Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- George Thomson
- Location
- Argyll, Tarbert, Muasdale
[note] | (...) some local Gaelic names for birds, animals, etc. along with what is probably the only Gaelic name for most of them a long time ago (…) |
Animals etc. | |
bo | cow. |
each | horse. |
muc | pig. |
caora | sheep. |
madadh | dog. |
abhac | terrier. |
cat | cat. |
nios | weasel. |
feorag | squirrel. |
doran | otter. Also sometimes locally ‘madadh donn’. |
sionnach | fox. |
broc | badger. |
famh | mole. |
fiagh | deer. |
earb | roe deer. |
luch | mouse. |
radan | rat. |
ialtag leatharich | bat. |
leamachan | frog. |
losgann | toad. |
arc-luachrach | lizard. |
coinean | rabbit. |
gearragh | hare. |
gobhar | goat. |
Birds | |
lon dubh | blackbird. |
smeorach | thrush. |
gealbhonn tighe | sparrow. |
dreathan donn | hedge sparrow. |
bru dhearg | robin. |
dreolan | wren. |
gobhlan gaoithe | swallow. |
cuthag | cuckoo. |
cearc fhraoich | grouse. |
cearc thomain | partridge. |
coileach coille | woodcock. |
“crotach” | curlew. (I have never seen it in writing.) |
feadag | golden plover. |
adharcan | green plover or peewit. (From the plume on the head.) |
craibhach | rook. (Spelling uncertain.) |
feannag | hooded crow. |
cadhag | jackdaw. |
fitheach | raven. |
speireag | hawk. (Applied fairly generally to hawks as kestrel, merlin, sparrowhawk, etc.) |
seabhag | falcon. |
croman | hen harrier. |
calman | pigeon. |
bridean | oyster catcher. |
trilleachan | sand piper. |
sgarbh | cormorant. |
stearnal | tern. |
eala | swan. |
geadh | goose. |
iola | eagle. |
faoilann | gull. |
uiseag | lark. |
cailleach oidhche | owl. |
druidag | starling. |
Insects | |
beachann | bee. |
seillean | bumblebee. |
dealan-de | butterfly. |
leoman | moth. |
figheadair | spider. |
tarbh-nathrach | dragonfly. |
cuileag | fly. |
coilag liann | [sic] earwig. (I haven’t a clue about spelling of last. An afterthought came to me that it may well be ‘cuileag leathann’, an earwig having a broad flat body.) |
leumnach uaine | grasshopper. |
biastag | worm. |
deargann | flea. (Spelling?) |
Trees and wild plants | |
darach | oak. |
fearna | alder. |
uinnseaann | [sic] ash. |
beithe | birch. |
calltunn | hazel. |
seileach | willow. |
giubhas | fir. (Applied a bit loosely to conifers: pine, spruce, etc.) |
iuthar | yew. |
droiigheann | [sic] blackthorn. Fruit ‘airne’. |
dris | bramble (the bush). |
smeur | bramble (the fruit). |
groiseid | gooseberry. |
dearc dubh | blackcurrant. |
greushag | cranberry or whortleberry. (Probably local name and doubtful spelling.) |
rodagach | bog myrtle. (Probably also local and spelling?) |
fothanan | thistle. |
iteotha | hemlock. |
foclan buidhe | ragwort. (Spelling?) |
copagach | dock. |
feanntag | nettle. |
sobhrac | primrose. |
noinean | daisy. |
seileastair | iris. |