Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Flora MacLeod
- Age
- 60
- Location
- Harris, Sgarastamhor
- Notes
- [NOTES: three items credited to Morag MaKay from Scalpay.]
craic fuilt | mop of hair. |
athailt | peat used as a torch and taken round the houses. |
seig | makeshift bed made of hay. |
sibheag | wick of lamp. |
bùican | lowest setting of flame on a lamp, small amount of wick showing. |
laobhagan | worn, shabby shoes – “laobhagan bhrògan”. |
lodraigan | toddler. |
smeallamus | a good thing of any description. “An cat a’ glanadh aodann is duil aige ri smeallamus.” |
cruaic | a heap, above the level [?]. |
am brod | the best of something, choicest part. |
liath-luid | a fool. |
pluthag | a light smack. |
sguilleag | a heavy smack. |
pais | a heavier smack. |
plathairt | a heavier smack. |
tumaraid | a fat, round woman. |
òdagan | fingers. |
cruinneach | a large clumsy animal. |
stèr | a smack. |
ìne dol am beo | ingrowing toe-nail. |
“Cum do chlut!” | what you would say if someone was about to hit you. |
dorran | “Chuir e dorran orm.” – He antagonised me. |
comha thràth | afternoon. |
air an uideal | restless. Tha e air uideal - he is on tenterhooks. |
sunnag | a seat made out of a barrel, found in the old houses. |
spearrach | rope or string used to tie the legs of a hen to stop it scratching. |
cìrean | cocks comb. |
feamainn chìrein | |
feamainn bhuilgeach | bladder wrack. |
a’ feamanadh | spreading seaweed on the ground. |
feamainn anachasach | seaweed cut from rocks. |
tallan | wall between two rooms. |
cuiseag ruadh | stem of dock plant. |
ceap bhrog | shoe last. |
seadhal | shawl. |
mogain | ankle socks. |
badag ite | feather duster, usually for cleaning stove. |
colmadh | a mix of colours in tweed. |
ula-ruis | fuss. |
gearaidh ochainn | fuss. |
clàirg (n) | face. |
staoic | a chunk, a piece. “Cha do chaill thu staoic.” |
slearaich | a lazy person, leisgeadair. |
lunnaiche | a lazy person. |
manareach de thobhta | last remains of a ruin. |
aithneachadh de | a trace of something. |
lèpan | wet, drenched person. |
cailleach bhearnach | gap toothed woman. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay) |
ann an collaig | in a hurry. |
ann an caochaile | in a hurry. |
liadhba | plot of potatoes, or piece of land where potatoes were once planted. |
sgùird | long apron worn in fields and used for carrying. |
ultach (n) | a bundle. |
geill | a break on the skin. |
pràmh a chadail | a nap. |
troc | rubbish, used to describe anything of no good or use. |
a’ cuachail | wandering round in circles. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay) |
ag ithealadh | approaching something in a sly, covert way. “Cat ag ithealadh air luch” – a cat stalking a mouse. |
deathorra | dark skinned. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay) |
ga bhùird as | to change someone’s intention or opinion. |
eabar | mire, i.e. that left by cows gathering at a gate. |
sglogaig | a female (?). |
sglodaig | a large gulp i.e. of water, whiskey etc. |
ceibheirt | a stride. |
cèbhearan | “Bha cèbhearan air” – he was slightly drunk. |
leibhseach | Bha e leibhseach – it was very good. |
stumaidsear | a container for coal. |
le gràgalas | doing something against your will. |
alla | attention. |
allamh | Dean gu h-allamh e – do it immediately. |
brogach de bhalach | balach tabaidh. |
gurg (n) | a small child, pl. gurgs. |
follaig | flour used to prevent dough sticking to board. (Also fallaig.) |
fallaig | [See follaig.] |
Thoir an tigh gorm ort! | get outside. |
splogaire | an oily, sycophantic person. |
craic fuilt | mop of hair. [NOTES: already quoted at the beginning.] |
cnuaic | heap. [NOTES: already quoted at the beginning.] |
briathadh | |
fàireachadh | “Bha mi a fàireachadh air.” - I was seeing [sic] [looking?] at him without him seeing me. |
spiolaig | balach crosda. |
coinnean | paper taper for lighting fires. |
follag | a lazy woman. |
tràthach | the long grass found in peat bogs. |
catapurca | “Cho ruighinn ris a chatapurca.” |
cama rec | a nuisance of a person. “Rinn e cama rec dhe” – he spoilt it. |
gùirain | sligean cruaidh a gheibhear air fiodh air an tràigh. |
murragan | driftwood. |
sporran feannaig | skate egg case. |
cnothaicean | top shell. |
muir ceac | jelly fish. |
frithasg | bait cast out to attract fish. |
[maorach] | “Dean maorach fhads a bhios an tràigh ann.” |
cnòdan | gurnard. |
canntraidh | neap tide. |
carcair | mullach a phuill an deidh a fheannadh [?]: dubh, cruaidh. |
grabhag | poll mònadh beag. |
[cruach] | “Tha e nas glice cruach mhonadh a losgadh comhla ri duine mas pos thu e.” |
traille | link (hake). |
[cat] | “S ann dhut a rug an cat an cuilean” – good luck has come to you. |
caoin | describes a mild taste in food. |
nasg | a thin film. |
ag eileabanach | teasing. |
duine cuiradeach | a bright cheery person. |
“Tha cumail ris aige” | he has stamina. |
gorraisg | a silly woman. |
leth-cheannach | a half-wit. |
stobairneach | duine bragail. |
flothagan | smut, little black pieces of coal. |