Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Robert MacKay
- Age
- c. 80-85
- Location
- Sutherland, Durness, Sangomore
- Date
- 10/1969
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
lèanag | [lʹɛ̃:ṉɑɡ] Notes: a green patch of ground. |
leumachan | Notes: frog. |
lòineag | Notes: dry snowflake. |
mùran | [mũ̟:ɾɑn] Notes: sea-bent. |
roith | [rɔi] Notes: male sheep, all ages. |
isean | Quotation: isean cat [sic]. Notes: kitten. |
isean | Quotation: isean muc. Notes: piglet. |
pàillean | [pɑ:lʹɑ̃ṉ] Notes: shorn fleece used as padding under saddle. |
pleideag | [plɤdʹɑɡ] Quotation: Chaidh e seachad le [plɤdʹɑɡəṉ] air. Notes: rags, tattered clothing. |
sioman | Quotation: sioman Sassunnach. Notes: prob. hemp. |
sioman | Quotation: sioman fodrach. Notes: straw rope. |
smàgach | Notes: toad. |
snìomhair | [ʃnʹĩɤ̃vəɾ] Notes: a rope-making tool. |
sporaidh | [spɔɾi] Notes: or sporaidh-taigh: house-sparrow. |
tarmachan-nathair | Notes: dragonfly. |
thuiread | [hu̟ɾəd̪] Quotation: “Tha e thuiread anns a’ bhail’ eile.” Notes: up. |
ullag | Quotation: ullag bàrr (sic). Notes: mixture of cream, oatmeal and sugar. |
achair | [ɑxəɾ] Notes: acre. |
adhragag | [ɤɾəɡɑɡ] Notes: lapwing. |
àigeach | Notes: 2-3 year old horse. |
amhran | [ɑ̃ũ̜ɾɑṉ] Notes: a song. |
bàrd | Quotation: bàrdachan. Notes: used sometimes as plural for “bards”. |
bàrd | Quotation: bàrd a’ loch. Notes: the head of the loch. |
bàrr | Quotation: ullag bàrr (sic). Notes: mixture of cream, oatmeal and sugar. |
capall | Notes: term used for ‘mare’ formerly. “Lair” more common now. |
cat | Quotation: isean cat. Notes: kitten. |
cearc | Quotation: na cearcan. Notes: haimes. |
clach-feusanaidh | [kɫɑxfe:sɑṉi] Notes: crow-step on gable end of house, used for standing on when thatching. |
clacharan | Notes: row of stepping stones. |
colair | Quotation: colair fodrach. Notes: straw collar worn by young horses. |
crip | [kɾip] Notes: fodder trough for horses. |
cruthach | [ˈkɾu̜ɑx] Notes: afterbirth. |
drochaid | Quotation: drochaid an druimeal. Notes: the groove across the top of the saddle which accommodates the back-chain (druimeal). |
druimeal | [d̪ɾĩmɑɫ] Notes: back-chain on a horse when pulling a cart. |
dubh-pholl | Notes: deep pool in a river. |
eaman | [ɛ̃mɑṉ] Notes: hard part of tail. [wɾəbəɫ]: the whole tail. |
easchan | [ɛsxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: a small waterfall in a stream. |
falasgadh | Quotation: a’ falasgadh [fɑɫɑsɡu̜]. Notes: setting the heather on fire. |
feannag | Notes: lazy-bed. |
fodair | Quotation: sioman fodrach. Notes: straw rope. |
gath-muing | [ɡɑmu̜i] Notes: mane. |
guailleag | [ɡu̟ɤlʹɑɡ] Notes: drag-chain. |