Nàdur an Duine / Personality

Flora MacLeod
Morag MacLennan
Harris, Sgarastamhor
  • [NOTES: two colours of ink used possibly to distinguish the two informants.]
Good company / Bad company
faisg ort
duine gasda
duine aoigheil toilichte
duine dibhearsanach
duine tlachdmhor
duine socharachshy.
duine siobhaltacivil.
duine diùdshy.
duine sonahappy.
duine abhachdachjolly.
duine mearmerry.
duine eubhainnfunny.
duine eirmseachwitty.
duine geurwitty.
duine geur air a theangaidh
duine gun locgood-natured.
“rinn e cobhair orm”he helped me.
duine dùr
cabairneach(m) gossip.
cabag(f) gossip.
speireagspiteful woman (sparrow hawk).
bioragspiteful woman.
duine leimhtiresome.
duine sligeachsneering man.
duine sniageachsneaky.
sgramh de dhuinea disgusting person. [NOTES: there is (M) next to this item possibly to indicate that it was provided by Morag MacLennan.]
chuireadh e sgramh orthe would disgust you.
sgleap de dhuinedisgusting.
sgiortaich de chaillich[?] old woman.
riamhalan untidy person.
duine ràbhardachmaker up of tall tales.
sgluidseachuntidy woman.
[[NOTES: the rest of the page in blue ink.]
neamhduine beag, bragail.
ag goileamblethering.
goileam (f.n. )[?] a gossipy woman.
goileam (n)meaningless talk.
Cheerful / Gloomy
mar cearc air greidealexcited.
“tha do bheul a’ dol an uachdar ort”meaning “tha do chridhe a’ mireag riut” – a cluinntin leanabh a gàireachdainn. [NOTES: there is F next to this item possibly to indicate that it was provided by Flora MacLeod.]
làn riosparsa show off.
thug e riddalaidhs airthug e an aghaidh air.
goraisgfoolish woman.
gilcuram[?] daft.
meuraiteduine nach gabh a bhiadh.
“nach fhiach thu ri grirdum ”[?] would you believe it? who would have thought it?
criamhal mor de dhuinea clumsy big man.
A successful man / A failure
duine adhartach
duine soirbheachail
te a gnothaichpurposeful woman.
air a thuc fheinworking on own initiative.
air a cheann fheinworking on own initiative.
duine laghanta[?] someone who did things to letter of law. [NOTES: this item in blue ink.]
sgliurachan untidy housewife. [NOTES: the word provided as an example by the authors of the questionnaire and ticked by the fieldworker most probably to show that the informant used it.]
leisgeadairlazy man.
duine gun suimabsent minded. Collainn gun suim cha tig dhachaidh.
duine monaiseachabsent-minded.
duine rollaiseachover-excited in words or deeds.
duine cearbach[NOTES: this item in blue ink.]
A wise man / Foolish
[note][NOTES: this section in blue ink]
tùrailintelligent, skilful, practical.
duine sgeinneilan efficient, energetic worker.
sgeinn“dean sgeinn” – hurry up.

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