Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- D. J. MacVicar
- Origin
- Glasgow/South Uist?
- Name
- John O’Henley
- Origin
- South Uist, Kildonan
- Name
- R. O’Henley
- Origin
- South Uist, Garrynamonie
- Name
- A. O’Henley
- Origin
- South Uist
- Name
- K. C. MacKinnon
- Origin
- Skye, Bernisdale
- Location
- South Uist
- Date
- 1987-88
traon | corncrake. |
naosg | snipe. |
feannag | hooded crow. |
deoch bhuidhe | greenshank. |
clamhan | buzzard. |
cearc uisge | moorhen. |
cuthag | cuckoo. |
liath thruisg | fieldfare. |
sgiath dhearg | redwing. |
gealag bhuachair | corn bunting. |
iolaire | golden eagle. |
gobhlachan | great crested grebe. |
muir bhuachaill | great northern diver. |
buna-bhuachaille | great northern diver. |
gealan an t-sneachda | snow bunting. |
amadan mòintich | dotterel. |
gealan beinne | twite. |
iolaire iasgaich | osprey. |
pàraig | storm petrel. |
gearr breac | black guillemot. |
calman creige | rock dove. |
geadh blàr | white fronted goose. |
breid air tòin | hen harrier. |
seabhag | peregrine falcon. |
meirneal | merlin. |
clamhan ruadh | kestrel. |
coileach fraoich | red grouse. |
feadag | golden plover. |
guilbneach | curlew. |
comhachag chluasach | short eared owl. |
sgraicheag oidhche | nightjar. |
uiseag | skylark. |
fitheach | raven. |
cathag dhearg chasach | chough. |
dubh chreige | ring ouzel. |
brù gheal | wheatear. |
clacharan | stonechat. |
gocan | whinchat. |
snàthag | meadow pipit. |
gealan lìn | linnet. |
buidheag bhealaidh | yellow hammer. |
cù stubach | a dog without a tail. |
snòthdachadh | sniffing at something with your nose touching the commodity, e.g. a cow sniffing at water. |
ruisidhean | in the sense of giving someone a telling off. “Thug mi ruisidhean air.” Also in the sense of gathering loose peats. “Chaidh mi mach dhan bheinn ’s thug mi ruisidhean air na caorain a chruinneachadh.” |
sgolladh | also means to lambast or to give someone a telling off. |
trusadh | also means to lambast or to give someone a telling off. |
casg breith | abortion. |
casg gin | contraception. |
fanaladh | more or less resting on your oars with the boat hardly moving. |
spidein | skimming stones across a stretch of water. Others call this ‘struitairachd’. |
spoth an tairbh | skimming stones across a stretch of water. Others call this ‘struitairachd’. |
piochan | wheezing sound in your chest. “Bha piochan nam uchd.” |
beithir | fork lightning, combined with rain. Could this be used also of an electric shower? |
eun crom | fulmar. |
fachadh bàn | Manx shearwater. |
sulaire | gannet. Also called ‘eun bàn a’ sgadain’. |
[eun bàn a’ sgadain] | [See sulaire.] |
sgarbh an sgumbain | shag. |
cra gheadh | sheldrake. |
craidhainn | sheldrake. |
gille Brìghde | oystercatcher. |
trìlleachan | oystercatcher. |
trìlleachan traghad | ringed plover. |
gobhlachan | turnstone. |
cam ghlas | redshank. |
gràillig | dunlin. |
farspag | black backed gull. |
faoileag an sgadain | herring gull. |
ruideag | kittiwake. |
steàrnag | common tern. |
falc | razorbill. |
eun dubh an sgadain | guillemot. |
buthaid | puffin. Also called ‘peata ruadh’. |
[peata ruadh] | [See buthaid.] |
a’ chùbaich | diarrhoea, excessive looseness of the bowels. (Word supplied by Mr K. C. MacKinnon, Bernisdale, Isle of Skye.) |
duine non | applied to an extremely competent and pleasant man. (Word supplied by Mr K. C. MacKinnon, Bernisdale, Isle of Skye.) |