Measgaichte / Miscellaneous
- Informant(s)
- Name
- Charles MacLean
- Age
- c. 50
- Location
- Skye, Kyleakin
- Date
- 03/1970
- Notes
- [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
laic | [ɫ[ɑi]çc] Notes: a short nap. |
laoichgeann | [ɫw:çɡʹə̃n̪] Notes: the carcase of an old beast; an old useless thing. |
lasgan | Quotation: lasgan gàire. Notes: or lachan gàire. |
leam-leat | Notes: two-faced. |
leannan-òinsich | Notes: an easily led person. |
lias | Notes: a glowing peat used as a torch. |
lus-na-Fraing | Notes: tansy. |
miolaire | [mju̜ɫəɾə] Notes: watercress. |
rac-arbhair | Notes: corncrake. (Confusion between names for corncrake, snipe, jacksnipe.) |
pionn | [pj[ɤ̃ũ̜]n̪] Notes: mint. |
poll-búirean | Notes: area of ground churned underfoot by deer in the rutting season. |
seillean | Quotation: seillean dubh, seillean ruadh. Notes: two types of bee. |
seópal | [ʃo:pəɫ] Notes: wet mud clinging to the hem of a long skirt. (K. Fraser, Breakish – siubal [ʃu̜bəɫ].) |
sgallach | Notes: bald. |
snòd | Notes: the length of thin line attaching the hook to the main line. |
solus | Quotation: solus biorach. Notes: phosphorescent light seen in soft places on the ground. |
tobar | Quotation: tobar ruadh. Notes: spring or well with iron in the water. |
toireisgil | [t̪ɤɾɤʃɡʹəl] Notes: peat-cutting iron. |
trian-ri-trian | Notes: corncrake. (Confusion between names for snipe, jacksnipe and corncrake.) |
trì-bhileach | Notes: a plant with three leaves on it found in soft places. Boiled for calves. Said to purify the blood. |
tuaicheal | [t̪uɤçɑɫ] Notes: disease in sheep, involving dizziness. |
tuainealaich | Notes: dizziness. |
artag | Quotation: artag cladaich. Notes: ground which is under water at high tide but on which short grass grows. |
baobh | [bɤ:v] Notes: a “rascally” female. |
bodach-baic | Notes: outside peat. |
bonnach | Quotation: bonnach donn. Notes: cake made from oatmeal and fish liver. |
bratag-thomhais | Notes: brown caterpillar. |
bumailear | [bũ̟məlɑɾ] Notes: bungler, big stupid man. |
cearcall | Quotation: cearcall màis, cearcall meadhoin, cearcall mullaich. Notes: hoops on a barrel. |
clisneach | [klıʃnʹɑx] Notes: home-made, rough wooden gate. |
crith-bheilleag | [kɾıvelʹɑɡ] Quotation: Tha crith-bheilleag orm. Notes: when one’s teeth are chattering with the cold. |
crom-riabhach | [kɾɤu̜mriɤɤx] Notes: a snipe (?) (Confusion between names for corncrake and snipe.) |
cuach | Quotation: cuach geàrr. Notes: a hare’s nest. |
daobhaidh | [d̪ɤ:vi] Quotation: duine daobhaidh. Notes: perverse. |
dialtag | Notes: a bat. |
garrach | [ɡɑrɑx] Quotation: Suidh, a’ gharraich. Notes: an obstreperous boy. |
glamaradh | Notes: a vice. |
gobhar-adhair | Notes: jacksnipe. (Confusion between names for snipe, jacksnipe and corncrake.) |
gobha-uisge | Notes: water-ousel. |
grath | [ɡɾɑ] Quotation: Nach ann oirre bha’n grath. Notes: said of the weather when there’s a very cold wind. |
greannan | Notes: a short-tempered man. |
guitear | Notes: a small, narrow culvert. |