[krɛ̜bitʹ] | Notes: bad-tempered, ‘crabbit’. |
luid | [ɫu̟tʃ] Notes: a woman who was bad at housework. |
luid | Quotation: Phòs mi luid airson na cuid, Dh’fhalbh an cuid ach dh’fhàn an luid. Notes: “slut”. |
méilich | [mɛ̜:iç] Notes: to baa (of sheep). |
miamhail | [miɑwiḻ] Notes: to mew. |
mosach | Notes: nasty, spiteful. |
mu dheimhin | Quotation: Sgeulachd a chuala mi mo mhàthair ag innis mu dheimhin [mə jɛ̜:vinʹ] té bha fuireach ann a Gleann Lìomhann. |
rolair | Notes: rolling-pin. |
rùcail | Notes: roaring, of stags or wind. |
rud | Quotation: an droch rud. Notes: euphemism for ‘cancer’. |
òinseach | [õˈʃəx] Notes: N.B. pronunciation. |
plodag | Notes: a gruel made of oatmeal, milk, water and sugar or salt and boiled water. Given to someone sick. |
pluc | Notes: pimple. |
poit-chàil | Notes: broth-pot. |
sabhal | [s[ɑu]ɫ] |
sean | Quotation: cho sean ris na creagan. |
seanamhair | Quotation: [mə hɛnəwir]. Notes: pron. of old people from Aberfeldy. |
seomar-leapaidh | [ʃombər leˈpi] Notes: bed-room. |
sgal | Quotation: Chuir e sgal orm. Notes: He gave me a fright. |
sgiamhain | [skiəweṉ] Notes: screaming. |
snodha-gàire | Quotation: Rinn e [osnɔ]-gàir’ [?]. |
socrach | Quotation: duine ciùin, socrach. Notes: a quiet man. |
sron | [srɔ:n] |
stacach | [sta̜kəx] Notes: faltering; stammering. |
teasach | Quotation: an teasach. Notes: scarlet-fever. |
teasd | Quotation: Theasd e. Tha e air teasd. Notes: to die – most common form (for humans) in Perthshire acc. to informant. Other – caochail. |
tochd | Quotation: Bha tochd air. Droch-thochd. Notes: smell (good or bad, though probably usually the latter). |
toman | Notes: hillock. |
treabh | [trɛ̜:ɔ̹] Notes: plough. N.B. pron. Cf. [rɛ̜:ɔ] for ‘reodhadh’. |
triugh-chasd | Quotation: an [dru xɑ̜:st]. Notes: whooping-cough. |
uamhraidh | Quotation: Bha i uamhraidh air clabhs. Tha e uamhraidh [ũɑ̃ˈri] fuar. Notes: = uamhasach. |
adhlaic | Quotation: (a) chaidh [[ɑ̃ũ]ɫɑk]. (b) aig an [[ɑ̃ũ]ɫɑk]. Notes: (a) he was buried. (b) at the funeral. [NOTES: slipped under ‘adhlac’.] |
allt | Quotation: ri taobh an uillt (sic) [ri t[ui]] ən [ui]ɫtʹ]. |
amhach | [ɛ̃ɔ̃˖x] |
aran | Quotation: Tha mi dol a dhèanamh aran. Notes: used for ‘to bake’. ‘Fuine’ not used, though known by informant. |
aran-buntàt | |
bàs | Quotation: Fhuair e am bàs. Notes: only used of an animal or as insult to humans. |
bò | [bɔ:] Quotation: Bha bò ann. Notes: giving somebody a fright, a start. |
bràid | [bra̜ʰıdʹ] Notes: bridle. |
breac | Notes: smallpox; also vaccination. |
buain | Quotation: a’ bhuain. Notes: the harvest. |
bùrach | Quotation: Bha an tigh ’na bhùrach. Bha e ann an bùrach. Notes: in a mess. |
biorach | Quotation: biorach sa’ chluas. Notes: keen-hearing. |
car | Quotation: car ’na shùil. Notes: a squint. |
cathair | Quotation: pl. cathraichean. Notes: ‘seathair’ not used. |
clabhs | [kɫ[ɑu]s] Quotation: Bha i uarraidh air clabhs. Notes: gossip. |
cladhaire | [kɫɤˈər] Notes: coward. |
clagarsaich | Notes: to rattle. |
clapainn | [kɫɑʰpınʹ] Notes: a bang. |
clàr-fuine | Notes: baking-board. |
creag | Quotation: Cho cruaidh ris na creagan. Notes: hard-hearted. |
creag | Quotation: Cho sean ris na creagan. |
cruaidh | Quotation: Cho cruaidh ris na creagan. Notes: hard-hearted. |
curs | [kurs] Notes: “coarse”. |
deagh-chonaltair | Notes: good-company. |
dèan | Quotation: Tha mi dol a dhèanamh aran. Notes: used for ‘to bake’. ‘Fuine’ not used, though known by informant. |
diathad | Notes: breakfast; first meal of the day. |
dìollaid | [dʹiəɫət] Notes: N.B. pron. |
dona | Quotation: Ghabh e gu don’ e. Notes: He was offended. |
drabhas | [dra̜vɑs] Notes: possibly means ‘boring’. Informant uncertain. |
droch | Quotation: An droch rud. Notes: euphemism for ‘cancer’. |
dùr | Notes: surly. |
easach | Notes: gruel. Oatmeal and water or milk – left to set and then drained. Put in a pan, boiled, then sugar and butter put on it. |
fhéin | Quotation: Cha robh ann ach mi [hɛ̜:]. |
foighidneach | [f[aı]d̪ɲəx] |
forc | Quotation: pl. forcaichean. |
gabh | Quotation: Ghabh e gu don’ e. Notes: He was offended. |
gal | Quotation: [ɡɑɫə]. Notes: weep. |
geimnich | Notes: to moo (of cows). |
geur | [ɡɛ̜:r] Quotation: duine geur. Notes: sarcastic. N.B. pronunciation. |
grabhainn | Quotation: [ɡr[ɑu]win] bheag. Notes: a little while. Cf. ‘grathunn’. |
gràinean | Quotation: gràinean mìn, gràinean tea. Notes: a little; small quantity; a “puckle”. |
greut | [ɡrɛ̜:t] Notes: fire-place; “grate”. |
gruaidhean | Notes: liver. |
gur | Quotation: gur nam fiaclan. Notes: gnashing of teeth. |