Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
sticeadh | (also) stuffing. |
deòin-bhàigh | ‘kind desire’. Tha deòin-bhàigh agam ris. (Scalpay) |
sgànraichaidh | plaster. Sgànraicheadh e ’m baile – ‘paint the town’ equivalent. (Scalpay) |
gànrachadh | (also) plastered. Tha e air a ghànrachadh leis. – as in the case of a wee boy and paint. [SLIP: Plastered; e.g. of a small boy and paint.] |
grioglaidean | an assortment of fancy ware, china material etc, cups and saucers, pins and needles (so to speak). [SLIP: Grioglaidean (plural). Assortment of fancy ware; china.] |
glomadh | swelling. Bha shùilean a’ glomadh ’na cheann. |
circleis | pecking. De a chircleis a th’ort. (Scalpay) Derived perhaps from hen pecking. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Dé a’ chircleis a th’ort? Definition: Pecking.] |
sgàth-fhras | very mild form of a shower of rain. |
sgà fhras | [See sgàth-fhras.] (colloquial). |
rapag | untidy female (diminutive case). |
rapach | untidy. |
ramalair | rambler. |
ròic | luxuriously feeding. Perhaps derived from roast. |
prìb | bribe. |
plian | face downwards. Chaidh e air a phlian. (Scalpay) |
plion | [See plian.] |
h-eip | almost. [NOTES: originally slipped under ‘h-eip’ but then changed to ‘theab’.] |
dà-da | child addressing his father. [SLIP: Daddy (child addressing father).] |
loirean | untidy baby. A baby when crawling into some mess is referred to as a ‘loirein bhig’. May have derived from ‘loireach’. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘a loirein bhig’. Definition: A baby is referred to as such when it crawls into some mess.] |
maoidh | threaten. |
feithe-gàire | little smile. |
goisdne | hair. Goisdne de dh’fhalt. (Scalpay) |
sùileachadh | expecting. |
iorram | (also) complaint. Th’an [sic] aon iorram air a h-uile turus a chì mi e. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Tha ’n aon…’] |
spotag | a wee spot. |
dólas | worse. Rinn sin an dólas air – that made matters worse. |
ceatadh | breaking. Na neòil cheataidh – broken clouds, ‘old word’. [NOTES: originally slipped under ‘ceatadh’ but then corrected to ‘ceataidh’ as in the quotation.] |
drasadh | drizzling. |
drannsadh | drizzling. |
cailin-frithealaidh | servant. |
searbhanta | servant. |
steòirneadh | (also) forcing. |
reiteach-beag | light entertainment, a prelude to a reiteach mór in Scottish Highland Circles of wedding entertainment. |
reiteach-mór | wedding entertainment (Highlands of Scotland). |
rag-mhuinealach | stubbornness. [SLIP: Stubborn.] |
sos | good share, more than enough. |
riabhail | untidy person. |
raolaigean | a toy item made to roll, or something made to roll. Chaidh e ’na raolaigean sios am bruthach. [SLIP: A toy which rolls – extended to anything that rolls.] |