each other, as when a person shivers in the cold. [SLIP: Teeth chattering through cold.] |
càmhsachadh | debating. |
aicearsaich | bickering. |
draus | sizzling. |
dubhach | (also) blackish. |
dreip | tape. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
salainn-garbh | coarse salt. |
druganta | draggingly [sic]. Is sibhse’ tha druganta. (addressing an old person) [SLIP: “Draggingly”. Used when addressing an old person.] |
crausg | person of bended knees, awkward. |
smuil | (also) huff. |
groban | the very point or the part signifying the very top. Ràinig e ’n fhior ghroban. (common) [SLIP: The very top.] |
trèist | mixed. |
treis | a while; greis. |
spònaigeadh | spawning (fish). |
sporan(n)ach | having pouches or purses. [NOTES: The slip has ‘sporannach’. Definition: Having pouches.] |
sporan dallaig | this fish species having pouches, through which spawning process comes into existence. |
sgaultar | jellyfish. |