Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- D.R. Morrison ( D.R. Moireasdan )
- Age
- [55]
- Location
- Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
- Date
- 26/1/1976 (first page) – 9/2/1976 (last page)
- Notes
- [NOTES: some of the words have been slipped and therefore, apart from the definitions provided by Mr Morrison, the definitions as they appear on the slips have also been included (unless the two were the same).]
- [NOTES: Mr Morrison uses the word ‘documented’ in order to, as it seems, indicate words that appear in dictionaries (see his explanation under ‘caol-druim’ below).]
Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan | |
clonstar | more than the average size and measurement (article). [SLIP: Applied to article of more than average size.] |
rutan | a substitute word in colloquial expression or speech. |
rutanach | [See rutan.] |
buille-mu-seach | irregularity in rowing (boat), rowing out of rhythm. |
crapladh | crinkled. Tha e air crapladh. |
làichean | days. |
casad-crùp | croup cough. |
daoilire | miser. |
drabhs | sizzle. |
toitidh | whisky diluted in lukewarm water. |
truiseach | spiky. |
lasgan | loud laugh, ‘guffaw’, sudden outburst of laughing, a’ lasganaich. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lasgan(aich)’. Definition: ‘Loud laugh; guffaw’.] |
buicean | wee bag. |
draoiste | drabbish. |
sgadan-ròslaidh | fried herring (also this term). (Scalpay) |
carabart | opened mouth. |
garabart | [See carabart.] |
cnàmhach | bony, also dying embers among the ashes (fire). |
sgóilleag | a knock in the head (severe). [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgoilleag’. Definition: ‘Severe knock on the head’.] |
sgoileag | the same [as sgóilleag q.v.] but this term doesn’t ‘emphasize’ the blow being so severe. [SLIP: Knock on the head, less severe than ‘sgoilleag’.] |
crùban | a little portion as: Crùban beag de’n t-seòil (Scalpay) – expression or Crùban beag de’n t-seòl [sic] rithe (boat). [SLIP: ‘A small bit (e.g. of sail).] |
togail-rithe | preparing to go (term). |
crùcan | small handful. |
cròcaireachd | displaying with the hands. |
cràgaire | a male of extra large hands. [SLIP: ‘Man with extra large hands’.] |
pulaidh | bully. Pulaidh ghrannda – Harris term denoting the man of exceptional size and strength, in Strond, Harris in previous years. [SLIP: ‘Man of exceptional size’. Eng. ‘bully’.] |
paipeir-naidheachd | newspaper. |
paipeir-chloinne | comics, etc., series. |
paipeir-palla | wallpaper. |
paipeir-shugarats | cigarette papers (Rizla, etc.). |
paipeirean | newspapers. |
góbhalasg | female displaying her feet or thighs in like manner as the mini fashion of female’s dress. |
botul-fion | wine bottle. |
botul-uisge-bheatha | whisky bottle. |
ola-ròin | seal oil. |
ola-na-cearban | shark oil. |
ola-na-muc | whale oil. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ola-nam-muc’.] |
puta-leathair | leather buoy or float. |
put’-iarrain | trawl galvanized float for nets. [SLIP: ‘Galvanized float’.] |
put’-glaine | glass float for a trawl, a fishing trawl. [NOTES: slipped under ‘puta-glainne’.] |
puta-craicinn | a float made of skin, sheep skin or cowhide, for nets. |
eithear-màsach | a yawl, broad stern boat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘eathar-màsach’.] |
eithear-sheòl | (literally boat of sails) sailing boat of the fishing class order. |
soitheach-seòlaidh | sailing vessel. |
eithear-siùil | (singular) sailboat. |
eithear-mara | seaworthy boat. Is e eithear-mara dha dh’rìreabh th’innte. (Scalpay expression) [NOTES: slipped under ‘eathar-mara’. Quotation: Is e eathar-mara dha rìribh a th’innte.] |
eithear-corrach | an unstable boat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘eathar-corrach’.] |
eithear-ràmh | rowing boat. |
eithear-caol | long-boat, of an unusual length in proportion to the width; one of these is still in existence on Scalpay. [NOTES: slipped under ‘eathar-caol’.] |
coire-dath | kettle for colouring wool. The wool is boiled in the cauldron, perhaps more appropriate, with dye, vegetable dyes added. [SLIP: Cauldron for dyeing wool.] |
coire-dubh | [See coire-dath.] |
coire-cairteadh | for the barking process of nets. Similar [to coire-dath q.v.] but bark added to the boiling [water], or lumps of bark put in the water for barking the nets when dissolved etc.] [SLIP: Cauldron for barking nets.] |
preis-dhubh | still for whisky distilling. [NOTES: slipped under ‘prais-dhubh’. Definition: Whisky still.] |
coir’-iarrain | [sic] iron kettle once popular in homes which was kept as a more or less reserve kettle, as in the washing process etc. in household chores. [NOTES: slipped under ‘coir’-iarainn’.] |
ciad-tarrain | first draft [sic]. |
chiad-tarrain | first draft [sic]. [See ciad-tarrain.] A term used in Harris in connection with the distilling of whisky, in particular on the Island of Pabbay off the west coast of Harris. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ceud-tarraing’. Definition: ‘First draught’ in whisky distilling.] |
lidrigeadh | shaken, pushed about and tossed, as in a dual [duel?] fight between persons in an unruly form. |
càpraid | noisy assembly of the alehouse response to sound in their drinking orgy, or orgies etc. |
càpraid-òil | [See càpraid.] |
cùbaid | pulpit. |
toiteal | little smoke rising from a slow burning fire. |
toiteag | smoke rising cigarette fashion, cigarette. [SLIP: Puff of smoke, as from cigarette.] |
toit | smoke. |
sgrathadh | paving with sods. A’ sgradhadh [sic] taobh an rathaid (old form). [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘A’ sgrathadh…’.] |
criomadh | nibbling. A’ criomadh a chladaich – going so close to the shore that the boat almost on the point of nibbling it, steering so close. Scalpay expression, perhaps not so common now. [NOTES: the slip has ‘… a’ chladaich’. Definition: Of a boat hugging the shore.] |
fuasgladh-facail | eloquent. [SLIP: Eloquence.] |
fuasgladh | unleased [sic]. Nach e a fhuair am fuasgladh – another term. [SLIP: Release.] |
gnothaicheal | business capability, directing in an interesting [way?], able in a business-like, or business matters. [NOTES: slipped under ‘gnothaicheil’. Definition: Capable in business.] |
gròbadh | piecing together in a not too expertly fashion, mending likewise. ’G a ghròbadh ri chéile. [SLIP: ‘Piecing together in a rather inexpert fashion’.] |
mèite | frail. |
clach-ghorm | ‘blue stone’ for colouring ship [sic] [sheep?] blue. [SLIP: Blue dye for sheep.] |
clach-dhearg | ‘red stone’. [SLIP: Red dye for sheep.] |
dàmhair | continuation as in this case: Ghabh e dàmhair co-dhiù ann a bhi falbh leis fhéin – expression. (Scalpay) |
froca | frock. |
baile-frithe | hamlet by the moor, crofting area community within access to the or to a deer forest. [NOTES: slipped under ‘baile-frìthe’. Definition: ‘Hamlet by the moor.’] |
sprideadh | throwing the feet about, as a child when influenced by anger. [SLIP: ‘Throwing the feet about, as of a child in temper’.] |
sgrobag | a scratch on the skin, a wee cut. |
groga | an old ewe. [NOTES: slipped under ‘groga (croga)’.] |
grogach | out of ease, out of tune, through after effects of alcohol, drink. (I have heard the expression:) ’S ann grogach a the e. Perhaps similar to an old ewe, etc. [SLIP: Out-of-sorts, e.g. with hangover.] |
gribheanach | grieving person. |
trèin | train. |
reanga | rib of a boat. |
reangas | [See reanga.] (Scalpay form) |
togairt | preparing to go. Tha e togairt ri falbh. (Old expression, Scalpay) |
to(i)g(e)airt | [See togairt.] |
mucach | piggish, said of a rude, unrefined character, or person. [SLIP: ‘Rude, unrefined’.] |
à(gh) | pronounced simply à for faghail, f(agh)ail, a term heard on Scalpay (old term) but, I am afraid, not now. Faghail was also used as ‘an fhaghail cham’, off the Glas Island Lighthouse. |
long-fhada | (also) long-boat. |
phlian | fell flat. Colloquial on Scalpay. Thuit e ’na phlian air an làr. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘plian’. Definition: Of falling flat.] |
phlion | [See phlian.] |
flian | [See phlian.] I don’t think I have seen it documented in this spelling? |
Coin(n)each | Constance, female name. |
Connach | Constance. [See Coin(n)each.] (This is the nearest to it) a female name on Scalpay in days past. |
meanbh-chrann | shrub(bery). |
meanbh-chroinn | shrubbery. Perhaps similar to meanbh-chrodh, of the lighter series of growth and cattle distinction. |
anghlòir | unruly language. (Scalpay) |
cuimheachan | swearing. (Scalpay) |
griasad | swearing. (Scalpay) |
anamannan | souls. |
bliochd | milk. (old form etc. Scalpay) |
bùclach | buttoned. Brògan bùclach. (Scalpay) |
clogad | helmet. (still used on Scalpay) |
deocan | teat. |
fochann | early corn. |
glùin | a piece of wood coupling. |
glùineach | pertaining to such [i.e. glùin q.v.] in the adj. sense. |
paileas | palace. (Scalpay) |
roileag | rolled wool; roylock [sic] [rowlock?] (boat). [SLIP: 1. Piece of rolled wool. 2. Rowlock of boat.] |
roileisteach | a flurry of confusion, in the speech sense. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘ròileisteach’. Definition: Confused in speech.] |
cas-cnaimh(e) | bone handle, or a handle made of bone, in a knife. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cnàimh’ with ‘cas-cnàimhe’ as the quotation. Definition: bone handle (of knife).] |
agradh | demanding. Tha e ag agradh sin ort. (Scalpay) |
aiste | from her, as: Chuir e an luchd aisde [sic]. |
aisinn | description. Thug e aisinn sin air. Or report (Scalpay). There may be more interpretation to this word from other sources? |
gàradh-càil | (compound) veg’ enclosure. [SLIP: Vegetable garden.] |
muime | foster mother. (Scalpay) |
eun-mara | sea-bird. |
ceòl-mara | sea sound (music), sound of the sea. |
iolainn-shoithichean | boat yard. |
feannadh | uncovering subsoil, skinning. [SLIP: Removing of turf.] |
sgiutha | (the) cement ‘skew’ on a house roof, top. |
long-athair | airship. |
connlach-mhór | thatching straw. (Scalpay) |
acraichean | fastenings on thatch. ‘May have derived from chains used’. [NOTES: slipped under ‘acair (pl. acraichean)’.] |
druaip | segments. [SLIP: ‘Segments’. Sediment?] |
sgribleadh | scribbling (writing). |
sgrublaigeadh | scribbling (writing). |
sgrìbh | calamity, misfortune. |
sgrìob | calamity, misfortune. |
sgriob | [sic] drag, as: Fhuair e sgriob mhath anns an tàbh (spoon-net). Also a winding on a hill, footpath on a hill. (Harris) (Already noted this instance of interpretation. Various meanings, var[iety?] of meanings to words.) [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgrìob’. Quotation: Fhuair e sgrìob mhath anns an tàbh. Definition: 1. A good haul (as above). 2. A winding footpath on a hill.] |
pliasgadh | plastering. |
brògan-gatabaorg | boots made of a special kind of rubber, hardened rubber, popular in day past. [NOTES: slipped under ‘brògan gatabaorg’. Definition: ‘Gutapercha’ boots.] |
eòlas-cinn | head knowledge. |
duathar | obscurity. Dé an duathar a thàinig air co-dhiù. |
bainne-seasgainn | rennet. |
seasg | dry, as cow not giving milk. |
seabhag | attributed to a female who is observant etc. [SLIP: ‘Observant female’.] |
seabhag | hawk (bird). |
maghung | whey. I think there are the various ways of pronunciation with this word also? In the different approaches to it. |
mung | [See maghung.] |
miong | [See maghung.] |
màsag | buttock of a child (also). |
faillich | gave up, given up as impossible. |
sgeòbadh | jutting, as cloth protruding or material in like fashion. [SLIP: Used of something protruding, as a piece of cloth.] |
sgrineadh | sgreening [sic] [screening?]. |
os | says as ars. Os fhearaibh. (Scalpay) Perhaps also of the interjection series. |
ars | says. [See os.] |
slaopadh | shellfish(ing), especially limpets being rinsed in boiling water in the preparation. [SLIP: Used of limpets being rinsed in boiling water.] |
crosgag | wee cross, wee starfish. |
crosair | cross beam in a structure or building. |
sgrothach | (also) flaky, scabby. |
sgrathach | ‘sod(dy)’, of sods, turf. |
cèip | cape, cap. |
sròin | point as: Sròin-na-h-àirde (Scalpay). |
sileag | drop. |
bainne-goirt | sour milk. |
bainne-nan-cannasdairean | tinned milk. |
bainne-milis | condensed milk. |
bata-coille | walking stick of a tree, twig, branch. |
bainn’-ùr | fresh milk. |
ciad-bhainne | the first milked ‘quantity’, flow ‘amount’ from the udder of the cow after calving, being of thicker form until the ordinary flow comes into a more liquid strain than the first setting. |
pana | pan. |
Panaidh | Bannytine (personal name) (male). |
dion-chaitheamh | galloping consumption. Tha ’n dion-chaitheam [sic] ann. |
calan | persistence. |
cracta | cracked. |
ola-dhubh | black oil. |
pene | pen. |
talamh-marbh | unproductive soil. |
fearann-fàs | depopulated land. |
fearann-fàis | productive land. |
sgutadh | cutting. Sgut e ’n ceann dhe. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgut’. Defintion: ‘Crop off’.] |
òran-mairbh | dirge. |
oran-molaidh | [sic] a song written in praise of a person, eulogy. |
taobhach | sided. |
tuatha | pertaining to tenantry. |
cosnadh | earning(s). |
bràbladh | working in a mixed, any old way movement. |
gràpadh | forking. |
sgàineadh | broken apart. |
sgiabadh | breaking gently apart as a cloud formation. Tha i toiseachadh air sgiabadh – clouds in inclement weather. (Scalpay) [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘… tòiseachadh…’.] |
sùileagan | eye opening. Bheir sud sùileagan dhiut [sic]. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘Bheir siud sùileagan dhut.’ Definition: ‘Eye-opener’.] |
grògan | confused. Chaidh e ’na ghrògan orm – in trying to piece an article or vocally when confusion comes into the matter, the term as noted is expressed, to explain… [SLIP: Confusion, whether in trying to piece an article together, or in speech.] |
baidse | batch. |
cota-ruadh | great coat, soldier’s great coat. “Cha mhor nach do rinn mi gluasad le mo chota-ruadh dh’an arm”. Perhaps also fishermen in the past have worn such a coat. The above couplet by a fisherman may refer to his own coat, or the coat received at the outfit, ‘soldier’s enlistment depot’. [NOTES: slipped under ‘còta-ruadh’. Quotation has ‘...mhór...’ and ‘…chòta-ruadh…’] |
diol-shìthe | peace restored, restoration of peace. Cha tig diol-shìthe air gu bràth gus a fàg e ’n t-àit ud. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘dìol-shìthe’.] |
dion-shithe | [sic] preservation of peace. |
tuaim-thaimh | tomb rest (compound). [NOTES: slipped under ‘tuaim-thàimh’.] |
ràdar | radar. |
pobull | people. Nì e pobull toileach. Word seldom used colloquially; spoken, relative to the Bible. |
Seocan | personal name (male). Perhaps derived from Jock, common on Harris, there is one on Scalpay. May have been invented in a nickname. |
Seotanach | Seton. As Seton Gordon? Yes!... fashion… |
Seoc | Jock, personal name (also on Scalpay). |
falchan | a hidden article, as half bottle of whisky also referred to such subject: Tha falchan agad a badeiginn. (Scalpay) [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘…bad-eigin’.] |
céis-spiaclain | spectacle case. |
dorn-leus | flash lamp, torch (recently invented word I think?). |
deargan | flea. (Scalpay) |
clach-spor | flint. |
còthail | hardly existing, ‘pattern’ of frailty. Cha’n ’eil càil ann ach an còthail – being so frail as hardly existing. [NOTES: slipped under ‘còthail (comhdhail?)’. Quotation: Chan eil càil ann ach an còthail. Definition: Used of a very frail person.] |
stóbhadh | packing. Stóbhadh na mòine – reference to peat being stowed. |
stobhadh | stowed. |
measaid | message (not used so far on Scalpay; the word being used on Scalpay is teachdaireachd). |
solus-manaidh | phantom light. |
solus-làn | reference to the full moon. |
solus-slàn | reference to the full moon. [See solus-làn.] The term, I am afraid, is hardly used, if at all, now, if I may say, anywhere? |
coileach-gaoithe | weathercock. |
gean-math | good cheer. |
cion-math | void of goodness. |
’s maide | perhaps. (Scalpay) |
coileach-Frangach | turkey. (documented) |
coileach-fraoich | heath cock. (colloquial, Scalpay) |
coileach-dubh | black cock. (colloquial, Scalpay) |
bodach-sneachda | snowman. |
cardrama | the outside bend on the roof of a house. [NOTES: slipped under ‘car-drama (droma?).] |
caoldrama | ridge; ridge of a house. |
gèilidh | ship’s galley. |
toll | ship’s hold. |
cuaidhlèir | candle holder. |
cnuachdan | a ball. Dean cnuachdan dhe. (seldom used now, on Scalpay) |
cnocan | a hillock. (The above [i.e. cnuachdan] may have originated from the other [i.e. cnocan].) |
tillidh | tilley lamp. |
Christopher | Crìsgean; personal or Christian name. |
Iain | John (personal name). |
Eòin | John. I haven’t heard the name on Scalpay being used. I have heard Mìcheil ’an Eòin from the island of Barra (Outer Hebrides) referred to on Scalpay, from the sailor he was, accompanying, or being shipmate with Scalpay sailors. |
fiolcadh | fiddling (also). (Scalpay, colloquial) |
cèibin | ship’s cabin. |
cuileag-buachair | gadfly? |
àradh-mullaich | roof ladder. (Scalpay) |
staba | fence post (stop). Staba feansa. [SLIP: ‘Stop post in fence’.] |
feansa | fence. |
Aonghasan | wee Angus, (dim.) of Angus; personal name. (Scalpay) |
bìg | chirp. |
bug | (interj.) calling hens to food. bug! bug! bug! [NOTES: slipped under ‘bug! bug!’.] |
bragan, pl. baragain | bargan [sic] [bargain?], as in selling. |
annspéic | handspike. This is a word that was applied to the early form of a protruding piece of wood or iron in connection with a bier used in Harris, when people used to carry the bier on their shoulders on the way to the churchyard; or a spike of some other notable use (not heard on Scalpay now), towards the same purpose, or possibly could be used apart from this act. |
sgioladh | skin-bare, skinned. |
sgiol | skinny, as: Cha’n ’eil sgiol air – a term denoting thinness, slimness of a person. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘Chan eil…’ Definition: Used of a very thin person.] |
riachdail | croaking sound, as a person clearing his throat. |
stiapan | ribbons of cloth. [NOTES: slipped under ‘stiap (pl. -an)’.] |
séil | sale, (article for sale); sail in a boat, trip in a boat. |
seul | seal. |
bodach-sìde | weather man; a pillar, concrete or brick pillar, on which dial is set to record the amount of sunshine; (can be) accessed to a day. |
fheusaidh ? | see the song Ailein Duinn o hi shiublainn leat in ‘Sinclars’ [sic] [Sinclair’s?] Oranaiche, attributed to Nighean fear Scalpaigh: the song, or a line in the song says Cha b’e call a’ chruidh ’s an fheusaidh? I am wondering is it a corruption? Or should it be Cha b’e call a’ chruidh ’s a’ chéiteinn. I haven’t heard the word being used on Scalpay, and I am wondering… When you’ll get time to look it up, perhaps you may be able to have a definition for it? |
tagairt | bearing. Tha e tagairt càirdeas dha. (Scalpay) [SLIP: ‘bearing’. Claiming?] |
popadh | popping. |
cléimeadh | claiming. |
druim-chaol | a line on which the meshes of a fishing net are knotted. |
rèimhe | before. (Scalpay pronunciation) |
roimhe | before. |
nèisde | now (or Harris pronunciation). |
nise | now. |
nèis | now. (Harris) |
nis | now. |
nasgaidh | free. Cha eil [sic] port an nasgaidh ann. |
cota-béin | fur coat. |
seacaid-béin | fur jacket. |
collair-béin | fur collar. |
róbhaireachd | roving. |
liath-reodhadh | hoar frost. |
robaireachd | robbing. |
trèist | mixed. Chaidh na linn-bheag trèist orm. Chuir e trèist mi. (Scalpay) [SLIP: ‘Mixed-up; confused’.] |
troimh-a-chéile | (trèist [q.v.]) confused. |
treasachan | (noted already) trestles, that supporting the wooden staging in the process of building. |
trèist, pl. treisteachan | seat (also). [NOTES: slipped under ‘treist’.] |
tuna | tin. |
tunag | small tin. Tunag toimbacco [?]. (I have heard this expression.) |
mashìun-fuilt | [sic] hair clippers. |
fìdeag | whistle, ship’s siren, ‘pocket whistle’. |
dùdach | (response of a ‘heavier’ sound), ship’s siren. |
paitse | patch. [NOTES: slipped under ‘paidse’. Definition: Eng. ‘patch’.] |
tein’-athair | lightning. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tein-adhair’.] |
teine-dé | skin disease. [SLIP: Skin disease; shingles.] |
glob | globe. |
claiseag | wee trench, drainage, wee drainage. (dim.) |
clais | drainage. |
crios-meadhoinn | waist belt. |
crios | belt. |
ròp-ceangail | fastening rope. |
rop-toisich | [sic] painter (ship’s lifeboat). [NOTES: slipped under ‘ròp-toisich’. Definition: Painter (of boat).] |
claigeann-puta | circular wooden piece in a fishing net’s buoy. |
claigeann | head. |
puta | buoy. (Scalpay) |
salls | Epsom salts. |
siabann-shébhidh | shaving soap. (Scalpay) |
siabann-aodainn | face soap. (Scalpay) |
siabann-nigheadaireachd | washing soap. |
siaban-bog | [sic] soft soap. |
tèil-a’-bhanca | tail of the bank. (spoken of by sailors) |
ionad-seòlaidh | ? do? [i.e. tail of the bank.] (documented) |
latha-taingealachd | thanksgiving day (in Church circles). [NOTES: slipped under ‘là-taingealachd’. Definition: Thanksgiving day (ecclesiastical).] |
flanain | flannan [sic] [flannel?], material of clothing. [NOTES: slipped under ‘flanainn’ with ‘flanain’ as the quotation. Definition: ‘Flannel’.] |
céis | case, cape [?]. |
spiachlain | spectacles. (Already noted on another page as a ‘compound word’: céis-spiachdlain [sic] or coupled if you wish.) |
stump | stump. |
Coinneachan | Kenneth (dim. of), personal (male) name. |
Coinneach | Kenneth. |
coileachan | cockerel. |
ainmeir | noun. (documented) |
gos | until. Gos gu faigh e dheanamh. (Scalpay) |
gus | [See gos.] |
los | [See gos.] (not on Scalpay) |
faismeachd | obscure amount, as: Chuala mi faismeachd air a sean. |
sean | that. (Scalpay, the term mostly used) |
sin | that. [See sean.] |
fasgadh | searching. A’ fasgadh a cinn. (Scalpay) |
maitse, pl. maitseachan | match; match for lighting etc. |
ceann-piobadh | pipe lid; smoking pipe lid. |
ceann-pioba | [See ceann-piobadh.] |
‘sissior’ | scissors. |
tònag, pl. tònagan | remnants of thread on a bobbin. (Scalpay) (Already noted on another page, please note the accented ‘ò’ (Scalpay).) |
toineag | wee buttock. (Scalpay) |
tosals | tassels. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tosail’. Definition: Eng. ‘tassel’.] |
truiseadh | rubbing. |
splaoideag | short distance (dim.). [See splaoid.] |
splaoid | distance. [SLIP: ‘A trip; outing’. Sc?] |
smuigid-na-cuthaige | def 1. larva from the worm. (documented) [NOTES: slipped under ‘smugaid-na-cuthaige’.] |
Séireag | (dim.) Sarah (female Christian name or personal name). (Scalpay) |
Séirea (Séira) | (pronounced SÉIRA) Sarah. (Scalpay) |
Mileag | Muriel. (Scalpay) |
Bèlleag | Bella (personal name). (Scalpay) |
Bèll | Bella (personal name). (Scalpay) |
Seóna | Joana (personal name). |
Jonag | Joan (personal name). |
Seònaid | Janet (personal name). |
Seonaidh | Jonny [sic] (personal name, male). |
Sgaire | Zachariah or Sachariah (Lewis)? Not on Scalpay. I think there was a gentle[man?] on Harris in the past with the name or it may have been adapted to the gentleman as a nickname. |
briogais-mhoisglin | muslin trousers. |
moisglinn | [sic] muslin. [NOTES: slipped under ‘moisglin’.] |
briogais | breeches, trousers. |
duilleag-fiodh | length of wood, length of wood lining. |
uinneag-iaruinn | iron window. |
ball-dobhrain | freckles [sic]. [SLIP: ‘Freckle’.] |
geug-fhraoich | heather branch. |
craobh-ghobhlach | forked tree. |
bàrr-ghlic | wise head. |
ball-sniomhain | twisted rope. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ball-snìomhain’.] |
feàrr | betterment. Cha robh ’n fheàrr air. [NOTES: slipped under ‘feàrr (noun)’.] |
tilgeil | vomiting, throwing. |
dràbhars | drawers. |
galais | braces. |
bann-dùirn | wrist band. |
bann-chliamhain | [sic] lady. |
caol-druim | (one example) I have the most rare usage of meaning on the page previous [caoldrama?]. A common word in the physical sense. I have heard it used colloquially in the past days in the previous sense. There are the variations in meanings, as you will no doubt understand yourself that I only give the one meaning or sometimes two in my [?] collection, omitting the gender and tense, nouns, adj., and all the terms denoting cases etc., etc., grammatical ‘abbreviations’ and so on and so forth. Anyway, I am leaving this to yourself, and all the material I have here is the present words found in the speech of the people on Scalpay, but perhaps a few words of former days. I haven’t approached a dictionary so far, but what I am trying to recall from memory, but a word or two I have defined as ‘documented’ from the ‘passing peep’ in a phrase, or a passing look so to speak. This is the way I am trying to expand on at the moment. DRM |
ramasaireachd | rambling. |
goirt | sour; coagulate; as milk; mùn-goirt [q.v.]. [SLIP: ‘Sour’ (of milk etc.).] |
goirt | sore. |
mùn-goirt | urine collected in a tub, left aside for a period of time ‘to sour’ in the preparation of the tweed waulking process. |
mùn | urine. |
tuna | (also) ton weight. |
sgèile | hunderweight [sic] [hundredweight?], 112 lbs weight. |
cothorm-leth-phuinnd | [sic] ½ lb weight. |
cothorm-cloiche | [sic] 14 lb weight. |
cothorm-ùnnsa | [sic] ounce weight. |
cothorm-puinnd | [sic] 1 lb weight. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cothrom-puinnd’.] |
slat-tomhais | measuring rod. |
slat | rod. |
slige-tomhais | scales. |
lion-bhreac | salmon net. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lìon-bhreac’.] |
‘lion-tubhaidh’ | herring net ‘spread’ on a thatched roof, referred to in this sense. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lìon-tughaidh’.] |
lion-mara | [sic] sea net, for use in the sea. |
lion | [sic] net. |
obair-lion | [sic] net work, associated with nets, or a sort of woven process in like mesh form, communicating likewise or associating. |
obair-ciùil | musical ‘work’ art. |
toll-lion | fish hold (boat). [NOTES: slipped under ‘toll-lìon’.] |
earball-lìnn | the bottom part of a fishing net, a length of the net tied resembling a ‘tail’, to which a sinker is tied. [NOTES: slipped under ‘earball-linn’.] |
dubhan-éisg | fish hook. |
dubhan-slaite | fish hook commonly used with rod and line, also a hook of any size attached to a rock. |
dubhan | hook. |
dubhan-feòla | butcher’s hook on which mutton, a carcase of mutton is hung. |
coirce-beag | ‘short length of growing oats’. |
dubhan-beag | wee hook. |
dubhan-beag-chutaigean | wee fishing hook for the ‘baby scythe’ (saoidhean), etc. |
shaglan | fishing line used for lythe fishing, of the material. [NOTES: slipped under ‘siaglan’.] |
shaglan-caol | light weight size fishing line used for lythe fishing. |
shaglan-laidir | heavy fishing line used for lythe fishing. |
torgha-‘naithilion’ | nylon fishing line. |
snàth-‘naithilion’ | nylon thread, or mending twine. |
snàth-ruadh | barked twine. |
maith | sinker for a fishing line, lead for a fishing line. |
cuideam | weight. Cuir cuideam air. |
griobadh | fish ‘communication’ at the end of a line in the fishing operation, (putting it this way) nibbling. Cha do dh’fhairich mi griobadh. [SLIP: Nibbling of fish at hook.] |
dubadh | jerking. |
dràgon | dragon. Chaidh e ’na dhràgon orm – meaning he went furious with anger (on me). [SLIP: Eng. dragon; used of a person becoming furiously angry.] |
tod | (interj.) tod! tod! |
bodach-starraig | scarecrow. |
bodach-ròcais | scarecrow. |
bodach-fhaoileag | scarecrow. (Scalpay) (as already noted) The above two terms [i.e. bodach-starraig and bodach-ròcais] are not so generally used on Scalpay but perhaps more associated with other areas. |
bun-luachair | remains, roots of rushes after being cut left in the ground and being approached with a spade, and difficult to uproot is spoken of at one instance as bun-luachair. |
muc-ann-am-boca | [sic] unforeseen bargain. B’e muc-ann-am-poca a cheannaich thu. (idiom) |
facail-beòil | word of mouth. |
tòrr-dhìthein | a collection of flowers, bunch. |
bròn | sad. |
bròn | pity. Nach b’e bròn e – isn’t he a subject of sympathy, old ‘idiom’. (Scalpay) [SLIP: Object of pity.] |
trìsear | plate. (Scalpay pronunciation) |
truinnsear | plate. |
tràsg | I am not sure of this one: is it turf? This expression is very common on Scalpay or Harris if you wish: Cho tioram ris an tràsg. I have noted it on a previous page, or formerly. |
fide | second. Cha toir e fide – common expression. [SLIP: ‘Won’t take a second’.] |
sucond | second. |
sucont | second of time. |
tug | tick. |
tugadaich | ticking. |
plubadaich | bubbling motion as of boiling porridge. |
plabadaich | motion, as wing movement of birds. [SLIP: ‘Flapping’.] |
sgurabhaidh | scurvy (disease). Cha mhor nach tug e sgurabaidh [sic] orm. |
bhuidheach | jaundice. Cha mhor nach tug e bhuidheach orm. (common expressions) [NOTES: slipped under ‘buidheach (with art. a’ bh-)’.] |
ùrlar-lom | bare floor. |
ùrlar | movement as in the ‘musical term’. |
snàth-Gallda | thread differing in similarity to thread, shall we say, being spun in the Highlands (yarn). |
goisdean | hair. Cha eil goisdean [sic]. [See goisnean.] |
goisnean | hair. [See goisdean.] Cha ’eil goisnean liath ’na cheann. |
cròsaidh | wood needle, needle for hand weaving garments. An ann le cròsaidh a rinn thu e? (heard from housewives) |
cròisidh | [See cròsaidh.] It could also be a matter of different pronunciation, could it? Of course there are the variations in the various districts: this is the Scalpay way of pronouncing it. I do not hear the words so often used now. The hand-knitted goods are not so talked of in the usual, thus words associated with such art and arts are, I am afraid, beginning to be forgotten. [SLIP: Crochet hook.] |
béibeag, pl. béibeagan | baby child. Term on Harris/Scalpay. |
béibidh | baby child. Term on Harris/Scalpay. |
corran | leftover(s). |
còrr | more. |
sgrap | scrap; scrap metal. |
teàrr-an-rathaid-mhóir | tar macadam. |
peatan | wee pet. |
tòineag | I have already noted this word, I think? It can be used accented and unaccented, if not used: pronounced either accented then or unaccented. |
peatadh | petting. |
‘gluadhran’ | least value in a coin form. 1. gun ghluadhran ruadh ri ainm. 2. gun ghluadhran na mo phòcha [sic]. |
glòran | [See gluadhran.] (in some areas) |
globhran | [See gluadhran.] The pronunciation on Scalpay. Perhaps the 3 way [sic] of spelling [?] ‘pronunciation’ can be accepted?] |
droch-laimhseachadh | bad usage, rough handling. |
laimhseachadh | handling. |
uchd-cruadail | (in) extreme hardship. |
òr-fhalt | golden hair. |
glasadh | ‘greying’ appearance of daybreak, thus: Glasadh an latha. [SLIP: ‘Daybreak’.] |
muir-ghlas | ‘grey’ sea, green sea. |
ceann-ghlas | grey head, grey hair. |
donachd | mere, as: An donachd sgillinn a gheibh e. (Scalpay) Perhaps of the same ‘effect’ as anacha (Lewis). [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘An donachd sgillinn gheibh e’. Definition: Euphemistic variant of Donas? Cf. Applecross: an doireas.] |
trétha | tray. |
clàr | tray. |
dubhan-slabhaidh | [sic] a length of iron, rod bent on each end for the cooking utensil’s (of the black house) support over the fire. |
phonograph | phonograph. |
paipeireachd | papering, hanging wallpaper. |
paipeireachadh | [See paipeireachd.] |
tàrmachadh | collecting, as pus in a fester. [SLIP: ‘Gathering, as of pus in a festering sore’.] |
leabhar-phaipeirean | book in which the sample shades, or the various shades, and designs of wallpaper are, in pattern form collectively in a ‘book bound’ volume. |
leabhar-laoidhean | hymn book. |
leabhar-cùnntais | account book. |
leabhar-latha | diary. |
leabhar-mìneachaidh | commentary. |
leabhar-mór-na-cùnntais | ledger. |
leabhar-òrain | songbook. |
bun-na-cùise | basis. |
dil | deal. |
déil | deal. [See dil.] (Lewis?) |
griusgach | shapeless. |
spioglaich | a person gives a wee shake to himself when on a point of departure, say with someone else while in conversation; shuggle [?], chuckle [sic] [was shuggle meant?] with touch up or touch to the dress. |
spioraich | [See spioglaich.] Chuckle [sic] (only). (Scalpay pronunciation) |
spiuraich | [See spioraich.] [SLIP: Cf. spioglaich. Used of person stirring prior to departure [sic].] |
amhaich air amhaich | neck to neck (still in use, Scalpay). |
cùl-bhuille | blow from behind. |
buille-cùil | blow from behind. [See cùl-bhuille.] |
ciurachan | light misty rain. Ciurachan uisge. |
uisge-mìn | light rain. (Both [ciurachan and uisge-mìn] more nearer the misty or vapour ‘character’.) |
ciutharan | light rain. (Same word [as ciurachan above? not clear], spelling corruption.) Of a more heavier nature but ciùin [sic] – it may have developed from ciùin. |
sneachda-tioram | dry flaky snow, more frozen in a flaky fall. |
sneachda-mìn | powdered snow. |
biadh-reòta | frozen food. |
biadh-reòtadh | [See biadh-reòta.] |
uisge-trom | heavy rain. |
frasan-trom | heavy showers. |
fras-uisge | shower of rain. |
peata-caillich | old woman’s pet. |
caileach-truisg | a heavy cod (fish), with a swollen belly, of a greyish dull colour, perhaps compared to an old woman. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘cailleach-truisg’.] |
leabag-an-eithir | a wee bed or lair on the shore for to hold a boat on at ebb tide, a space or ‘bed’ on the shore above water level, just to hold a boat on. |
leabag-eithir | [See leabag-an-eithir.] |
séideadh | inflation. |
tuathanach-chaorach | sheep farmer. |
innis-mara | sea island. |
innis-chaorach | grazing land for sheep. |
dol-ás | out of it, dismiss, ruin. Nach ann ort a tha collas [sic] a dhol-ás. |
spùt | sense. Cha ’eil spùt aige. |
spùt | diarrhoea. Tha spùt air. Also sheep suffering from this ‘bowel movement’. |
sparts | leather etc. (leg) covers, buttoned or with brace or shoe-string fastenings. |
poca-na-buisrichean | a bag in [sic] which witchcraft is associated. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘poca-nam-buisrichean’. Definition: Witches’ bag.] |
poca-sìl | sack container of seed, planting seed. |
sairidh | farewell. |
soiridh | farewell. Soiridh leibh. [See sairidh.] |
clugaire | a baggy person in dress, or ‘talk’, speech and movement; wobbling. [SLIP: ‘A person of baggy dress, or clumsy in speech or movement’.] |
sgor-shùileach | deep set in eyes. [SLIP: ‘Having deep-set eyes’.] |
sgaoilteach | plain, level ground appropriate for spreading clothes on to bleach. Tha e muigh (clothes) air an sgaoiltich. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgaoilteach (noun)’. Definition: ‘Level ground appropriate for bleaching clothes’.] |
trèd | trade. |
cur dheth | [sic] letting off steam; (as we say) retorting. |
cùnadh | saving up, economical. |
gointeach | eager, malicious. [SLIP: ‘Malicious’.] |
tur | scare. Tha seo tur. [SLIP: ‘Scarce’ (?)] |
tur | completely. Tur aineolach. (Scalpay) |
siamanaich | twirling; weaving. A’ siomanaich timchioll air. (old form) |
samanadh | examining. This is perhaps an invented word from the English word examining; perhaps also a case in an attempt in pronunciation: that is a Gaelic approach to it? |
damanadh | damned. |
dramaichean | drams. |
òiseach | (also) effects of drink e.g. ’S e ’n òiseach tha bruidheann – perhaps (metaphorical) it’s the drink in him ‘that speaks’, the effect of whisky, or the drink itself, if you wish. [NOTES: slipped under ‘òi(n)seach’. Definition: Phrase used of person under influence of drink.] |
promanàd | promenade. |
gaorran | dung pellets (sheep). [NOTES: slipped under ‘gaorr (pl. -an)’.] |
beò’aich | [?] liven. |
talamhaidh | worldly, earthly. Duine talamhaidh. [NOTES: slipped under ‘talmhaidh’.] |
onatha | recede (as of the sea), surge. Onatha na mara. [NOTES: slipped under ‘onfhadh’. Quotation: Onfhadh na mara. Definition: Surge of the sea.] |
onathadh | [See onatha.] (Scalpay pronunciation) |
tarrain | (also) recede. (Scalpay pronunciation) Nach anns a’ mhuir a th’an [sic] tarrain. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tarraing’. Quotation: Nach ann anns a’ mhuir a tha ’n tarraing. Definition: ‘Swell’ in the sea.] |
flasg | flask. |
flasg-bainne | ‘milk flask’. |
flasg-uisge-bheatha | half bottle [of] whisky. |
torghan | a forever complaint. [SLIP: Monotonous complaint. Cf. Applecross Dorgan.] |
toraghan | [See torghan.] |
‘torradhanach’ | I am not sure of this word. Is it from torraghan… As I go along I may be able… (It’s old.) |
tine | (also) tin; container. ‘Tunnadh’ is the form of pronunciation on Scalpay. |
tapadh | tapping. |
cnag-feòla | butcher’s block on which he breaks the carcase of mutton. |
cnag-na-feòla | (in a butcher’s shop.) |
còmlan-cruinn | [sic] assembly. |
téip | measuring tape, recording tape. |
aodach-mara | sea outfit, as oilskins, etc. |
pasaig | pass. |
Paslaig | Paisley (place-name). etc., etc. |
partan | crab. |
portan | crab. (Scalpay) [See partan.] |
port-soithich | sea port. |
port-Eoghainn | port; beach ref[erence?] to Ewen or any personal name indicating some connection for identification. With us (Scalpay) it’s common. |
lètich | stretched. Bha e ’na lèitich [sic] air a’ chnoc. [NOTES: slipped under ‘léitich (sleibhtich?)’. Definition: Used of a person stretched out.] |
lèitich | [See lètich.] |
leigeil-ris | pretending, laying bare. |
leigeil-roimhe | ‘letting it before him’, not eager to participate. |
leigeil-rèimhe | [See leigeil-roimhe.] |
rèimhireachd | parading. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘ré[?]imhireachd (?reubhaireach)’.] |
rèimh | oars. (Scalpay) |
raimh | [See rèimh.] |
cnàmhbhalach | a sturdy, thick-set youth, well-built. |
tioma-taisean | (noted in x [?]) faint, for a time. |
cruadhag | hardship. |
aingealta | fiadhaich, dona, olc. |
magaraid | ‘margarine’. (I have heard the word years back) ach o’n uair sin (margarine). |
brùideil | beastly (resemblance form). Duine brùideil. |
braganach | foppish, airy, a person considering himself something, etc. [SLIP: ‘Foppish’.] |
clipeach | walking in a ‘draggling’ order, dragging a foot behind, one foot shorter than the other, clip-foot. |
clipire | ‘clip-foot’. |
clìseach | buttock, sides. Tha bhuil air do chlìseach. (Scalpay) [NOTES: slipped under ‘cliseach’.] |
làr-puill | earthen floor of a black house. |
slipeir | sleeper, railway sleeper. |
smior-callich | [sic] marrow, very essence of the marrow in the bone. Gu na smior-caillich aige. |
sgeth | [sic] vomit. |
tilgeil | vomit. Thilg e. |
riof | reef. Riof air an t-seòl. [SLIP: ‘Reef on a sail’.] |
riofa | sign of anger in the face, redness and ‘sharpness’ in the face. Thàinig riofa ’na aondann [sic]. |
luaireann-cinn | head dizziness. |
làn-a-chnàmhan | full capacity, as reference to a well-proportioned female partner, fat, etc. Tha làn a chnàmhan aige. [SLIP: ‘Used of a well-proportioned female partner’.] |
làn-mainne | early morning tide. |
lan-chinnt | [sic] fully confirmed. |
lan-achdlaisean | [sic] filled to brim, ‘auxter’ full. Tha làn achdlaisean aige. |
lànachd | fullness. Ann an lànachd na h-aimsir. (common) |
làr-cloiche | stone, slab stone paved floor. |
peasan | pest. |
slup | slip, slip away. Thug iad am bata gu’n t-slup, air an t-slup. |
plopadaich | ((again) as of porridge) boiling noise of porridge. |
plupadaich | [See plopadaich.] (Scalpay) |
plabadh | flapping motion. |
plabadaich | trobbing [sic] [throbbing?] etc. |
plab | trob [sic] [throb?]. Thug mo chridhe plab ás. |
gaoirnean, pl. gaoirneanan | pellet(s). [NOTES: slipped under ‘gaoirnean (pl. -an)’. Definition: ’Pellets’. Cf. Gaorr and meaning.] |
gaoir-thonn | continual sissing [sic] [hissing?] noise of waves. |
muir-goirid | waves of short (length) height. |
muir-fhada | [sic] swell. [NOTES: slipped under ‘muir-fada’. Definition: ’Sea swell’.] |
faoileag-gheal | crested sea, crested waves, etc. [SLIP: ‘White-crested wave’.] |
gigealan | small in stature, dwarfish. Gigealan beag grànnda. (Scalpay) [SLIP: ‘Dwarfish fellow’.] |
giobalan | [See gigealan.] |
bodachail | oldish looking, oldish actions. |
broilleanach | sea (being) churned, tidal motion, perhaps from bruailleanach. [SLIP: Used of a churning tidal-motion.] |
prongo | promto [sic] (American term?). Came into use ‘through’ invented [sic], perhaps by mispronunciation. [SLIP: From slang ‘pronto’.] |
siubhal-oidhche | night marauding. |
serbhé | survey. |
gireasail | sneering, laughing in a not too attractive way. [NOTES: slipped under ‘gireasail (?c-). Definition: Sniggering.] |
cìean | [sic] snow banks, collected snow mounds. Cìean sneachda. |
gearradh | cut length. A’ bheil tombac’ agad? Cha ’eil gearradh! [SLIP: Cf. ‘Cha do dh’ith e gearradh fad an là.’ (Applecross)] |
shó | chew piece of tobacco. Tobacco chewing was common among the islanders of the Scottish, or the Outer Isles of Scotland, from the, or at about the beginning of the present century, or the late 19th century. |
(also) cnàmharnach | well-built man, of strong proportions. ’S e cnàmharnach de dhuine tapaidh th’ann. (Scalpay) May have originated from cnàmh. |
àirneach | kidney complaint. |
àirnean | kidneys. |
dubhagan | kidneys. |
maide-garbh | log. |
garbh-mhaide | log. |
fiodh-ruighinn | enduring wood, well-seasoned of tough ‘characteristics’. |
fiodh-ruigheann | [See fiodh-ruighinn.] |
plaistig | plastic material. |
clòimheach | woolly. |
clòimhiteach | the virgin growth of feathers on a bird. |
glucail | approaching romance or a female in a ‘touching’ half-shy sort of way, thus: Tha thu ann a shean a’ glucail ris an té sin. Perhaps from gliùc, hide. |
cloimhteach | [See clòimhiteach.] The earliest. |
cab | mouth, ‘gab’ [?] [gob?]. |
cabach | ‘tale bearer’, unable to keep a secret (person), etc. [SLIP: Given to tale-bearing.] |
cabaire | tale-bearer. |
cròsan | wheezing sound in the throat. (Scalpay) |
caisean | [?] irritable person. |
caisean | irritable person. Caisean grànnda. [Scalpay] |
cùis-sgrath | object of disgust. |
cùis-bhùird | sneering object. |
cùis-mhagaidh | sneering object. |
cùis-fharmaid | subject of jealousy. |
fràgha | cupboard. |
brè | brae. A muigh air a bhrè. (Scalpay) |
brèth | [See brè.] |
breth | [sic] birth. |
braigh | brae. |
sprod | splinter of wood. An t’fhuair thu cail? (wood). Cha t’fhuair sprod. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘d’fhuair’ and ‘càil’.] |
sgrò | covering, accumulation of matter covering as skin. Thoir dhe ’n sgrò sin th’air uachdar. (Scalpay) |
sgròth | covering of rust on iron, covering of mould on rock or any item, lichen on rock. Thoir an sgròth chrotuil sin dhi (rock or stone). Perhaps from sgrath (turf). [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgroth’.] |
sgaidhleir | carefree female, roving female, cheeky and carefree female. |
Rocabarra | Rockall, sea rock, reef etc. roughly 200 miles west of the Outer Hebrides. |
bubalan | a young boy’s (privates). [SLIP: ‘Young boy’s privates’.] |
bobalan | [See bubalan.] |
gobach | pointed. |
gobachadh | beginning to (come) form into a point, a break in the clouds. Tha i gobachadh (weather-wise) etc. Could be attributed to a female: Tha i (’g) gobachadh a beòil – (synonym) pursing her mouth. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘Tha i a’ gobachadh.’ Definition: Weather: coming to a break in the clouds. Person: pursing the lips.] |
cèis | case. Cèis-siubhail. |
cèis | travelling case. |
cas | abrupt, irritable. |
grabadh | (also) grabbing. A’ grabadh a h-uile rud. |
gràbadh | forking. |
tèine-mùchaidh | smouldering fire. [NOTES: slipped under ‘teine-mùchaidh’.] |
péine | pennyland (old). This word could be heard on Scalpay: not now. Scalpay was in the past in the early 17th century: 1 pennyland etc. I have heard Bha péin’ air a chuir a mach dhaibh. I am not prepared offhand to define the exact meaning of the pennyland term. I think you could take note of it in this sense if you wish? |
péin | [See péine.] |
àrdainn | farthing in the land divisional terms: thence crofts etc. |
fàrdainn | [See àrdainn.] (I have only this vaguely: I think I can recollect vaguely?) |
tigh-tinneis | ‘convalescing’ house or convalescent house. |
‘tigh-leghis’ | clinic perhaps or consulting quarters. (Invented from an individual rendering.) |
tigh-an-fhiaruis | fever house, or house of fever (old). When the ‘epidemic’ or fever rather prevailed in the islands. This term was likewise prescribed. |
geamhal-tinneis | quarantine. |
tobht’-an-fhiarais | ruins, ruined walls, etc. in which fever was associated prior to occupant’s removal. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tobht-an-fhiabhrais’. Definition: ‘Ruins of house abandoned because of illness’.] |
fiaras-a-bhainne | child (suckling) complaint. [NOTES: slipped under ‘fiabhras-a’-bhainne’.] |
fiaras-siubhail | wanderlust. [NOTES: slipped under ‘fiabhras-siubhail’.] |
ás-a-rian | out of control. |
rian | order. Rian bithidh. (Scalpay) |
rian | timetable. |
rian-tighe | house chores ‘curriculum’. |
guth-an-eòin | voice of the bird. Biblical term, etc. |
(also) reangail | delay. |
reangalach | prone to delay, slow. |
ragaid | racket. |
ragair | ragger. |
ragaichean | rags. |
suip | sweep, chimney sweep. |
suipeadh | sweeping (chimney). |
supair | chimney sweeper. (Not to be mixed with supper.) |
sùipeir? | chimney sweep. [See supair.] |
bruchdag | a fat, fresh-complexioned (female) girl, child. Perhaps from brucach. |
bruchag | [See bruchdag.] |
putag | a wee push; (also) a (slow) fat female (Scalpay): could do with a ‘wee push’ so to speak. (already noted?) |
piscuit! | (interj.) as in the case of frightening a cat from some mischief. |
pusgut! | [?] [See piscuit!] The two [sic] this one as pronounced on Scalpay. |
putag | dibble. [SLIP: ‘Dibble’. Applecross: Hole-pin of a boat.] |
spòtas | lovely. Tha e spòiteas [sic]. |
spòiteas | [See spòtas] as pronounced on Scalpay. Meaning it being beautiful when saying The e spòiteas, still heard occasionally perhaps. Etym. – spotless. [SLIP: ‘Beautiful’. Eng. ‘spotless’.] |
stoirm-eilean | island exposed to storms. ‘Steilmire’ – an island off Scalpay. ‘Steilmire’ is corruption as show[n] on a map, etc. |
oir-eilean | an island by the ‘edge’ (Scalpay), an island by the shore off Scalpay (edge). |
mìrean | particle of anything; as a mere share of anything. |
truthail | trowel. |
migseadh | mixing. |
slat-chuiteagach | a rod, fishing rod for fishing ‘light fish’, cuddies, etc. |
slat-chuitigean | [See slat-chuiteagach] as expressed by individuals in the two various examples. |
gàradh-cruidh | a structure to prevent cattle from coming on an unauthorised portion of grassland. |
gàradh-dhìthein | flower garden (with flowers only). |
gàradh-càil | ‘cabbage garden’. |
craiceann-bog | soft skin; as newly formed skin, etc. |
balach-bog | a boy prone to fright and cry at the least disturbance, etc. |
bogaide | piston, or anything moving piston fashion in engineering. Old folk on Scalpay seeing such movement of an engine piston or understood such: referred to the piston (‘fishermen of the old “college”’) referred to the ‘piston’ (matter) likewise: Seo am bogaide mór. (invented?) |
bogadair | (also) [See bogaide.] (Etym.) bobbing (likely) or ‘bogadh’ movement. |
cuibheal-mhor | [sic] flywheel. |
thoir-an-deirseadh ì | reverse engine astern. |
cuir-an-toiseach ì | reverse engine ahead. |
gìr | geer [sic] [gear?]. |
staoidhlis | stylish. |
daingeann | staunch. |
curachd | (also) suffering. Nach ann aig a th’an curachd. (old form, Scalpay) |
curaic | head, as: O chùl do churaic. (Scalpay) (old form) |
simileir-caol | pipe escape for smoke. |
caol | narrow, strait. |
faghail-a-chaoil | the sound’s tidal flow. (Scalpay) |
màs | bottom. Màs na beinne. |
bainne-caoich | a woman’s effect in the breast, causing the milk, some distaste, the child’s supply discontinued. |
tolach | prone to complain over a particular share of mutton or anything given in kind. Na bi tolach air. (Scalpay expression) |
drèin | drain. |
sgimeadh | scheming. |
sgim | scheme. |
liost | list. |
liana-na-sgoile | school playground. |
croilean | playground. |
cròiligean | huddled (people) in a space or enclosure, etc. |
cuibhleir | machine for coiling ropes in a boat especially in a fishing boat; can also be applied to a youth engaged in the work of coiling the length of rope to which nets are fastened, in the process of hauling fishing nets. |
conaisg | contact, as: Cha robh conaisg bheò ann. (Scalpay) |
conuisg | [See conaisg.] |
ruisealachadh | rushing, haste in housework. Bha mi ruisealachadh a stigh, leis an obair – ref. from a female at home. |
slabhag | growth inside a sheep’s horn, etc. |
gèile | gale. Nach ann rèipe a tha géile [sic]. – a female ‘out of tune’ in a ‘ferocious mood’. |
rèimpe | before her. |
ropa | before them. |
ruighneas | delay, exceptional delay, a most lingering way, etc. |
stèic | steak (beef mutton). Rinn e stèic mhath air. – (denoting considerable profit) excess amount. |
loinneir | beauty; sheen. Loinneir na mara. (old form) |
loigneir | liner (ship). |
congadh | conked. (Eng. etym.) Theap mi congadh. |
ghrìn | green. (etym. Eng.) |
eatar-dà-fhrois | in between. |
salachar | dirt. Nach b’e salachar e. – humanly speaking, or resembling a human being who makes unworthy action of disdain. |
leantuinn | following. |
leantail | following. [See leantuinn.] [See comment to cantail.] |
cantainn | saying. |
cantail | saying. [See cantainn.] The two variations are still used on Scalpay; the most common is leantuinn and cantuinn [sic]. |
beantuinn | touching. |
beantail | touching. [See beantuinn.] |
buntuinn | touching. [See beantuinn.] |
buntail | touching. [See beantuinn.] |
eadar-dà-sholus | (also) daybreak or twiling [sic] and daybreak, etc. |
ciceadh | kicking. |
gibneach | fish of the octopus species. |
leabaidh-fhiodh | wooden bed, boxed bed as in the black-house days. |
leabaidh-iaruinn | iron beds [sic], of a further on development of style and progress in this line. |
leabaidh-fhiodh | also of today, but to make a distinction [from leabaidh-fhiodh of the black-house] we have such: leabaidh-fhiodh-Ghallda, etc. etc. |
ceann-a-mhair | a place-name on the Lewis side of Loch Seaforth. |
ceann-a-mhara | [See ceann-a-mhair] I take this to be the same term as the above, (the meaning in the name: terminus [?]) in this sense. |
ceann-an-loch | head of the loch. |
ceann-loch | [See ceann-an-loch]; or ‘head loch’. |
buaidhseach | foolish female. |
piolan | (wee) ragged youth. |
dhuinn | of us. |
dhinn | of us. [See dhuinn.] |
cràic | into the fighting access of each other. An cràic a chéile. (Scalpay) |
gealach-ùr | new moon. |
tigh-caoich | mental home. |
constapul | constable. |
sàileagan | gastric complaint. |
salaraidh | salary. |
alaraidh | leekwake [?]. |
caithris-oidhche | custom of a ‘wake’ in connection with a courting couple, a custom associated in particular to Lewis and [?] Harris, perhaps in other islands and districts, etc. |
siablaich | (also) rod fishing from the rocks. |
siabadh | drying. Siabadh nan diar. |
sic | cheek (also). |
truthaire | bouts of coughing, as in the whooping cough. |
druthach | whooping cough, ‘epidemic’. |
drungan | slow-going movement in working. |
prup | prop. |
pròp | prop. |
prop | [See pròp.] |
Ruaireachan | (personal name) wee Rody (dim.). |
Caluman | (personal name) wee Calum. (Scalpay) |
Seasag | Jessie, (personal) female name. (Scalpay) |
Sìleag | Jane, (personal) female name, (dim.) of Sìle. |
Sìle | Jane (female name). |
Stineag | Christina (Scalpay). Invented perhaps, close resemblance, perhaps abbr. form: (Cri)stiona, nickname, I wonder – there are a few etc. (Harris) |
Cristiona | Christina (female or feminine). |
‘Carast’ | Christina. We have also this pronunciation. |
car-a-mhuiltein | somersault. |
seacaidh | dry, withering appearance as of plants, flowers or skin, etc. |
latha-dubh | defeating reception; victorious, etc. |
tinneas-gàildeach | infectious disease. |
cath-choileach | cockfighting (sport). |
stiùradh-dìreach | steering directly. |
eagal-chàich | shyness from other people, stage fright, nervous approach, etc. |
buidhe | (also) luck, ‘golden chance’. Nach buidhe dhuit. Cha bhuidhe dhuit, etc. |
stapag-uachdair | cream mixture, crowdie and cream mixed, etc. |
stapag | oatmeal mixture, mixed to a paste-like form. Rinn thu stapag dhe. |
croisealach | awkward. ’S e rud croisealach th’ann. (Scalpay) Perhaps ‘crisscross form of application’ (etym.), inconvenient. |
croiseil | inconvenient. |
sgriosta | utterly destroyed, complete [sic] or absolutely destroyed. |
sgurral | squirrel (animal). English abstraction and English from? [sic] or vice versa, etc. etc. The species as such is not to be seen, perhaps seldom (if at all) in Harris. The word may have its etym.? |
caolan-seang | empty ‘guts’, empty stomach. Bi caolan seang agad. (Scalpay) |
fangadh | fanking, (as sheep) sheep. |
lir | litter, collection, ‘litter of whelps’. |
clusp | clasp. |
glamhaire | a retorted interjection, personal remark. |
làn-spars | boastful ‘refrain’, antics. |
garran | (also) unpopular character, ‘causing’ distaste in boastful attitude towards his age, as a youth declaring an overstatement. (Scalpay) |
sgaineireachd | scandal. |
glamhaire | glutton. |
shubhail | [sic] shovel. |
ceardairean | tinkers. (Scalpay) |
bana-chardan | Gypsy women, tinker womenfolk. |
glang | clank. |
sgiuch | good portion. Fhuair e sgiuch mhath ann. |
deasach | fever. |
Deasach, pl. Deasaich | Southern island(ers) [sic] [islander(s)?] as in the case of Inner Hebrides: Mull, Tiree, etc. termed as such. |
Tuathach, pl. Tuathaich | islander(s) of the North termed by the Deasaich [q.v.]. |
Tuathaich | Northerners. |
Deasaich | Southerners. |
deasaich | prepare. |
teas | temperature. |
teas | heat. Teas a’ ghuail. |
teis-mheadhonn | in the very middle. |
meadhonn-gràis | means of grace. |
càrnaich | of cairns, loose stones, stones on ground cairn-fashion, an area associated with stones, as: Seonaidh na càrnaich (Harris). |
càrnach | [See càrnaich.] |
Seonaidh | John (dim.). |
prenistir | sulphur. |
presenteir | presentor [sic]. |
pràiseach | (also) pest female, impudent, cheek, as: Nach ann ort a tha phràiseach. |
bangadh | banging. |
ghaolag | term of endearment, wee child (female or feminine). |
cròbhadh | croaking. |
cròbhaidh | croaking in speech, crinkling in feature. |
sgriutha | screw, propeller (boat). |
sreannachan | propeller, disc revolving at a fast rate. |
sgudail | ‘leftovers’, what’s left over from food, after eating. |
peile-sgudail | slop pail. |
rùcair | searcher. |
reòthadh-teann | hard frost. |
reòthadh-dubh | black frost. |
ministir-sgìre | parish minister. |
ministir-paraiste | parish minister. |
priomh-mhinistir | prime minister. |
ministir | minister. |
feòil-marbhaidh | butcher meat. |
lotach | ulcerous. |
lot | ulcer, hurt. Nach ann air a th’an lot. |
spidean-spaidean | prim and neat person. Now I am not sure of this term: but I think you may use it as noted above. Vaguely, I presume this to be as such reference dispense: Nach bu tu ’n spidean-spaidean? (old usage) |
conaltradh-uaigheach | secret conversation. |
batal-ean | flock of seabirds engaged in feeding on fish or fry on the surface of the sea. |
garman-figheadair | weaver’s beam. |
seol-coise | footboard of a spinning wheel. |
alt | a net, fishing net hung with the meshes in an appropriate setting for mending, grain set; could be applied to cloth. |
armadh | grease added to wool, washed afterward, results: armadh a’ tighinn ás a’ chlò; fàileadh an armaidh. (2nd [?] second definition) 3rd – carded wool being greased etc. |
calanadh | preparation of tweed making, from the first stage in the work until the final finished cloth. Nì i cìreadh ’s nì i calanadh. |
beartaich | threading a loom; (adding) ropes etc. to nets, threading ropes to fishing nets. Tha e beairteachadh lion. |
cleith-luaidh | waulking bench. ‘Ceann na cleithe’. |
clupadh | clipping. |
polag | puddle. |
glup | glup is bigger [than polag, q.v.], thus: pool. |
buamasdair | boorish person, unattentive. |
bundachadh | laying a foundation, basical… [sic], basis. |
Ban-sithiche | Ban-shee (fairy). |
car-mu-char | criss-cross. |
cnap-starra | obstruction. (Scalpay) |
ceap-starr | [See cnap-starra.] |
lion-iasgaich | fishing net. |
cannas | friendliness, kind approach, warmth. Cha’n ’eil de channas ann na théid a choimhead air a bhràthair. |
cinnteas | surety. |
cinnt | truth. Cha ’eil cinnt ’s a bith air a sin. |
cainneas | talking attraction. 1. definition. Perhaps the etym. is cainnt. (Isn’t there a word cainnteas also: at this point I am not certain, I am not fully certain, rather.) |
bunaichean | buns (plural). |
càraichean | cars (plural). |
bhanaichean | vans (plural). |
busachan | buses (plural). |
làraidhean | lorries (plural). |
bùtsairean | butchers (plural). |
càdsairean | fish sellers (plural). |
màthraichean | mothers (plural). |
làraichean | foundations (plural). |
bàraichean | bars of iron, ‘bars of pubs’. |
paganaich | pagans. |
[note] | (Common enough. I noted them. It may help you someway!) |
crabhata | cravat (scarf). |
cota-trom | heavy coat of heavy cloth. |
cota-clò | tweed coat. |
pluicean | cheeks. |
loireag | female; a female also attributed to Celtic mythology considered a supernatural agent present at various domestic works: at the waulking of tweed etc. It may have derived from loireach – word used on Scalpay still is [sic] thus: Nach e tha loireach – unclean or rather partly cleaned. |
fear-adachaidh | communicant in church. |
fear-fhàchaidh | [?] disbeliever in (Church) Christ. |
fear-caoich | madman. |
fear-ciùil | music teacher, etc. |
Farachar | Farquhar (personal name). |
Farachar beag | (dim.) [See Farquhar.] |
Farachar mór | Big Farquhar. The adjectives for distinction, etc. |
Dòmhnall mac Dhòmnaill | Donald son of Donald (patronymics). |
beairt-bheag | small loom for tweed weaving. |
beairt-mhor | [sic] big loom for tweed weaving. |
bùthaidh | shop. Anns a’ bhùthaidh. |
bùthadh | [See bùthaidh.] Ceann na bùthadh. |
butha-bhròg | shoe shop. |
bu’-aodaich | drapery shop. |
iomairt | (in a) strait. Bha e ann an iomairt a bha garbh. |
iomairt | in the tweed making sense. |
brachadh | drying in the wind and rain. |
riabhal | untidy person. |
rùid | anger. |
reubhartach | reasonable. |
sgrioban | scraper. |
diurraid | note, word, sound. An cual’ thu ’n duine? Cha chuala mi durraid [sic] neo Cha chuala mi diurraid a thuirt e. |
biurr | a spark, as: Cha ’n e biurr innte (torch or flash lamp). |
pioc | pick. Cha d’ fhuair mi pioc. (I may have already noted?) |
serbheadh | serving. |
itean | aeroplane (of the modern version of words). |
iorram | (also) continual complaining. Tha ’n aon iorram air an còmhnuidh. |
searmon-taingealachd | thanksgiving service (Church). |
air-a-chaoch | in a bout of anger, frenzy; raging mad. |
caoch | bout of romping in a wee child. Tha ’n caoch air. |
sgemheadh | a retort (interjection). (Scalpay) |
docairean | dockers. |
sgèimp | unpopular female, as a sort of a carefree scanty character. (Etym. may have the English equivalent scamp.) Nach b’e sgeimp [sic] i. (Scalpay expression) |
trèiceil | treacle. |
silteach | venereal disease. |
dùsgach | void, empty, ‘dustless’. An robh duin’ ann, anns an tigh? Cha robh dùsgach. (Scalpay expression) |
gaoch! | (interj.) to avoid leading a child into disgust, dirt, or to frighten him, in an attempt, by making him discharge something or spit from his mouth, any item of distaste. |
‘gaothch!’ | [See gaoch!] Pronounced as indicated between the inverted commas. Also as previous, perhaps according to the individual. gaoch! gaoch! gaoch! or gaothch! gaothch! gaothch! etc. |
pineadh | on a sharp or pointed seat. May have originated the root from ‘pin’ in English. E na shuidh’ air pineadh. (Scalpay) (‘not so often heard now’) |
buathal | (also) stupidity, obscurity, unforeseen delusion, etc. (Scalpay) |