Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Mrs MacDermid
c. 65
Perthshire, Loch Tay, Lawers
[ɛ̜i vɔ̃:nʹ]Notes: cf. Harris ‘iarunn mòine’. Spade for cutting peat. Long, broad blade, turned at point.
lùrachQuotation: Tha i cho lùrach. Notes: lazy, not doing anything in the house.
mi-mhodhail[miˈvəɫ] Notes: cheeky (esp. of child).
mórQuotation: Tha e mór as a’ mhart. Notes: proud of.
ràsdalNotes: rake.
arbhar[ɑˈrɑ̟r] Notes: N.B. pronunciation.
InnseanachQuotation: coirc Innseanach. Notes: Indian corn.
poit-thèarrNotes: tar-pot.
ponair[pɔ̃ndər] Notes: beans. N.B. pronunciation.
sabh[s[ɑu]:] Notes: saw.
sean-bheulachNotes: used of a precocious child.
sgaoilQuotation: sgaoil na mòin’. Notes: spreading the peats.
sgaolair[sɡɤɫər] Notes: mean, contemptible fellow.
sgaolan[sɡɤɫən] Notes: creel.
sgùlanNotes: wicker-basket.
socNotes: blade of plough.
stocQuotation: stoc cruinn. Notes: handle of a plough.
teineQuotation: poit air [ə ʤinʹ]. Notes: N.B. pron.
truisQuotation: a’ trusadh [tru̟sə] [sic] buntàt’. Notes: gathering potatoes.
Tulaich Mhèit[tuɫiç vɛ̃ʰtʹ] Notes: Tullymet, Perthshire.
Uaimh[ũˈ[ɑ̃ĩ]] Notes: Weem, near Aberfeldy.
ur[u̟r] Notes: small child.
Amulruigh[amuɫrɤi] Notes: Amulree, Perthshire.
ath-dìonag[a:ˈdʒienɑk] [?] Notes: 3-year-old sheep.
bacQuotation: bac mòin’. Notes: peat hag.
Bail’ a’ Chuideir[bɑɫ xu̟ˈdʹər] Notes: Balquhidder.
Bail’ an LuigNotes: Ballinluig, Perthshire.
BaisteachQuotation: Eaglais nam Baisteach. Notes: Baptist Church.
banalaichNotes: dress-maker.
banaltairNotes: nurse.
beulach[bɛ̜:ɫəx] Quotation: Tha i beulach. Notes: always speaking (esp. scandal).
beusachNotes: quiet (of a person).
bhànQuotation: Chuir sinn bhàn an cuip mòine. Notes: down.
blianQuotation: Tha e blian [bɫiəṉ]. Notes: boring.
brioganNotes: breeches (horse).
buabastairNotes: a rough man.
cas bheagNotes: 4 peats in drying together.
cas-chrom[kas xru̟m] Notes: N.B. pron.
craobhQuotation: pl. [krœˈən].
Craoibh[krɤi:] Notes: Crieff.
coirceQuotation: coirc Innseanach. Notes: Indian corn. [NOTES: slipped under ‘coirce-Innseanach’.]
crìonNotes: mean (with money).
crombagNotes: pancake.
cronailNotes: naughty.
cuipQuotation: cuip mór. Notes: draining spade.
cultairNotes: ‘coulter’ – part of plough.
daolanNotes: Perthshire Gaelic for ‘daonnan’.
deifirQuotation: Chan eil móran [dʒu̟ˈər] air. Notes: N.B. pron.
dìonag[dʒianɑk] Notes: 2-year old sheep.
farumachQuotation: bodach farumach. Notes: spry old man.
féiseanach[fɛ̜:ʃəṉəx] Notes: pheasant.
fiabhrasQuotation: (1) fiabhras dearg. (2) fiabhras dubh. Notes: (1) scarlet fever. (2) black fever.
fiodhan[fjəɣən] Notes: cheese vat.
fiosrachailQuotation: duine fiosrachail. Notes: nosey.
Gart[ɡarʃt] Notes: Garth, near Fortingall, Perthshire.
gèadh[ɡɛ̜:] Notes: N.B. pron.
geimhleag[ɡɛ̃ĩḻɑ̜k] Notes: iron bar for making holes in the ground.
glaodhaichNotes: to shout, call.
gnosach[ɡrɔsəx] Quotation: Tha i gnosach. Notes: always speaking (esp. scandal).
gobhlan-gaoitheQuotation: [ɡuɫɑṉ] gaoith. Notes: wagtail.
goganNotes: wooden pail.
goimhnean[ɡ[ɔi]ṉəṉ] Notes: rheumatism.
guireineachQuotation: Tha e [ɡu̟rinəx]. Notes: bad-tempered, ‘crabbit’.