Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Fred MacAulay
North Uist
làmhQuotation: air an làmh bhàn. Notes: (heard in Lewis) a hire purchase, deferred payment.
riamalachNotes: slow to move. D. Archie MacDonald’s from riamannach.
rongachNotes: (Donald Archie MacDonald) slow to move.
prabalaisQuotation: Thog i prabalais de Ghàidhlig. Notes: ‘smattering’.
puingreadhQuotation: puingreadh de chnatan. Notes: bad doze (e.g. of cold). (Word known in Skye.)
sgaileagQuotation: sgaileag(an) a’ bhuachair. Notes: mushrooms. Donald Archie MacDonald’s form: sgalagan-buachair also known as sgalag a’ bhuachaille.
sglungaidNotes: ‘smugaid mhòr uaine’.
sochaireachNotes: used in parts of Argyll in the sense of ‘imbecile’.
turtraichQuotation: Bha turtraich Bheurla aige. Notes: ‘a smattering’.
aithneQuotation: ’S mise chuir an aithne a chèile iad. Notes: introduced them to each other.
ballanNotes: barrel for catching water from roof.
bànQuotation: air an làmh bhàn. Notes: (heard in Lewis) on hire purchase, deferred payment.
brògQuotation: Chàin e gu bhrògan e. Notes: in phr. gu a bhrògan.
buinteaganQuotation: b(p)uinteagan. Notes: leaf of sealbhag.
deòthanachQuotation: deòthanach beag. Notes: used, e.g. of a small, feeble trout.
doichcleachNotes: (Scalpay word) shy.
duileanQuotation: an duilean. Notes: gift sent to mother when child was acknowledged; or, drink given when a newborn child was visited.
duileinQuotation: an duilein. Notes: N. Uist equivalent of ùrstan in Lewis – celebration of birth. From dubh-leann?
fudanadhQuotation: a’ fudanadh ’s a’ furaraich. Notes: expression used of being busy without achieving very much.
furaraichQuotation: a’ fudanadh ’s a’ furaraich. Notes: expression used of being busy without achieving very much.
gilNotes: (Harris word) watercourse running down side of mountain.

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