1. Ag ullachadh na talmhainn airson mòine a bhuain |
a’ rodaigeadh | a’ gearradh le spaid air fad a’ phuill aig leud a’ chip agus ’nuairsin a’ gearradh tarsuinn.
a’ rùsgadh | turfing. |
leagail nan ceap | a’ cur car de na cip a bhroinn a’ phuill. |
càradh nan ceap | laying them inside the bank with heather side uppermost. |
ceaba làir | turfing-spade (not used now locally). |
2. A’ buain na mònach; na h-innealan a chleachdar; ainmean nam fàdan, etc. |
tairisgeir | peat-iron. |
iarunn mònach | peat-iron. |
cas an iaruinn | handle of peat-iron. |
smeachan | the ‘step’ of the peat-iron. |
corrfhad | the peat at the face of the bank. |
barrfhad | the peats in the top layer. |
an dara fàd | the peats in the second layer. |
an caoran | half peat when one reaches the hard – an aigeal. |
carcair | leud an rusgaidh; gu minic ochd fòid anns a’ charcair, ann am poll dà fhàd. |
plòicean | big thick, and usually wet peats. |
sgaoilteach | where the peats are thrown on top of the bank. |
tilgeil | throwing the peats. |
cur a mach | throwing the peats. |
càradh na mònach | throwing peats so that they lie in orderly rows starting well out. Sarcastic remark often made by those following person throwing the ‘barrfhad’ [q.v.] if he isn’t throwing them far enough: “Coma leat do chàch; dèan thusa gàradh de’n bharrfhad.” |
gàradh | peats laid half on top of each other at inner edge of bank.
broinn a’ phuill | inside the bank. |
ath-foin (phonetically spelt ath-mhoine) | big wet peats set aside to dry. |
calcus | roots found in peats – sometimes they stick to blade and make it difficult to cut peats, hence: glan an calcus far an iarunn. (Dry ‘calcus’ sometimes smoked when tobacco was scarce!) |
a’ spoth nam fàdan | cutting lower edge of peats at an angle – mòine bhàn chiefly – to make it easier for thrower to lift peats away from ‘carcair’ [q.v.].
pèitean | big peats. |
staingean ruighinn | tough patches [of peat] to cut. |
3. A’ tiormachadh na mònach |
rùdhadh | lifting the peats. |
rùdhan | ceithir fòid an taca ri chéile agus boineid orra. |
ag ath-ruthadh | re-lifting – making bigger ‘rùdhain’ and putting the wet peats on the outside. |
uinneagan | gaps left in the ‘rùdhain’ so that the wind can blow through them. |
4. A’ cruachadh na mònach |
a’ cruachadh | stacking. |
a’ stéidheadh | peats laid on top of each other to prevent stacks from falling. |
a’ tughadh | covering with turf so that small stacks can be left on the bank during winter-time. |
5. A’ toirt na mònach dhachaigh; an cliabh, etc. |
a’ tarruing na mònach | taking the peats home. |
cliabh | creel |
poca | sack. |
cairt | cart. |
6. Seòrsachan mònach |
mòine bhàn | light brown peats. |
mòine riabhach | peats that are a little darker [than mòine bhàn q.v.]. |
mòine dhubh | black peats. |
caoran dubh | small black peats. |
smùr | dross. |
mòine chràiceach | peats containing bits of old trees. |
7. Faclan eile |