Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald R. Morrison ( Dòmhnall R. Moireasdan )
- Age
- [55]
- Location
- Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
- Date
- [1975 on the slips]
- Notes
- [NOTES: the words have been slipped and therefore, apart from the definitions provided by Mr Morrison, the definitions as they appear on the slips have also been included (unless the two were the same).]
Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) | |
tothan | we have this word for a place-name in Scalpay, thus: An Tobhan [sic] Liath. |
tòthan | we have also: air mullaich an tòthain. Likely, it’s the same word [as tothan q.v.], but at one instance it’s spoken unaccented. |
bonnach-grùthain | a liver-bannock, made by oatmeal and fish liver. [SLIP: A liver bannock (made of oatmeal and fish liver).] |
bonnach-boise | bannock, kneaded by hand. |
mo-sùgan! | [sic] an expression of endearment. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sùgan’.] |
aplach (or ablach) | old condition, broken condition. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ablach’. Definition: Old or broken condition.] |
spaglach | ‘forky’. |
spàg | paw. |
fudradh | squelching. |
butarais | boisterous. Tha ’m bhutarais oirre. (weather) [SLIP: Of weather, boisterous.] |
mialachd | inoffensive. |
cliopach | irregularity. |
cliopan | (as already referred to) fish-lure. [NOTES: the word appeared in another word-list as ‘clipean’.] |
sgolag | (as already referred to) cat’s wash. |
straingear | stranger. |
‘straingeir’ | [See straingear.] |
sòradh | sense. Cha robh sòradh aige de a dheanadh e. |
gutsa | gut. |
pena | pen. |
sùileag | a small eye, hole. |
balg-séididh | bellows. |
balg-meadhainn | the middle belly protruding part. [SLIP: Belly.] |
dreinneasach | sulky person. Dreinneasach grànnda. |
bialaire | flatterer. |
cnàmhan | piety. |
clanais | clanship. |
clubair | clipper. |
mial-chaorach | tick. |
marbhalachd | deadliness. (common) |
brùileag | brutal person. |
nasg | shadow. |
duainidh | dun (of a dun colour). [SLIP: Dun-coloured.] |
norag | a little nap, sleep. |
bòb | syllable. |
feimeir | loud report (as of a sudden gust of wind) in a rumbling form of sound. [SLIP: Rumbling sound of a gust of wind.] |
bun-froise | start of a shower, formation of a shower. |
sluisreadh | mixing. |
tuntaraid | heavy female, immobile. Tuntaraid mhor de bhoireannach. [NOTES : the slip has ‘mhór’. Definition: A weighty female.] |
grétheadh | drying. |
sgrétheadh | drying. |
sgrathach | flaky (as of the skin peeling off the face or the face showing somewhat patchy or flaky). [SLIP: Flaky (as of skin flaking).] |
fuaine | a wooden pin in a warping frame. (The way we [in] Scalpay pronounce it). [SLIP: A wooden pin.] |
sglogach | patter. |
sgairt-briste | hernia. |
dreannadh | ration. |
troc | carelessness, in an old careless fashion, carelessly motivated. [SLIP: Carelessness.] |
trang | busy. |
trosd | thump. |
eachlainn | coast, proximity. [SLIP: Coast, proximity (?).] |
tein’-biorach | will-o-the-wisp. |
tein’-athair | lightning. |
plugadh | pressing on the neck. Thug e plugadh air. (common) |
planndaich | (verb) plant. (common) [SLIP: To plant.] |
giùlaineach | bearable. |
mial-mhàgach | toad. [NOTES: ‘ach’ is underlined.] |
maiblich | gnaw. (maiblich, Scalpay) |
clapan | frame. Clapan cinn – skull. [NOTES: Slipped under ‘clapan’ with the quotation ‘Also: clapan cinn.’ Definition: Frame; also ‘skull’.] |
biod | on edge. Air bhiod leis an eagail. |
bìdeach | crumb. Rud beag bìdeach. (Scalpay) |
bribid | mite. |
broluich | confusion. |
tarrain | (also) surge. Bha tarrain uamhasach air a’ chladach. (Scalpay) |
goil | extremely angry. Bha mi air ghoil. |
stialladh | continual (thrashing). Bha e stialladh air. [SLIP: Continual thrashing.] |
starach | remnant. Bunan starach – reference to decayed teeth. [NOTES: the slip gives as a quotation ‘Bun an starach (or: bunan starach?)’. Definition: Remnant.] |
calaisdeach | busy. Nach tu tha calaisdeach ’n diugh. |
ceòlach | misty. Ceòlach de dh’fhrois. Perhaps derived from ceòthach. |
faoidhir | hurtful fall. |
fadhair | hurtful fall. [SLIP: Painful fall.] |
greimeasach | a person with a sullen facial expression. |
gèim | bright, ‘game appearance’. |
garabhuic | mess, ‘lot of mess’. |
tionachdnadh | perhaps it means, perhaps salvation, as I am not quite certain at the moment… or testament… Perhaps you have the meaning yourselves. If not, I do not think the tiomnadh access to it is inappropriate. [SLIP: ‘Salvation’ or ‘testament’ – informant uncertain.] |
dandradh | irregular movement, loitering. [SLIP: Loitering; irregular movement (?). < Danndering.] |
buirbeanach | festering. |
làrach | impression. (common) |
longag | I am not quite sure of this one either. I know it refers to wood, a ship-model, or a piece of rail-wood, in some wooden implement, a handle part, perhaps of a churn (crannachan). I cannot at the moment say exactly. I have the word: it was used or common in past years. [SLIP: ‘Possibly refers to something made of wood – a ship-model or the handle of a churn’ – informant unsure.] |
spracail | eloquent. (Scalpay) |
spàlag | unstable boat. |
spàrr-gaoithe | the topmost part or rafter of a house. |
cat-mara | species of fish, of the ling family. |
ceann-circe | empty-headed. Cha’n ’eil ceann-circe agad. |
eanchainn-circe | intelligence of a hen. [NOTES: Slipped under ‘eanchainn’.] |
spieagan | chips of stone. |
truileis | (also) mixture of refuge [sic] [refuse?] material. |
tràsg | ? Cho tioram ris an tràsg. (Scalpay) |
trasg | fast. |
trìlleach | bustle. |
truthal | trowel. |
lodar | ladle. |
màdar | matter. |
clàbhadh | deafen. Tha e gus am baile a chlàbhadh. (Scalpay) Arising from a boastful attitude, to draw attention. [SLIP: Deafen – due to boastfulness to draw attention.] |
fóil | express. Abair thusa fóil. |
fideadh | second or minute, uine is lugha. Cha toir mi fideach. (Scalpay) Still in use occasionally but now, shall we say, it means the alternative: fuirich mionaid neo second. |