Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- various – see below
- Location
- Mull [see below for details]
- Notes
- [NOTES: a notebook with seven word-lists. These are clearly the informant’s personal notes and are therefore rather difficult to decipher in places. Gaelic terms are noted down next to numbers, which most probably refer to a list of English equivalents or, which seems even more likely, to illustrations which were used to prompt the informants. In fact, in the case of fish the source used by the informant seems to have been Gwynne Vevers’ Fishes In Colour (London, 1963), copy of which is found in the Departmental Library; some of the illustrations in the book have been ticked and others have Gaelic names written next to them, which suggests that this may have been the very copy used by the fieldworker. In the case of seashore, the book used as the source of illustrations seems to have been Collins Pocket Guide to the Sea Shore (London, 1967), which is also found in the MacLean Room and which also contains some ticks and notes. Unfortunately, the source of illustrations for the word-lists of birds and wild flowers has not been found.]
- [NOTES: except for Betsy Fraser, all informants appear in D. MacQuarrie’s list of informants in the card index of informants. John Cameron, Tobermory, Mull, birds – 2pp.; Betsy Fraser, Tobermory, Mull, wild flowers – 3 pp.; Lachlan MacLean and Mrs MacLean, Torloisk, Mull, wild flowers – 4pp.; Alasdair MacDonald, Tobermory, Mull, birds and fish – 3pp.; John Robertson, Tobermory, Mull, fish and birds – 3pp.; Mrs Sarah Munro, Gruline, Mull, wild flowers – 2pp.; John Robertson, Tobermory, Mull, seashore – 2pp.]
Birds – John Cameron, Tobermory, Mull | |
fitheach | |
feannag | |
cathag | |
ròcais | |
breac an t-sìl | |
uiseag choille | |
uiseag | |
smeorach | |
lon dubh | |
clacharan | |
ròbin | [rob̥iṉ] |
[drijɑnd̥onn] | |
[ɡɔɫəxɑnɡɤ̈ʔə] | |
[kuʔɑ̟ɡ̊] | |
[cɔ̃ʔəxɑ̟ɡ̊] | |
[klɑ̟vɑ̟n̪] (?) | |
[iəɫe̜rə] | |
[kɔrəɣriʔəx], | [kɔrəxrɑ̟n] |
eala | |
[ɡ̊eɔwj] | |
[tun̪ɑ̟ɡɑn fiəwiç, mɑ̟rə] | |
[sɡɑ̟rv] | |
[iɑn duəsɡɑ̟d̥ɑinʹ] | |
calaman | [eɤlə] [?] |
calamain | |
[ɡiləbərnəx] | |
[kɤləx kɤlə] | |
[ɡoʔər ɑʔɑr] | |
[ən eɑd̥ɑɡ̊] | golden plover. |
[əntɤ:rkɑ̟n] | |
[ɡiləbridʹə] | |
[ɸɤlʹɑ̟ɡ̊] | |
[sklimləx] | [?] |
trian ri trian | |
[kɛrk rɤ:ç] | |
[tɑrəmɑxɑn] | |
[ɸɛ:sɑnt] | |
[kɤləx d̥u] | black cock. |
Wild Flowers – Betsy Fraser, Tobermory, Mull | |
bramasag | bur reed. |
crebh | [cre̜f] field garlic. |
fearan | chives. |
siolastar buidhe | flag iris. |
luachar | |
feur | |
sobhraidh balach breac | [ʃo:rej] wild spotted orchid. |
seileach | |
roid | |
beithe | |
calltuinn | |
darach | |
deanndag | [dʹɛən̪d̥ɑ̟ɡ̊] |
copagach | |
sùrrag also suc sùnrag | |
flidh | [flʹiɣ] chickweed. |
[?]ag | waterlily. |
buttercups always | |
didhearan buidhe | wild marigolds. |
poppy always in | [?] |
dearca(n) dubh | |
dearca(n) dearg | |
sgeachagan | hawthorn hips. |
caoran or craobh chaoran | |
ròs feathaich , gucagan | [fiəwiç] |
sùgh-craobh | |
smearan | [smiɑrən] |
tribhileach | [tri:viləx] |
clover | [klɔ:vẹr] |
pleandaran | [plɛnd̥ərən] |
luith Chalum Chille | [luiç] |
eadhlain | [iɑɫẹnʹ] |
giuran | [ɡʹiu:rɑn] hemlock? cow parsley? |
fraoch | |
dearcan tomain | black bearberry. |
sobhrag(an) | [ʃo:rɑ̟ɡ̊] |
miaran / ciochan na cailleachan marbh | [ki:əxən nɑ ɡ̊ɑ̟ləxə mɑ̟rv] |
saighdearan | |
gille guramain | mun a[?] gille guramain no buala mi dorn ort. |
dìdheanan | daisy. |
fundan | [fɤwndɑn] |
bodach dubh | knapweed. |
Wild Flowers – Lachlan MacLean and Mrs MacLean, Torloisk, Mull | |
bramasagan | |
fearan | chives. |
sileastar | |
luachair | |
feur | |
caineachan | [kenẹçẹn] [kɔinʹẹçe̜nʹ] |
sobhraidh ballach breac | butterfly orchis. |
seileach, seileach Frangach | |
roid | |
[ʃeorɑɡən] | |
miundain | mint. |
currachd na cuthaig | violets [sic]. |
beithe | |
calltuinn | |
darach | |
deannag | |
sealabhag | |
càl Phàraig | duileag air aran airson lionachadh [?]. |
gonair (or ) | [ɡɔnʹẹrʹ] |
fliodh | |
flùir an t-sagairt | Northern monkshood. |
dearca dubha | |
dearca dearg | |
dreathan | [driʔən̪], Mull [drɛʔən̪], seachagan [?] |
didhean | daisy. |
biolairich | watercress. |
càl riobach | greens. |
[fiodh] | Machu mach [?] ’s a n fiodh air a charn chollach. |
[duine] | Bheil duine ann an tigh [?] a bhruidh. |
[buain] | An t aon a chuireas ’s a Mhàrt ’s t foghar bidh buain aige. |
dreathan dubh | sloes growing on it. Blackthorn. |
fairneagan | sloes. |
gucagan, ròs fiathaich | |
clòvair | |
peasair nan luch, peasair fheathaich | |
currachd na cuthaig | |
aiteanach , eadhlain | [etʹən̪əx] |
soragan | |
[ũʃən̪] | |
deandagan | |
miundain | |
cioch nan cailleach marbh | |
saighdearan | |
dribhleach | [?] duileag dorn [?] air bharr an uisge. |
sùibheagan | rasps [raspberries?]. |
braonan | lady [?] nuts. |
creabh | [kre̜f] garlic. |
dromanach | |
caoran | |
gille guramain | |
didhean | |
tansag | tansy. |
bualtan buidhe | ragwood. |
foundain | thistles. |
bodach dubh | |
silistear | iris. |
Birds – Alasdair MacDonald, Tobermory, Mull | |
feannag | |
ròcais | |
druid | |
an uiseag | |
smeòrach | |
lon dubh | |
an clachair | |
an ròbin, bru dearg | |
reabhag | hedge sparrow. |
dreabhlan | [drewlɑn] |
gealan gaobh | |
cùthag | |
cailleach oidhche | |
spiorag | a hawk (spearag). |
an iolaire | |
corra chran, corra ghritheach | |
an eala | |
geo(dh) | [?] |
tunnaga(n) fiathach | |
an t-asan | also tasan. |
sgarbh | |
calaman | |
geach gileaberneach | [?] |
coileach coille | |
gobhar adhar | |
an fheadag | |
adharcan | |
gille brìd crotag | |
trian ri trian | |
cearc uisge | water hen. |
cearc fraoch | |
phèasant | |
Fish – Alasdair MacDonald, Tobermory, Mull | |
[note] | [NOTES: numbers refer to illustrations in Gwynne Vevers’ Fishes In Colour (London, 1963). The definitions have been copied in square brackets.] |
bearach | 7, 8, 9 [Lesser Spotted Dogfish; Smooth Hound; Tope]. |
sgàt | 13, 14, 15, 16 Ray [Starry Ray; Thornback Ray; Common Skate; Shagreen Ray]. |
mac làmhaich or mac slamhaich also carachanich | [?] 19 [Monkfish]. |
sgadan | 24 [Herring]. |
bradan | 28 [Salmon]. |
iasg geal | 29 [Sea Trout]. |
easgan | 66f [Common eel (f) Silver eel]. |
trosg | 76 [Cod]. |
adag | 78 [Haddock]. |
lithe, liùth | [?] 82 [Pollack]. |
runnach eich | 104 [Scad or Horse Mackerel]. |
runnach | 121 [Mackerel]. |
cnòtan | 145, 146, 147 [Red Gurnard; Yellow Gurnard or Tubfish; Grey Gurnard]. |
liabag | 171 [Plaice]. |
carabhanach | silver haddock. |
cnòtan | gurnet. |
lãnga | ling. |
liabag | flounder. |
rionach | [?] saithe. |
giomach giuil | crayfish. |
cudainn | |
piocach | |
Fish – John Robertson, Tobermory, Mull | |
[note] | [NOTES: numbers refer to illustrations in Gwynne Vevers’ Fishes In Colour (London, 1963). The definitions have been copied in square brackets.] |
burga ghlas ( h bh, gh) | [?] 9 [Tope]. |
cearaban | 6 [Basking Shark]. |
dallag | 7, 10 [Lesser Spotted Dogfish; Spinax]. |
bearach (a’ bh) | 11 [Spur Dog]. |
sgàt | 13, 15 ,17 [Starry Ray; Common Skate; Long-nosed Skate]. |
sòrnan | [sɔ:n̪a̟n] 14 [Thornback Ray]. |
mac slamhaich | 19 [Monkfish]. |
sgadan | 24 [Herring]. |
sìol, cabhag sìl | [kafa̟ɡʃi:lʹ] 26 [Anchovy]. |
bradan | 28 [Salmon] breac (iasg geal; descending to sea) > guilse (at [?] sea and growing) > bradan. |
easgan dubh, easgann gheall | 66 [Common Eel] Ceann na natharach air an easgann is ceann an eisginn air an nathair. |
ploidhag(an) | 66b [Elver]. |
clòidheag | |
trosg also bodach | 76 [Cod]. |
cùidhteag(an) | [kuijɑ̟ɡ̊] 77 [Whiting]. |
an adag | 78 [Haddock]. |
murair | [mɔrərʹ] / [murərʹ] 101 [Perch]. |
liuthag(an) | 82 [Pollack]. |
piocach, saoidhean, saoidhean mor = Sherlock | [?? sillock?] 83 [Saithe or Coalfish] cuideann > broineag (brìdeagan [?]) > piocach > saoidhean (ceiteanach [?]) > s mòr (ucsa). |
langa, langaichean | 88 [Trade Ling]. |
langa an ruic | 93, 94, 95 [Five-bearded Rockling; Four-Bearded Rockling; Three-bearded Rockling]. |
runnach eich, r. dubh, r. ciuil, an cnàimh r. | 104 [Scad or Horse Mackerel]. |
morair | 108 [Rock Cook]. |
creagag | 112 [Ballan Wrasse]. |
sìolagan | sand eels. Shore [?] went lo [? looking?] for them. 113 [Greater Sand-eel]. |
runnach | 121 [Mackerel]. |
cnòtan | 146, 147 [Yellow Gurnard or Tubfish; Grey Gurnard]. |
bacach ceann | 160 [Turbot]. |
bradan leathann | 166 [Halibut]. |
liabag | 170, 171 [Flounder; Plaice]. |
Birds – John Robertson, Tobermory, Mull | |
ròcais | common crow. |
deasgainn | |
uiseag | |
smeorach | |
lòn dubh | |
clacharan | |
brù dearg | |
dreolann | [drewɫɑṇ] tir na dreolainn, gleann a’ mhurain. |
gobhlan or gealan gaoith | |
a’ chomhachag, comhachag na sabhuil also conachag | |
cailleach oidhche | |
corra ghritheach | |
an eala | |
geoidh | |
an t-asan | |
sgarbh | |
an gulabarneach | |
faolann | |
eun dubh a sgadain, am faicheach | |
am faisgeadar | |
a’ chàlag | |
geomas ruadh | |
tàrmachan | |
Wild Flowers – Sarah Munro, Gruline, Mull | |
giuthas | |
sileastar | |
luith an eorna | |
currachd na cuthaig | |
gailearach | [?] |
seileach | |
beithe | |
calltuinn, snodhach, cro | |
darach | |
feanndag | |
copagach | fras = seeds. |
teth teotha | [tʹewʔə] |
sgitheach, sgeachagan | |
luith a’ chneas | |
nós fiathach, gucagan | |
flùr na smiar, smiaran | |
conasg | “gur boidheach an conasg g[?] stoban gu léir ann.” |
braonan | |
seamarag dhearg | |
seamarag gheal | |
clobhair | |
cuileann | |
cuach Pharaig | airson [?]. |
pleandaran | |
an fhearna | elder. |
currachd na cuthaig | |
fraoch meagain | |
sobhrachan | |
feanndagan | |
castal, a chastal | |
luith na tea | [ɫuiçnəti:] |
cioch nan cailleacha marbh | |
na gilleacha dubh | |
dromanach | |
gille guarmain | |
didhean | |
bualtan buidhe | |
foundain | |
Seashore – John Robertson, Tobermory, Mull | |
[note] | [NOTES: numbers refer to illustrations in Collins Pocket Guide to the Sea Shore (London, 1967) but the fieldworker included most of the definitions anyway. The missing definitions have been copied in square brackets.] |
air a’ ghrinneal = grunnd | |
sgeith ròin | 3, 4 a jellyfish. |
na cìochan | 5 sea anemone; 6h [Plumose Anemone]. |
peaslag (an n) | [?] 8 [Ribbon Worms]. |
lunga, lugnich, buain lunga | 9 [Bristle Worms]. |
giomach ciuil | 14a crayfish. |
giomach | 14b [Lobster] araball, com, spog, casan, suil, bàrr an arabuil, cabhaul [? or cabhail?] (a’ ch), suil nan cliabh, dorus. |
crubàn | 14a [?] [Lobster]. |
creachan, slige chreachain | 22 [Mussels and Scallops]. |
fiasgan | 22 common mussel. |
sput fish > squibs, razorfish | [?] 23 [Razor and Sunset Shells, and Gapers]. |
coinean mara (conan mara) | 27a [Common Sea Urchin]. |
creagag | 30 goldsinny wrasse, rock cook. |
murair(ean) | 30 Ballan wrasse, corkwing wrasse. |
craobh | [?] 33 Codium tomentosum, Chaetomorpha, found on grunnd adaig. |
carrageen | 37 Cryptopleura ramosum. |
dulasg | Rhodymenia palmata. |
feamainn chirein | IV Fucus serratus. |
deargan tràghad | VII, VIII [Crustacea – Isopoda, Leptostraca, Amphipoda]. |
faochag | XIV edible whelk. |
gilleacha(n) geala | XVI dog whelk. |
conachag | XVI g [Common Whelk]. |
eisear, eisearan | XVII native oyster. |
guileag (an) | XVIII common cockle. |
reòdan | XX wood borers (wood, oval, piddocks). |
an easgann dubh | XXII conger eel. |
an easgan | [sic] XXII common eel. |
an dearagan | XXIII 3 beard [Three-bearded] rockling. |
sìolag | XXIII lesser sand eel. |
siol na faochaig | XXV. |
feamain dhubh | XXXII saw wrack. |
an fheamain bhuidhe | XXXII knotted wrack. |
roc | XXXII wrack with a stalk. |
[dulasg] | Dulasg port a ròin / aran eorna an t-luichd / Buirn an apair mhóir / ’S gur math a dh’fhagnadh. |
barag | fem. crab. |
sporran | egg pouch. |
druim | |
iuchairean | |
crealach | masc. crab. |