Letter (2/6/1975) and word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
srucail | sliding, slithering. |
strucail | sliding, slithering. A’ srucail a chasan – an old man’s way of walking. |
luireach | [sic] armour, tattered old coat. Lùireach de chòt’ air. |
ua(dh)-ruda | |
ua-ruda | [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
ribleach | (in ribbons) untidy ends. |
riobannan | ribbons. |
riobann | ribbon. |
ròsaid | resin. |
rollaisteach | confused, mixture. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Catch-word: rolaisteach.] |
rabhladh | fair amount. Tha rabhladh math ann! – Fishermen having a look in their drift-net(s): of fish. [SLIP: Fair amount. Used by fishermen when having a look in their drift-nets.] |
tuing | the rope between the boat and the drift nets, in other words, tow-rope. [SLIP: Tow-rope between boat and drift-nets.] |
tiorraghais | I am not sure of this one. Cho fada ris an tiorraghais. Unless it means t-shiorruidhachd fàis – a matter of guess? Perhaps some other place may have the definition. |
bancadh | banking. |
paitseadh | patching. |
tràileadh | trawling. |
bonn-a-tacsa | stand. |
spaideireachd | fashion. |
spaideil | well dressed. Nach h-e tha spaideil. |
sporghail | grobing [groping?]. [SLIP: Groping.] |
spuinns | sponge. |
spithag | splinter (stone). [SLIP: stone splinter.] |
smiùil | prim. |
spaidseireachd | maurading. [marauding?] [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: ? Perhaps marauding.] |
spuilleag | a term associated with a wee boy or girl, ’spiller’. |
smoitseach | billows, smoke. |
smonaigeadh | smoked. Dha smonaigeadh fhéin – a boat in a spray, in a ‘smoke spray’. Bi thu air do smonaigeadh – smoked. |
spaglachadh | trimming. Dha spaglachadh fhéin. |
tigh-smogaidh | kipper-house (for kippering herring). |
tigh-stòir | store-house. |
tigh-dubh | black-house, thatched house in the Highlands of Scotland in 19th and the early part of the 20th century. |
tigh-sheinnse | ale house, hotel. |
tigh-na-bochd | old peoples home. |
bothag-cheap | turf-bothy. |
bòthag | lark, bird. Bòthag-mhara – sea-lark. |
chorra-ghlas | corn-crake or of the corn-crake species. It may not be in the list of bird-names. I take it as we in Scalpay term it: the bird. |
mulgaire | I think there is a bird of this name. It may not appear in the present lists of bird-names. It pushes, and digs, pushes other birds, it may be of the làmhaire or còin-dhubha species. You may come across it somewhere or other places may have the name for a bird or the word. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Some species of bird?] |
eun-dubh | sea-bird about the same size as a puffin with black short beak; black of course but for a white feather showing on its wing, its side. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words. Definition: Sea-bird (same size as puffin with black, short beak and white feathers on side).] |
bagaid | cluster. Bagaid de chnòthan. |
tug | spark. Cha’n’eil mi faighinn tig [sic] ás. This term used in the instance of a car engine or any engine refusing to start. [SLIP: Spark – e.g. of car engine.] [NOTES: the quotation on the slip – ‘Chan eil mi faighinn tug às.’] |
marbhalachd | deadliness. |
meantraigeadh | venture. |
sgàrd | broken completely. Rinn e direach sgàrd dhe. Especially in the case of a cup or saucer or any utensil. [SLIP: Completely broken. Used especially of a cup, saucer or any utensil.] |
stiùir | antennae (lobster). [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
clipean | a bait cut from the side of a big fish, a strip of fish on a hook being pulled after a moving boat to attract the fish. Fishing likewise le clipean – putting it this way: ‘dragging an artificial eel’. [SLIP: A strip of fish on a hook, used as bait and pulled after a moving boat to attract the fish.] [NOTES: in another word-list sent in by Mr Morrison, this word is spelled ‘cliopan’ and explained as ‘fish-lure’.] |
croitse | crutch. |
sgudadh | sgudding [sic] [scudding?]. |
ball-mor | a fisherman’s term for a length of rope behind the main mast. [NOTES: the slip has ‘ball-mór’.] |
dubhan-beòil | a hook in the gunwale of a boat. |
duin’-iaruinn | fishing net hand hauler winch or hand (iron) winch for hauling nets. [SLIP: Hand winch for hauling in nets.] |
cnàmhag | segments of oatmeal in water. |
garbhag | sprat (fish). |
spleadharsaich | acting. [NOTES: the slip is among the “Doubtful” words.] |
blasdadh | blasting. |
splaidsearachd | splashing. |
spliuc | frown. |
sturaiceach | sulky. |
stàrachd | patrol, walking back and fore. [SLIP: Walking to and fro; patrol.] |
studaigeadh | studding. |
lionsgaradh | knowledge acquired or store of knowledge, or ability of extraordinary deliverance in speech. Perhaps you will [sic] [receive? get?] other versions of meaning from other sources. I think you will? |
godalaich | mumbling. |
òpar | mud stains on the bottom part of a trouser. |
lùbarnach | hero. Bu tu mo lùbarnach. |
caomhan | young boy, young mild boy. A chaomhain ghlais. [SLIP: Young, mild-mannered boy.] |
amaladh | (also) planking a wooden boat or ship by wooden pegs. |
stùr | stoor. |
goile | gullet. Shios ’na ghoile (fish). [SLIP: Of fish – gullet.] |
(common) |
basgaid | basket. |
crann | mast, tree, etc.; crann-sgadain. |
crann-sgadain | measurement of herring (4 basket full). |
crann-beairte | the roller on which the tweed is wound. |
crann-treabhaidh | plough. |
àradh | ladder (we say àradh). |
socadh | (also) settling. |
sòrnadh | rest for a burden. |
stùrs | stoor. Chuir iad stùrs ás. [SLIP: Dust.] [NOTES: there is a question mark on the slip.] |
drochaid | bridge of a ship. |
cèibein | caban [sic] (boat). [SLIP: Cabin (boat).] [NOTES: There is a question mark on the slip.] |
tigh-cuibhleadh | wheel-house. |
dubh-cheann | black-head. Caora dhubh cheannach. |
maol | bald. Ceann maol sgalach. |
beadadh | tacking. |
tac | tack (boat). |
fear-tac(d) | tacksman. |
-h-emadh | stemming, jaming [sic]. |