Word-list (‘Cruinneachadh de dh’fhaclan’) |
lannsa | lance. |
sgean-imleig | ‘navel knife’. (I am not sure if it’s the same instrument: I remember hearing it, but cannot say exactly what kind.) [NOTES: the slip has ‘sgian-imleig’. Definition: Navel-knife.] |
sgian-arain | bread-knife. |
spàin-airgid | silver-spoon. |
spain-adhairc | spoon made from a horn. |
spain-uighe | egg-spoon. |
maighstir | urine kept until it ferments, mùn goirt. |
striteagan | finest components of water. [NOTES: the slip has ‘striteag’ as the catch-word with ‘pl. striteagan’. Definition: “Finest components of water” > globules?] |
stratagan | sparks from fire. Perhaps I could always define striteagan [q.v.] as ‘sparks’ from water. |
boca-na-buisrichean | ‘witches’ bag’. To me the term sounded as indicated. It may be a variation from the buidseachd form. Perhaps it is also found in various ways. We also use buidseachd or were using it here in Scalpay. |
sgoil-dhubh | black-magic. |
buisrichean | spell. [NOTES: the slip gives the quotation ‘boca-na-buisrichean’. Definition: Witche’s [sic] bag; ‘buisrichean’ – spell.] |
geas | spell. |
stol-sìthiche | toad-stool (sìthiche – fairy). Now, I am not quite certain of this compound word; if you cannot find another definition, I could imagine it quite appropriate for you to accept it. I recollect it only very vague. [NOTES: the slip has ‘stòl-sìthiche’. Definition: Toadstool (but uncertain).] |
spàglach | bowly, bowly legs. |
sguaine | a tall female. |
sgramag | coating of fat on broth. |
seibheilteach | tall man. |
cairt-puist | post-card. |
duainidh | unattractive. Nach i tha duainidh (dun). |
peint | paint. |
sgitheadh | sking [sic]. [SLIP: skiing.] |
slat-iasgaich | fishing rod. |
bung | bunk. |
banadh | assure. Theid mis’ am banadh dhiut [sic]. [NOTES: the slip has ‘Théid mis’ am banadh dhuit’. Definition: I assure you…] |
piolasg | metal disc. |
gàdag | shoulder strap, for carrying a burden. [SLIP: Shoulder strap for carrying something heavy.] |
spioladh | plucking. Spioladh na cearc. |
glongail | mumbling. |
loireach | drab colour, murky colour, muddy colour, discolour. Nach h-e tha loireach. (I am afraid I hadn’t made it quite clear as previously noted – loireach being colour description.) [NOTES: the slip has ‘Nach i tha loireach’. Definition: Dun-coloured.] |
druga, drugaichean | [pl.] drug. |
guitse | gut. |
rèile | rail. |
uaireadair-dùirn | wristlet-watch. |
cuilean | puppy. |
cuilean | used in an addressing term: Tha, a’ chuilein. – yes, friend? Mo chuilean gaolach. [NOTES: both on one slip. Definition: Puppy; also – a term of endearment.] |
caonnag | strife. Tha’n aon chaonnag air… |
ás-a-rian | out of control. Mar duin’ ás a rian. |
clàr-meighe | show-piece. Rinn e clàr-meighe dhe? [sic] |
clàrag | wooden frame for a fishing line. |
meigh | (also) weight for a fishing line. |
staca | (chimney) stack of a house. Staca siucar dubh. |
crogan-simileir | chimney can. |
coileach-gaoithe | weather cock. |
leòsan | pane of glass. |
feinse | fence, lann. |
rosgul | blustery. Rosgul na Bealltuinn. |
minearas-linn | flax. |
shugan | jug. [NOTES: slipped under ‘siugan’.] |
buarach | cow fetter. |
ceanglachan | sling. (I am not quite sure again at the moment. I think I am right.) |
rabhlaich | crying, crying in the deep croaking sound. [SLIP: Crying – making a deep, croaking sound while doing so.] |
sgioblaidean | ‘gatherings’. Cuiridh mi mo sgioblaidean ’na mo sgùirt [q.v.]. Perhaps from sgioblachadh (likely). |
sgùirt | lap-pouch, outer garment pulled in the front to the waist to serve as a carrier bag. Common custom in former years with women-folk. [SLIP: Outer garment pulled up to waist level to act as a pouch.] |
griadhladh | (an interesting amount), fair amount, meaning the same as radhladh as a reference to fish in a net. [SLIP: Referring to fish in a net, a ‘fair amount’.] |
làmhag | wee hand touch. Toirt làmhag an dràsda ’s a rithisd air – a wee touch, giving it a wee touch. [NOTES: the slip has ‘… a rithist’. Definition: A slight touch.] |
spuinean | serving by string, whipping. |
spùt | sense (diarrhoea). Cha ’eil spùt aige. |
sponais | sponge. |
spreodanachadh | poking. Spreodanachadh ’n teine. |
dubbadh | dipping. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dubadh’.] |
stimeadh | steaming. |
goil | boiling. |
goil | gurgling. |
cliùcadh | hiding. |
clabhs | noise. |
clobhsa | close. |
spealtan | splinters. |
spealt | splinter. |
glais-sgeir | a rock with soil and grass growing on it. [NOTES: slipped under ‘glas-sgeir’.] |
sgeir-dhubh | black rock, of black colour. |
maide-mor | a heavy mallet, heavy log. [NOTES: the slip has ‘maide-mór’.] |
sgaraiceadh | an angry bout. Leig e sgaraiceadh thuige. |
siola | chill. Siol’ uisge bheatha. |
seathal | shawl. |
cearcall-sìthche | fairy-ring. |
ceòlan | a short musical programme. |
salainn-rousaigidh | salt thrown on fish as a temporary preservation until the actual curing process is done or undertaken. [SLIP: Salt sprinkled on fish as a temporary preservation method.] |
bonn-òir | sovereign coin. |
bonn-airgid | silver coin. |
airgead-beò | quick silver. [NOTES: the slip has ‘airgiod beò’. Definition: Quicksilver.] |
snaim-fuadain | running knot. |
snaim-caillich | granny knot. |
sùileagan | the eyes or holes through which the thread goes in a loom. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sùileag’ – pl. sùileagan.] |
straing-tomhais | a measuring line. |
taoighne | twine. |
guradh | negligence, going waste. |
crausgach | uneven, unshapely. |
scrùtadh | cursing, swearing. |
scrùtadh | scruting [sic]. |
gómadaich | vomiting. [NOTES: the slip has ‘gòmadaich’.] |
sgeith | spewing. |
dithean-mara | sea-pink. I think there was another name for this flower besides dìthean-mara [sic]. I have only this as thinking of it termed like-wise. I am [not?] able to recollect further at the moment. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dithean-mara’. Definition: Sea-pink.] |