Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
acrachadh | anchoring. |
smeiligeadh | proud / smelling. |
ruileadh | rolling. |
ribleachadh | ends getting loose. [SLIP: Ends becoming loose.] |
rotachadh | chasing. |
ràcadh | raking. |
tóbhaigeadh | hoeing. |
cruid | horse shoe but cruid na bròige. [SLIP: Horse-shoe. Also: cruid na bròige.] |
tacaid | shoe stud. |
dis | cold. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
stòbhaigeadh | stoving. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Stoving (?) – stowing?] |
shemigeadh | shemming. [?] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Catch-word: seimigeadh [SE:m].] |
sìbhligeadh | starving. |
dìtheanach | flowery. |
sìtheanach | flowery. |
labraigeadh | labouring. |
dàrnaigeadh | darning. |
slabhaireachd | slaving. |
daibheadh | diving. |
seòrsigeadh | examining. [NOTES: the slip has ‘seòrsaigeadh’.] |
thaiseadh | storm. Fhuair iad thaiseadh oirre. [sic] (storm and rain) (Perhaps from tais.) [SLIP: Rain-filled storm.] |
diogadaich | ticking. |
cabadaireachd | gabbling. |
drongair | drunkard (common). |
botraigeadh | bother. |
plèin | plain. |
ramasaigeadh | ramming. |
diasgail | screeching. |
sgòrnanaich | croak. |
briachain | broken porcelain. |
briachan | bit of broken porcelain. [NOTES: both of the above slipped under ‘briachan’ – A piece of broken porcelain. Also: briachain – Broken porcelain.] |
breacadh | ‘fire-prints on the feet’ caused by continually sitting by a large fire and the feet bare, gradually the fire impression sets in. I cannot think of an English word for it at the moment. [SLIP: “Fire-prints” on feet.] |
dùsgadh | revival. |
slipearsaich | (also) slipping. |
slupaigeadh | slipping. |
greighear | flock attendant. |
graill | (also) gravel. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
grailleachan | fine gravel. (I am not sure of these two [i.e. graill and grailleachan]. I take it as a matter of guess – grailleachan could be the name of a bird? I haven’t traced their meaning. Perhaps you have the meanings yourself? It could be a bird associated with a gravel habitat?) [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Fine gravel.] |
ribheadh | redness. |
bruchdach | fat (red faced), fresh coloured person. Duine bruchdach dearg. [SLIP: Used of a fat, ruddy-coloured person.] |
sgumaigeadh | sgumming. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
spiorsaid | an unpopular, authoritative female. [SLIP: An unpopular, authoritarian woman.] |
splaoid | splide. [sic] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
splaoighseadh | splicing. |
òrdichean | communion festival in churches. |
òrduighean | communion festival in churches. |
tradaireachd | trading in trash material or pawning, trading. [SLIP: Trading in trashy material.] |
bocsaigeadh | boxing. |
sponsaireadh | sponsoring. |
tradair | trader. |
fear-na-luathadh | dustman. |
cìr-mhìn | dust-comb. |
liuthaireachd | lythe fishing. |
gròbadh | groving. [sic] |
plaister | plaster. |
còta-drògaid | coat made of drugget cloth material. |
bóthaig | (also) torsal [sic] part of a garment. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
salainn-mìn | table salt. |
puist | (fencing) posts. |
slabaisteachadh | drenching. |
snaim-cruaimen | single-knot, difficult to untie. [NOTES: the slip has ‘snaim-cruaimean’. Definition: Single-knot which is difficult to untie.] |
cìleag | soft boy or person, cowardly. [SLIP: A cowardly boy (also used of older persons).] |
bugailean | (softie), soft, nervous person. [SLIP: A timid, nervous person.] |
seisear | six. Seisear ghillean. |
tùchadh | hoarseness in the throat. |
thamsach | confusion, mixed, mixture. Tha e air a dhol ’na thamsach ort. |
tum-tàmh | complete silence. Tha e air a dhol ’na thum-thàmh. |
cadalan-tràghad | sleep before the ebb, wee sleep. I am not sure of this compound word either. Does it mean the nap, wee nap people used to do before the ebb tide when engaged at sea-weed cutting in the Highlands of Scotland, or is it the name of a bird or shell-fish, but if you do not find any other definition, I think you will be ‘safe’ in noting the meaning I have here, see the bottom of page 5 [i.e. above] and thus: ’S ann a tha e cuimhneachadh dhomhsa an cadalan-tràghad. – reference to a ‘slow or easy going’ person. [SLIP: Sleep before the ebb; ref. to a slow and easy-going person.] |
caorann | broken peat (singular). Caorainn mhònadh (plural). [NOTES: the slip has ‘caoran’ – pl. caorainn mhònadh.] |
garran | crank. |
deiligeadh | dealing. |
cnèimh | core. |
armadh | urine which was kept for days for to ‘sour’ for the process of tweed making. |
buntaigeadh | bunting. |
cleith-luaidh | waulking bench. |
fiaclan-fuadain | false teeth. |
òrd-barraidh | clinching hammer. |
òrd-ladhrach | claw hammer. |
sgolag | a little wash. Cuir sgolag air t’ aodann. [SLIP: Cat’s lick – little wash.] |
crabsag | crab. |
sniomh | (also) a winding, a grassy winding path in a rock face. [SLIP: A grassy, winding path on a rock face.] |
snagadaich | (also) teeth striking against each other, as when a person shivers in the cold. [SLIP: Teeth chattering through cold.] |
càmhsachadh | debating. |
aicearsaich | bickering. |
draus | sizzling. |
dubhach | (also) blackish. |
dreip | tape. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
salainn-garbh | coarse salt. |
druganta | draggingly [sic]. Is sibhse’ tha druganta. (addressing an old person) [SLIP: “Draggingly”. Used when addressing an old person.] |
crausg | person of bended knees, awkward. |
smuil | (also) huff. |
groban | the very point or the part signifying the very top. Ràinig e ’n fhior ghroban. (common) [SLIP: The very top.] |
trèist | mixed. |
treis | a while; greis. |
spònaigeadh | spawning (fish). |
sporan(n)ach | having pouches or purses. [NOTES: The slip has ‘sporannach’. Definition: Having pouches.] |
sporan dallaig | this fish species having pouches, through which spawning process comes into existence. |
sgaultar | jellyfish. |