Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Flora MacLeod
Harris, Sgarastamhor
  • [NOTES: three items credited to Morag MaKay from Scalpay.]
craic fuiltmop of hair.
athailtpeat used as a torch and taken round the houses.
seigmakeshift bed made of hay.
sibheagwick of lamp.
bùicanlowest setting of flame on a lamp, small amount of wick showing.
laobhaganworn, shabby shoes – “laobhagan bhrògan”.
smeallamusa good thing of any description. “An cat a’ glanadh aodann is duil aige ri smeallamus.”
cruaica heap, above the level [?].
am brodthe best of something, choicest part.
liath-luida fool.
pluthaga light smack.
sguilleaga heavy smack.
paisa heavier smack.
plathairta heavier smack.
tumaraida fat, round woman.
cruinneacha large clumsy animal.
stèra smack.
ìne dol am beoingrowing toe-nail.
“Cum do chlut!”what you would say if someone was about to hit you.
dorran“Chuir e dorran orm.” – He antagonised me.
comha thràthafternoon.
air an uidealrestless. Tha e air uideal - he is on tenterhooks.
sunnaga seat made out of a barrel, found in the old houses.
spearrachrope or string used to tie the legs of a hen to stop it scratching.
cìreancocks comb.
feamainn chìrein
feamainn bhuilgeachbladder wrack.
a’ feamanadhspreading seaweed on the ground.
feamainn anachasachseaweed cut from rocks.
tallanwall between two rooms.
cuiseag ruadhstem of dock plant.
ceap bhrogshoe last.
mogainankle socks.
badag itefeather duster, usually for cleaning stove.
colmadha mix of colours in tweed.
gearaidh ochainnfuss.
clàirg (n)face.
staoica chunk, a piece. “Cha do chaill thu staoic.”
slearaicha lazy person, leisgeadair.
lunnaichea lazy person.
manareach de thobhtalast remains of a ruin.
aithneachadh dea trace of something.
lèpanwet, drenched person.
cailleach bhearnachgap toothed woman. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay)
ann an collaigin a hurry.
ann an caochailein a hurry.
liadhbaplot of potatoes, or piece of land where potatoes were once planted.
sgùirdlong apron worn in fields and used for carrying.
ultach (n)a bundle.
geilla break on the skin.
pràmh a chadaila nap.
trocrubbish, used to describe anything of no good or use.
a’ cuachailwandering round in circles. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay)
ag ithealadhapproaching something in a sly, covert way. “Cat ag ithealadh air luch” – a cat stalking a mouse.
deathorradark skinned. (Morag MacKay, Scalpay)
ga bhùird asto change someone’s intention or opinion.
eabarmire, i.e. that left by cows gathering at a gate.
sglogaiga female (?).
sglodaiga large gulp i.e. of water, whiskey etc.
ceibheirta stride.
cèbhearan“Bha cèbhearan air” – he was slightly drunk.
leibhseachBha e leibhseach – it was very good.
stumaidseara container for coal.
le gràgalasdoing something against your will.
allamhDean gu h-allamh e – do it immediately.
brogach de bhalachbalach tabaidh.
gurg (n)a small child, pl. gurgs.
follaigflour used to prevent dough sticking to board. (Also fallaig.)
fallaig[See follaig.]
Thoir an tigh gorm ort!get outside.
splogairean oily, sycophantic person.
craic fuiltmop of hair. [NOTES: already quoted at the beginning.]
cnuaicheap. [NOTES: already quoted at the beginning.]
fàireachadh“Bha mi a fàireachadh air.” - I was seeing [sic] [looking?] at him without him seeing me.
spiolaigbalach crosda.
coinneanpaper taper for lighting fires.
follaga lazy woman.
tràthachthe long grass found in peat bogs.
catapurca“Cho ruighinn ris a chatapurca.”
cama reca nuisance of a person. “Rinn e cama rec dhe” – he spoilt it.
gùirainsligean cruaidh a gheibhear air fiodh air an tràigh.
sporran feannaigskate egg case.
cnothaiceantop shell.
muir ceacjelly fish.
frithasgbait cast out to attract fish.
[maorach]“Dean maorach fhads a bhios an tràigh ann.”
canntraidhneap tide.
carcairmullach a phuill an deidh a fheannadh [?]: dubh, cruaidh.
grabhagpoll mònadh beag.
[cruach]“Tha e nas glice cruach mhonadh a losgadh comhla ri duine mas pos thu e.”
traillelink (hake).
[cat]“S ann dhut a rug an cat an cuilean” – good luck has come to you.
caoindescribes a mild taste in food.
nasga thin film.
ag eileabanachteasing.
duine cuiradeacha bright cheery person.
“Tha cumail ris aige”he has stamina.
gorraisga silly woman.
leth-cheannacha half-wit.
stobairneachduine bragail.
flothagansmut, little black pieces of coal.