Word-list (‘Faclair’) |
duathal | something difficult to describe or the mixture that it was to describe; obscurity that it was to me… I cannot describe.] |
duathar-neulach | shadow of clouds. |
duathar | shadow (perhaps from dubhar). Thàinig duathar air co-dhiù. |
cròiseanta | sound of singing through the nose. Tha guth aige cho cròiseanta – nasal. [SLIP: Nasal (singing through nose).] |
stireach | hair sticking on end. Nach e t’fhalt a tha stireach. [SLIP: Standing on end.] |
roill | phlegm slithers. An easgann a’ gluasad, a’ fagail roill as a deighidh [sic]. [SLIP: Slime.] |
plomb | plunge. |
plub | plunge. |
pios | also bite, portion. Pios is ìm – butter and bread [sic]. [NOTES: the slip has ‘pìos’ and it only gives the meaning of the word in the phrase ‘Pìos is ìm’ – ‘Bread and butter.’] |
tioma-taisein | I am not sure of the meaning of this word at the moment (I am sure you have the word already). |
dearcag-daraich | acorn. |
maide-ramasagaidh | a wooden plunger, on end, to burst open a door (perhaps relative to the day of the wooden sailing boats or… I remember hearing it). [NOTES: the slip has ‘maide-ramasgaidh’. Definition: A wooden “plunger” (battering-ram?) to burst open a door.] |
mialagan-mara | could this be sea-mews, if there is such an English word. Yes – the word meaning to this effect. [NOTES: slipped under ‘mialag-mara’ with pl. mialagan-mara. Definition: Sea-mews (?).] |
sgeimheag | an irritable female. |
sgeimhadh | an irritable approach. [NOTES: the slip has ‘sgeimheadh’. Definition: An irritable “approach”.] |
h-ùm neo h-à | hum or haw. |
cladh | spawning of fish. |
tatadh | attracting. |
piolasg | a mischievous young boy. |
maide-sparraidh | a decent size log of wood man-handled to force a thing apart or open, perhaps wedge? |
sparraidh | forcing. |
geinn | wedge. |
casachan | ‘wooden feet lever of a loom’. |
bann | hinge. |
deathach | smoke inside a black house. |
targaideireachd | ‘targeting’. |
sgreap | blotch. [SLIP: blot.] |
sgreamh | disgust. |
truilleis | filth. |
iorram | rowing song but: Tha e air an aon iorram ud o mhaduinn. |
truiseach | spiky, prickly. |
sgoic | forceful entreaty. |
crannadh | bolted. |
usgardadh | [NOTES: it has been slipped without a definition.] |
truis | let bare. Truis do dha lamh. – by pulling your clothes up and letting your hand bare. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Truis do dhà làmh.’] |
stiallag | a torn wee bit of clothes, or strip of cloth. [SLIP: A torn strip of cloth.] |
sireap | syrup. |
treiceal | treacle. |
siùcar-dubh | liquorice (sweets). |
srònag | a wee loop on a cow’s tether. |
gaorr | the ingredient from the entrails of a dead sheep. [SLIP: Contents of the entrails from a dead sheep.] |
sguaic | plaster. |
spor-theine | lighter flint. |
gug-gùg | unfulfilled call, or reference. ’S fhad’ o chuala sinn a gug-gùg sin roimhe’, or that commonplace reference. [NOTES: the slip has ‘gùg-gùg’.] |
domblas-nimhe | gall-venom. |
sleamhnagan | stye. (I think, if it isn’t yet, it was also termed sleamhtagan?) |
tuil | heavy downfall of rain. Thig tuil ort, terms [sic]. |
sgal | strong breeze blowing. Here the term: tha sgal oirre (breeze), strong breeze. |
goganta | (as here) light-headed (goganach). |
uisge-mìn | drizzle. |
mutchadh | mutching [?], begging. [NOTES: slipped under ‘muidseadh’. Definition: begging.] |
caoidhnean | lighter-twig, lighted-paper. Tha thu cuir caoidhnean rithe – lighting the pipe, smoking pipe. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Tha thu ’cur caoidhnean rithe’. Definition: A twig or piece of lighted paper used to light a pipe.] |
bun-a-tùir | foundation of the tower, where ‘bun’ is foundation. |
bun | foundation. |
sgil | here talkative. Tha sgil oirre. |
sgileil | skilful. |
catachan | sprinkle. Cuir catachan salainn air. |
puthag | dolphin. |
badan | napkin, baby napkin, napier [?], napies [sic] – pl. [SLIP: Baby napkin.] |
craoidseag | blackhead in the skin. |
clistear | big size. Clistear do dhuine. |
cròseag | mean female, eager in getting, economical. [NOTES: the slip has ‘croiseag’. Definition: A mean female.] |
grìaidean | variety of ware, haberdashery. |
uaireadair-gréine | the head of the flower dandelion. I think when the bloom is gone and the white ‘fluff’ of the germinating seed on the point of being cast by the wind. As children we used to pick one and blow on the head: 1-2-3 thus telling the time when the ‘fluff’ was all blown off. There may be other references from other places. There may be another few meanings. ‘Sun-dial’. |
cnòcan | shell-fish. |
cùis-bhùird | laughing stock. |
uan-fheòil | lamb, lamb-mutton. |
uirpill | big, heavy stones. |
sliprich | wading in a muddy soil. [SLIP: Wading through mud.] |
coimhlionta | extra large. |
sliuchadan | a flat stone thrown for to slither on the water. [SLIP: A flat stone thrown to ‘skite’ across water.] |
frìdeam | mote. |
fiasag-riobach | uncombed beard, as a seal’s whiskers. |
muc-fheòil | pork. |
fangadh | cornering. |
smiach | croak. |
bleiream | sense. |
lir | litter. |
leamh | disgusting. |