1. Fish location by natural means |
1.1. Listening |
a’ cluiche | listening for a herring or other fish’s breaking the surface, a much less distinct sound. |
1.2. Losgadh / the burning |
sgiolltar (Bays) (jelly fish) | phosphorescence in the sea. |
sgiolltair | the first sparks of ‘burning’ in early evening. |
sgadan a losgadh | individual herring seen in the ‘burning’; a thin shoal seen in the burning; a large shoal seen in the burning. |
1.3. Herring-feeding |
1.4. The gannet / emhsan |
a’ bualadh | the high vertical plummet of gannet working on herring. |
bualadh air “sheef” | the skimming dive of a gannet, perhaps on mackerel or fry on the surface. |
1.5. Miscellaneous |
“smelt” | fiadh air a mhuir a deidh do sgadan a bhi ann. |
2. The ring-net |
2.1. Its construction |
2.2. Setting up and mending a ring-net |
2.3. The buoy |
bollachan | |
“wager” | the plug of buoy, short for watcher. |
spring | the string by which buoy is attached to back-rope. |
3. Fishing |
a’ cur ’s a tarruing | the shooting [and towing of the net]. |
brailer | [?] hauling net. |
brèilear | hauling net. |
[note] | [NOTES: it is not clear if the last two words are variants. The second seems to be a later addition (different ink) and may be a clarification of the first, which is illegible.] |