Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- D.R. Morrison ( D.R. Moireasdan )
- Age
- [55]
- Location
- Harris, Scalpay
- Date
- 1975
- Notes
- [NOTES: some of the words have been slipped and therefore, apart from the definitions provided by Mr Morrison, the definitions as they appear on the slips have also been included (unless the two were the same).]
prisgeadh | jerking. |
briosgadh | jerking. |
spaglaich | movement of limbs. |
mousgaideach | modest. Duine neo boireannach mousgaideach. |
magach | (adj.) sneering. (also) |
magadh | (v.) sneering, scoffing. |
cabach | (also) tell-tale person. [SLIP: A tell-tale.] |
iris-shùgain | strap or rope made of straw. |
sùgan | twisted straw-rope, or twisted straw. |
ramalair | rambler. |
clochranaich | gurgle in the throat, or wheezing in the throat. |
gràgalas | persuasion. B’ ann le gràgalas a thug mi air a dhol ann. |
luathaireach | early crop. Buntàta luathaireach – early potatoes. (Scalpay) |
bruag | little belly, as of a child. [SLIP: Little belly (eg. of child).] |
bristidhean | breaks, as in the clouds, and heavy seas. [NOTES: the slip has ‘bristidhean (plural)’. Definition: Breaks in the clouds and heavy seas.] |
baltag | fat. Nach ann air tha bhaltag. [NOTES: the slip has ‘baltag (fem)’. Definition: Nach ann air tha ’bhaltag. Definition: Fat (noun).] |
dol-a-dholaidh | going waste. |
picle | pickle. (Scalpay) |
gaoithean | giddy fellow. |
labadh | benumbed. Tha e air labadh leis an fhuachd. [SLIP: Numb with cold.] |
peirm | yeast. |
róghadh | warning; spelt colloquially. Thug mi róghadh dha. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…dhà’. Definition: Warning.] |
bainne-deasgainn | rennet. |
bàrr-staimh | tangle, broad bladed tangle, nearest part to the surface showing. |
bàrr-roc | tangle, broad bladed tangle, nearest part to the surface showing. (already referred to [see bàrr-staimh]) Perhaps sometimes pronounced without the accent. |
ceal | an end. Chuir e ceal air. Perhaps alternative in this case is crioch. |
clàrag | fishing frame for winding a fishing line on. |
stalart | weighing balances, spring weighing. (Spelt as pronounced in Scalpay.) [SLIP: A spring balance for weighing.] |
smàigeil | obedience. Nach i tha smàigeil air. Perhaps from smachd. |
riasg | limpet bait for rock fishing. |
friasg | [See riasg.] |
slaopadh | putting boiling water on limpets, loosening their contents from their shells and leaving it appropriate for insertion on the hook. |
slaitseagadh | throwing about in an any old way fashion items or move about work by throwing things all over the place. [SLIP: To throw things about in haphazard fashion.] |
ball-oibrich | swing. |
buntàta-pronn | mashed potatoes. |
pis-eù-is-ù | (interjection) for calling a kitten or cat. |
faisg | wring. |
tràladh | trawling. |
tràlair | trawler boat. |
geòla | yawl. |
rà | raft. Rà feamainn – a collection of seaweed tied together or kept together by a fishing net in the sea. |
slabhaireachd | slaving. |
stòbhaigheadh | stoving. [sic] |
ramadh | ramming. |
ramaigeadh | ramming. |
rabail | untidy person. |
rabaire | untidy person. |
rabaireachd | untidy work. |
reangail | delay. (Scalpay) Dé ’n reangail th’air. |
cho-ri-eigin | of some sort. |
cuilm | feast. |
cuirm | feast. |
slaban | noise as of wet cloth when struck against a stone. Slaban aige. |
snaigideireachd | sneaking performance. |
riagadh | frying. |
sgòthach | cloudy. |
sgimileid | sharp, or a female of a sharp penetrating speech. |
craiceann-tarsainn | hard skin. [NOTES: slipped under ‘craicionn’ with ‘craicionn tarsuinn’ as the quotation.] |
siutair | unstable female. |
cnàmhan | little portion. Tha cnàmhan ann. |
clistear | big person, big male. Tha clistear ann dhe. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…dheth’. Definition: Big man.] |
sturaichd | sullenness, stoor. |
fracas | fragments. |
bragadh | boasting, bragging. |
sichd | cheek. [SLIP: Cheek (i.e. arrogance.) |
pacaigeadh | packing. |
pealasdaireachd | peddling. |
praoighteadh | put together in a temporary fashion. (Perhaps I have noted formerly.) [NOTES: the earlier mention was spelt ‘praoidhteadh’.] |
dreasaigeadh | dressing. |
tómhadh | siding. Cha’n eil i tómhadh ris. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘Chan eil i ‘tòmhadh ris.’ Definition: To side (with someone).] |
cnagag | strong, sturdy female. |
seangheir | childhood as in the [old?] age as they seem to go back to childhood. |
tàlainte | person having all his faculties. |
creagnach | something causing pain. Tha ’n t-alt ri taobh a chinn creagnach. [SLIP: Causing pain.] |
smig | chin. |
cunglach | strait. [SLIP: A strait.] |
inntrinn | entered. [SLIP: To enter.] |
doganta | also rough, thick. |
chuthach | madness. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cuthach (fem)’ with ‘a’ chuthach’ as the quotation.] |
frogail | neat and quite lively. Tha e gu math frogail fhathasd dha aois. |
robach | nasty, foul. Tha latha robach ann. |
sgiap | take apart. |
seideadh | overdose, overeating. Air seideadh air. |
spreotag | splinter. |
sugan | jug; was also used as an interj. in calling a milking cow for to arouse the cow’s interest for to give her milk at milking time, perhaps. |
ì’s | tell. (Pronounced ìs: Scalpay.) [NOTES: slipped under ‘innis’ with ‘ì’s’ as the quotation. Definition: Scalpay pronunciation; also ‘innis’.] |
innis | tell. [See ì’s.] |
suidseach | force. Tha suidseach mhath air a ghaoith. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…air a’ ghaoith.’] |
sgaoidhleag | punch. Thug mi sgaoidhleag mu’n t-sròin dha. |
cuir-a-mach | vomiting. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cuir’ with ‘cuir a mach’ as the quotation. Definition: To vomit.] |
togail-rithe | preparing to go. [NOTES: Slipped under ‘tog’ and ‘ri’ with ‘togail rithe’ as the quotation.] |
itheadh-an-t-sùlaire | gluttonous eating, down the gullet in a jiffy. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ith’ and under ‘sùlair’ with ‘itheadh an t-sùlaire’ as the quotation. Definition: Gluttonous eating.] |
cruinn-leum | neat, complete, etc. Gheàrr e cruinn-leum ás. (Scalpay) |
imlich-a-chorragan | best part, an interesting portion, etc. |
gobachadh | a plant beginning to break through the soil. |
copaigeadh | copying. [SLIP: To copy.] |
bochdag | poor wee female. Bogha-bochdaig. (Harris) |
ùr nodha | brand new. |
crémeas | long-faced (person), face features of a surly impression. |
créamasach | adj. long-faced personal appearance. [SLIP: Long-faced expression on face. (adj.)] |
creamasach | long-faced or surly looking person (male). [SLIP: Surly looking man.] |
scrùbaire | sgrouncher [sic] [scrounger?]. |
greim-mór | appendicitis. [NOTES: the slip has ‘gréim mór’.] |
greim-mionnaich | appendicitis. |
seiblis | soap water, suds. Colloquially spelt in Scalpay – seiplis. |
seiplis | [See seiblis.] |
burn-siabainn | soap water, suds.[NOTES: slipped under ‘bùrn-siabainn’. Definition: Soap water suds.] |
burn-is-siabann | soap water, suds. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bùrn-is-siabann’. Definition: Soap water suds.] |
fearsaid | distaff, spindle for twisting wool, operated by hand. (Scalpay) |
draoidhsteadh | drab(b)ish appearance. Nach i tha draoidhsteadh – referring to a female or è (male). (Scalpay) |
bial-sgiapta | letter-box mouth. |
braclaich | old version, boat, or an old version of a boat. |
brachdlaich | [See braclaich.] [SLIP: An old boat.] |
spiodeanach | prominently in a spire form of erection. [SLIP: Stiff – adj. of ‘spiodean’ qv.] |
spiodean | statue like frame of a person, not fragile, stiff, immovable. |
dèic | deck of a boat. |
steàrnach | heavy blow. |
stàrnach | [See steàrnach.] |
stàrsach | good quantity. |
sgàrsach | [See stàrsach.] |
gu-leòir | galore, plenty, Whisky Galore. |
cumail-ris | standing up to. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ri’ and ‘cum ris’ with ‘cumail ris’ as the quotation. Definition: To stand up to.] |
cumail-shuas | keeping up. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cum suas [sic]’ with ‘cumail shuas’ as the quotation. Definition: To keep up.] |
air-a-druime-direach | on even keel. [NOTES: slipped under ‘druim’ with ‘air a’ druime dìreach’ as the quotation. Definition: On an even keel.] |
góblaid | goblet. |
preis-bheag-nan-trì-chasan | iron pot with three legs. |
còmhdach-cinn | headgear. |
thog e chreach | giving a shout towards the announcement of a calamity. [NOTES: slipped under ‘creach’ with ‘Thog e ’chreach’ as the quotation. Definition: Giving a shout before announcing some sort of calamity.] |
mullach-na-leisge | the very pith [sic] of laziness. [NOTES: slipped under ‘mullach’ with ‘mullach na leisge’ as the quotation. Definition: The very epitome of laziness.] |
gothail | gasping. |
smeirseam | smear. Cha robh e leigeal smeirseam leis. (Scalpay) |
spioglachadh | trimming. Dha spioglachadh fhéin, a chuid aodaich. |
cialag | (interj.) word of endearment or term of endearment. A chialag bheag – in reference to a kitten, etc. [SLIP: Term of endearment – e.g. to a kitten etc.] |
biast | beast, finding a person saying anything of a strong report, or a strong word of swearing he is acknowledged or rebuked by Isd a bhiast! (Scalpay) [SLIP: A rebuke said to someone cursing.] |
isd | be silent. |
treiseag | wee while. Treiseag bheag. (Scalpay) |
blocaid | dunce. |
geatadh | butting. |
plugadh | plugging. |
gribean | grabber. Gribean beag. |
cuàlach | handful. Thàinig e ’s cuàllach [sic] aige. |
sgalartaich | shouting. |
dripeid | wee drop. |
dudan | particle. Cha do rinn e ach dudan beag a chuir air a cheann aige. [NOTES: the slip has ‘...air a’ cheann aige’.] |
cluais-a-linn | eye of the net, literally, the ear of the net, loop of the net. The ‘top rope’ as already noted, baca, with spliced loops on either end to which the other looped nets, likewise, are tied. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cluais’ with ‘cluais a’ linn’ as the quotation. Definition: The loops on the ends of the ‘top ropes’ (baca).] |
cluais-na-basgait | the handle of the basket. |
strang-bhiathaidh | the string in which bait is set in a lobster creel. |
boinne-snithe | drop of soot water falling from the rafter of a ‘black house’. |
clipearsaich | (also) clipping. Bha e clipearsaich rithe. [NOTES: the slip has a note: ‘Pron: /kli/’.] |
cliepersich | [See clipearsaich.] (Both words spelt colloquially.) |
trochd | wreck; applied personally. ’S e trochd a th’ann dhe – careless living, couldn’t care less sort of life. [NOTES: the slip has ‘… a th’ann dheth’. Definition: Wreck – after leading a couldn’t-care-less sort of life.] |
spatò | dandy, well dressed. I used to hear this word from an old lady, now deceased. She used to say: Nach bu tu ’n spatò ’n diugh, abair spatò! [SLIP: Dandy; a well-dressed person. (rare now)] |
splatsair | a person going about throwing everything all over the place. Perhaps from splashing. [SLIP: A person who throws things about.] |
spaglaigeadh | showy, acting, exhibiting bodily gestures, or exhibiting gestures. |
mùrach | digging. Nach e a rinn a mùrach. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…rinn am mùrach’.] |
mairsin | lasting. Cha ’eil e mairsin. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘chan eil e ’marsin.’] |
miadhsta | mischief. |
fidheadh-ball-is-corain | a weaver’s pattern, tweed pattern. |
fitheadh-sùil eòin | a weaver’s pattern, tweed pattern. |
fitheadh-cnaimh-a-sgadain | weaver’s pattern, design of or on a tweed pattern. |
fidheadh-nam-ball | weaver’s pattern, design of or on a tweed pattern. |
sùileagan | an eye opener. Bheir sud sùileagan dha. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…dhà’.] |
làmhag | a little hand. Làmhag an dràsda ’s a rithisd. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…a rithist’.] |
lùiginn | I would wish, desire. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lùig’ with ‘lùiginn’ as the quotation.] |
labaisdeachadh | weather beaten. |
liosadh | threading. A’ liosadh nan lion, nan lion sgadanach. |
lion-sgadanach | herring net. |
lion-bhreac | splash net. |
mheanachag | injection. A bheil a mheanachag ort. [NOTES: slipped under ‘meanachag’. Quotation: A bheil a’ mheanachag ort ?] |
plug | boil. Tha na plugs air mo làmhan. – Common with fishermen. |
paràbhaigeadh | parading. |
siochladh | a break, a lull, sooth [sic]. |
slupach | sucking noise of liquid, mixing in slush, slushing. [SLIP: Sucking noise made by liquid or slushy material.] |
slupadaich | movement in mire. [SLIP: Sloshing about in a mire or mucky material.] |
giblish | gabble. |
treasachan | trestles for staging used in building. |
strapan | strappings. [NOTES: slipped under ‘strapan (pl)’. Definition: Strappings (in building).] |
staca | stack. |
tiùradh | heaping up. |
ceipeal | chapel, burying place. |
tobhta-a-chrainn | a thick plank of wood from either side of a gunwale of a boat behind the mast. |
leabaidh-na-tuime | the bilge of a boat. |
crann-deiridh | mizzen mast. (boat) |
crann-toisich | main mast. (boat) |
bloc-mór | main block. (boat) |
bloc-beòil | gunwale block. |
sgroblaigeadh | scribble, scribbling. |
gomadaich | vomit convulsions. [SLIP: Convulsing vomiting.] |
cùbag | crounching [sic] female. [SLIP: crouching female.] |
seòcail | plumage effect. Boineid àrd le itean cho seòcail air a ceann – old time headgear. [SLIP: Plumage effect on old-fashioned headgear.] |
spàraigeadh | sparring. |
sprodanachadh | poking. A’ sprodanachadh an teine. |
bòcaireadh | [?] poking. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bòcaireadh’. The spelling in the word-list is unclear. It seems to be ‘bòcaireacdh’.] |
tòlla | hold. Fuaim-an-tolla – Scalpay place-name, colloquial spelling. |
toll’-a’-bhàta | hold of a boat. |
sgeir-nicDhuinn | place-name, name of a sea rock at Scalpay (MacQueen’s rock). (I have given an example of place-names at Scalpay, hereon, to show how words came to be applied likewise, which is attributable generally, and perhaps could point to some findings that could lead us to understand the variety of ways words were used.) [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgeir’ with ‘Sgeir Nic Dhuinn’ as the quotation. Definition: MacQueen’s Rock (Scalpay).] |
sgeirean-nodha | new rocks. |
nuadh-bhreith | new birth. |
sgeir-reamhar | ‘fat rock’?; place-name, a sea rock at Scalpay. |
bogh’-an-t-salachair | permanent underwater (or ‘submarine’) rock, its name signifying reef seaweed, etc. at its proximity. |
broineagan | a miscellany of material, a collection of a variety of haberdashery of a light quality, etc. [NOTES: slipped under ‘broineagan (plural)’. Definition: A collection of light drapery materials.] |
gurramail | complaining. |
corraghul | gurgling, could be termed to the gurgling of a stream or the gurgling in the throat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘corra ghul’. Definition: Gurgling (of stream or throat).] |
curaiste | stamina. Nach ann aice tha churaiste. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip has ‘…a’ churaiste’.] |
canastair | canister. |
ceann-grobaidh | dish from the liver of fish, fish paddies or pudding made with oatmeal mixed with liver and salt, etc. Creann-grobaidh in Scalpay. [SLIP: Dish made of fish liver mixed with oatmeal etc.] |
ceann-àrca | empty-headed. |
ceann-toisich | beginning, ahead. Tha ’n ceann toisich aig air a uile fear dhuibh [sic]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ceann-tòisich’. Quotation: Tha ’n ceann-tòisich aig’ air a h-uile fear dhiubh. Definition: Ahead.] |
ceann-mara | buoy marker, marker on the surface of the sea, as in the case of long-lines or small lines set in the sea for fishing, the ends of the set of lines are kept indicated on the surface by a ‘ceann-mara’, also serving their original [?] purpose as floats tied to the line on the surface, the other fastened to the fishing line or lines at the bottom of the sea. |
sliabh | moorland grass. Canach an t-sléibh. |
sliag | slide. Bha e sliagadh. |
sliagadh | sliding. |
clamhadh | (also) retorted as a person. Thug e clamhadh thuige. Thug Dòmhnall clamhadh thuige. – humanly speaking. |
cnot | bow tie. |
cnotag | wooden clisp. Cuir a’ chnotag air an doruis. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…air an dorus’. Definition: Wooden clasp.] |
slaoigt | hair slide. |
ceum-coise | footstep. |
ceum | step. Thug e ’n ceum. |
mulcaire | (also) but I am not sure of this one also as the name of a sea-bird but I faintly think there is a sea-bird of this name, it may not be among those already listed bird species. [SLIP: Some sort of seabird.] |
mulcaire | (also) a rude angry (of little consideration towards his fellow men, etc.) person. Perhaps the same ‘symptoms’ could be noticeable towards a bird, for the name to be adopted. [SLIP: A person who is rude and generally inconsiderate towards his fellow human beings.] |
gille-na-bunaich | son of disgust. |
gille-na-buinich | [See gille-na-bunaich.] |
gille-nam-fud | ? (at the moment) |
gille-nan-sad | runaway? (at the moment) |
pìcireadh | mean person. |
crup | squat [?]. |
casad-crup | cough of a hoarse nature. |
crùp | bend. |
crùb | [See crùp.] |
ciad-bhainne | cow’s first milk. |
cairteir | carter. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cairtear’ with ‘cairteir’ as the quotation.] |
preasa | press. [SLIP: press – cupboard.] |
brachlach | (also) worn-out, old, as a boat. Tha brachdlach [sic] dhi ann. |
sgramh | (also) disgust (in connection with an old boat, etc.) Co ás a táinig a scramh [sic]. [NOTES: The quotation on the slip reads ‘Có ás a tàinig a’ sgramh?’ Definition: Disgusting old hulk of a boat.] |
bocsa-dhealbh | box camera. |
gadsair | customs. |
gadsair | observant female. ’S e gadsair th’innte. |
sconnsair | a big female or a hefty woman. |
sioladh | (also) dying. Rinn e sioladh air falbh – died peacefully. [SLIP: He passed away peacefully; dying.] |
gobach | nosey, sharp. Tha i cho gobach. |
gob | nose. ’S toigh leis a ghob a bhi anns a h-uile rud. [NOTES: the slip has ‘...a bhith...’.] |
cràladh | crawling. |
fasgadh | searching. I fasgadh a chinn. |
mòine-chruaidh-dhubh | dark hard peat (quality of peat). |
mòine-bhàn | light peat. |
mòine-chòsach | absorbent peat. |
tobar-réisg | peat well. |
tobar-talamh-toll | a well or waterlogged hole with water on broken ground. |
bùrn-réisg | peat water. |
bùrn-an-réisg | peat water. [See burn-réisg.] |
sgamhan | ‘soul’. An robh duin’ anns an tigh? Cha robh sgamhan. |
adharc | horn; fog-horn. Séid an adhairc. A horn of a dead cow was used by fishermen when in fog to denote their presence. (Scalpay) |
feamanadh | collecting seaweed for manure, and on to the croft. |
slapail | (also) slashing [sic] [slushing?], slashing [sic] movement of the feet against soft mud, etc. |
cleitrich | (also) showdown. [SLIP: show down.] |
clapanachadh | padding. Bha e ’g a chlapanach [sic]. |
glumaradh | the noise of the sea, of wavelets against the hull of a boat. [SLIP: Noise of wavelets against the side of a boat.] |
feansa | fence. |
toman fraoich | heather knoll. |
lann | fence. (The more modern word feansa [q.v.] is the Scalpay version among the present generation.) |
mullach-fraoich | heather-thatched roof. |
mullach-camhlaich | straw-thatched roof. |
mullach-cloiche | stone-paved roof. |
mullach-claiseach | corrugated roof. |
mullach-fiodh | wooden roof. |
tranns | trance. |
beurr | spark. |
balt | soft breeze. |
pràig | scatter of children. |
spiolag | (also) mischievous bairn, mischievous child. |
piocaid | pick. |
culach | headgear of unusual size. Culach mhor m’a cheann. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…mhór…’.] |
greimeil | hold, grasp, grasping. |
coichlich | gurgle. Bha coichlich a bhàis ’na h-amhaich. [NOTES: the slip has ‘...a’ bhàis...’. Definition: Gurgle (death-rattle).] |
cochlaich | [See coichlich.] |
scrainnsear | scroucher [sic] [scrounger?]. |
fear-stiùraidh | director, etc, etc. |
fear-caoich | uncontrollable person, male. |
grinneal-garbh | rough shingle. |
meanbh-chlachan | small stones. [NOTES: slipped under ‘meanbh-chlach’ with ‘meanbh-chlachan’ as the quotation.] |
morghach | mixture of stone and sand. |
suaib | the line and buoy float attached to great lines, fishing lines. |
spàlag | wee unsteady boat, unstable small boat. |
cnag-bheòil | gunwale pin. |
plunndraigeadh | floundered. (boat) [SLIP: To flounder (boat).] |
thairis | capsized. (boat) Chaidh i thairis anns na tuinn. [SLIP: Of boat, to capsize.] |
sgouilter | jellyfish. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgouiltear’.] |
caoiltear | thin person. |
sgluis | (also) thick liquid, or a mixture of a soft matter like dough and mixing into a form of a sticky nature. [SLIP: Thick liquid or doughy mixture.] |
sgloban | hanging thickness of fat under the chin, or thickness of mutton under the chin of an extra fat person. [SLIP: Hanging fat under the chin.] |
sgleitrich | (also) a reprimand. |
sglùrag, sglùragan | [pl.] thin layer of cloth. Nach cuir thu dhiot na sglùragan tan’ sin or na sglùragan sin. [NOTES: quotation on the slip: Nach cuir thu dhìot na sglùragan tana sin.] |
slugaisteadh | tonnage. (boat) Tha slugaisteadh mhath aice. |
bragail | proud. |
bragadh | bragging. |
mineideach | detailed. |
shobhlaigeadh | [sic] shovelling. [SLIP: To shovel.] |
sluaiseid | shovel. Perhaps the word sluaisreadh [q.v.] has been adapted from this word? [NOTES: slipped under ‘sluaseid’.] |
sluaisreadh | the movement of the sand on the ebb-in heavy seas; or the action of the sea on the sand – the heavy seas, the waves curling over it, ‘shovelling’ it back and fore? (My own definition at the moment.) [SLIP: Movement of sand by sea.] |
trabhalair | the hook and ring on which a lug sail was hooked on, adjacent to the mast. (boat) |
sguit | (also) a shelf in a boat. |
frasadh | ‘showering’. ’G a fhrasadh mu ’cheann. |
froiseadh | (frois) beating. A’ froiseadh an t-sìl. |
bun-froise | the beginning of a shower, the formation of a shower. [SLIP: The formative beginning of a shower.] |
bonn-a-tacsa | feet against a support. Cuir do dhà bhonn ’n tacsa. |
bun-bac | lying at anchor. Na raimh ri bun-bac. They had this saying in Scalpay in former days. Perhaps you have another meaning yourself for this term? |
bun-na-còmhla | doorstep. |
geaghanadh | endeavouring, attempting in a petty sort of way. |
sgiathalaich | also applied humanly [sic] as: De a sgiathalaich th’air ’n duin’ ud – here and there and everywhere. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘dé a’ sgiathalaich th’air an duin’ ud’. Definition: Fluttering about.] |
bogha-cléibh | creel hoop; cliabh ghiomach. |
cliabh-seilich | creel made of willow twigs. |
ball-cléibh | rope hauler for a lobster pot. |
gad | a fleet of lobster pots, stringed in the sea. [SLIP: A series of lobster pots strung out on the surface of the sea.] |
tarpolin | tarpaulin. |
cròcail | croaking. |
grimheal | bony person. |
crausgach | (also) unevenly, bended. [SLIP: Uneven, bent.] |
croitseach | person having crutches. [SLIP: Person with crutches.] |
flipearsaich | flipping. |
crathadh-làmh | waving by hand. |
soisgeal | whereabouts, redemption. Cha fhaca mi càil dha soisgeal. [NOTES: in the example ‘soisgeal’ was originally spelt ‘shoisgeal’ but then ‘h’ was crossed out. The quotation on the slip reads: ‘Chan fhaca mi càil dha shoisgeal’. Definition: Wherebouts.] |
brògan-tacaideach | tacketed [sic] boots. [SLIP: tackety boots.] |
brògan-cruidheach | plated boots. |
each-cruidheach | hoof-plated horse. [SLIP: Hooved horse.] |
Rubha-nan-each | place-name (Harris), etc. |
botul-teth | hot water bottle. |
pèipear-chuileag | fly paper. [NOTES: slipped under ‘pàipear-chuileag’.] |
coire-cartaidh | the container for boiling bark for the fishing nets. |
sàbh-feòla | butcher’s saw. |
tuna-feòla | tinned meat. |
aran-milis | tea bread. |
ùr-fhaclach | newly-worded. |
canastair-feòla | tinned mutton. |
cracain | cream crackers (biscuits). (A word I discovered recently from an old lady: it may be her own invented word… if you will accept it?) |
stuth-chuileag | fly killer. |
puinnsean-rodain | warfarin, rodent poison. [SLIP: Rat poison.] |
puinnsean-nan-luchain | rodent poison. [SLIP: “Mouse poison”.] |
cnagan-anairt | clothes pegs. |
lof-ghurans | currant loaf. |
pacaid-ime | ½ lb packet of butter. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ìm’ and ‘pacaid’ with ‘pacaid ìme’ as the quotation. Definition: Half-pound packet of butter.] |
pùnnd-càis | pound of cheese. |
bainne-na-canastairean | (condensed) tinned milk. |
cnagan | (tin), jar. |
stòp-pinnd | pint stop, ½ g’l measurement. [SLIP: Pint-stop; half-gill measurement.] |
flasg-bainne | ‘milk flask’. |
tàirnean-sgriutha | screw nails. |
tàirnean-copair | copper nails. |
sgrioban | scrapper [sic] [scraper?]. |
saibhs | (sùgh chuideagan ’s min neo gràinnean mineadh na cheann ’s uinneanan). Recipe – water where cuddies (fish) is boiled, with oatmeal, sprinkle of oatmeal is added and onions, and left to boil, etc., etc. [SLIP: Meal made by mixing oatmeal and onions in water in which cuddies have been boiled and then the mixture itself is boiled.] |
sodadh-arain | baking soda. |
min-fhlùir | flour. |
baga-sgoile | school bag. |
bruis-sgùraidh | scrubbing brush. |
‘bonnach-silidh’ | sponge. This perhaps is an invented term. |
bruis-pheint | paint brush. |
bruis-shabhaidh | shaving brush. |
lasadan | match. |
maitse, pl. maitsichean | match. |
sireap | syrup. |
suiteas | sweets. (Scalpay) [SLIP: Sweet (noun).] |
baiteareas | [sic] batteries. [NOTES: slipped under ‘baitearas’.] |
caraichean | cars. |
peterol | petrol. |
tigh-dhealbh | picture-house. |
tigh-marbhaidh | slaughterhouse. |
feòil-marbhaidh | butcher meat. |
lion-fuilt | as referred to by the old folk on Scalpay today. I have noted this term already, I think. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lìon-fuilt’. Definition: Hairnet.] |
deise | suit (gent’s suit of clothes). |
brògan-rubár | [?] rubber boots. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bròg-rubar’. Definition: Rubber boot.] |
coileachan | small cockerel. |
caoradh Hiortach | [sic] sheep species attributable to the island of St Kilda. [SLIP: St Kilda species of sheep.] |
stragaidh | scattered amount, thin scattered evenly distributed. |
ciridh | pet sheep. |
cioradh | pet sheep. |
straulaich | equally scattered amount as fish in a net. |
crothan-chaorach | sheep cots. |
bothan-àirigh | a construction of a bothy serving as both bothy and sheiling. |
bothan-fraoich | a heather-thatched bothy. |
[note] | (Words on this page in red [i.e. starting from coileachan] signifying ‘old words’ or words more aptly used in former eras or days, while those in black as above are ‘new words’ or more associated with the present.) |
stetion-nam-muc | [sic] whaling station. [NOTES: slipped under ‘steisean’ with ‘steisean-nam-muc’ as the quotation.] |
mionnaichean-a-sgadain | herring entrails. |
mionnaichean-an-éisg | fish entrails. |
sgùrach | a light shower on the top of a mountain. [SLIP: Slight shower on a mountain-top.] |
clobhta-sgùraidh | washing cloth. |
dearg stoirm | an unusual storm force. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dearg’ with ‘dearg-stoirm’ as the quotation. Definition: Storm of unusual force.] |
stoirm uamhasach | frightening storm. |
dusd | dust. Tha dusd air choireiginn oirre – weather appearance. |
dusdach | dusty. |
tide rabach | ‘foul’ weather. [NOTES: slipped under ‘rabach’ with ‘tìde rabach’ as the quotation. Definition: Foul weather.] |
lag-na-sleisde | hollow at the back of the thigh. |
duilleagan | pages, tracts. |
anart | winding sheet. |
cuimhneachan-cogaidh | war memorial. |
drobhan | droves, as of cattle. [NOTES: slipped under ‘drobh’ with ‘pl. drobhan’ as the quotation. Definition: Drove (of cattle).] |
min-saibh | sawdust. |
min-bhuidhe | maize meal. |
siol-nan-cearc | hen feeding grain. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sìol’ with ‘sìol nan cearc’ as the quotation. Definition: Grain for feeding hens.] |
duilleagan càil | cabbage leaves. |
buntàta carach | warted potatoes. |
buntàta-sìl | seed potatoes. |
ceilp | seaweed. |
feamainn-na-ceilpe | kelp seaweed. |
àth | kiln. |
ceann-na-tràghad | head of the ebb. |
tràigh bhuidhe | yellow sand, golden sand. [SLIP: Yellow/golden sand.] |
gainneach mhìn | fine sand. |
gainneach-a-mhuil | greyish sand. |
gainneamh | sand. |
gainmheach | sand. [SLIP: Sandy.] |
gainneach | sand. |
morghan-mìn | fine shingle. |
mol | coarse shingle. |
ruadhan | overcooked. |
brùcd-ruadhain | [sic] gastric result from overcooked food. [NOTES: slipped under ‘brùchd-ruadhain’.] |
madhar-gallda | fly hooks from the shop. |
madhar-cloithe | fishing hook served with a woollen (artificial) lure. |
cuileag | artificial fly for trout fishing. |
cuileagan | artificial flies of various colours and forms (for the angler’s fishing rod). |
slat-mhathair | fishing rod. |
slat-mhaghair | fishing rod. |
driamlach | (fishing) line for fishing rods. [SLIP: Fishing line (on rod).] |
dorgha | [line] of the heavier quality for fishing (ground fishing). [SLIP: Heavy fishing line.] |
slat-chuilc | bamboo fishing rod. |
slat-chuilc | willow rod, willow fishing rod. |
slat-druimeanaich | fishing rod of a branch off the alder tree. [SLIP: Fishing rod made from an alder branch.] |
grùnnd-iasgaich | fishing ground. |
grunnachadh | aground, in the event of detecting the bottom. |
grunnachadh | lead line detection in seamanship. [SLIP: Feeling the bottom of the sea with a lead line.] |
faireachdainn | detecting fish, herring by wire dragged by the boat; the herring or fish coming against the wire caused a feel of their presence. Bha sinn dha fhaireachdainn. Now through the meter indicator in the wheel house (boat). [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘Bha sinn ’ga fhaireachdainn.’ Definition: Detecting herring by means of a wire dragged by the fishing boat.] |
faireachduinn | detection (fish) with a wire indicator after a vessel. |
luaidhe | (also) fish-detector, detecting by lead sinker and line. ’G fhaireachduinn leis an luaidhe. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘’ga fhaireachdainn leis an luaidhe.’] |
grèghean | coral. Bha grèghean gu leòir ann. (Scalpay) (Fishermen getting pieces of it enmeshed.) |
farsaneachd | space. |
farsaingeachd | space. |
fudraigeadh | fuddling. |
bat’-aiseig-charbadan | vehicular ferry. |
seòlaid | harbour. (Very seldom heard if at all in conversation now.) |
long-phort | harbour, etc. |
ri-port | in port. |
camaràd | comrade, companion. |
beart-fhigheadh | weaving loom. |
manadh | ghost. |
taibhs | ghost. |
samhladh | ghost. |
tannasg | ghost. |
[note] | (Some people, I think, will tell the difference between each of these?) |
builgean-sàile | sea bubble. |
rèim-mara | sea scum; seen on a calm sea and left on the rocks after the receding tide. |
falach-cuain | out of view on the sea. When a vessel overtakes the other and will follow on her course until she makes a “falach cuain dhi”. |
logaidh-tairbh | dosan of a bull, the hairs over the bull’s head and over the eyes. |
inneal-marbhaidh | murder weapon. |
bualadh-bhas | hand clapping. |
tarsachan | feet spar. |
tionnasnadh | mishap. |
sgeith-ròin | seal blubber. [SLIP: Seal’s blubber.] |
mùsgan-caol | prawn. I have discovered this word for prawn. |
strùban | cockle. |
creachann | scallop/clam. |
isbean | sausage. |
gailleach | gills (fish). |
gobhlachan | turnstone (bird). |
botul-inc | ink bottle. |
bóla | bowl. |
plumadaich | (plumping) splashing. |
sicamor | sycamore (tree). |
darach | oak. |
seileach | willow. |
briogadh | pruning. |
bà-bà | imitated to a child to notify him to sleep. [SLIP: Said to a child to make him fall asleep.] |
buathsach | silly woman. |
busraichean | witchcraft. |
Béteag | personal name, wee Betty. |
mosag | wee selfish child. |
coitseach | coating. [?] [NOTES: the word is unclear. It looks like ‘coatch’ corrected to ‘coating’ but maybe coaching was meant.] Gabh do choitseach. [SLIP: Coaching (travelling?).] |
coitsireachd | coaching. Dé a choitsireach [sic] th’air – in other word travelling. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘Dé a’ choitsireachd a th’air? Definition: Travelling.] |
Agnas | personal name, Agnes. |
Ùna | Agnes. |
Seasag | Jessie (diminutive). |
Seasaidh | Jessie. |
Caluman | wee Calum or Junior from Calum; personal name. |
Dòmhnallan | wee Donald; personal name, diminutive form. |
Aonghasachan | wee Angus; personal name, diminutive form. |
Tormod beag | wee Norman. |
Coinneach mór | big Kenneth. |
[patronymics] | Iain Fhionnlaigh Fhearchair, Dhòmhnaill òig – patronymic (form). Domhall Iain mac Eoghainn, Thormoid, mac Chaluim bhig – patronymic. |
Calum sgoileir | Malcolm the scholar; personal name and the adjective word indicating the person’s occupation, etc. |
Murchadh post | Murdo the postman. |
Seòras saor | George the joiner. |
Calum-nan-gobhar | goatherd Calum. |
Iamhar-a-chaolais | Ivor or Edward of the sound or channel, signifying where Ivor lives, whereas the top [i.e. Calum-nan-gobhar] indicates Calum’s occupation or ‘trade’ if you wish: a ‘goat herd’s man’. |
Màiri nan gleann | Mary living in the glens. |
Anna nam mogan | Annie of the (mitts as below) tennis socks; ceann stockanain. |
mogain | (mitts air son nan lamh) tennis socks, etc. |
rèipeag | a child with a mark of his eating excess on his lips; or [?] rather the sign of an untidy eating process on his lips, such [as] in the case of eating chocolate etc. [SLIP: A mark left on a child’s mouth after eating eg. a bar of chocolate; pos. the child himself.] |
mol-nan-eilean | place-names showing the term used to describe the preceding word or words, etc. |
cuir-seachad-aotram | [sic] light entertainment. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cur-seachad’ with ‘cur-seachad aotrom’ as the quotation.] |
plodag | wee plodding female. |
putag | a ‘buttish’ female, small and fat, child female. [SLIP: A small, fat girl.] |
stansa | stance. Stansa na féile. |
mansa | manse. |
bublaigeadh | bubbling. |
builgeanan | wee bubbles; blisters. [NOTES: slipped under ‘builgean’. Definition: Small bubble; blister.] |
bhan | van. |
làraidh | lorry. |
baighseacal | bicycle. |
pufair | puffer (vessel). [SLIP: Puffer (boat).] |
rathad-tearradh | road surface with tar macadam. |
rathad-monaidh | moorland road, or a road across a moor. |
peansail-purpaidh | indelible pencil. |
suathag | a wee wipe. |
mèitrig | metric weights and measures. |
tachdadh | chocked [sic] [choked?]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tachd’ with ‘a’ tachdadh’ as the quotation. Definition: To choke.] |
cu-criadha | clay dog (ornament). |
cat-criadha | clay cat (ornament). |
cumaidhean-criadha | clay ornaments. |
poit-leabaidh | chamber pot. |
poit-leabadh | [See poit-leabaidh.] |
poit-sheòmair | chamber pot. |
fraoighleas | ornamental cuttings on the edge of a curtain, or ornamental cloth design. [SLIP: Ornamental fringe on curtains or cloth design.] |
leabaidh-iaruinn | iron bed (frames). [SLIP: Iron bed (frame).] |
puist-leabadh | bedposts. [NOTES: slipped under ‘post’ and under ‘leabaidh’.] |
tigh-aoraidh | worshipping house. [SLIP: House of worship.] |
tigh-chaluman | dovecots [sic]. [SLIP: Dove-cot.] |
gabhail ceò | smoking. |
gabhail-toit | smoking. |
dearg rùiste | bare naked. [SLIP: Stark naked.] |
briosgaidean-milis | sweet biscuits. |
solus-mara | beacon. |
compaist | compass. |
crann-beag | mizzen mast in a fishing vessel. |
crann-mór | fore mast in a fishing vessel, etc. |
tac-an-teine | fireside. |
cuingleachadh | (also) kept within close contact, accessed. |
ceò-bhàn | white smoke. |
slibheag | wooden stick for stirring, shaped. [SLIP: Shaped wooden spoon for stirring.] |
maide-slibheig | wooden stick or a handy piece of wood to serve as the real thing [i.e. as slibheag q.v.]. |
spàin-fhiodha | wooden spoon. |
spàin-cnaimhe | bone spoon, spoon made of bone. |
cnaimh-géillean | jaw bone. |
fuil-reòdhta | frozen blood. |
siùcar-reòdhta | iced sugar. [SLIP: Iced sugar (icing?).] |
meath-chasad | slight cough. |
tombaco-milis | fine cut tobacco, of a light (or perhaps sweet) quality. |
sùgh-feamainn | abstracted juice from seaweed. |
sùgh-na-feamainn | qualities or the ingredient liquid form of seaweed. |
tiormachd-na-Màirt | dry days in March. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tiormachd’ with ‘tiormachd na Màirt’ as the quotation and a note added – N.B. ‘Màrt’ is feminine here.] |
còmhdach-air-eiginn | hardly covered. |
iadh-shlat | woodbine (tree). |
sallastair | iris. [SLIP: Iris (plant).] |
buathallan | ragwort. |
craobhan | trees. |
lusan | herbs. [NOTES: slipped under ‘lus’ with ‘pl. lusan’ as the quotation. Definition: Herb.] |
planntaisean | plants. [NOTES: slipped under ‘planntais’ with ‘pl. planntaisean’ as the quotation. Definition: Plant.] |
dithein | flowers. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dìthean’ with ‘plural: dithein’ as the quotation. Definition: Flowers.] |
ditheannan | flowers. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dìthean’ with ‘plural: ditheannan’ as the quotation. Definition: Flowers.] |
sgann | hardly. |
sgial | (also) trace. Cha ’eil sgial air – no report (or song) of him. |
sgoladh | (also) rinse. Sgoladh dhe mo theanga – rinse of my tongue, literally. [SLIP: Rinse; (here) scolding.] |
arbhar-cruaidhicte | [sic] hardened husks, corn, etc.; corn-flakes. [NOTES: slipped under ‘arbhar’ with ‘arbhar cruaidhichte’ as the quotation. Definition: Hardened husks of corn; ‘corn-flakes’.] |
raus-cruaidhte | rice crispies. |
brot-na-canastairean | tinned soup. |
sùgh-isein | chicken soup. |
cearc-mhara | seabird, ‘sea hen’. |
eòin-mhara | seabirds. |
puist-feansa | fence posts. [NOTES: slipped under ‘post’ and under ‘feansa’ with ‘puist-feansa’ as the quotation.] |
pòst | postman. |
leam leat | turncoat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘le’ with ‘leam leat’ as the quotation.] |
brùchdadh | bursting. [NOTES: slipped under ‘brùchd’ with ‘a’ brùchdadh’ as the quotation.] |
diabhair | diver. |
flapaidean | flaps. [NOTES: slipped under ‘flap’ with ‘plural: flapaidean’ as the quotation. Definition: Flaps.] |
clogad | helmet. |
piob-na-h-èir | wind pipe, air pipe through which a supply of air is received. |
meinneidearan | miners. [NOTES: slipped under ‘mèinneadair’ with ‘plural: meinneidearan’ as the quotation.] |
sgolpaigeadh | (also) sculpturing. Sgolpaigeadh air – sculpture design on material, like wallpaper etc. [SLIP: Sculptured design on certain materials, eg. wallpaper; sculpturing.] |
drobhair | drover. |
gèimeir | (gemmer) gamekeeper. |
riochdaire | representative. |
obair-na-h-ola | oil work(s). |
tràlair-iasgaich | fishing trawler. |
bàta-mara | sea boat. Is e bàta-mara math a h-innte [sic] – a good sea boat. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bàta’. Quotation: ’Se bàta-mara math a th’innte. Definition: Sea-boat.] |
bàt’-iaruinn | vessel made of steal or iron. |
bat’-fiodh | [sic] vessel built of wood. |
tamhasg | fool. |
tathaich | (also) ghost sounds. Bhitheadh iad a’ cluinntinn tathaich ann. [SLIP: Ghostly sounds.] |
tathasg | (also) (perhaps a skeleton frame of a being). [SLIP: Ghost.] |
tàthadh | piece together. Cha’n eil iad a’ tathadh ri chéile. Perhaps words as such have similarities? |
tanasg | (already noted) ghost. |
tana | thin. Sgàil thana. |
barran-tarsain | irregular crop of potatoes; showing its appearance between the drills, ‘tops’ appearing between the drill spaces, at hoeing time. |
drùthadh | drenching. |
drùdhadh | [See drùthadh.] |
each-iaruinn | symbolical name for a train. |
tigh-saoirsneachd | joiner’s workshop. |
saor-eithrichean | carpenter. |
góbhal-craoibhe | fork of a tree. |
maide-starrain | a plank used as a bridge to cross a stream. |
iarnachan-snàth | yarn hanks. [NOTES: slipped under ‘iarna’ with ‘plural: iarnachan snàth’ as the quotation.] |
iarnachan | (also) hanks. Na linn mhóra air an crochadh nan iarnachan. [NOTES: slipped under ‘iarna’ with ‘plural: iarnachan’ and the above example as the quotation.] |
biathadh-slàn | uncut bait. Chuir sinn biathadh slàn oirre (great lines). Whole herring, not cut in half. [NOTES: slipped under ‘biathadh’ with ‘biathadh slàn’ and the above example as the quotation. Definition: Uncut bait – eg. whole herring, not cut in half.] |
biathadh | attracting. Dha biathadh thuige fhéin. |
clòbhar | clover (flower). Cha bhiodh e toilichte ged a bhiodh e a-measg a’ chlòbhar. |
steir | stir. |
stur | [See steir.] |
falbh air cuiblichean | [sic] borne on wheels. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cuibhle’ with ‘falbh air cuibhlichean’ as the quotation.] |
falbh air a threòraisde fhein | going on his own accord. [NOTES: slipped under ‘treòraisde’ with ‘falbh air a threòraisde fhéin’ as the quotation.] |
cothormaichean | [sic] weights. |
cothorm | [sic] weight. |
cothorm-ùnnsa | [sic] ounce weight. |
bolg-soluis | bulb, electric bulb. |
mullach | child. An aon mhullach a tha agam. [NOTES: the slip has ‘…a th’agam’.] |
mullach | head. O do mhullach gu do shàil. [SLIP: Head; top to toe.] |
marbhan | dead. Ann am marbhan a mheadhonn [sic] oidhche. [NOTES: the slip has ‘… a’ mheadhoin-oidhche’. Definition: Dead (metaphorical noun).] |
càradh-cloiche | masonry. |
bleideagan | flakes. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bleideag’.] |
plaosgag | (also) modest little female, or modest female. |
piùrag | wee sister, child sister. |
plèistreadh | plastering. [NOTES: slipped under ‘pléistreadh’.] |
àrladh | harling. |
bùidh | buoy. |
guaraidh | quarry. |
truilleis | rubbish. |
trapadh | trapping. |
stireap | stirrup. |
crachd | crack. |
carcas | carcase, Scalpay pronunciation (carcas). |
òrain-pop | pop songs. [NOTES: slipped under ‘òran-pop’ with ‘plural: òrain-pop’ as the quotation.] |
dotaireachd | doctoring, surgery. |
leac-cloiche | stone-slab. |
leac-nigheadh | washing stone platform. |
clach-nigheach | stone on which the washer woman put her washing on. |
bean-nighean | washer woman. |
bean-nighean | (also) ghost woman, of legendary existence. |
uisge-tinneas-an-righ | water associated with the cure of the disease known as the King’s Evil. [NOTES: slipped under ‘uisge’ with ‘uisge tinneas-an-rìgh’ as the quotation.] |
briagadh | enticing. |
ògar | oxide. |
gròbadh | putting together as cloth, mending or stitching together in a scanty fashion. |
grabadh | grabbing. [SLIP: To grab.] |
snathad-fuaigheil | mending needle. [NOTES: slipped under ‘snàthad’ with ‘snàthad-fuaigheil’ as the quotation. Definition: Needle for mending.] |
snàth-cògrach | net mending twine, or fishing net mending twine. [NOTES: slipped under ‘snàth’ with ‘snàth-cògrach’ as the quotation. Definition: Twine for mending nets.] |
cuibhleadh | coiling. |
ròp-tearradh | tarred rope. |
fraoch-goirid | virgin heather, or short heather. |
fraoch-fada | long heather. |
fraoch-geal | white heather. |
fraoch | anger. |
bàrr-an-fhraoich | the blossom of the heather or top of the heather. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bàrr’ with ‘bàrr an fhraoich’ as the quotation. Definition: Blossom (or top) of heather.] |
long-fhada | long boat. |
tuba-saillidh | tub for salting fish. |
croga-ruadh | clay jar of a brownish colour, used as a salt container among household utensils of former days. |
bùrn-an-iaruinn | (perhaps noted already) (also) water of a chemical sort of scum on the surface resembling iron: rusty appearance. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bùrn’ and ‘iarunn’ with ‘bùrn an iaruinn’ as the quotation. Definition: Water with a chemically-caused scum (of rusty appearance) on the surface.] |
bùrn-lòin | stagnant water of a morass. |
burn-ruith | running water, stream. |
bùrn-òil | drinking water. |
burn-salach | contaminated water. |
mòine-phrann | broken peat; moinne-phrann nature of peat. |
stamp | stamp |
surrag | puddle. |
spuireag | wee claw. |
sprodan | small sticks. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sprodan (plural)’.] |
spreòid | (also) a long chip of wood. [SLIP: A long sliver of wood.] |
spring | rope to which fish nets are tied. |
guibeadh | whipped. |
guibeadh | whipping the ends of a rope. A bheil ’n ròp sin air a ghuibeadh. |
ceann-turcach | turk’s head; on the end of a rope, seamanship design, etc. [NOTES: slipped under ‘ceann’ with ‘ceann turcach’ as the quotation. Definition: A seaman’s design on the end of a rope.] |
bucaid-canabhais | canvas bucket, or bucket made of canvas. |
brògan-canabhais | canvas shoes. |
ropan-naidhlions | nylon ropes. [NOTES: slipped under ‘naidhlon’ with ‘ròpan naidhlions’ as the quotation.] |
leac-criadha | tile. |
leac-doruis | flax [sic] stone [flagstone?], at a door. |
clach-shnaithte | dressed stone. |
clach-mhuil | round and oval stones on a beach. |
crios-leathair | leather belt. |
crios-na-cruaiche | middle part of the stack, etc. |
éisg-na-mara | fishes of the sea. |
maorach | shellfish. |
1. Letter dated 14/7/1975 | |
àilt | (also) ember. A’ lasadh na pioba(dh) le àilt. (Scalpay) The name was pronounced in Scalpay and used. |
peileir | pith [sic] or fastness, etc. Bha e ’g oibreachadh aig peileir a bheatha. (Scalpay) |
peile | pail. |
preasbataridh | presbytery. |
parlamaid | a group of people discussing local affairs. Parlamaid Hiortach. |
dorus-na-fainge | the fank entrance. |
dubhan-linn-mhor | [sic] size of hook(s) appropriate for great lines (fishing). |
dubhan-linn-bheaga | size of hook(s) suitable for small lines. |
poc-a-mantó | pocamantaue? [sic] [portmanteau?] |
ola-nam-muc | oil from whales (whale oil). |
sgiath | fin. Sgiath a chearbain. |
sgiath dhubh | I am not sure of this one: only very vague, was it a birthmark or a mark of ill luck, wasn’t the term “Tha sgiath dhubh ort” used? I think so. |
sgiath-an-fhichich | I am not sure of this one either. Some ailment approaching someone, misfortune. Bhuail sgiath an fhichich ort. |
sgoil-dhubh | black magic. |
tinneas-a-righ | ‘King’s disease’ or ‘King’s Evil’. Known in the Highlands of Scotland. |
tinneas-mara | sea-sickness. |
dorgha-leatha | full scope. Leig e ’n dorgha leatha – full reins. |
tuilleadh ’s a chòir | more than enough. Expressions. |
dacha-dubh | the disappearance of frost. |
locha-buidhe | extremely long time. Thug e locha-buidh’ ann. |
frìdeam | mote. Cha d’fhuair sinn frìdeam. |
tutanadh | removed irregularly in a continual fashion. |
dis | cold, objectionable to cold, prone to feel cold. Nach tu tha dis. |
bòrd-iochdair | foot board. Bòrd iochdair na leaba. |
bòrd-nigheadh | washing board. |
bòrd-uachdair | coffin lid. |
spàineag | wee spoon. Cuir spàineag bheag ’na bhial dhe. |
bòineid-béin | Russian headdress. Bha bòinneid béin air Eoghainn. (People on Scalpay 60 year back had some of these headgear: they may have been found through sailors.) |
seacaid bheleibheid | velvet jacket. |
curraic-béin | Russian headdress. |
currac-béin | [See curraic-béin.] |
currac-cinn | headdress. |
cùl-do-churraic | back of the head. |
balg | air bubble. |
clobha-gobha | smith tongs, long tongs used by a smith to withdraw iron from the fire. |
clobha-gobha | tongs made by a smith, hand-made tongs. |
spaidseireachd | (also) display of a person’s movement. |
piocach | mean. |
spiocach | [See piocach.] |
[note] | (I may have noted these two already.) |
garach | have more than his requirements, as in the case of eating. Tha e garach air – in other words: Tha e seideadh air. |
gurach | a St Kildian word, but if it’s the same meaning [as garach q.v.] I am not prepared at the moment to say. |
ribe | snare or strap. |
rotach | hinding [sic], thrashing. |
ròp | a rope. Rinn e ròp de ghuitheachan. |
rasgal | rascal. |
barag | scum. |
plèig | plaque. |
siubhal-sìthe | a quiet way of travelling, done without hindrance, or dying peacefully. |
braise | temper. |
aghach | cheeky. |
sèip | treat, a palatable approach. |
seodaire | lazy fellow, slovenly person. |
seodaire-gaoithe | a lazy person, flighty, as we say full of wind. |
siachaire-cladaich | shore (person) scroucher [sic] [scrounger?], also a bird species associated to the same term. |
rog-gaoithe | sound of roaring wind. Cha’n ’eil càil ann ach ro-gaoithe [sic] (Scalpay) – reference to a loud talkative person. |
ròcail | roaring; ‘seasound’ when licking into caves. |
paipeir-gleansach | silver paper. |
cath-choileach | cock-fight. |
airgead-aiseig | freight. |
paipeir-palla | [?] wallpaper. |
paipeir-balla | wallpaper. |
ean | hero. ’S e ean th’ann. |
mathan | exceptional[ly] strong person. ’S e mathan ann. Tha e mar am mathan. – signifying strength. |
muileid | mule. |
faradh | freight. |
minic | often. ’S minic a bha. |
cliseach | sides, appearance. Tha bhuil air do chliseach. |
druma | drum. |
daga | dagger. |
iomhaigh-dhaite | make up. |
braidean | (also) reference to Satan. |
an droch-aon | Satan. |
bradhadair | a big fire. |
braide | theft. An rud a fhuair braide, ghoid braidean (common in Scalpay). |
siol-shìthe | germinating peace, peace. Cha tig siol-shìthe gu bràth air. |
piob-chriadha | clay pipe, smoking pipe made of clay. Quite common in former years seeing a person smoking a penny clay pipe. |
tighean-samhraidh | summer houses. |
dath-aodainn | rouge. |
truthaire | convulsion associated with the whooping cough. |
dhéibhinn | about. Leughadh mu dhéibhinn (this form). |
dreach-dhathadh | (also) rouge. |
còmhdach | powder. Tiugh leis a’ chòmhdaich de dhath bh’air a aodann – from one individually [sic] reference to a lady’s powdered face, likely of his own rendering description. |
brucach | weather-beaten. Le aghaidh bhrucach ghorm. (Scalpay) |
brucach | ruddy, fattish. May have derived from the brù form of description. |
sgàile dreach dhathadh | rouge. |
sgàile de chòmdach | [sic] came into existence from a writer describing a lady’s face being powdered (padded) and rouge (dreach dhathadh) adapted. |
fùdar | powder. Làn leis an fhùdar. (already noted) |
sgeileid | skillet. |
sruthan-lòin | marsh streamlet. |
dath-an-aoig | death pale. |
steallag | sug [sic] [suck?]. Thoir dhomh steallag dhe. |
stràbh | straw. ’G a òl le stàbh [sic] – as drinking with a straw from a bottle, etc. |
dallag-fhraoich | some form of creature associated with the heather; it could be luch fheòir species of animal. I am afraid I cannot say exactly in this instance, it could be a bat, it could be a creature newly born in the heather – my nearest definition to it. You may have the word already? |
falcag-oidhche | night hawk. I don’t think this bird name [is?] among your list. |
seabhag-oidhche | night hawk. [See falcag-oidhche.] |
aibidil-ciùil | staff notation (music). |
bun-an-arbhair | what’s left of the corn when cut in the ground. |
stopair | stopper (rope, boat). |
stopadh | stopped. Tha e air stopadh neo i air stopadh – as a water in a pipe: obstruction. |
thàgair | hawker. |
clàr-bùird | tray. |
cliath-theine | bonfire. |
slis | edge. |
iall-cheannsaich | reins. |
lapaich | stutter. Lapaich an teanga aige or Bha lapaich air a theangaidh – as in a person affected by a ‘stroke’. |
godadaich | noise (cackling or crackling). |
glogadaich | cackling noise, as of hens. |
cruisgean | crusee [sic], a primitive form of lighting comprising originally of a simple stone with a hollow and fish oil with an ember or reeds, thus the oil in the stone being alight causing a flare to light the interior of the buildings or shack in which the ‘invention’ was placed. |
clach-shùla | the St Kildian version of it [i.e. cruisgean q.v.] (used on the island of St Kilda, west of the Outer Hebrides, Scotland). |
lurag | a bonny little girl, or a pretty little girl. |
braigh | inside the throat. |
braigh-beòil | throat region inside the mouth. |
ciùradh | hurt. |
ciùrras | cure; derived from the word, the English word cure. |
fiosachd | prophesy, crystal gazing. |
gnath-fiosachd | custom associated with witchcraft. |
liomhadh | polished. |
crùn | crown piece coin. |
oir | edge. |
drùidheachd | druidical beliefs, etc. |
bacail | hindrance. |
ball-iomain | shinty, shinty ball. |
Americ | America. |
Amearagaidh | America. |
Amaraga | America. |
Amearagadh | America. |
roid | fast run. Gheàrr e roid. |
roid | wreck. Camus-na-roide – place-name (Harris). |
roid | running fast for a few yards etc. preparatory to jumping. |
sibhir | shiver. Sud far a bheil ’n sibhire (personal approach). |
crotag | wee bent woman. (perhaps already noted) |
cnaimh-geal | bone white. |
flagasg | midden. |
flagaisg | [See flagasg.] |
fadachd | longing feeling, delay, bored in waiting for someone. |
tarbh-Gaidhealach | Highland bull, pedigree bull from the Highlands of Scotland. |
tarbh-Gallda | ‘Frisian Bull’. |
gaidhealach | having an appearance of a Highland character or Highland characteristics (Highland of Scotland). |
flerip | flare. |
gabhail | flame. |
pliuthag | a little slab [slap?] to a wee girl or boy. |
plobag | a wee girl. Perhaps from the English word plop or another form of the Gaelic word plabag. |
stèitch, stèitchean | [pl.] stage. |
slipeirean | slippers; wooden slippers for railway lines. |
tàirnean-iaruinn | iron nails, ‘Norwegian nails’. |
tàirnean-‘galbhanised’ | [?] galvanized nails. |
sgiot | shelf (boat). |
sgiot-thoisich | a forehead shelf in a boat or a seat. |
sgiot-dheiridh | a seat in the stern or a shelf (boat). |
sgiot | skiff (boat). |
sgeift | skiff (boat). |
sgeipt | skiff (boat). |
sgumaire | ‘scummering’, a person involved in the process of netting salmon or any fish, small fish, by applying a spoon under it in the water or sea to lift [it] on to the boat or embankment. |
bradan-leathainn | halibut (fish). |
leabag-leathainn | I am not quite sure of this one, but I think it was also common once upon a time. |
leabag-leathainn | halibut (fish). |
turbaid | turbot (fish). |
’g iasgach le slatan | sea angling. |
isean-an-Fhulmair | Fulmar petrel (bird). |
cuilean-ròin | baby seal. |
cuilean-coin | whelp, puppie. |
[note] | (Perhaps I have noted them previously.) |
sguaic-buachair | cow pats. |
slip | the trail left by an otter. Tha i fagail slip as a deigh. Grass being combed with a sort of phlegm substance or likeness by the movement of her body close to the ground, touching the ground. |
slat-chaol | light rod (fishing rod, etc.). |
strócadh | [See strògadh.] |
strógadh | stroking; stroking off as in the case of writing. |
sgratchadh | scratching. |
sgràbadh | scrabing [sic]. |
trèineadh | training. |
fear-mu-chuilg | admired person as in the case of a hero. |
traghan | a three year old beast (cow). |
traghanach | (adjective) of the traghan [q.v.]. |
làrach | impression. |
plosg | trob [sic]. |
paipeir-seachduinn | weekly paper. |
paipeir-latha | daily paper. |
paipeir-naidheachd | newspaper. |
muileadh | mule carrying method of transport. |
pleitrigeadh | blethering. |
buntàta-biorach | golden wonder potatoes, brand of potatoes. |
cot’-uachair | raincoat. |
cuineag | pail. |
fear-bargain | bargaining associate, contractor. |
fear-rannsachaidh | researcher, detective. |
deathann | Dean. |
Deathann | [See deathann.] |
corran-sgathaidh | hand scythe. |
lodar | ladle. (noted already perhaps) |
teàrr-a-ghuail | coal tar. |
tearr-an-fhiodh | [sic] Archangel Tar. |
teàrr-a-chuail | coal tar. |
tearradh | tarring. |
teàrr-smùraidh | smearing tar. |
mullach-tearradh | tarred roof. |
tigh-cuibhleadh | wheel house. (perhaps noted already) |
tigh-fasgaidh | shelter. |
cleit | storehouse. (St Kilda) |
banga | (fishing) bank. Banga-nam-bàgh – place-name, Harris. |
Banga | the house where money business is transacted. |
cuileag-laomainn | moth flies species. |
cuileag-buachair | fly species. |
rùgaireachd | scrouching [sic]. |
ruchdaireachd | [See rùgaireachd.] |
geat-sheòlaidh | sailing yacht. |
geat-balaich | toy sailing yacht. |
dithean-buidhe | [sic] yellow flowers, buttercups, marsh marigolds, etc. collectively: all of yellow colour, blossoming yellow. Tha e làn leis an dìthean bhuidhe. |
fuachd-earraich | cold of spring (or as cold as spring). Tha fuachd earraich innte. |
cadal-a-bhàis | death sleep. |
siorruidh-buan | everlasting existence. Cha fhaigh gu [sic] siorruidh buan. |
lagh-na-mara | sea law. |
dìth-connaidh | scarcity of fuel. |
turus-gun-toirbh | a fruitless journey. |
a’ beachdachadh domhainn | deep thinking. |
a’ spioladh nan cnàmh | nibbling the bones. |
a’ càradh nan clobht | mending the fragmentary clothes. |
fhuair e bogadh | he got a drenching (literally). |
bogadh-nan-gad | dipping the swithes [sic]. |
lannsa | (also) scalpel, surgeon’s knife. Leig e air (doctor) leis an lannsa. |
eisean-an-t-sulaire | baby solan goose (bird). |
guga | baby solan goose. [See eisean-an-t-sulaire.] |
gugas | [See guga.] Words associated with St Kilda, Suilesgerry. Rock, off the Butt of Lewis, bird sanctuaries etc. |
eun-gur | incubating bird sitting, incubating bird. |
uidhean-gur | hatching eggs. |
talamh-cur | arable land. |
talamh treabhaidh | arable land. |
talamh-glas | untilled ground. |
talamh-fraoich | heath covered ground. |
talamh-dubh | arable newly tilled soil. |
solus-manaidh | phantom light. |
dreasair | dresser (furniture piece). Tha e air an dreasair. |
sgonnan | little hill. (perhaps I have also noted this one) |
luadh | waulking of tweed. |
spurtu | [See spurtadh.] |
spurtadh | waulking of tweed (St Kilda); or the word was something as here noted [i.e. spurtu], more nearer I think? One of the women folk throwing a folding across the bench, would recall (spurtu), ‘their colloquial’ [sic]. They had another pronunciation: Do mhangair – it was nothing less than their pronunciation for Do mhathair (Your mother). Cia mar a tha do mhangair, which was their pronunciation of mathair. You may have the word more correctly yourself, as I am only trying to recall it from memory or to memory. |
tuba-mùin | a tub where urine was stored or collected for the tweed waulking process. |
mùn-goirt | urine left to congeal or sour, ferment. |
pocan-òrdaig | a paper bag made by screwing the paper round the thumb into a cone shape. |
màileid | paper bag. |
baga-bùthadh | shopping bag. |
baga-bùtha | [See baga-bùthadh.] |
seareadair-fallais | sweat (rag) towel. |
clobhta-fallais | sweat rag. |
pacaid-shuiteis | bag of sweets. |
ùrlair | (also) wood fastenings in the bottom of a boat, could be also applied to a steel vessel, or a vessel or boat made [of] iron. |
tarraig-barraidh | clinching nail appropriate for clinching. |
maide-sàbhaidh | piece of wood being cut by a saw adjustment done and can be done by a saw, etc. |
muilean-shàbhaidh | saw mill. |
blàr-sneachda | snowball fight. |
blàr-sneachda | field covered with snow. |
eòlas-cinn | head knowledge, local knowledge. |
musgan-caol | prawn. I have already noted this rendering for prawn, which I have discovered to me I am doubtful as its appropriateness or did it ever be the interpretation of the word prawn… the giomach-cuain is the nearest? |
mùsgan | mussel. |
còmhdach-leabadh | bed clothes. |
leabaidh-aoil | bed in which a stone is set in a wall of mortar and stones. |
blocadh | lime made into one heap after being socked [sic] into composition with water, thus the term: aol air a bhlocadh (Scalpay). |
blocadh | blocked, blocks being put together. |
tulgadaich | swaying, rocking. |
tulg | rock. Tulg a chreathall. |
tulg | nudge. Cha do chuir e tulg ann. |
miotagan-leathair | ‘kitt’ gloves. |
badan-fraoich | tuft of heather, spot of heather. |
geugan-fraoich | heather twigs. |
bruis-shimileir | flue brush, or the brush used for brushing the chimneys clean. |
baga-puist | post bag. |
peint-aodainn | rouge. |
coire-dath | an iron container where wool was boiled and coloured. |
bocsa-sgadain | herring box. |
glain’-uighe | egg cup. |
ugh-nid | nest egg. |
ribe-eòin | bird snare. |
guileag | shaft of bereavement, sore, pin of sorrow, guileag ghort, causing a wail of a note. |
guileag | swan sound or note of wail like resemblance. |
fuaim domhainn | deep low pitch of a sound. |
bainne Gallda | imported milk, term used for denoting milk coming from the mainland perhaps more so to tinned milk, etc. |
ruiseadh | rushing. |
raiceadh | racing. |
ròc | croak. |
ràichd | (also) noise of a vessel, tearing on a beach in speed. Thug i ’n ràichd sin. |
righinneas | delay. ’S e righinneas a thoirt. |
mùrach | digging. Dé ’m mùrach th’ air ann a shid? (Scalpay) |
shid | there. |
dràbhadh | (also) diminishing. |
piocaid | pick. (also noted already I think) |
pilean | pillion. |
sgaoilte | loose. Duine neo té sgaoilte (open to tell everything). |
meirg | pity, rust. |
tàirneachadh | nailing. |
sgeileid-nan-uighean | skillet for boiling the eggs. |
grùgach | person set aside for a special work, person doing certain work in preparatory work. In St Kildian chores such person was known as grugach [sic], in each case a female. I think myself it’s simply another pronunciation of gruagach, it derived I think from the word or words of a gruagach [q.v.]. |
gruagach | maiden, maid. |
gruagach òg | young maiden. |
gruag | crop of hair. Gruagach [q.v.] may have derived in this sense from a reference to have a crop of hair, etc. |
callaid | busy. Tha e anns an aon challaid gun sgur. |
shèt | shed. |
Fanag | personal name, female name for Bannytine (male). |
màladh | mauling. |
màl-spìc | marling [sic] spike. |
Màireag | personal name for a female, diminutive for Mary. May have derived from the children source of pronunciation. |
sùgh-na-craoibhe | sap of the tree. |
sgreaglach | scabby. |
runnag soluis | a glimpse of light. Cha robh runnag soluis ann. |
runnag | star. |
runnagach | starry. |
gnùthan | (also) chant, low chant of a song. |
gnuath | sullen. |
clìbheir | cleaver, chopper. |
troigh-sgueir | measuring rule. |
tarsachain | wood in crosswise order, as wooden pane holders in a window, etc. Strips of wood of various size could be referred to likewise. |
sparchas | (also) feet spars, wooden support to the feet in rowing a boat. The wooden 2x2 or 3x3… was crosswise putting your feet against it while pulling at the oars. |
guireamal | grumbling. |
graibhlean | small portion. |
striochdag | wee line, a wee streak of coloured feathers, white, showing in a bird’s wing. Bha striochdag gheal air a sgiath aige, neo striachdag gheal de dh’itean air sgiath aige (bird). |
striteag | (also) an emotional female (may have derived from stratag). |
clogs | big heavy boots. |
brògan-rubair | rubber boots. (also noted already) |
blaith-bròige | I have heard of an individual on Scalpay using this term for a shoe – the shoe coming to Scalpay after the boot fashion and may have caused the individual to term or describe the shoe or shoes likewise. |
gólaisg | a showy female, as the miniskirt fashion could recall such as [sic] term, ‘gólaisg’. |
gólaisgeach | showy in the miniskirt apparel. |
piorag | untidy, cheeky girl. |
pioraid | untidy, cheeky girl. [See piorag.] (perhaps also noted already) |
sgait | decent amount. |
sgait-cladaich | flotsam, driftwood found on the shore. (Scalpay) (I have reference to the words on former pages, I think.) |
suspunn-cinn | (also) head knowledge. |
sprac | trim. Sprac an duin’ e fhéin ’s dh’fhalbh e. |
sprac | trimmed; put clothes in order in trim: closing the jacket, etc. |
dà-bhìgh | opening between the door and the doorpost, when the door is opened. |
broilean | chest. |
brat-folaich | hiding cover as on the head of a criminal when being taken into custody. |
preaslach | unsmooth (skin). |
sùmhlaich | vanished. Shùmhlaich i. |
uasaid | quarrelsome. Uasaid mhnatha [?] bh’aige. |
diùbhail | hopeless. Laight na diùghail [sic] – laid (lay, laigheadh) in hopelessness. |
laigheadh | sleep. |
diù(gh)ail | worthy. |
sleitich | stretched. Laight and sleitich form of developing one word gradually forming similarities. |
sleamhnuinn | [sic] slippery. Bha e cho sleamhuinn, ’s chaidh e na shlèitich air a ‘dhruma’ dìreach. |
druim | back. |
diùghadh | bad character. |
stiùrc | stoor. |
sturaic | stoor. [See stiùrc.] |
bhalsadh | walking, continually walking. Dé a bhalsadh air an duin’ ud a h-uile latha a chì mi e. |
sgiathag | small wing (bird). |
sgiatha | wing as in a building. Sgiatha ’mach as a chùl aige (house). |
gearradh-sgathaidh | cutting in the form of scything. Dha sgath. |
sgoileag | blow. Thug e sgaoileag dha. |
ceisneachadh-tarsainn | cross-examined. |
cumhag | narrow. |
cumhang | [See cumhag.] |
bocs’-airgeid | cash box. |
bocsa-na-gogaid | in the box of a coquette. Tha e ’m bocsa-na-gogaid. (a term still common in Scalpay) It must mean or probably means a strait jacket of some sort, up to the present time I am not quite clear as to this term’s meaning. If I’ll get another clue I note same in forthcoming pages. |
caileach-ribeach | (also) a wart, a scabby wart on the skin. |
thuipeir | unskilled (tradesman) person in a trade. |
thuipeireachd | work done as building or joinery in a crude form. |
uisgeachadh | watering. Ag uisgeachadh a’ ghàraidh. |
ditheadh | pressing. |
brucach | spotted. Aodan brucach – always a demonstration of a fat person or a fat reddish face. |
braicphast | (colloquially) breakfast. (Scalpay) |
stiachd | position. |
bunabhuachaille | crested cormorant. |
fasgadair | crested cormorant species. |
sgarbh | crested cormorant species. |
rògaire | rogue. |
curgaigeadh | coupling. ’S math a tha sibh a’ curgaigeadh – some or a couple referred to as looking well matched. At a wedding procession, the bride and bridegroom were followed to church by couples, of male and female partners. |
seòrsaigeadh | examining. |
ruidleadh | sieving. |
ruideal | sieve. |
salamantars | giving unruly blows. Thug i na salamantars sin oirre – referring to two boats in collision, the one or the stoutest coming at speed and giving the other na salamantars. |
sproitean | bits of wood. |
sproiteanachadh | poking. A sproiteanachadh an teine. |
dà spòig ris | bare feet. |
bior-gréibhidh | paint brush, artist’s paint brush. |
gial, giallan | [pl.] jaw. |
ab-is-ab | a contract between persons for staying silent. |
bainne-na-cìche | breast feeding. |
teugadh | dried. Air teugadh. (From tiachdadh I would think.) |
teuchdadh | [See teugadh.] |
gréibhidh | gravy. |
lannsa | (also) lancet. |
cìleag | ‘softie’, not a ‘hardy’ person. |
buigileag | soft (person) child. |
broinneag | child’s belly, tummy. |
straig | strike. |
struaigileir | stranger. (From straggler perhaps.) Co na straigileirean tha sud. |
blas-a-chnagain | ‘sour taste’. Ghabh mi blas-a-chnagain dhe. |
pliuthagan | little slabs [sic] [slaps?]. Bi [sic] mi toirt dha pliuthagan – wee skelping to a child. |
dàitseir, pl. dàitseirean | mouthfuls, gulps. Ghabh e dàitseirean dhe. |
fuailit’ | poultice (as the word appears to me colloquially). |
fuar-lit’ | poultice. |
fuarlite | poultice. |
fuailit’(e) | poultice. (Pronounced without the e.) Instance of the ‘r’ being dropped or dismissed in the pronunciation. |
fiataidh | quietly. |
sgiuchadh | a twist in a leg causing pain, or a twist in a muzzle. |
bharr-an-uca | off the shoulder blade. |
strap-luch | mouse trap. |
strap-rodan | rat trap. |
droch-bhial | abuse. |
cuideas | (got) rid. |
cleit | (also) for fastening ropes on (boat). |
aitheamh | 6 feet length of rope. |
mile-mara | nautical mile. |
sgubair | opening in a boat’s side by the gunwale to allow the water to run from the deck back to the sea, as in the event of the boat taking spray or seawater on board when in as storm; scupper. |
butts | bits; steel fasteners or wire leads, etc. on board a ship. |
diùd | (obstinate), shy, awkward. |
dùr | obstinate (and/or) stubborn. |
diùg, dug, dug! | (interj.) calling the hens. |
mosg | musket. |
larach-ceann-coise | footprint. Làrach ceann-coise [sic], anns an t-sneachda neo air an t-sneachda. |
tòrr-buachair | heap of cattle dung. |
tòrr-luachair | clump of bulrushes. |
damhasg | fool. |
cnaimhean | a little bone; small skinny person. |
claoic | clown. |
sgiusair | careless female (unaccented). I have heard this word used. |
sgiùsair | careless female. [See sgiusair.] (also this one accented) |
sgialt | sense. Cha’n ’eil sgialt sgur aige. |
rèile | rail. |
rèile | reel, wind. |
sgliatair | slater. Dòmhnall sgliatair. |
sgliat | slate. Sgliat Baile Chaolais. |
bricea | brick(s). |
breice | brick(s). |
tocsaid-aoil | lime barrel. |
tocsaid-uisge | water barrel, for storing water. |
Mol-na-tocsaid | place-name, Scalpay. |
cill(e) | graveyard. Aird-na-cille – place-name, Scalpay. |
còmans | the upper part of the fish hold of a fishing boat or the hold of a fishing boat. (Scalpay) |
uthan | eggs. I have been told that this term for eggs was used in Gairloch, Scotland? The above word isn’t used in Scalpay. All other words I have noted are words and terms etc. used on Scalpay but for one or two etc. relative of or to the Island of St Kilda. I am trying to remember and collect the ones used on Scalpay, in the past and present, meantime. |
uighean | eggs. (Scalpay) [See uthan.] |
shéine | chain. |
sùradh | (also) slack tide by the shore. |
teine-fòid | the peat from the fire burning on the sickle (or any convenient item) was stuck in it to serve as a handle etc. and the burning peat as a lantern on a dark night, Highland of Scotland. |
teine-ceann-foid | [sic] [See teine-fòid.] |
ceann-an-fhòid | the early ‘replicas’ of past years towards lantern method of lighting. |
ceann-taobhain, pl. cinn-taobhain | side (timbers) timmers in a boat. |
ceann-beag, pl. cinn-bheaga | top timmers in a boat. |
ceann-beag or cinn-bheaga | (also) additionally nailed to a boat when under repairs. |
shit | sheet, (sail of a boat), the ‘stern’ rope of a sail at the point where it is pulled in in the stern to tighten the sail, 1. or at the point of the bottom edge of the sail in the stern of the boat, 2. at the point between the outer edge of the sail and the bottom edge in the stern of the boat. |
lobht’-a-bhallaiste | the flooring in a fishing boat over the ballast. |
cothorm-fìlidh | all opportunity. Fhuair e cothorm-fìlidh. |
cothorm-labhairt | eloquency. Tha cothorm labhairt aic(e) tha comasach. |
ribleagach | loose ends. |
ribleachadh | getting loose ends. |
riaslach | muddle movement. Nach h-e tha riaslach – mixing sort of motion. |
riaslach | predicament sort of movement, mangling. |
plaosgaire | modest dull person, dullard. |
plaosgadh | peeling. (common words) |
tigh-cùil | scullery. Bheil tigh-cuil [sic] a mach ás. |
sgiutha, pl. sgiuthachan | cement or lime ‘strips’ or ‘runs’ on the end edges of stone buildings, crow-steps etc. |
uinneag-cùil | back window. |
bocsa-na-litrichean | letter-box. |
aghaibh! | (interj.) when a person gets hurt. |
fadhart | a serious hurt (old word). Fhuair thu fadhairt [sic] – when a boy falls and hurts his knee etc. ‘seriously’. Perhaps it takes the ‘i’ grammatically: I think so. |
fathairt | [See fadhart.] |
slaic | badly hurt by someone with an instrument, etc. or a piece of wood falling, anything causing a hurt. |
torra | a joiner’s bit for boring through wood. |
torragh | [See torra.] |
pras | brace (joiner’s). |
preis-liteadh | porridge pot. |
preis-lite | [See preis-liteadh.] |
preis-bhrochain | gruel pot. |
pana | pana [sic] [pan?] (utensil). |
Panaidh | personal name, Bannytine. |
mat | mat. |
turaban | turban. |
micsigeadh | mixing. |
micseadh | [See micsigeadh.] |
cuibheal-shniomh | spinning wheel. |
muilean-bhleith | grinding mills. |
taisealach | good distribution, going a long way, considering what was to be done with it, it has done more than I considered: any item, food, paints, etc. Nach e tha taisealach. (Scalpay) |
taisealachd | of good amount in a considerable distribution. |
log(hd)air | locker (boat). |
loc(hd)air | locker, etc. |
locair | joiner’s plane. |
stutarra | to be so exact attitude. Feumaidh tu bhi air do stutarra – stern. |
stuttaradh | [See stutarra.] As in the case of some clergy in your company. (Scalpay – still in use word.) |
staranach | (adj. of staran [q.v.]) place abounding with stepping stones, as an islet on a loch with the shallow channel in between almost filled with stones as in the case of schoolboys etc. constructing ‘stone causeways’ to get across to discover bird’s nests. |
staran | stepping stones. |
ultaichean | well sized stones, etc. |
ultach | of a good size. Tha ultach mhath innte – in terms of weight. |
amhraic | look. A dhuin’ amhraic orm. |
amharc | look. |
cràcalas | (with) crackling. B’ann le cràcalas a thug mi air a dheanamh – the wife approaching her husband uses this term to denote how difficult it was to make him do it, the job. |
meadhrach | merry. |
teadhrach | (adj. of the tether). Fad na teadhrach. (Scalpay) |
dragail | annoyance, nuisance. |
drèip | drip, as treacle dripping from a container or a child’s mouth. May have an equivalent to reap or rèip. |
rèip | stain. |
reap | stain. Reap air do bhial – the current rendering of the word as in this context. |
reip | [See reap.] |
rannaire | songster, a person applicable to verses, singing verses, verse or two of different song not having the complete song. Rannaire uamhasach h-ann. Something like duanaire, perhaps similar but not quite. Duanaire is a most adjustable and a more stationary in this musical category. |
méilichean | mails. |
màilich | mauling, battering. Thug e màilich air. |
cobhraigeadh | covering. |
cuibhrion | portion. |
cuibhrige | bed cover. Cuibhrige leabadh. Tha e fo’n chuibhrige. |
cuibhleir | coiler. Tha e ’na chuibhleir againn anns a’ bhàta – a boy hand in a fishing boat as a coiler, for coiling the rope, the tarred rope (spring), to which the nets are fastened. |
cuip | whip. |
cupall | couple. |
cadsair | (also) fish retailer. A bheil an cadsair a bhos ’n diugh. (still in current use.) |
gadsair | customs. |
cadsair | [See gadsair.] (Perhaps word used like for customs, as I may have noted previous.) |
sgian-imeleig | for cutting umbilical (I am not sure if I have the word correct, my memory only serves me) cord. I have already [noted?] as uncertain as to its meaning: this is it, in medical operation, or maternity operation. |
laoigteir | lighter (boat), oar type of boat, for discharging from a vessel to a pier etc. |
eithear-ràmh | oar(ed) boat. |
slige-bàirnich | shell of a limpet. |
slige-a-chinn | shell of the human head. |
slige-a-chreachainn | scallop shell. |
sligean maoraich | shells of shellfish. |
slige | weights, weight measures as in a shop. Cuir air ’n t-sligidh e. |
slat-bheòil | the upper part of a gunwale of a boat, a ‘rod’ fastened to the gunwale. Chaidh i direach air a slait-bheoil [sic] – boat under sail listing heavily. |
tonn-dile-latha | never the day. |
buthadh | bow. Feumaidh tu buthadh dha; neo cha mhor nach fheum thu buthadh dha. |
bàca | back rope; of a fishing net. (I have noted this word on former pages, and I think the word has originated from back/back rope.) |
bàca-linn | back rope. [See bàca.] |
druim | back rope. [See bàca.] |
druim-linn | back rope. [See bàca.] |
còir-bàirnich | ‘limpet’s right’, no right whatsoever. Cha’n ’eil còir bàirich [sic] aig oirre. (Scalpay) |
madadh | dog. Nach b’e madadh e. – as in the case of a person acting in a rude, unsophisticated way. |
bàrr-a-chorragan | on his fingertips. |
bàrr-a-theangaidh | on the tip of his tongue. |
trompa-gun-teanga | a mouth harp without a tongue (literally). Mar trompa gun teanga – in complete silence. |
tomhais-de’n-fhìrinn | part of the truth. |
gun bhliochd gun bhàrr | without milk or cream (literally). (Idioms?) |
sgoitseir | (also) an economical proning [sic] [probing?] female, thriving from the unusual, keen to find, etc. (Perhaps from the word Scottish being interested in saving.) |
salach-na-sitigean | refuse of the middens. (Idiom?) |
dùn-salachair | dun [sic] of dirt. (literally) |
air-an-t-sùil | on the spot (literally on the eye). (Idioms?) |
gothadh | jerk when peeping as a boy over the side of the boat and gives a jerk and goes over the side into the sea. |
corradaireachd | peeping over the side of a boat at sea. Bha e corradaireachd tha [sic] a cliathaich. |
sgriutha | (propeller) screw, reference to a propeller of an engine. |
taoighd | tide. |
busan | cheeks; (also) a boat of unusual width showing rather ‘swollen’ when looking direct from the stem toward the stern. Nach ann oirre a tha na busan. |
bòm | boom, the protruding pole from the top part or stem of a sailing vessel or boat. |
làmh-na-bucaid | handle of the bucket used in a boat for drawing water from the sea. |
tonn craosach | crested wave. (decription versions) |
tonn air thonn | (description versions) |
léiceis | leeks. |
briscean, pl. briscein | roots. (I know the vegetable or ground eatable produce but I am afraid I cannot give you the very word for it in English at the moment. They can be rooted from the ground. I have already noted the word on a previous page.) |
brisgeid | biscuit. |
buinneagan | garden produce, of the leek ‘family’? ’S toigh leis an duin’ agam buinneagan, duilleagan ’s toigh leis ’n duin’ agam duilleagan càil? I am not, I am afraid, at the moment prepared to say what is the English equivalent? |
duilleagan càil | cabbage leaves. |
fungais | fungus. |
stachdag | [?] a little hold or shelf in a rock. |
rèbeanach | wee cod. |
rèbeanach ruadh | wee cod [see rèbeanach] (but of brownish colour). |
bodach ruadh | wee cod. Bodach ruadh beag ’s bodach ruadh mór. |
bodach | wee cod. Not referred to in Scalpay as the cod species, but that’s does [sic] mean it’s wrong to use it solely, as the adjective come with it in Scalpay, perhaps there are some who use it when referring to fish. ’S docha gu faigh sinn bodach. – I think this phrase is more attributable to ‘Skye’? Rèbeanach [q.v.] may have originated from reip ris a bhial aige? |
innealan-iasgaich | fishing tackle. |
dubhain-le-itean | feathered hooks. |
dubhan-lom | bare hook (fishing). |
truaghag | poor female. Truaghag bhochd. Very seldom used on Scalpay by the natives of Scalpay. I think the word may have been used on Lewis. We say ‘truaghan’ (male) on Scalpay. It (truaghag) may have been spoken or used years and years back on Scalpay, but I am afraid not now. |
cleamhan | a person (male) with the ‘disgust [sic] form of illness. |
cleamh | Cha mhor nach tug e chleamh orm. |
glaodh-nam-bròin | a wailing towards a missing person, or rather missing a person. Tha glaodh-air-tighinn – a welcome phrase towards a friend, Scalpay. (This is my definition of it, perhaps you have other explanations?) |
tinneas-gàldach | infectious disease. |
tinneas-cuim | diorea, dyorea [diarrhoea]. (I am not sure of the spelling while I am writing of the English word: see above.) |
a com aige ruith | [sic] dysentery symptom. |
fìsig | laxative. |
clìreadh | clearing. |
aoidhsead | hausting [sic] [hosting?]. (perhaps noted already) |
maoileas | incoperating [sic] [incorporating?] friendship, or my friendship with you or for you. Bu tu maoileas. It may have come through the ‘channel’: m’ aoigh leatsa… I think so. Perhaps it’s occasionally heard on Scalpay yet. |
mothart | ‘bark’ or give a loud report. Thug e ’m mothart sin ás – retort. |
mothaich | notice. Do mhothaich thu dhà. |
mosgaid | (also) monster. Thog e mosgid [sic] mhor cloiche gu fhiachail orm. |
moscaid (c – hard sound) | monster. [See mosgaid.] I think this is a better spelling as to the pronunciation. |
nuallan | lowing of cattle. |
muallan | lowing of cattle. [See nuallan.] An attentive hear [sic] [ear?] could also find this pronunciation with some. |
nualaich | (verb) lowing of cattle. |
mullaich | (verb) lowing of cattle. |
scràbaire | scrapper or scrap collector. |
sgramhag | untidy female. |
sgramhag | (also) scum. |
sgramhalachd | disgustfulness. (Scalpay pronunciation) |
sgreamhalachd | disgustfulness. [See sgramhalachd.] |
lomarra | bare, plain. (Scalpay) |
lomadh | shearing. A’ lomadh nan caorach. |
clach-lionrath | grinding stone. |
clach-bhleith | grinding stone. |
leamh | impudent. |
geinn | wedge. |
giobalan | a wee person. Giobalan beag suarach. |
cairtireachd | carting. |
cadsaireachd | retailing fishing, selling fish. |
cliùachdair | a piece of wire with hooked ends used in the process of mending fishing nets. |
cliùchdair | net mender (fishing nets). Tha cliùchdair math agad neo ’s e cliùchdair math th’ann. (Scalpay) |
cliùgail | hiding by bending behind a wall. |
clapanachadh | patting as patting him on the shoulders. |
labhrach | talkative. Àrd labhrach – high pitch of voice. |
smùid | pithy constant effort toward work, etc. Smùid aca air seinn, neo smùid aca air iomaradh. |
smùid | (also) drunk, intoxicated. Ghabh e smùid ann an dé. (Scalpay) |
iomaradh | rowing. (Scalpay) |
iomradh | [See iomaradh.] |
inneal-marbhaidh | killing weapon. |
innealan-cogaidh | weapons of war. |
trom-neulach | heavy sad appearance. |
fileadh | (also) interwoven. Tha sin a’ filleadh ann iomadh nì. |
filleadh | [See fileadh.] |
dreannadh | note, sound. Cha ’eil [sic] mi cluinntinn dreannadh. |
deannan | wee portion. Deannan ime (Scalpay) or deannan càis. |
an crochadh ris | dependent; dependent on him. |
goisdin | hair, particle of hair. Cha téid goisdin dhe fhalt gu bràth a dhi. |
croiseagadh | crossing. |
sgrioste | destroyed. |
sgadaradh | scattering. |
sgabaisteachadh | scattering, breaking apart. ’G a sgabaisteachadh ás a chéile. |
bàn | fair; white; desolate. Talamh bàn. Nighean bhàn. Dath bàn. |
sgrot | a wee or small patch of earth or soil, or a small croft; a place-name (Harris). |
Eilean an-abaich | place-name. (Harris) |
an-abaich | almost an island, not exactly separated with a channel, etc. |
ni’ | girl, as thus: Anna-nì’[sic]-Iain. |
nic | girl, as thus: Fionnghala-nic-Dhòmhnaill. |
Flòraidh | (personal name) Flora. |
Fionnghala | (personal name) Flora. |
còindeach | moss. (Scalpay pronunciation) |
còinneach | moss. [See còindeach.] |
càbhail | short of breath. |
ceilinn | conceal. *Cia uime a ceilinn neo có mu ceilinn. The underlined words [i.e. có mu ceilinn] are the Scalpay version. * [i.e. Cia uime a ceilinn?] may have been an earlier version on Harris. |
bufalair | buffalo. An e bufalair th’ann. A term used to denote if it’s bufalar [sic] meat, which (used to be) was consumed in the Highlands of Scotland years back. |
bubhalair | [See bufalair.] |
bualabhair | [See bufalair.] |
lainteir | lantern. |
labhag, pl. labhagan | an old boot. |
labhagan-bhròg | old boots. |
lof | loaf. |
sgoilleag | blow. |
sean-mhaor-eòlach | (Gaelic term, Scalpay) ‘old acquaintance’ with work, or well acquainted with work, noticeable with a person approaching some work, with which people don’t know what until he shows he can master it: thus described in this. |
Rodag | Roda or Rodina, personal name. |
gloine-leughaidh | optical lens for reading. |
curaiste | stamina. |
criosach | embers. |
criochail | staying constant bordering at or in the one area. |
griochail | [See criochail.] Same word but for the variation in the accent form of colloquial approach. |
gibilish | gabbling. I have heard this word from an individual not on Scalpay, and I am not prepared to say in what place the word was used or if [is] still used, probably, but I think it may have been used on Skye, according to my recollection of hearing it. |
eadhonadh | attempting, fidgeting. |
tuamhnalaich | dizziness. (Scalpay) |
tuanalaich | dizziness. [See tuamhnalaich.] |
leth lamh | [one word?] one hand. |
leth bholla | [one word?] half bowl. Leth bholla mhin flùir, neo leth bholla corca. |
bolla-mine | bowl of meal, bowl of flour or a bowl of oatmeal. |
bolla-mineadh | [See bolla-mine.] |
bolla-min-chorca | a bowl of oatmeal. |
bollaid | bollard for tying or fastening ropes on (boat) at a pier. |
poca-mine | bag of meal (pog of meal). |
poca | swelling. Tha poca fo do shùil. (May have come likewise as bòc, blister, swelling, air bocadh, etc.) |
drugaiste | druggist. |
coran | remnants. Coran snàth. |
ghib-ghoib | yip-yap. |
peneisteach | penal, difficult, penance. ’S e obair pheneisteach th’aige. |
peneiste | penance. |
clister | a big person, male. |
surrag | puddle, soft ground. (perhaps I have noted these two [i.e. clister and surrag] also already) |
surag | [See surrag.] |
soilleireadh | mark. Cuiridh e soilleireadh ort. |
salaraidh | salary. |
sgoil-sheinn | school for teaching tunes. |
dusdair | duster. |
drobhair | drover. |
drobhaireachd | ‘drover work’, work in connection with cattle, selling and buying cattle. |
clasp, pl. claspaichean | clip(s), comb for the hair of a female, clipped in her hair. |
cliabh | creel. Cliabh feamainn. |
cliabhadh | carrying by creel, manual labour by creel. Creel made of twigs, etc. for carrying seaweed manure for the croft. |
clapadh | clapping, pinching. |
clap | pinch. A fac [sic] thu mar a chlap e e. |
caisean | irritable person. Caisean grànnda. |
sgioba | crew. Sgioba buain mhònadh. |
sgoil-shàbaid | Sunday school. |
deise-shàbaid | Sunday suit. |
brògan-sàbaid | Sunday boots. |
cobhar | froth. |
cobhar-mara | sea froth. |
cobhar-nan-tonn | froth of the waves. |
coigil | disturbing, interrupting, enticing to anger. Tha e cuir [sic] coigil ort. |
gaolag | wee lover, loved wee or small child, a female child. |
gaoilean | loved boy child. |
gaoir | shiver. Chuir e gaoir ’nam fheòil. |
gaoir | wail. |
gaoir | noise of ‘wild fire’. |
leibhligeadh | levelling. |
lidrigeadh | slabed [sic] [slapped?] or littered by slabs [slaps?] on the face. |
slaban | slabs [slaps?], as: Tha e fiachainn slaban orm (a child’s remark). |
slimeadh | slimming. |
boga-sùgain | (also) slab-dash [sic] [slapdash?]. |
suthag | (also) gulp. Thug e suthag mhath ás. |
sùirt | brisk, energetic. |
soidseach | throwing in a forceful manner. |
foidseach | [See soidseach.] |
clonstar | monster. (Scalpay) |
soitheach-plastig | plastic dish. |
mias-phlastig | plastic basin. |
mias-enamal | enamel basin. |
tillidh | tilley lamp. |
lantair-tillidh | tilley lantern. |
pump-tillidh | tilley pump. |
burnair-tillidh | tilley burner. |
mantal-tillidh | tilley mantle. |
parafan | paraffin oil. |
parabhan | [See parafan.] |
ola-nan-càraichean | ‘car oil’. |
ola-nan-einseans | engine oil, lubricating oils. |
ola-nam-muc | whale oil. |
ola-nan-cearban | shark oil. |
ola-nan-ròn | seal oil. |
bhan-na-feòla | butcher’s van. |
bhan-an-éisg | fish retailer’s van. |
bhan-a-bhùidseir | butcher’s van. |
bial-na-mara | seashore. |
post | post. |
postadh | posting. |
caoradh dhubh | black sheep. |
sgean | stare. |
sgeann | [See sgean.] |
sgeannach | staring look of fright, or frightened look, or scary. |
fràsaich | a cheeky female, when approached for her, being concerned in some mischief will retort with abuse. ’S ann oirre bha colas [sic] na fràsaich. – the way I heard the word used. |
fràsach | [See fràsaich.] |
fràig | children at play causing annoyance. |
pille | pill. |
sag | sack, dismissed out of work or sacked out of work. Fhuair e sag. |
saoighnigeadh | signing. |
laoighnigeadh | lining, keeping or setting an engine in a boat in a direct line so as to run a straight shaft termed as laoighnigeadh. |
linigeadh | lining. Tha linigeadh ris an rùm. |
striochd | streak. Tha ’n striochd sin ann – that streak is in him. |
sgiorag | little time. Cha dean thu sin ann an sgioraig. |
rug | mat. |
tubhailte | table cloth. (Scalpay) (perhaps I have also noted this word already) |
drama | dram. |
dràma | drama. |
sgulgaire | skulking. |
craicte | cracked, broken, touched, ‘crackers’. (Seldom used on Scalpay if at all. I have heard it from other sources, perhaps visitor coming on the island: it may be used in other places generally.) |
soubhester | souvester [sic] [sou’wester?], headgear worn by fishermen in rainy and stormy weather. |
aoilskin | oilskin. |
oiligeadh | oiling. |
sgagadh | ‘breakings’, shrink. |
gurnan | minimum quantity, small amount, worthless small amount. Cha d’fhuair sin [sic] ach gurnan beag. |
gaornan | [See gurnan.] |
smugach | misty. Latha smugach. |
feòil-laoigh | veal, laoigh-fheòil. Feòil-laoigh, Scalpay. |
cathtag | small amount between the fingers as oatmeal. Cuir cathtag mhineadh air. When fish or something boiling in a pot to make it or the water more to the thickness or solidity required, a cathtag mhineadh is suggested but perhaps this is it also: yes! when something in the mixture of gruel is too much of a liquid form, an additional small amount of oatmeal is recommended. |
cròcan | (also) mitts. (Scalpay) |
sogs | socks. |
sìbligeadh | starving. Tha mi gu sìbligeadh leis an acras. (Scalpay) |