Nàdur an Duine / Personality

Roderick MacDonald
mu [about] 80
Na Hearadh [Harris], Cluer
Good company / Bad company
d[uine] cùin [sic] soft gentle person.
d anmgaideach[uine] someone full of mischief.
d buaireasach[uine]
d eudmhor[uine] jealous man.
d solta[uine]
d mosach[uine] mean.
d spiocach[uine] mean.
d cair[uine] kind.
d tabhairteach[uine] kind.
cabairneachgossip (m).
biosgalachtwo faced man.
duine leimhtiresome nagging person.
duine leantalachtiresome nagging person.
duine mallslow acting.
duine slaodachslow acting.
duine sneagachslow acting.
duine cearbe[?] a difficult person to get along.
riapaluntidy person.
d rabhardach[uine] man who tells tall tales.
d labhrach[uine] ard [?] gossipy.
Cheerful / Gloomy
belàramduine a bhios a eibheachd [?] ’s a godail.
creamhala carelessly dressed man.
A good man / A bad man
A successful man / A failure
A wise man / Foolish
Bold / Timid
càidsearduine a tha math air iarraidh.
mi-modhail[sic] impudent.
gaisgeachbrave man.
goraisgfoolish woman.
d faoin[uine] an easily led man.
d slac[uine] an easily led man.
peta de dhuine
ara de dhuineeffeminate man.
Proud / Humble
duine prosailproud man.
d lan rispars[uine] proud man.
Polite / Coarse
Bad types
duine cuirs[?] cruel person.
duine droch amharasachsuspicious.
duine ragstubborn man.
Any words used as insults, including curses
gonadh ort
beag buach ort[?] [NOTES: ‘buach’ added above ‘beag’ and ‘ort’ possibly to show that it is meant to be inserted between the two words.]
mo dhiombach agadI am annoyed at you.
nach tu bhiodh ann an Hiort
droch bhuach ort
Young / Old
duine bealacha talkative person.
duine bragail“a smart alec”.
pocan balachsmall boy.
balach brogachbalach òg tha fàs.
bramalaidlazy woman.

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