Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

D.R. Morrison ( D.R. Moireasdan )
Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
  • [NOTES: the words have been slipped and therefore, apart from the definitions provided by Mr Morrison, the definitions as they appear on the slips have also been included (unless the two were the same).]
Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’)
sticeadh(also) stuffing.
deòin-bhàigh‘kind desire’. Tha deòin-bhàigh agam ris. (Scalpay)
sgànraichaidhplaster. Sgànraicheadh e ’m baile – ‘paint the town’ equivalent. (Scalpay)
gànrachadh(also) plastered. Tha e air a ghànrachadh leis. – as in the case of a wee boy and paint. [SLIP: Plastered; e.g. of a small boy and paint.]
grioglaideanan assortment of fancy ware, china material etc, cups and saucers, pins and needles (so to speak). [SLIP: Grioglaidean (plural). Assortment of fancy ware; china.]
glomadhswelling. Bha shùilean a’ glomadh ’na cheann.
circleispecking. De a chircleis a th’ort. (Scalpay) Derived perhaps from hen pecking. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Dé a’ chircleis a th’ort? Definition: Pecking.]
sgàth-fhrasvery mild form of a shower of rain.
sgà fhras[See sgàth-fhras.] (colloquial).
rapaguntidy female (diminutive case).
ròicluxuriously feeding. Perhaps derived from roast.
plianface downwards. Chaidh e air a phlian. (Scalpay)
plion[See plian.]
h-eipalmost. [NOTES: originally slipped under ‘h-eip’ but then changed to ‘theab’.]
dà-dachild addressing his father. [SLIP: Daddy (child addressing father).]
loireanuntidy baby. A baby when crawling into some mess is referred to as a ‘loirein bhig’. May have derived from ‘loireach’. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘a loirein bhig’. Definition: A baby is referred to as such when it crawls into some mess.]
feithe-gàirelittle smile.
goisdnehair. Goisdne de dh’fhalt. (Scalpay)
iorram(also) complaint. Th’an [sic] aon iorram air a h-uile turus a chì mi e. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Tha ’n aon…’]
spotaga wee spot.
dólasworse. Rinn sin an dólas air – that made matters worse.
ceatadhbreaking. Na neòil cheataidh – broken clouds, ‘old word’. [NOTES: originally slipped under ‘ceatadh’ but then corrected to ‘ceataidh’ as in the quotation.]
steòirneadh(also) forcing.
reiteach-beaglight entertainment, a prelude to a reiteach mór in Scottish Highland Circles of wedding entertainment.
reiteach-mórwedding entertainment (Highlands of Scotland).
rag-mhuinealachstubbornness. [SLIP: Stubborn.]
sosgood share, more than enough.
riabhailuntidy person.
raolaigeana toy item made to roll, or something made to roll. Chaidh e ’na raolaigean sios am bruthach. [SLIP: A toy which rolls – extended to anything that rolls.]

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