lanaig | [ɫɑ̃ṉɑɡʹ] Notes: a right of way through the crofts. |
leadraich | Notes: thresh, pound. |
leth-ghàire | Notes: smug, self-satisfied, cynical smile. |
leth-tromach | [lʹɛt̪ɾomɑx] Notes: pregnant. |
lùm | [ɫũ̜:m] Quotation: Cuir a’ lùm rithe. Notes: a wooden support used for keeping boats on an even keel on the beach (usually lunn). |
maol-mhullaich | Notes: bald patch on the top of one’s head. |
marbhphaisg | Notes: woollen cloth in which a corpse was wrapped. |
mill-cheartan | Notes: chilblains. |
raith | Quotation: Bha e làn raith. Notes: bombastic prating. |
riseag | [riʃɑɡ] Notes: a potato too small to be planted. |
rodail | Quotation: Seall a’ rodail a th’air an duine sin, nach e tha dìchiallach. Notes: applied to a person who works extra hard to provide well for his family. |
roilleach | Notes: slavering at the mouth. |
roisean | [rɔʃɑṉ] Notes: a frayed or dirty hem of a garment. |
rothail | [rɔhəl] Quotation: Tha rothail gu leòir ’san fhear sud. Notes: flattery. |
rubh-ràth | Quotation: Tha ’n àite na rubh-ràth. Notes: in disorder. |
rutas | [ru̜t̪əs] Quotation: Seall a’ rutas a th’air an duine sin. Notes: greed, e.g. a person trying to get more than his fair share of something such as when collecting seaweed. |
athainn | [ɑhɑ̃nʹ] Quotation: Tha athainn orm nach d’thàinig e. Notes: vexation, annoyance. |
trannlainn | [t̪ɾ[ɑ̃ũ̜]ɫĩnʹ] Notes: an ailment. |
oidhche | Quotation: Dh’eirich agus dh’fhalbh i ann an corp na h-oidhche. |
peitean-mór | Notes: a sleeved vest of thick yarn worn by fishermen. |
plotadh | [pɫɔt̪əɣ] Notes: bad boiling. |
seid | [ʃedʹ] Quotation: “Tha e air seid.” Notes: a “shakedown” on the floor. |
seòl-ràmhainn | Quotation: Nach e tha dorcha – ’se seòl-ramhainn [sic] a dh’fheumas a bhith an seo. Notes: prodding about with an oar when in shallow water to find out how close to shore one was. |
sgeth-a’ ròin | Notes: jelly fish. |
sgor | Notes: used in Applecross for a thick slice of bread. |
sgraing | Quotation: Nach seall thu a’ sgraing a th’air a’ bhoirionnach a tha sin. Notes: a bad-tempered frown. |
sgreamhail | [sɡɾɛ̃ılʹ] Notes: a small spade-like instrument made from wood; used for gathering cockles, spoutfish, etc. |
sgrìosan | [sɡɾi:sɑṉ] Quotation: Ma tha ise a’ pòsadh bithidh a’ sgrìosan aice a nis. Notes: trousseau. (Dw. – sgriosan – Arran.) |
smàglach | Notes: a handful. |
sos | [sɔs] Quotation: Thoir a’ sos dhan a’ chù. Notes: scraps, mixed-up food, as for a dog. |
speur | Quotation: cuairt na speur. Notes: horizon. |
spiùnn | [spiũ̜:n̪] Quotation: Cho tioram ris a’ spiùnn. Notes: a tinderbox for catching sparks. |
stapag | Notes: in Applecross it consisted of oatmeal, sugar and whipped cream (taken from churn). |
tàrr | Quotation: Tàrr asad. Notes: Hurry up. |
teairt | [tʹɑʴstʹ] Quotation: Tha ’n crodh air an teairt. Notes: The cows have been sent out to graze before morning milking. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
teiris | [tʹeɾiʃ] Quotation: Teiris a nis! or Teiris a mireag! Notes: said to a cow to soothe her at milking time. |
te-theothaich | Quotation: an te-theothaich. Notes: the hemlock. |
tioram | Quotation: Cho tioram ris a’ spiùnn. Notes: spiùnn – tinderbox for catching sparks. |
ubh | Quotation: ubh cliath feannaig. Notes: a hen’s egg that is much undersized. |
abhras | Notes: the lower edge of a herring net. |
àgh | Quotation: ceann an àigh. Notes: one who makes himself notorious or undesirably prominent. |
airidh | Quotation: Chuir mi airidh air nach robh e ceart. Notes: I suspected that he wasn’t right. |
àlach | Quotation: a’ glanadh a h-àlaich. Notes: this was said of a boat when she cleared her own length with one stroke of the oars, in competition. |
àlachd | Notes: the carcase of a dead sheep. |
anaisg | Notes: nickname. |
bainne-nan-eich | Notes: white clover. (Applecross) |
balc | Quotation: balc uisge. Notes: a short downpour. (Applecross) |
balgan | Notes: sack made from dried skin, two skins sewn together. Sometimes two long thin bags were carried on the shoulders to balance. |
ball-bhùirt | Quotation: Rinn e ball-bhùirt dheth fhéin. Notes: complete fool, object of derision. |
bith | Quotation: Nach ann aige a bha bith dha. Notes: malice. (Applecross) |
braisiche | Notes: a man past middle age but still lively and virile. |
breabadair-làrach | Notes: spider. |
càise | Quotation: càise baile. Notes: home-made cheese. |
càra | Quotation: Bu chàra dhomh a dheanamh. Notes: It would be better for me to do it. (Sometimes heard as bu [xɑ:ʴsə].) [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
ceann | Quotation: ceann an àigh. Notes: one who makes himself notorious or undesirably prominent. |
ceap-tuislidh | Quotation: Bha e na cheap-tuislidh dhan an teaghlach. Notes: a stumbling block. |
cliath | Quotation: ubh cliath feannaig. Notes: a hen’s egg which is much undersized. |
cnèapan | [kɾɛ̃:pɑṉ] Notes: a small, low stool. |
corp | Quotation: Dh’éirich i agus dh’fhalbh i ann an corp na h-oidhche. Notes: at dead of night. |
crioslach | Quotation: a’ chrioslach. Notes: a home-made spear of well-seasoned wood used for spearing fish, c. 5' long. |
crùicealachd | Notes: patching or mending old clothes. |
cuairt | Quotation: cuairt na speur. Notes: the horizon. |
cuiseag | Notes: a switch, e.g. of birch as used for hurrying a cow. |
dorus | Quotation: an dorus catha. Notes: the door leading into the living room. |
dubh | Quotation: Thug mi dhà gu dubh e. Notes: I gave him a good telling off. |
dubh | Quotation: ’S e an dubh éiginn a thug air sin a dheanamh. Notes: dire necessity. |
eadar-dha-lìn | Notes: suspended in water. |
éiginn | Quotation: ’S e an dubh éiginn a thug air sin a dheanamh. Notes: dire necessity. |
feannag | Quotation: ubh cliath feannaig. Notes: a hen’s egg which is much undersized. |
fìdhleir | Quotation: am fìdhleir. Notes: the sandpiper. |
frith-ainm | Notes: nickname. |
fuarachd | Notes: a more recent word for chilblains. |
gàbart | [ɡɑ:bəʴsṯ] Notes: a flat-bottomed wide boat used principally for transporting sheep and cattle. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
gearra-bhoc | [ɡʹɑrɑvɔxk] Notes: sea urchin. |
glan | Quotation: a’ glanadh na h-àlaich. Notes: this was said when a rowing boat cleared her own length with one stroke, in competition. |
gòrag | [ɡɔ:ɾɑɡ] Quotation: Dh’fhosgail i ’n dorus ach cha d’thug i ach gòrag. Notes: a quick, sly look. |
gròbag | Quotation: Dh’fhàg mi gròbag bheag fosgailt dheth. Notes: a slight opening, of, say, a door or window. |
grunndail | Quotation: Tha e grunndail fuar. Notes: It is somewhat cold. (Used of the weather.) |
guruchdag | [ɡu̜ru̜xɡɑɡ] Notes: haycock. |