Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Donald Robertson
- Location
- Invergarry, North Laggan
- Date
- 04/1969
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
là | Quotation: La [sic] na sàcramaid. Notes: Communion Sunday. |
là | Quotation: Là traisg. Notes: Communion Thursday. |
làireag | Notes: larch-tree. |
làmh | Quotation: làmhan a’ chruinn. |
leabaidh-mhuill | Notes: chaff bed. |
leamhnagan | [lʹ[ɛ̃ũ]ṉəɡɑṉ] Notes: sty. |
léine-bhàis | Notes: winding shroud. |
leth-tìthich | [lʹɛtʹi:iç] Notes: gullet. |
leum-chruinn | Notes: standing jump with both feet together. |
liotach | [lʹit̪ɑx] Notes: lisping. |
lòn-dubh-an-éisg | Notes: the dipper. (Or gobhar-dubh-an-éisg, according to Farquhar MacRae, Invergarry.) |
mèile | [mɛ̃:lə] Notes: the bleat of a sheep or lamb. |
meile | [mɛ̃lə] Notes: eyebrow. |
mèilich | Quotation: a’ mèilich. Notes: bleating. |
miananaich | Notes: yawning. |
morghath | [mɔrɔ] Notes: morghath in Dw. for fishing spear, trident. D.R. says it is a triple hook for catching salmon. |
riabhachan | [riɤxɑṉ] Notes: hedge sparrow. |
cop | Quotation: cairt-choip [kɑʴsṯxop]. Notes: couping cart. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
dòrn | Quotation: caol-dùirn. Notes: wrist. |
innear | Quotation: a’ cur a mach an innear; a’ sgaoileadh an innear. |
nèabaig | [nʹɛ̃:biɡʹ] Notes: handkerchief. |
òlainn | [ɔ:ɫĩnʹ] Notes: wool. |
peilistear | [peliʃtʹɛɾ] Quotation: a’ cluich pheilistearan. Notes: playing quoits. |
peurtag | [piɑʴst̪ɑɡ] Notes: partridge. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
planndais | [pɫɑ̃ũn̪d̪iʃ] Quotation: planndais de chàl. Notes: young plants. |
pollag | Quotation: pollag buntàt. Notes: potato pit. |
sabhal | [sɑu̜ɫ] Notes: barn. |
sac | [sɑxk] Notes: load on a cart. |
sàcramaid | Quotation: Là na sàcramaid. Notes: Communion Sunday. |
sgailc | Notes: a bald head. |
sgarbhlach | [sɡɑɾɑɫɑx] Notes: rough, stony ground. Fox dens often found in among it. |
sgrìodan | Notes: landslide. (See Dw.) |
similear | [ʃĩməlɑɾ] |
similear-chrochaidh | |
siolla | Quotation: na siollaichean. Notes: haimes. |
smeig | [smɛ̃ɡʹ] Notes: chin. |
smugaid | [smũ̜ɡidʹ] Notes: spit. |
spagh | [spɤɣ] Notes: a swathe. |
speubhaidh | Notes: lameness in horses. |
sreot | [sɾɔt̪] Notes: sneeze. |
sreotnaich | [sɾɔt̪ṉiç] Quotation: a’ sreotnaich. Notes: sneezing. |
strap-broinn | Notes: belly-band of a horse. |
stùirdean | [st̪u̜:ʴdʹɛ̃ṉ] Notes: water on the brain, in sheep. Lost sense of direction. Could be operated on and water sac removed. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
taigeas | [t̪ɑɡʹəs] Notes: haggis. |
tigh-caithris | [t̪[ɔi]kɑɾiʃ] Notes: house in which a deceased person is lying. |
tionndan | Quotation: a’ tionndan a’ chabair. Notes: tossing the caber. |
tiormachd | Notes: “dryness” in cattle and sheep. |
trama | Quotation: na tramaichean aig a’ chairt. |
tubhailt | [t̪u̜ɑlʹtʹ] Notes: towel |
adharcan | Notes: lapwing. |
aisinn | [ɑʃĩnʹ] Notes: rib. |
aonraich | Quotation: Bha e ga [w̃:ṉɾɑɡəɣ] fhéin. Notes: horse wallowing on its back on the ground. |
bacan | [bɑxkɑ̃ṉ] Quotation: bacan cùil, bacan aghaidh. Notes: earmarks. |
barra-gùg | Notes: potato blossoms. |
beum-sléibhe | [be:mʃlʹe:] Notes: meaning given as “landslide”. (See Dw.) |
biorsamaid | [bjwʴsəmɑdʹ] Notes: spring balance. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
bodach | Notes: three sheaves standing. ![]() |
bota-móine | [bɔt̪əmõ:ṉə] Notes: peat bog. |
brat | Notes: bedcover. |
bus-muic | Notes: sow-mouth. |
cabar | Quotation: a’ tionndan a’ chabair. Notes: tossing the caber. |
caol | Quotation: caol-dùirn. Notes: wrist. |
cabar-coille | [kɑbəɾkɤlʹə] Notes: capercailzie. [NOTES: slipped under ‘capall-coille’.] |
carran | [kɑɾɑṉ] Notes: a white flower that grows among potatoes. (See carran – Dw.) |
clach-neirt | Quotation: a’ chlach-neirt; a’ cur a’ chlach-neirt. Notes: putting stone. |
claon-shuileach | [kɫw̃:ṉ hu̜:lɑx] Notes: squint-eyed. Bha e claon – he had a squint. |
cluaran | Notes: thistle. |
cluich-bhall | [kɫu̜iv[ɑu]ɫ] Quotation: A’ bheil thu dol a’ choimhead air a’ chluich-bhall an diugh. |
comhachag | Notes: owl. (or cailleach oidhch’) |
copagach | Notes: docken. |
corra-ria(bha)ch | [kɔɾəriɔx] Notes: heron. |
corra-sioman (sic) | Notes: rope-making tool. |
crann-sgrìobaidh | Notes: drill harrow (angle could be adjusted). ![]() |
crith | Quotation: a’ chrith. Notes: trembling disease in cattle and sheep. |
crùban | Quotation: an crùban. Notes: illness in sheep and cattle said to be caused by cold and damp. Rendered them almost immobile. |
crubh | [kɾu̜] Notes: a hoof. Pl. cruibhean [kɾ[ɤı]əṉ]. |
cruachainn | [kɾu̟ɤxĩnʹ] Notes: hip. |
cuileag-iasgaich | Notes: fishing fly. |
cùlag | [ku̜:ɫɑɡ] Notes: turf divot, the bottom part of which was usually peat, dried and used as fuel at the back of the fire. |
deamhais | [dʹɛ̃iʃ] Notes: sheep-shears. |
deanntag | [dʹ[ɛ̃ũ̜]n̪t̪ɑɡ] Notes: nettle. |
dromach | Notes: the rigwoodie. |
dubh-bhreac | [d̪u̜vɾɛxk] Notes: “black trout.” |
éilteag | Notes: ember. |
feang | [fɛ̃ŋɡ] Notes: enclosure. |
feurstan | [fe:ʴsṯɑṉ] Notes: warble-fly. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
froiseag | [fɾɔʃɑɡ] Notes: a small potato. Usually used in the pl. |
fuar-leabaidh | [fuɤɾlʹɛbi] Notes: boards on which body was laid. |
gagach | Notes: stammering. |
galar | Quotation: galar a’ bhuntàt. Notes: blight. |
gath-muinge | [ɡɑmũ̜ṉə] Notes: horse’s mane. |
geadas | [ɡed̪əs] Notes: pike. |
geumraich | [ɡe:məɾıç] Quotation: Tha a’ bhó a’ geumraich. |
glàir | [ɡɫɑ:ɾ] Notes: muddy ground, as when trampled underfoot by animals. |
glaoghan | [ɡɫw:ɣɑṉ] Notes: part cut off potato and having no eye. |
góbhlachan | Notes: earwig. |
gogadaich | Quotation: a’ chearc a’ gogadaich. |
gràb | [ɡɾɑ:b] Notes: grape. |
grùthan | Quotation: an grùthan. Notes: the liver. |