Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
tothan | we have this word for a place-name in Scalpay, thus: An Tobhan [sic] Liath. |
tòthan | we have also: air mullaich an tòthain. Likely, it’s the same word [as tothan q.v.], but at one instance it’s spoken unaccented. |
bonnach-grùthain | a liver-bannock, made by oatmeal and fish liver. [SLIP: A liver bannock (made of oatmeal and fish liver).] |
bonnach-boise | bannock, kneaded by hand. |
mo-sùgan! | [sic] an expression of endearment. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sùgan’.] |
aplach (or ablach) | old condition, broken condition. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ablach’. Definition: Old or broken condition.] |
spaglach | ‘forky’. |
spàg | paw. |
fudradh | squelching. |
butarais | boisterous. Tha ’m bhutarais oirre. (weather) [SLIP: Of weather, boisterous.] |
mialachd | inoffensive. |
cliopach | irregularity. |
cliopan | (as already referred to) fish-lure. [NOTES: the word appeared in another word-list as ‘clipean’.] |
sgolag | (as already referred to) cat’s wash. |
straingear | stranger. |
‘straingeir’ | [See straingear.] |
sòradh | sense. Cha robh sòradh aige de a dheanadh e. |
gutsa | gut. |
pena | pen. |
sùileag | a small eye, hole. |
balg-séididh | bellows. |
balg-meadhainn | the middle belly protruding part. [SLIP: Belly.] |
dreinneasach | sulky person. Dreinneasach grànnda. |
bialaire | flatterer. |
cnàmhan | piety. |
clanais | clanship. |
clubair | clipper. |
mial-chaorach | tick. |
marbhalachd | deadliness. (common) |
brùileag | brutal person. |
nasg | shadow. |
duainidh | dun (of a dun colour). [SLIP: Dun-coloured.] |
norag | a little nap, sleep. |
bòb | syllable. |
feimeir | loud report (as of a sudden gust of wind) in a rumbling form of sound. [SLIP: Rumbling sound of a gust of wind.] |
bun-froise | start of a shower, formation of a shower. |
sluisreadh | mixing. |
tuntaraid | heavy female, immobile. Tuntaraid mhor de bhoireannach. [NOTES : the slip has ‘mhór’. Definition: A weighty female.] |
grétheadh | drying. |
sgrétheadh | drying. |
sgrathach | flaky (as of the skin peeling off the face or the face showing somewhat patchy or flaky). [SLIP: Flaky (as of skin flaking).] |
fuaine | a wooden pin in a warping frame. (The way we [in] Scalpay pronounce it). [SLIP: A wooden pin.] |
sglogach | patter. |
sgairt-briste | hernia. |
dreannadh | ration. |
troc | carelessness, in an old careless fashion, carelessly motivated. [SLIP: Carelessness.] |
trang | busy. |
trosd | thump. |
eachlainn | coast, proximity. [SLIP: Coast, proximity (?).] |
tein’-biorach | will-o-the-wisp. |
tein’-athair | lightning. |
plugadh | pressing on the neck. Thug e plugadh air. (common) |
planndaich | (verb) plant. (common) [SLIP: To plant.] |
giùlaineach | bearable. |
mial-mhàgach | toad. [NOTES: ‘ach’ is underlined.] |
maiblich | gnaw. (maiblich, Scalpay) |
clapan | frame. Clapan cinn – skull. [NOTES: Slipped under ‘clapan’ with the quotation ‘Also: clapan cinn.’ Definition: Frame; also ‘skull’.] |
biod | on edge. Air bhiod leis an eagail. |
bìdeach | crumb. Rud beag bìdeach. (Scalpay) |
bribid | mite. |
broluich | confusion. |
tarrain | (also) surge. Bha tarrain uamhasach air a’ chladach. (Scalpay) |
goil | extremely angry. Bha mi air ghoil. |
stialladh | continual (thrashing). Bha e stialladh air. [SLIP: Continual thrashing.] |
starach | remnant. Bunan starach – reference to decayed teeth. [NOTES: the slip gives as a quotation ‘Bun an starach (or: bunan starach?)’. Definition: Remnant.] |
calaisdeach | busy. Nach tu tha calaisdeach ’n diugh. |
ceòlach | misty. Ceòlach de dh’fhrois. Perhaps derived from ceòthach. |
faoidhir | hurtful fall. |
fadhair | hurtful fall. [SLIP: Painful fall.] |
greimeasach | a person with a sullen facial expression. |
gèim | bright, ‘game appearance’. |
garabhuic | mess, ‘lot of mess’. |
tionachdnadh | perhaps it means, perhaps salvation, as I am not quite certain at the moment… or testament… Perhaps you have the meaning yourselves. If not, I do not think the tiomnadh access to it is inappropriate. [SLIP: ‘Salvation’ or ‘testament’ – informant uncertain.] |
dandradh | irregular movement, loitering. [SLIP: Loitering; irregular movement (?). < Danndering.] |
buirbeanach | festering. |
làrach | impression. (common) |
longag | I am not quite sure of this one either. I know it refers to wood, a ship-model, or a piece of rail-wood, in some wooden implement, a handle part, perhaps of a churn (crannachan). I cannot at the moment say exactly. I have the word: it was used or common in past years. [SLIP: ‘Possibly refers to something made of wood – a ship-model or the handle of a churn’ – informant unsure.] |
spracail | eloquent. (Scalpay) |
spàlag | unstable boat. |
spàrr-gaoithe | the topmost part or rafter of a house. |
cat-mara | species of fish, of the ling family. |
ceann-circe | empty-headed. Cha’n ’eil ceann-circe agad. |
eanchainn-circe | intelligence of a hen. [NOTES: Slipped under ‘eanchainn’.] |
spieagan | chips of stone. |
truileis | (also) mixture of refuge [sic] [refuse?] material. |
tràsg | ? Cho tioram ris an tràsg. (Scalpay) |
trasg | fast. |
trìlleach | bustle. |
truthal | trowel. |
lodar | ladle. |
màdar | matter. |
clàbhadh | deafen. Tha e gus am baile a chlàbhadh. (Scalpay) Arising from a boastful attitude, to draw attention. [SLIP: Deafen – due to boastfulness to draw attention.] |
fóil | express. Abair thusa fóil. |
fideadh | second or minute, uine is lugha. Cha toir mi fideach. (Scalpay) Still in use occasionally but now, shall we say, it means the alternative: fuirich mionaid neo second. |