Coltas an Duine / Personal Appearance
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald R. Morrison ( Dòmhnall R. Moireasdan )
- Age
- 55
- Location
- Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh [Harris, Scalpay]
- Date
- [1975?]
- Notes
- [NOTES: the questionnaire has a slip filled in by Mr Morrison attached to it (see below).]
Slip | |
[mùn] | Quotation: Faodaidh i mùn an aghaidh na gaoth tuath air mo shon-sa. (Forgive me! if this is rather distasteful.) Source: Traditional. Notes: Reference to a girl who jilted a gentleman, him saying she may do likewise in coldness for him. |
Coltas an duine (Personal Appearance) | |
duine le ra-spars | [?] showy. |
susbainteach | purposeful, substance, of substance. |
purpasach | purposeful, business character. |
greannach | irritable, unpleasant. |
spàgach | splayfooted. |
magail | scoffing. |
cuireideach | entertaining. |
borb | wild, fierce. |
fiadhaich | wild, distant. |
upraideach | busy character. |
ceannsgalach | authoritative. |
carach | fly, ... |
saoghalta | worldly. |
duin’-an-t-saoghail | man of the world. |
còmhraiteach | talkative. |
cianail | a sad man, destructive to cause sadness. |
cùbach | hiding in a crouching way. |
ballaisteach | solid. |
grùnndail | well-founded, of stability. |
faiceallach | careful. |
dibhearsaineach | jokingly. |
taingeil | thankful. |
diorrasach | obstinate. |
dealasach | loyal. |
cumhachdach | powerful. |
grànnda | ugly, distasteful. |
lagail | [sic] lawful, lawful in speech. |
neo-àbhaisdeach | uncommon, no ordinary, unique. |
duilich | causing grievances. |
cacach | difficult to keep up with. |
uamhasach | terrible. |
sturaicheachd | sulky. |
staoin | shallow. |
mhialachd | (uncommon word) harmless. |
caraideach | industrious. |
graingealach | complainer, ‘especially in the way of sickness’. |
drabhag | hardly a drop. |
druthag | wee drop. |
siochaire-builg | pithless puffed up character. |
fail | untidy female, dirty female. |
maide-ramasagaidh | (yes) battering ram. |
fiolcadh | tampering. |
sgeileid | talkative female. |
plunndraigeadh | foundered. |
sainnsearachd | whispering. |
pliob, pliob | sop, sop [sic] [sob, sob?]. |
pliobail | sobbing. |
bliob, bliob | soft second motion rhythm noise of the satellite on its journey (in) to space. |
diog, diog | sound of the clock. |
falchan | whisky in hiding. |
sgarbh | half bottle of whisky. |
sgarbh | cormorant. |
casan-cloimhe | pussy-foot – reference to the softness of death. |
sgriogal | old character, oldish appearance. |
sgiolagadh | ‘withdrawing food from whelks’. |
sùilean | tubers (potatoes). |
claoidhean | [?] part of the potato. Claodhan – sing. Plural – claodhain. |
callan | continuity. |
singealadh | setting the tubers (potatoes) in the drill. |
cothachadh | pacing against a gale of wind. |
spitheid | plug pin, or wooden pin from a wooden cask or bottle. |
sgulgaireachd | skulling [sic], loafing. |
muc-bhreac | Roqual [sic] [Rorqual?] whale. |
cuiteag-ghorm | blue whiting. |
sgìlleagan | plaster from the contents of an egg, breaking an egg, spilling. |
ròic | roast (mutton). |
rothlag | rowlock; roll of wool. |
sleightig | slither, sliding. |
liuthraig | delivered. |
sgailc | broken apart. |
lion-sgriobaidh | trawl. |
gràn-innseanach | maize (meal) grain. They used to give such to hens (Scalpay). |
moglachadh | meshed. |
aghaidh | cheeky. |
cliong | clink. |
cleitreach | female exhibiting unwanted talk, unmannerly female. |
deiseag | crab. |
crabhag | miniature peat bank. |
sùil-chruthaich | quagmire. |
sibeal | tall man. |
gorradaireachd | peeping. |
goradh | sudden jerk. |
smuglaigeadh | smuggling. |
sumanadh | unusual dress, unusual clothes, coat (also summons). C’a ’n d’fhuair thu sumanadh. Still in use, etc. |
craiteachan | (also) sprinkle. |
spoileagadh | operation. |
cnàmhaire | bony, bony character. |
ringealadh | delay, delaying. |
stuttara | on your wits. Bi air do stuttara – be on your wits, intact. |
sguitlireachd | scullery work. |
Shapes and general appearance | |
cho fada ri gu siorruidh | as long as ‘for ever’. |
cho caol ri minidh | as thin as an augaur [sic] [auger?]. |
cho grànnda ris a’ pheacadh | as ugly as sin. |
deanta | well-built. |
piollagach | shabby, in tattered clothes. |
cho reamhar ri ròin | as fat as a seal. |
plosg de dhuine | a wobbly fat man. |
cailleach de dhuine | clumsy man, scary. |
duine subailte | flexible man. |
le craiceann gairtidh | with a withering look of a skin. |
dearg bhusach | ruddy cheeks. |
dearg air an aghaidh | fresh-complexioned. |
cha ’eil eanchainn circe aige | void of ‘brains’, intelligence. |
miaraitteadh | [sic] a weakling of a man. |
colas a bhidhidh | [sic] well-fed. |
cù duine | unpopular character. |
nach b’e ’n cù e | mean, careless behaviour. |
mac-na-striopaich | [?] personifying. |
colas a’ chealgaire dhubh | black deceiver. |
colas a’ chealgaire | the appearance of a deceiver. |
colas na muice | the appearance (snout) of a sow. |
colas an t-sàtain | the appearance of Satan. |
cha robh colas a chaochlaidh air | there was no variation. |
duine ceòlmhor | of musical talent. |
mar muc le feòil | as fat as a pig. |
sùilean cam | squint-eyed. |
le bial a’ tuiteam | the bottom lip giving this impression. |
(colas) duine air mullach nan teud | [?] at the height of his jollity or enjoyment. |
duine cròcach | having big hand [sic]. |
duine meiteadh e meata | [?] [no?] |
sliomaire de dhuine | slimy. |
casan camachdach | bow [sic] legs. |
Deformities, blemishes, scars | |
foine ribeach air a sròin | a ... wart on her nose. |
ball-dorain | mole. |
spuir-eòin | I am not sure of this as being a birthmark at the moment. I think you could be quite safe in noting likewise, that is if you haven’t any other definition. |
breac-sianain | freckles. |
bial-cam | a twist in the mouth. |
suil-bheag | one eye smaller than the other. |
làrach-at-a-bhuinn-duibh | a mark left after the disappearance of the swelling, festering wound. |
fearstan | a small wart of a blackish nature on the skin. (The word is not in use on Scalpay today, but perhaps in other places?) |
rùsgadh | parched skin. |
marteannan | dried skin in the wind, and effected through the movement of cloth next to the skin. |
struichdain srùichdain | [?] oir [or?] gàgan [q.v.], crevices or breakings between the fingers. |
gàgan | ‘skin breaks’. |
làrach-na-banachaig | mark left after inoculation. |
cas-an-fhithich | this is an old term, it’s out of use here now but it may have survived somewhere else. I think it means a mark of a scar on the face or hands, the scriabadh form as if a bird (raven) scratched the face with its claws. A permanent mark. If you haven’t any other definition, I think you are quite safe with this. |
sgriabadh | scratch, at the moment but eventually the mark disappears. |
cailin fiar-shùileach | a squint-eyed girl. |
spot-tachais | itch spot. |
Beauty and ugliness | |
sliobadh | stroking as of a gentleman combing (continually) his hair. |
dha phonaigeadh | perhaps from the word padding, a lady powdering herself. It may have derived from the old folk’s attempt at describing the first recollection of Powder. |
bruisigeadh | brushing. |
cuir fùdar oirre | I have heard this used by an old man once (Powder). |
sgnodadh a’ bhoineid | doffing his bonnet. |
ite-na-h-aid | feather in her cap (literally) and (mentally). |
[diachainn] | rud-a-dh’fhagad[sic]-a-muir leis-an-diachainn – what the sea unobserved to carry as not considered valid... and still sorry in doing [?] so when we have: diachainn = dichuimhn’ [?] – forgetfulness. |
bu tu ’n diachainn | a lady causing illusionment [sic]. |
cur sgolapaigeadh | putting embroidery on cloth. Cus sgolapaigeadh – too much embroidery. |
sgioblachadh | tidying. |
dha teannachadh fhéin | tightening herself her clothes being too loose. |
s dha truimmigeadh | trimming. |
dha smonaigeadh | putting up exemptional [sic] [exceptional?] smoke. |
Strength, fitness and the opposite | |
cho làidir ris an leomhainn | as strong as a lion. |
cho fallain ri fiadh | healthy as a deer. |
mar fiadh na beinne | healthy as deer, as healthy as the deer of the hill. |
cho làidir ri Samson | as strong as Samson. |
cho ruighinn ris an teàrr | as tough as tar. |
cho lag ris a’ chuileig | as weak as a fly. |
marbh ri sgadan | an dead as a herring. |
geal ri sneachda | as white as snow. |
cho fuar ris a’ bhàs | as cold as death. |
luath ris an neas | as fast as weasel. |
luath ri geàrr | as fast as a hare. |
dubh mar am fitheach | black as the raven. |
cho buan ris an darach | as lasting as the oak. |
cho balbh ris an uaigh | as quiet as the grave. |
cho sona ris an rìgh | as happy as the king. |
cho fada ris an t-siorruidheachd | as long as eternity. |
cho carach ris a’ mhadadh ruadh | as cunning as a fox. |
cho amaideach ri na h-eòin | as ‘foolish’ as the birds. |
[note] | (I am not sure if this is the way you want it done? I’ll better leave this as it is until I hear from you again.) |
Ways of walking, sitting, lying; words for ‘clumsy’, ‘fidgety’ and so on | |
air a chorra-bid | tip-toe. |
na shuidh air a leth-tharsainn | sitting half-sided. |
calleachail | clumsy. |
luaiseanach | [sic] fidgety. |
critheanach | shaky. |
coiseachd spàgaire | a splay-footed walk. |
coiseachd slaodach | a drawling walk. |
coiseachd aotram | light walk. |
coiseachd sgiobalta | tidy walk. |
coiseachd throm | throbbing movement. |
coiseachd spliadhach | splay-footed walk. |
a’ coiseachd air a chorra-bid | walking tip-toed. |
a’ coiseachd cho stopach | straight and perpendicular (army fashion). |
a’ stabhdail | slithering, or ‘stamping’ slightly. |
a’ slaodadh a chasan | pulling his feet. |
a’ coiseachd caran stadach | irregular walk. |
a’ coiseachd critheanach | a shaky walk. |
a’ stampadh | stampeding. |
a’ stalcadh a chas(an) | putting pressure on his feet in a striking movement. |
coiseachd-bheò | lively steps. |
coiseachd thuige is bhuaithe | backwards and forward. |
e beiteadh an rathaid | [sic] a drunkard’s walk. |
siubhail air astar | fast on a journey. |
le mall cheum | with a slow step. |
trotan | slow carefree movement. |
trotan | small steps. |
le ceumannan mora fada | long big steps. |
na shuidh air a mhàs | sitting on his buttock. |
coiseachd dhion | a continual pace. |
Pulling faces, frowns, other expressions; also gestures | |
slugadh an t-sùlaire | the swallowing of the solan goose (lit.). |
aodann-fada | long-faced. |
scraing | frown. |
dùr | obstinate. |
aodann-seimh | peaceful face. |
aghaidh-aingil | angel-faced. |
mar aingeal | like an angel, comeliness, innocence. |
mar an easgann | as pliable as an eel, wriggles himself like an eel. |
nàrach | modest, shy. |
banail | womanly. |
aghaidh neo aodann sgreabach | scabby. |
aodann claiseach | furrowed face. |
[craiceann] | Tha ’n craiceann th’air aodann a’ coimhead aosda – the skin of his face depicts age. |
sùilean-biorach | staring eyes. |
sùilean-ciùin | mild eyes, eyes of endearment. |
droch-shiùil | [sic] evil eye. |
colas-millidh | look of destruction. |
mullach-na-leisge | the height of laziness. |
colas-an-uilc | the appearance of evil. |
tha ’m bhochdainn na h-aodann | there is the ‘poorness’ in his face (literally), showing sign of illness, etc. etc. |
nach ann air a tha tuar eagallach | off colour, frightful look. |
aodann air mar puta | swelled [sic]. |
ghearradh a leth-cheann an càis | the thinness of his cheeks, cheek bones could cut cheese (literally). |
[eagal] | Chuir e eagail air an dearg mheirleach – ‘at seeing him, his face, a stealer, a ‘real stealer’, would collapse’ (putting it this way to make it more easily understood), one rendering. |
[tachais] | Cha mhor nach ’eil e dha thachais fhéin le fhiaclan – expressing his ignorance. |
cur charan dhe air an ùrlar | somersaulting. |
dath a’ bhàis air | colour of death. |
dol timchioll ’na charan | going round in circles. |
nach b’e’n craoisire e | glutton. |
a cholas le fallais | sweating freely. |
[leac] | Leac fo mo mhiaran [sic], cha toigh leam sud idir – a person feeling such says it depicts the disease of cancer, in some instances. |
cnap fo mo mheòir | lump under my thumb, a character denoting some unusual diagnosis. |
tha craiceann odhar air | a dun skin (colour). |
[sùil] | a shùilean a’ dearg lasadh ’na cheann – his eyes show signs of extremity of anger or perhaps pain. |
[each-uisge] | Cha chreid or [?] chunnaic mi na fhac e t’each-uisge – phantom fright or unusual fright, etc. |
[greannach] | cho greannach ri biast-dhubh ann an càrn – as irritable as an otter in a ‘cairn’. |
t’eile chait ach feòil | what else but luxury, etc. |
leig an dorgha leis | let him to his own. |
Clean and untidy | |
loireach | drab, murky, muddy, discoloured. |
faileach | of a smelly filth. |
drabhach | leaving the scrubbing process partly undried. |
aon-mhàl | one mess, complete mess. |
mar fail-mhuc | like the (smelly) filth of pigs. (See the word faileach = fàile -ach.) (drabhach = drabh (dregs) -ach.) etc. etc. |
drabhas | segs, dirt. |
drabhag | ‘little drop’. |
a ghiadh! | interjection in the event of approaching putrified substance. |
trusdaireachd | filthy language. |
salachaireachd | dirtiness. |
luideireachd | shabbiness. |
druaip | lees. |
drabasdachd | filthy language, filthy talk. |
foileach | another form of faileach [q.v.]. |
suaitheanta | ridiqilous [sic] [ridiculous?]. |
mar an t-uabhal | clean [?] like an apple. |
mar chnaimh | white as a bone. |
mar sneachd | [white?] as snow. |
mar cailc | [white?] as chalk. |
cho soilleir ris a’ ghréin | |
tigh càilmhor or càlor | some say thus or use this form in the material sense. |
mar an daoimean | like diomand [sic] [diamond?]. |
[poit-mhùin] | (uile càil na àite fhéin ’s a’ phoit mhùin air an dreasair – have you ever heard it?) |
[glanadh] | a’ sior ghlanadh a rud a tha glan mar a tha – cleaning what is clean already, in other words a daily routine. |
glan mar an t-òr | clean as gold. |