[note] | (...) se sin cuid de dh’fhaclan a chula [sic] mi bho chionn beagan bhlidhnachan [sic] air ais ’nuair a bha m’Athair is na coimhearsnaich mun chuairt an so a’ bruidhinn a’ Ghaidhlig ged is ainneamh a tha i air a’ bruidhinn aig an làtha an diugh. |
tuineal | this word was usually applied to any young animal or child which showed great energy and very active when playing. |
torr-nead | this was the smallest pig or pup in the litter and it usually implied being a weakling. |
strùlag | a volume of water coming from a pipe usually where the water was got for the house. |
creineag | a very dry bit of peat broken off the main peat. |
chridheanan | the bit of ground or the lair where the peats were spread out to dry. |
folach | although this word meaning (hide) in in [sic] Gaelic was used about here when a person was getting any little odds and ends for nothing and very often applied if the ghillie got anything home out of the larder during the stalking season. |
cachd | animal manure. Same meaning as ‘buachair’. |
bùrrmor | this was applied to a person who was in the huff and was not speaking. |
lochgairsguit | the chase or pursuit or the nearest other Gaelic word I can think of being ‘ruaig’. |
ciòpan | a hen’s gizzard or crop. |
mòrlan | a person of low or humble position. |
mòchlinn | wandering about aimlessly. |
[note] | This is my own idea of spelling these words as I have never seen them written. |