1. Letter dated 26/1/1976 |
2. Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
làmh chàrteach | aptly handed as in the case of a handyman, who is readily capable of turning his hand to a job he can master in a tidy order, passable although unskilled may account as coming near the mark, so to speak. [NOTES: the slip has ‘làmh-cheartach (?)’. Definition: Used of person able to turn his hand capably to a variety of jobs.] |
dallaps | considerable draughts as of drink, beer or such like extra. Ghabh e dallaps mhath dhe. [SLIP: ‘Considerable quantity of drink, beer etc.’] |
giogailteach | cumbersome. |
stalairt | balance, ‘spring balance’ for weighing. |
bismeid | balance, ‘spring balance’ for weighing. (Lewis) [NOTES: the slip has ‘bismeid (biorsamaid)’.] |
turaid | boat (of a particular shape and more associated with oars, of bulging sides, and hips so to speak). [SLIP: Boat with bulging sides.] |
suaip | swab [sic]. [SLIP: ‘Swap’.] |
socadh | set. |
dréin-a-chraois | face impression. |
dréam-a-chraois | face impression. |
spéileagan | bits. Cha [sic] i na spéileagan dha’n iarmailt. [NOTES: slipped under ‘spéileag’. Quotation: Chaidh i ’na spéileagan dha’n iarmailt. Definition: ‘Small fragments’.] |
3. Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
geineach | eager. [NOTES: the slip has ‘geineach / gionach?’] |
sguad | sguad. [squad?] |
gut | cut. |
shumpar | jumper. |
clòimhtich | fluff as on a fledgeling. |
snath-còcrach | net twine. |
dotair | doctor. |
mómaint | moment. |
trup | trip. |
truinnsear | dish. |
drìnnsear | dish. |
slapar | quite a fair amount. |
pleintridh | wood (plain [sic] tree). Ràmh plèindridh [sic]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘plèindridh’. Definition: ‘Plane tree’.] |
preig | prick. |
ribheanaich | skin peelings. |
soltraigeadh | soldering. |
frileag | wavelet. Gun fhrileag gaoithe. Not common on Scalpay, more associated with Uist. |
altachas | adjustment of feet in position from a sitting posture. |
galabhaid | calamity. |
crutabhair | word of surprise or denoting something coming to a person unaware. |
ruaidh | disease (of the rheumatism form). |
ruaidh-chaoich | developing process in this complaint [i.e. ruaidh], or galloping process (as galloping consumption term of expression). [SLIP: Rapid development of disease.] |
gillidh-òrms | embroidery in frills. |
4. Letter (23/2/1976) and word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
fiodag | (interj.) as in the case of a person finding some other person not correct in a debate, or a dispute, will retaliate: fiodag! fiodag! Term more associated with children. [NOTES: the slip has ‘fiodag!’. Definition: Interj. of disagreement in debate or dispute – partic. among children.] |
gala-bianain | phosphorescent light in the sea. Scalpay rendering gala-bianain, whereas in other sources gula-bianain. |
dagafors | [?] dagger force; (corruption?) Cha chuireadh an daga fors [?] ás dha. (Scalpay) [NOTES: See also ‘dachdafors’ below.] |
tù | side. Dé an tù air a bheil e? |
tutanadh | ill at ease, moved irregularly. [SLIP: Irregular movement of one ill-at-ease.] |
dachdafors | [?] dagger force. Also pronounced ‘more generally’ as spelt here (still used). |
tinneasnagadh | obscurity. Dé an tinneasnagadh a thàinig air co-dhiù? The probability of arriving from tinneas, or der[ived] likewise. |
nagadh | nagging. Could be some effect nagging. |
caoirbhean | ‘measure of wind’, of a force 4 wind. Th’an [sic] aon chaoirbhean tha sud oirre. (Scalpay expression) Could have orig[inated] fr[om] ‘gaoir-bheann’. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Tha ’n aon chaoirbhean tha sud oirre.’ Definition: Used of the force of the wind.] |
conablach | broken in two, broken. Rinn e conablach dhe. Could have der[ived] from co-ablach. [SLIP: Something broken.] |
faoileag-bheag-a-sgadain | herring gull. (Scalpay) [NOTES: the slip has ‘faoileag bheag a’ sgadain’.] |
balgam | (also) tea break; mouthful. Thig a steach ach a faigh thu balgam or strùpag. (Scalpay) |
bloinig | fat, blubber. |
slopan | dangling fat; or loose flabby flesh dangling underneath the mouth of an extra fat person. Slopan ris an sgòrnan aige. |
sliseag | (dim[inutive]) wee shaving of wood. |
h-ùrd, h-àrd | commotion, rumpus. |
athghainn | us. |
againn | us. (Scalpay pronunciation) |
againne | us. |
fìsig | laxative, medicine used as in the case of constipation, physic. |
fuail | (also) urine. |
bhalsadh | parading, constant walking (waltz). Dé am bhalsadh ort. (Scalpay) |
fràls | children. |
diabh | dive. |
diabhadh | diving. |
smeirseam | nudge, as: Cha do leig e smeirseam leis. (still current on Scalpay) |
loinneadh | wallowing as in mire. |
ceipstean | capstan for hauling on a boat. |
sguit | ‘shelf’ in boat or seat, in the stern or in the fore part etc. |
earrachaol | (this is it) a dead carcase of sheep. Th’an [sic] t-earrachaol agad. A carcase of a dead sheep on the croft to bring ill luck from one’s croft it was transferred to another croft: therefore the ill luck also supposed to be transferred likewise (from an old Highland superstition etc etc.) |