Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- D. MacP
- Location
- Skye, Harlosh
- Date
- 06/1970
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
làidir | Quotation: talamh làidir. Notes: ground which has lain fallow for a number of years. |
lamaisdeachadh | Quotation: Tha e feumach air lamaisdeachadh math a thoirt dha. Notes: a good “pummelling”. |
lapan | Quotation: Ghabh i lapan leis an fhuachd. Notes: She became benumbed with the cold. |
lapanaich | Quotation: a’ lapanachadh leis an fhuachd. Notes: getting benumbed with the cold. |
lathach | Quotation: Tha e air lathach leis an fhuachd. Notes: getting numb. |
le | Quotation: Chaneil Gàidhlig aige-san leis nach eil Gàidhlig aig athair. |
leacach | Notes: flat. |
leas | [lʹes] Notes: a covering of dirt or mud, e.g. on the rump of a cow after lying in a dirty stall or on the hem of a garment which has been trailing in the mud. |
leòb | Quotation: Bheireadh tu leòb a t-òrdaig. Notes: a sliver. |
leumnach-uaine | Notes: grasshopper. |
liabag | |
lideir | [lʹidʹəɾ] Notes: a slap. |
lidreachadh | Quotation: Fhuair e lidreachadh math. Notes: He got a good beating. |
lidrich | Quotation: Lidrichinn e. Notes: give a good beating. |
lior | [lʹwɾ] Quotation: lior de rodain, de dh’fhaoileagan, de ròcaisean. Notes: a collection, usually of animals or birds. |
luathaireach | Quotation: clann luathaireach. Notes: restless, always on the move and up to something. |
lunn | Notes: wooden roller put under a boat, also used for the wooden supports used under the sides of the boat to keep it upright. |
lùrach | [ɫu̜:ɾɑx] Notes: a slow, clumsy person. |
lùrachail | [ɫu̜:ɾɑxɑl] Notes: clumsy, slow-moving. |
màdag | Notes: a female crab. |
màthair-mhóineadh | Notes: the outside peat. |
meilich | [mɛ̃liç] Quotation: Bha mi air mo mheileachadh leis an fhuachd. |
riasbail | [riɤsbɑl] Quotation: Tha mi uamhasach riasbail. Notes: I’m in an awful guddle. |
riaslach | [riɤsɫɑx] Quotation: Tha mi uamhasach riaslach. Notes: untidy, the house in disarray, etc. |
trog | Notes: lift. |
ioma-chathadh | Notes: whirlwind. |
neo-shunnd | [nʹɔ̃hən̪] Quotation: Ghabh a’ bhó neo-shunnd. Notes: e.g. a beast which had eaten too much. |
neo-shunndach | [nʹɔ̃hən̪ɑx] Notes: in poor trim. |
òbhainn | [ɔ:vĩnʹ] Notes: oven. |
òrais | Quotation: Tha ’n òrais orm. Notes: the desire to vomit. (Also òrais-thilgeadh.) |
òrais-thilgeadh | Quotation: Tha ’n òrais-thilgeadh orm. Notes: the desire to vomit. |
piocas | [pjwxkəs] Notes: chickenpox. |
prabag | Notes: a small “coil” of hay with a hole through it to allow the passage of air. |
sac | Notes: asthma. |
sgaoilteach | Notes: area on top of peat bank where peats are spread out to dry. |
sgeth-runnag | Notes: shooting star. |
sgreamh | [sɡɾɑ̃f] Quotation: a’ gabhail sgreamh de rud. Notes: when one gets so tired of something that it becomes distasteful. (sgreamhal [sic] – adj.) |
sgreamhail | [sɡɾɑ̃fɛl] Notes: disgusting. |
sgrotadh | [sɡɾɔt̪əɣ] Quotation: a’ sgrotadh. Notes: taking shelter. (“Chaneil iad a’ deanamh càil ach a’ sgrotadh” – said of people who avoid work – shirking.) |
sguiligeadh | [sɡu̟liɡʹəɣ] Notes: sculling. |
sian | Quotation: Chaneil sian ann. Notes: sianadh also used. |
sian | Quotation: siantan de dh’uisge. Notes: sheets of driving rain. |
siol-gobach | Notes: sand-eel. |
sleamhnan | [ʃlʹɛ̃ũ̟ṉɛ̃ṉ] Notes: sty. |
sliubach | Quotation: sìde sliubach. Notes: very wet weather. |
smalag | Notes: saithe a little smaller than average herring. |
snaoth | [sn̪w̃:] Quotation: an t-snaoth. Notes: funeral bier. |
spaoiligean | [spwlıɡʹɑṉ] Quotation: spaoiligean sìl. Notes: a seed. |
stair | [st̪ɤɾ] Notes: stepping stones or temporary bridge, e.g. across a burn or peat-bank. |
stalachdach | [st̪ɑɫɑxkɑx] Notes: dense, dim-witted. |
stamasan | [st̪ɑ̃mɑsɑṉ] Quotation: a’ bhó a’ stamasan air feadh na stàla. Notes: restlessly moving about in the stall. |
tàirmeasach | [t̪ɑ:ɾmw̃sɑx] Notes: difficult to please. |
talamh | Quotation: talamh làidir. Notes: ground which has lain fallow for a number of years. |
taoman | Notes: baler in a boat. |
teinntean | [tʹĩ:nʹɛ̃ṉ] Notes: several peats built up to dry. |
teò-chritheach | Notes: warm-hearted. |
tobhta | Quotation: tobhta thogalach. Notes: removable seat in a boat. |
toit | Quotation: toit choirc. Notes: a “hut” of corn. |
tolg | [t̪ɔɫɔɡ] Notes: a dent, a hollow. |
tollach | [t̪ɔɫɑx] Quotation: ’S ann tollach a bha e nuair a chunnaic e cho beag ’s a thug mi dhà. Notes: showing dissatisfaction. |
traon | [t̪ɾw̃:ṉ] Notes: corn-crake. |
treasadach | [t̪ɾesɑd̪ɑx] Notes: ground which has been ploughed twice after lying fallow for a number of years (1. talamh làidir. 2. athcheapach. 3. treasadach.) |
triuthach | [t̪ɾu̟həx] Notes: whooping cough. |
tuim | Notes: water inside a boat. |
ucsa | Notes: full-grown saithe. |
uibhreachd | Quotation: a’ cur uibhreachd air rud. Notes: seeing a difference in something. (Lewis – a’ cur umhail air rud.) |
aog | Quotation: a’ dol aog. Notes: deteriorating. |
at-buinn | Notes: swelling on the sole or heel of the foot from going about barefoot. |
ath-cheapach | Notes: ground which has been ploughed once after being fallow for a long time. (1. talamh làidir. 2. athcheapach [sic]. 3. treasadach.) |
bachallag | Notes: sprout growing on potatoes in spring (before planting). |
banachdach | Quotation: a’ bhanachdach. Notes: vaccination, smallpox. |
bigean | [bıɡʹɛ̃ṉ] Notes: used of small birds in general. (Na bigeanan – hen’s chicks.) |
bigeireachd | Quotation: a’ bigeireachd ri rud. Notes: “picking” at something, e.g. when doing a job, not working at it consistently. |
bladh | [bɫɤɣ] Quotation: duine gun bhladh. Notes: a useless person; one who hasn’t the ability to do anything properly. |
blas | Quotation: Ghabh mi blas a’ chnagain dheth. Notes: I got sick tired of it, e.g. eating too much of a thing. |
bléideag | Quotation: bléideag sùidh. Notes: a smut of soot. |
blèiream | Quotation: duine gun bhlèiream. Notes: a useless person; one who hasn’t the ability to do anything. |
bradan | Quotation: bradan leathainn. Notes: halibut. |
breac | Notes: salmon. |
breacadh | Quotation: a’ breacadh a’ phuill. Notes: lining the peat-bank and cutting divots without actually removing them. |
brìg | Quotation: brìg mhóineadh, brìg bhuntàta. Notes: a heap. |
bruchdach | Quotation: caora bhruchdach. Notes: a sheep having black and white patches on its face, one colour usually predominating. |
bruchdach | [bɾu̟xkɑx] Notes: showery day with sunny periods. |
bruchdlach | [bɾu̜xkɫɑx] Notes: dirty, ragged. |
bùidsear | Notes: butcher. |
buille-thuig | [bu̟lʹəhu̜ɡʹ] Notes: injury caused to the toes when walking about barefoot. |
burgaid | [bu̟ɾu̟ɡɑdʹ] Notes: a laxative as formerly given to cattle. |
calcas | Notes: stringy peat. |
cas-bheag | Quotation: ’ga cuir air a’ chas-bheag. Notes: one peat lying on its side and two others propped up against it. ![]() |
ceanna-chnag | Notes: braces at the ends of the seats of a boat. |
cearban | Notes: basking shark. |
céir | [ce:ɾ] Notes: red, wax-like substance found in the belly of the lobster. |
ceum | Quotation: Bha ceum crùbaich ann. Notes: He had a limp. |
ciùbhrach | Quotation: ciùbhrach uisge. Notes: drizzle. |
cleata | [klet̪ə] Notes: wooden fixture put on the gunwhale of a boat for tying the sail ropes. |
cléireach | Notes: male crab. |
cnaimh-runnach | [kɾɛ̃:vrũ̜n̪ɑx] Notes: horse-mackerel. |
crùbach | Quotation: Bha ceum crùbaich ann. Notes: He had a limp. |
cuach | Quotation: Tha e cho math a dhol dhan a’ chuaich. Notes: bed. (cuach – nest) |
cuaichean | Quotation: Tha ’n cat na chuaichean aig an teine. Notes: a ball. |
crot | Notes: flat piece of wood put on either side of an oar where it passes between the “cnagan” (tholepins) to prevent the oar from chafing. |
cuir | Quotation: a’ cur an greim [ɡɾɤım]. Notes: installing, fixing (used when talking about putting batteries into the wireless). |
dile-bhogan | [dʹı:ləvoɡɑṉ] Notes: soft, boggy place – same as “sùil-chruthaich”. |
drolla | Notes: handle of pail, pot, etc. |
duanaidh | [d̪u̜ɤṉi] Quotation: là duanaidh. Notes: a dull day. |
dùndarach | [d̪u̜:n̪d̪ɑɾəx] Notes: dour. Also used as an adj. “Chaneil ann dheth ach dùndarach.” |
eiteach | [etʹɑx] Notes: The bevelled joint between the planks in a boat. (See Dw.) |
fairc (sic) | [fɑɾçc] Notes: lobsters’ retreat among rocks. |
faire | Quotation: Chan fhaic mi fàireadh air an dràsda. Notes: I don’t see a sight of him just now. |
flagais | [fɫɑɡiʃ] Notes: dung heap. |
foileigean | [fɔlɛɡʹɛṉ] Quotation: Ciamar a tha thu an diugh a’ foileigean. Notes: a pet term for a small boy. |
fraoch-crionach | Notes: withered heather. (Lewis – fraoch-leath.) |
fras | Notes: eggs in the female lobster. |
frithearnaich | [fɾıhəʴṉiç] Notes: ragnails. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.] |
fròghaidh | [fɾɔ:i] Quotation: (1) guth fròghaidh. (2) Tha a’ wireless cho fròghaidh an dràsda. Notes: (1) a hoarse voice (with a cold). (2) lack of clarity in the sound – full of interference, haziness. |
gaoisid | Quotation: Tha an cù a’ cur na gaoisid. Notes: The dog is shedding its hair. |
greim | Quotation: a’ cur an greim [ɡɾ[ɤi]m]. Notes: installing, fixing. (Used when talking about batteries to be put into the wireless.) |
groigean | [ɡɾɔ̃ɡʹɛṉ] Notes: a small portion, lump. |
guilbneach | [ɡu̟ləbṉɔx] Notes: curlew. |