Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
coileach-dubh | down for the count. Rinn e coileach-dubh dhe. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Rinn e coileach-dubh dheth.’] |
deabhal | doll. |
cab | mouth. |
broitseadh | pilfered. [SLIP: Pilfer.] |
teud-slabhraidh | a hooked iron rod attached to a chain. |
sgaoidhlear | flighty female. |
monaids | moorings boat. [SLIP: Boat mooring.] |
flùrans | floorings boat [boat floorings?]. |
dabhdail | staggering, stepping irregularly. |
coran feòir | sickle for cutting hay, smaller. |
coran mor | [sickle] for cutting corn, bigger size. |
coran-na-feamainn | the cutting face of the blade is notched or toothed, same as the coran feòir [q.v.] but for cutting side of the blade. |
càbhail | panting. |
càbhadh | caving. Bha ’n dà thaobh a’ càbhadh a stigh. [SLIP: Cave in.] |
sgaoilteach-lion | fishing nets spread one on the top of the other on the ground. |
lus-analach | short-breathed. [SLIP: Short of breath.] |
casan | wooden poles, or wooden uprights to keep a boat on a beach, on even keel. |
Cliamhainn or Cliamhan | Clement, personal name. St Clement. St Clement Church, Rodel, Harris. |
àbhacas | jovial. [NOTES: the slip has ‘jovial’ corrected to ‘joviality’.] |
aonairt | co-operated. An an [sic] aonairt. [NOTES: the slip has ‘ann an aonairt’. Definition: Agreement, co-operation.] |
peihire | [?] thunder bolt (colloquially spelt). |
aimrid | unfruitful. |
farraid | (also) enquiring. A’ foighneachd ’s a’ farraid. (Scalpay) |
sacan | small bag. |
torcadh | forking. Faodadh [sic] tu toiseachadh air torcadh tuilleadh – in connection with the potatoes, when in flower, digging the potatoes. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Faodaidh…’ Definition: Forking the potatoes when in flower.] |
diogadaich | ticking. [SLIP: To tick.] |
diog | (also) void of motion. Cha’n eil diog agad! |
diogachadh | immovable. |
miashlàinte | unhealth [sic] (colloquially spelt). [SLIP: Ill-health.] |
aileort | halyard, rope for hoisting a sail (boat). |
fàireachas | peeping. |
tuireannach | bleared (eyes). [SLIP: Bleary (of eyes).] |
tùm-tam | complete repose. |
tum-tàmh | complete repose. |
thùm-thàmh | complete silence. I take this to be the same word [as ‘tùm-tam’ and ‘tum-tàmh’?] but of a different rendering without hum ha. Versions vary. |
lunn-lann | easy-going person. |
deargan-tràghad | ‘ebb flea(s)’. Perhaps this is not the right English for them. They jump in the same way (I know you have seen them) on removing a stone and among seaweed, they belong to the marine species. [SLIP: Fleas [sic] which are found among seaweed.] |
sgreap | scab. |
acuinn-suathaidh | rubbing ointment. |
drug | [See dreig] (spelt colloquially, Scalpay). |
dreig | meteor. Denoting the approach of death, according to legends of the superstitious nature, or relative to the like subjects. [SLIP: Meteor denoting the approach of death.] |
crotanach | a wee bent ‘man’. |
stiallag | small strip. |
t(h)illtin | return(ed). E tilltin. [sic] [NOTES: Slipped under ‘tilltin’. No quotation. Definition: Return.] |
còineach | moss. Nach e chuir a chòinneach [sic] ort – didn’t it make you rich. [NOTES: slipped under ‘coinneach’.] |
coigleadh | fondling. |
curac | headgear. Thàinig e air o chùl a’ churaic – blows towards the use of a sledgehammer. [SLIP: a. Headgear. b. [i.e. the quote] blows from the use of a sledgehammer.] |
curaidh | [See curac.] |
magaid | false thought. |
striochdan | lines. |
stragalairean | ‘stragglers’, visitors, tourists. [NOTES: the slip has ‘stragalairean (plural)’.] |
crotachan | a wee bent male. |
sgurabhaidh | scurvy. |
francas | frank talk. I heard the word used, I cannot say now if there is another meaning. I can vaguely remember it being used thus: abair thusa francas. |
corra-chnàmh | sitting on the fully bent knees and the torso etc. in a straight posture. [SLIP: Crouched position, sitting on fully bent knees.] |
meigeach | not exactly stable, putting his chin out, his voice or cry not causing interest, his personality or features. Duine meigeach. |
neo-scrùbail | liberal. |
stug | stab, post (‘stook’). ’Na do sheasamh ann a fhein [sic] ’na do stug. |
stengeir | stancher boat. |
bhòichnich | swelled. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bòichnich’. Definition: Swell.] |
cùmhlachadh | close. |