Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Boyd Robertson
[North Uist?]
North Uist, Lochmaddy
là-fèilleQuotation: Gheibh e a làithean-fèille. Notes: He’ll get a row, telling off.
làipseachQuotation: Thoir dha làipseach mhath. Notes: a big plateful.
leth(o)ir?Quotation: Dh’èigh e mach orra as an lethoir. Notes: ?one by one?
leuganQuotation: Dh’fhuirich e leugan. Tha leugan bho chunnaic mi e. Notes: ‘ages’.
lorgQuotation: Cha lorgainn idir e. Bha i ga lorg fhèin. Notes: ‘blame’.
meadhon-làQuotation: Tha e sa mheadhon-là aige. Notes: used of a child supposed to be sleeping – as wide awake as though it were mid-day.
mosgainnQuotation: Peant brèagh air maide mosgainn.
teilcheartQuotation: Bha e air a theilcheart. Notes: ‘utterly exhausted’.
òrdanachadhQuotation: Bha mi ’g òrdanachadh gun tigeadh tu. Notes: hoping you would come.
suimQuotation: Chaill mi mo shuim. Notes: I lost all sense of time.
siubhalQuotation: Ghabh e na shiubhail e. Notes: He took the hint.
siutalQuotation: Siutal de bhoireannach. Notes: ‘a galivant.’
smùidQuotation: Cuiridh sinn smùid a’ mhoncaidh asda.
snaidheadhQuotation: Nach i tha snaidheadh ris an uair. Notes: cutting it fine.
spitheagQuotation: A’ caitheamh spitheagan air na cearcan. Notes: raking up muck about someone.
staighQuotation: Thig e staigh air. Notes: He’ll suffer for it yet.
stallNotes: site (for a house).
stracQuotation: Chan fhuiling e strac fuar no teth. Notes: Can’t endure criticism.
uilinnQuotation: Cha chuir e air uilinn e. Notes: It won’t take much effort.
ùireadhQuotation: Bhogadh an t-ùireadh ann. Notes: ‘He was easily persuaded.’
uisgeQuotation: Tha e suas an t-uisge. Notes: He’s heading for success.
aislingQuotation: Nach i chunnaic an aisling! Notes: How her circumstances have deteriorated!
batachadhQuotation: Bha i batachadh air. Notes: ‘She was pestering him.’
buird-an-rathaidQuotation: Bha an càr am buird-an-rathaid. Notes: ‘On the verge of the road.’
bun-cluaiseQuotation: ’S iomadh fear a b’àirde bun-cluaise. Notes: Many a man came from a better background.
bun-obairQuotation: Tha bun-obair agam a bhith dèanamh sin. Notes: ‘It’s pointless for me to be doing that.’
cath-ghoilQuotation: Tha an coire a’ cath-ghoil. Notes: boiling over.
corra-chnàmhQuotation: Bha i air a corra-chnàmh. Notes: ‘Squatting.’
corra-mheurQuotation: Na cuir do chorra-mheur air.
cuallach (-aich)Quotation: Carson a tha sin a chuallaich mu d’amhaich? Notes: Why are you so muffled up?
cuidQuotation: Cha robh a chuid san fheur. Notes: He wasn’t meant to live.
cuirQuotation: Cha chuirinn ite ás. Notes: I couldn’t catch up with him.
cuirQuotation: Chuir e air gu robh urad ann. Notes: It surprised him…
culaidh-sheachnaidhQuotation: ’Se culaidh-sheachnaidh a th’ann. Notes: He’s a person to be avoided.
earball-sàileQuotation: Bidh ’n còmhnaidh earball-sàile air a’ chuid obrach. Notes: His work is always unfinished.
eòrna na gainmh’chadhQuotation: Tha sin coltach ri eòrna na gainmh’chadh. Notes: You’ll have to wait a long time for that.
gobagNotes: a cheeky upstart.
gocanQuotation: Chan eil ann ach gocan an naire. Notes: a cheeky so-and-so.
goicQuotation: Chaidh a ghoiceadh a-mach. Notes: unceremoniously thrown out.
goigeanQuotation: Chan eil ann ach goigean beag. Notes: a wee nyaff.
B. Robertson’s Collection (of Idioms).
maideQuotation: Cha chuireadh maide nam pàirt. Notes: ‘He couldn’t hold a candle to them.’
màlQuotation: Tha mi nam mhàl. Notes: (Lewis) ‘I’m really busy.’
rudQuotation: Chuir e rud orm. Notes: It offended me. (?provenance)
obairQuotation: Fhuair thu obair! Notes: (Skye) ‘Some daft idea that!’
pìobQuotation: Bha ’m pàisd a’ cur suas na pìoba. Notes: ‘setting up a wail’. (?provenance).
siaradhQuotation: Thug sinn siaradh na dhèidh. Notes: We chased after it. (?provenance)
bainneQuotation: (Lewis?) Chan iarradh e ’m bainne leis.
bonnachQuotation: Thainig am bonnach àbhaisteach a-rithist. Notes: ?
briob-losgadhQuotation: Bha mi air mo bhriob-losgadh (? priob-losgadh). Notes: ‘I was on tenterhooks.’
brònQuotation: Chan eil bròn air a’ mhuir. Notes: (Lewis?) The sea in calm?
casQuotation: Thàinig na briathran sin air an cois. Notes: (Lewis?) These words came true. (?)
casQuotation: Bha iad air dhroch chasan. Notes: ?
ceannQuotation: Cha robh e ach a’ cur seachad do cheann. Notes: (Lewis?) It occupied you for a time.
duda-leumQuotation: Thug e aon duda-leum (?dubh de-) as. Notes: (Lewis?) He gave one almighty jump.
faobharQuotation: ’Sann le faobhar nan alt a dh’fhalbh e. Notes: He left very reluctantly.

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