Crodh / Cattle
- Informant(s)
- Name
- identified as Mr Anderson, Killin and Mrs MacD ( Eilidh Walker and others )
- Age
- 70
- Origin
- Kill-Fhinn
- Location
- Perthshire, Killin
- Date
- [slipped May 1975]
- Notes
- [NOTES: it seems that Eilidh Walker’s ‘cattle’ questionnaire was later used to accommodate a list of miscellaneous words provided by Mr Anderson and Mrs MacD. According to the slips and the card index of informants, Mr Anderson is James Anderson of Killin (70s in 1968) and Mrs MacD is Mrs MacDermid of Loch Tay, b. Glenlyon (c. 60 in 1968). In most cases, the list gives only phonetic transcriptions of words but when the questionnaire was slipped, orthography had to be added. Therefore in this file, whenever possible, the orthography has been included as well. Square brackets were added if the spelling used came from a different source than the slips themselves (usually Dwelly). Additional information found on the slips has been also included, as well as any differences between the information provided by the questionnaire and the slips, such as differences in orthography.]
1. Different stages in the growth of cattle | |
laogh firinn | calf (male). |
laogh boirean | calf (female). |
[note] | [NOTES: both slipped under ‘laogh’ with ‘a. laogh firionn’ and ‘b. laogh boirionn’ as the quotation. Definition: a. male calf; b. female calf.] |
gamhain ( gawin) | [pron.] stirk (castrated). [NOTES: slip not found.] |
aoghan | stirk (heifer). [NOTES: slip not found.] |
mart ( marst) | [pron.] cow. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
bo | cow. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
tarbh ( tarraw) | [pron.] bull. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
bo mhaol | dehorned or hornless cow. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
[oidhche Shamhan] | Sean-Fhacal Gaidhlig: An deigh oidhche Shamhan their iad crodh ris na h’aighean agus aighean ris na laoigh. [NOTES: slipped under ‘Samhuinn’. The quotation has ‘Oidhche Shamhuin’ [sic] and ‘ris na h-aighean’.] |
Mr Anderson, Killin | |
maigheach | [mɑijəx] hare. [NOTES: the slip has [m[ɑi]ˈjəx].] |
sionnach | [ʃɤnəx] fox. |
an neas | [jɛ:s] weasel. [NOTES: slipped under ‘neas’. Pronunciation: [ən nʹes].] |
[seabhag?] | [ʃɤəɡ] hawk. |
dubh-reabha | [du̜ r[ou]] mole. [NOTES: the slip has [du̜ˈ rɔu].] |
dealaman-dé | [dʹəɫəman dʹɛ̜:] butterfly. [NOTES: slipped under ‘dealman-dé’. No pronunciation.] |
losgann | [lɔskən] frog. [SLIP: Frog and toad.] |
sgeith-losgainn | [skɛ̜: lɔskənʹ] tadpole (spawn). [SLIP: Frog-spawn.] |
cuileag-each | horse-fly. |
seillean | [ʃɛ̜lʹ[ɑi]n] bee. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
seillean ruadh | [ʃɛ̜lʹ[ɑi]n] smaller than bumble. [NOTES: the slip has [ruˈa]. Definition: A bee smaller than the bumble bee but wasp like in its sting.] |
seilcheag | [ʃɛ̜:liçək] snail. Chunnaic mi seilcheag air an lice lom; chual mi chuthag gam miar mo bhroinn; chunnaic mi an t-searrach ’s a chùlaobh rium, is dh’aithnich mi nach robh bhliadhn’ dol leam. [NOTES: the saying was slipped under the catch-word ‘seilcheag’ so it has been placed here. The slip gives only the phonetic transcription of the word spelled ‘miar’ in the questionnaire: [iər].] |
seilleach | [ʃɛ̜lax] willow. [NOTES: the slip has [ʃɛ̜ɫəx]. It gives Mrs MacDermid as the source.] |
[beith] | [bɛ̜:] birch. |
airneag (fem.) | [[ɑu]rnʹɑk] sloe. [NOTES: slipped under ‘abhrneag’ but then ‘airneag’ added in second hand. Pronunciation: [ɑurnʹak].] |
sgitheag | [ski:ək] hawthorn. |
[leamhan?] | [lɛvan] lime tree. |
giuthais | [sic] fir. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
carbad-smùid | steam engine. |
carbad-òla | car. [NOTES: slipped under ‘carbad-ola’ with ‘carbad-òla’ as the quotation. Definition: Motor car.] |
coileach-dubh | black grouse. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
na h-eòin ruadh | red grouse. [NOTES: slipped under ‘eun ruadh’.] |
colman | [ɡɔɫəmɑn] wood pigeon. [NOTES: the slip has [ɡɔɫəməṉ].] |
[fɛ̜:ʃənax] | pheasant. |
earb | [ən jɑrɑp] roe deer. [NOTES: the slip has [ən jarɑp].] |
dugan | [du̟ɡan] pole cat. (croit an dugain [?]) [SLIP: Pole cat. Also found in place-name ‘Croftintygane’ near Lawers, Loch Tay.] |
Killinne (Cill-linne) – 1750 | |
Cillbhinn | [NOTES: slipped under Cill-linne. Quotation: (a) Cill-linne. (b) Cillbhinn. Definition: (a) What natives called Killin in informant’s youth (circa 60-70 years ago). (b) Found nowadays.] |
Còir’ nam Bonnach | [?] |
cloichearan | [klɔiçərən] stonechat. |
[gille-Brìghde] | [ɡilʹə bri:dʹ] oyster-catcher. |
Meuran nan Daoine Sithich | [mɛ̜:ran nən dɤnʹə ʃi:iç] foxglove (nickname). [NOTES: the slip has [mɛ̜:raṉ ṉəṉ dɤnʹə ʃiˈiç]. Definition: Foxglove. (‘The thimble of the fairy people’).] |
meatag an t-sionnaich | [SLIP: Foxglove. Cf. also ‘Meuran nan Daoine Sithich’.] |
breac | trout. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
geadasg | [ɡɛ̜:ˈtask] pike. [SLIP: pike (fish).] |
mionnasg | [miˈnəsk] minnow. [NOTES: the slip has [minəsk].] |
cnèmheach | [krɛ̜̃vəx] crow. |
[ròcas] | [rɔʰkəs] rook. |
[an damhan rong mhor?] | [ən d-ˈ[ãũ]n rɔnɡ vɔ:r] daddy-long-legs. [NOTES: the slip has [ən dˈ[ãũ]n rɔŋ vɔ:r].] |
[corra-ghritheach] | [kɔrə ɣriˈəx] heron. |
cearc-chomunn | [sic] [xɔmən] partridge. |
ialtag-oidhch’ | bat. [SLIP: Bat (animal).] |
gobhar-adhair | [ɡɔər a:r] snipe. |
daol | [da̜:ɫ] beetle. [NOTES: originally slipped under ‘dàil’ but then ‘daol’ added in second hand.] |
bitheag | [bi:ˈak] worm. [SLIP: Earthworm.] |
bròg na cuthaig | wild violet. |
cneas an t-sionnaich | fox’s crest (fern). [SLIP: Fox’s crest (a type of fern – English name uncertain).] |
And | |
Gleann Liomhann | [li:ən] Glenlyon. [NOTES: the slip has [lʹi:ən]. It gives Mrs MacDermid as the source.] |
cuitear | [sic] [ku̜ʰtʹər] drain. |
Bailechuideir | [bɔxu̜idʹər] Balquhidder. |
Gleann Lòcha | Glen Lochy. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
Gleann Dochairt | [dɔxərst] Dochart. [NOTES: phonetic transcription added on the slip.] |
Loch an Iubhair | (shaded loch). [NOTES: slip not found.] |
Tigh an Druma | Tyndrum. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
Dàile Mhailli | Dalmally. |
Tigh an Uillt | Taynuilt. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
Beinn Laoigh | Ben Lui. |
Drochaid Bhalacaidh | Bridge of Balgy. [SLIP: Bridge of Balgie, Glenlyon.] |
Srath Odhar | [ɑuər] Strathyre. [NOTES: the slip has [[au]ər].] |
tullacan | hillock. |
Gleann Beithe | Glen Beich. |
dàil | flat land beside river. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
leacan | side of mountain. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
Ard Choill | Ardchyl. [NOTES: slipped under Ard Choill’. Definition: Ardchyl (near Killin).] |
coilleag | [kylɑk] copse. [NOTES: the slip has [kɤlak]. Definition: small group of trees.] |
solus gealbhan | [ɡʹaɫəvɑn] death lights. [SLIP: the slip has [ɡʹaɫəvaṉ]. Definition: Death light.] |
Mrs MacD | |
caisbheart | [kaʃərt] for bròg ’s stòcainn, footwear. [SLIP: Footwear (refers to both shoe and stocking).] |
[bumailear?] | [bu̟milər] boisterous person. |
gimleis | [ɡimliʃ] trumphrey. |
craslach (adj.) | [krasəɫəx] [SLIP: Used of animals, meaning ‘very thin’, ‘only bone to them’.] |
caol an earraich | [kəɫ ən jariç] [NOTES: slipped under ‘caol’ and ‘earrach’ with ‘caol an earraich’ as the quotation. Definition: Of animals, meaning ‘very thin’.] |
leasach | [lʹɛsəx] changing milk into cheese (earning). Tha mi dol a dheanamh leasach an diugh. |
muigh (fem.) | [mu̜ˈi] churn. Tha muigh ri dheanamh an diugh. [NOTES: slipped under ‘muidhe’.] |
òtrach | [ɔ:trəx] midden (– siteag). |
[fàladair] | [fa:ɫədər] scythe. |
clach-ghearraich | [klax jɛ̜riç] whetting stone. [NOTES: there are two slips giving Mrs MacDermid as the source and ‘whetting-stone’ as the definition – one has ‘clach-ghearraich [jɛ̜riç]’ as the catch-word and the other ‘clach-gheuraidh [jɛ̜:ri]’.] |
corran | [koran] heuk. [SLIP: sickle; ‘heuk’.] |
[sɡɤɫan] | creel. |
[stòl] | [stɔ:ɫ] stool. |
srathair | [sra:ər] pad on back of work-horse, saddle. [SLIP: pannier-saddle on work-horse.] |
deimhis | [dʹɛ̜̃ˈwiʃ] [SLIP: shears, N.B. pron.] [NOTES: there is another slip with ‘deimhis’ as the catch-word, Mrs MacDermid as the source and ‘shears’ as the definition but it gives different pronunciation - [dʒɑ̃ũˈis].] |
clobha | [kɫo̟] tongs. [NOTES: the slip has [kɫɔ̟:].] |
[sɡɤɫer] | mean, contemptible fellow. |
braoilich | [brɤiɫiç] noise. Nach b’ e sin a’ bhraoilich airson aon adhaircean muic. [NOTES: the slip has [brɤiḻiç]. The quotation has ‘uircean’ instead of ‘adhaircean’.] |
uircean (masc.) | [u̟irkʹən] young pig. [NOTES: the quotation on the slip reads ‘uircean muic (or alone)’.] |
fear sgodail | [sɡɔˈdɑɫ] proud man. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sgodail’ with ‘fear sgodail’ as the quotation. Pronunciation: [sɡɔdal].] |
duine sunndach | happy man. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sunndach’ with ‘duine sunndach’ as the quotation. Definition: Happy.] |
cearnach | B’ e cearnach e ’na latha. – He was a big man (stature) in his day. |
famhair | a big man (stature). [NOTES: the slip gives a quotation ‘B’ e famhair e ‘na latha’. Definition: ‘A big man (in stature)’.] |
Mrs MacD | |
clachan peileastair | [pɛ̜liʃtʹər] like 9 pins – one big one you threw small ones at it to knock it down. [SLIP: A game. Similar to 9 pins. A big stone is placed on its side and smaller stones thrown to knock it down.] |
caman | shinty stick. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
[paˈriçk] mhór | field. |
lòn | [lɔn] meadow. |
[lom] shearing sheep. | |
[saoidh] (masc.) | [saoi] hay. |
[ɡ | [ɔi]ˈnən] rheumatism. |
[ur] | [u̟r] small child. |
am fuachd | [əm vu̜axk] cold. [NOTES: slipped under ‘fuachd’ with ‘am fuachd’ as the quotation. Definition: N.B. pron. – the cold (illness).] |
builgear balaich | [bu̜ləɡər bɑɫiç] rascal. ’Se am [bu̜ləɡər]. [NOTES: slipped under ‘builgear’. Pronunciation: [bu̜ɫəɡər baɫiç].] |
sglog ’san lethcheann | [sɡlɔk sən lʹɛ̜:çən] slap on jaw. [NOTES: slipped under ‘sglog’ with ‘sglog ‘san lethcheann’ as the quotation. Definition: Slap on the jaw. Separate slip for ‘lethcheann’ – jaw.] |
gramail (adj.) | [ɡrɑmɑil] [sic] firm, stern. [NOTES: the slip does not give the pronunciation.] |
[ceàird] | [kʹ[ɤoi]rdʹ] tinkers. |
[ceàrd] | [kʹ[ɑo]rd] tinker. |
bùrn | [bu̩rin] water. [NOTES: the slip has [bu̜rin].] |
gimleid | [ɡiməlidʹ] iron-pointed tool for cobbler. [NOTES: the slip has [ɡiməɫɛdʹ]. Definition: For taking tackets out of boots.] |
sagairt | [saɡɑrstʹ] last for boots. [NOTES: the slip has [sakɑrstʹ]. Definition: Cobbler’s last for boots.] |
pailleart (masc.) | [pɑlʹart] good, firm slap. [NOTES: the slip has [palʹart].] |
Chaidh e ’na phaisean | [He] fainted. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
slinnean | [ʃlʹinʹən] shoulder of animal or person. |
[spàg] | [spa:k] hind-leg of animal. |
gruaidhean | [ɡru[ɑi]jən] liver. [NOTES: the slip has [ɡru̜[ɑi]jəṉ].] |
mias | [miəs] milk basin. |
cé | [kɛ̜:] cream. |
blathaich | [bɫaˈiç] buttermilk. |
bainne goirt | [benʹə ɡorst] sour milk. |
gruth | crowdie. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
fuarag | [fu̟ɑrɑk] sour cream (half-churned) and oatmeal. |
coinnleirean | [k[oi]lərən] candle-sticks. [NOTES: slipped under ‘coinnleir’ with ‘pl. [k[(õ)(ĩ)]ḻərən]’ as the quotation.] |
coinneal | [kələn] candle. [SLIP: Candle (same word?).] |
glagaireachd (mhór) | [ɡlɑkərəxk] gossip. Bha iad a’ glagaireachd fad an latha. [NOTES: the slip has [ɡɫakərəxk]. Definition: Gossip. (Also fem. noun).] |
[dibhearsan] | [dʹiversən] fun. |
cab | [kɑp] mouth (of fish; of human – mouth). Dùin do chap! [sic] [SLIP: Mouth (of fish or, as above [i.e. in the quotation], in insult, of human).] |
gnos | [ɡrɔ̃s] big nose. |
taois | [t[aoi]ʃ] dough. |
deasach | [dʹɛ̜səx] bake. Bheil an deasach deas? [SLIP: Baking.] |
colann | Tha e coltach ri fear a tha air caitheamh seachd colann [kɑi ʃɛxk kɔɫən]. – of old person. [SLIP: Said of a decrepit-looking old person.] |
togsaid thearr | barrel of tar. [NOTES: slipped under ‘togsaid’ with ‘togsaid theàrr’ as the quotation.] |
seitheisteal | [ʃɛˈiʃtʹəɫ] lazy person. |
[ɡʹɛɲɡəx] | disobliging. |
alaich | Bheil thu ’tuigsinn, [aɫ̱iç]? - like ‘laochain’, from man to man. [NOTES: definition on the slip: Like ‘a laochain’ etc., used from man to man. Prob. shortened form of ‘a bhalaich’.] |
guilbearnach | [ɡʹilibərnəx] curlew. |
clach-bhalg | [klaxˈ vaɫak] blowhard. [NOTES: the slip has [kɫaxˈ vaɫax].] |
gruagach | bridesmaid. |
[lɛsɡax] | best man. [NOTES: slipped under ‘fleasgach’. Definition: Possibly ‘leasgach’ (i.e. without f-) used. ‘Best man’.] |
Mrs MacD | |
balgair | [bɑɫəɡər] fox. (Also: ‘sionnach’.) [SLIP: Fox (‘sionnach’ also used).] |
ladarn | [ɫɑtərn] forward, demanding. [NOTES: the slip has [ɫatərṉ].] |
raipear | [r[ɑi]ʰper] rough person. [NOTES: the slip has [r[ai]ʰpər].] |
muinntir deisir | [dʹɛ̜ʃər] people of north [sic] side of Loch Tay. [NOTES: slipped under ‘deisir’ with ‘muinntir deisir’ as the quotation. Definition: People belonging to north side of Loch Tay. (cf. also tuatharach).] |
muinntir tuatharach | [tu̜ərəx] people of south [sic] side of Loch Tay. [NOTES: slipped under ‘tuatharach’ with ‘muinntir tuatharach’ as the quotation. Definition: People belonging to south side of Loch Tay. (cf. also ‘deisir’) Saying of informant’s mother: ‘Bodaichean tuatharach, is tuath Gleann Dochairt, Mionnasgan Chillfhinn agus daoine grinn na Sràid Ghlais (in Killin) Barran Gleann Lòcha agus brod deisir [sic].’] |
siolachan | [ʃiələxən] sieve for milk. |
ceapair | [kʹɛʰpər] good sustaining piece, sandwich. [SLIP: A big sandwich.] |
aotroman | [u̟tərmɑn] pig’s bladder. [NOTES: the slip has [u̟t̪ərman]. Definition: Pig’s bladder. N. B. pron.] |
sgonn (fem.) | [sɡɔ̃:n] clumsy person, [cf. sgonnarach.] |
sgonnarach (masc.) | [sɡɔnərəx] clumsy person. Bha sgonnarach mun cuairt. [SLIP: clumsy person, cf. ‘sgonn’.] |
sguais | [sɡu̜[ɑi]ʃ] something done in hurried way and unthorough. Bha sguais uamharaidh aige. [SLIP: Something done in a hurried, and consequently unthorough, way.] |
sguaisearach | [sɡu̜[ɑi]ʃərəx] [SLIP: Vid. ‘sguais’.] |
cleiteartaich | [klɛ̜ʰtʹərstiç] flapping and fussing. Bha i cleiteartaich mun cuairt. |
geir | [ɡɛ̟r] fat of animal. |
geir muideal | [ɡɛ̟r mu̟dʹaɫ] mutton fat. |
geir martail | [ɡɛ̟r mɑrstʹɑiɫ] beef fat, suet. |
geir féidh | deer fat. [NOTES: all four above slipped together under ‘geir’.] |
mulchag | [mulaxɑk] geir feidh [sic] [deer fat] in a mould (endowed with healing powers – any wound or baby’s navel). [NOTES: slipped under ‘mulchag’ with ‘mulchag geir feidh’ as the quotation. Definition: Deer fat in a mould. Endowed with healing properties – for a wound or was rubbed on a baby’s navel.] |
[Eilidh Walker] | |
2. Breeds of cattle | |
3. Outward appearance of cattle | |
4. Names for certain beasts, e.g. an animal on which the owner bestows particular attention | |
5. Parts of the body | |
ceann ( kèoon) | [pron.] head. [NOTES: there is a slip with ‘ceann’ as the catch-word and Ellie Walker as the source but it gives a phrase - Ceann mór aig duine glic, Ceann circ air amadan.] |
clar-aodain | forehead. [NOTES: slipped under ‘clàr-aodann’. Definition: Forehead (of cow).] [NOTES: the spelling on the slip – clàr-aodann.] |
(aoirchdan) (phonetic) | horns. [NOTES: slipped under ‘adharc’ with ‘pl. [[œi]rçkən]’ as the quotation but there is a wavy line in pencil going across the latter possibly to show that the transcription may be wrong.] |
fionna | hair. [NOTES: ‘beast’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker).] [SLIP: Beast’s hair.] |
craicean ( krychkon) | [pron.] hide. [NOTES: [ai] under ‘ai’ in ‘craicean’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker).] [NOTES: slip not found.] |
slinnean ( šleenyen) | [pron.] shoulder. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
uchd or caisean-uchd ( oochk) | [pron.] breast. [NOTES: ‘flappy part on sheep’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker).] [NOTES: slipped under ‘caisean-uchd’. Definition: Breast; flappy part on sheep.] |
spag ( spaak) | [pron.] hindquarter. [NOTES: slipped under ‘spàg’. Definition: Hindquarter of cow.] |
rumball ( roomble) | [pron.] rump. [NOTES: slipped under ‘rùmball’. Pronunciation: [ruˈmbəɫ]. Definition: Rump of cattle.] |
ugh ( oo) | [pron.] udder. [NOTES: the slip gives the pronunciation – [uʰ].] |
sineachan ( sheenachan) | [pron.] teats. [SLIP: (pl.) Teats of cow.] |
feith ( fè) | [pron.] muscle. |
feath ( fè) | [pron.] vein. [NOTES: both ‘feith’ and ‘feath’ slipped under ‘fèith’. Definition: Muscle (cattle). Also: vein.] |
cridhe ( kree) | [pron.] heart. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
fuile | blood. [NOTES: the slip gives the pronunciation – [fu̟lʹə].] |
sgamhain ( skavèn) | [pron.] lungs. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
faireagan | glands. [NOTES: slipped under ‘faireag’. Pronunciation: [fɑˈrɑk]. Definition: Gland (partic. in meat).] |
slugan ( slookan) | [pron.] gullet. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
stamag | stomach. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
gruthan ( grooan) | [pron.] liver. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
isbein ( eespèn) | [pron.] sausage. [NOTES: slipped under ‘isbean’ with pronunciation [iˈʃpɛn].] |
maragan geal | white puddings. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
maragan dubh | black puddings. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
taigeis | haggis. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
6. Calving | |
7. Milking | |
bleodhann ( blo an) | [pron.] milking. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
gogan | milking-pail. |
siolachan | sieve. |
meas | [mɛ̜:s] basin. [NOTES: phonetic transcription added most probably by the fieldworker.] [NOTES: slip not found.] |
stòl | stool. [NOTES: grave accent added most probably by the fieldworker.] [NOTES: slip not found but see ‘creaban’ below.] |
creaban ( krèpan) | [pron.] stool. [NOTES: slipped under ‘cneaban’. Pronunciation: [krɛ̜̃pan]. Definition: Stool. ‘Stòl’ also used.] |
buarach | leg-rope. [NOTES: ‘heard “dung”’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker).] [SLIP: Leg-rope for cow. Once heard used for ‘dung’. Also fetter for milking.] |
bleodhann-maidne | morning milking. [NOTES: slipped under ‘bleoghainn-maidne’ with ‘also: bleoghainn-feasgair’ as the quotation.] |
bleodhann-feasgair | evening milking. |
bagan-leasach | [lʹɛ̜səx] calf’s bladder (used for making cheese). [NOTES: the last item added in second hand but the slip still gives Eilidh Walker as the source.] [NOTES: the slip has [lʹesəx].] |
8. Feeding | |
saoidh | hay. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
fodar | straw. |
botal ( | [pron.] bochtchal) [bɔtʹaɫ] hay or straw in a tidy bundle. [NOTES: phonetic transcription added most probably by the fieldworker. The slip gives [bɔʰtʹaɫ]. Definition: Hay or straw trussed up in a tidy bundle.] |
buachaill | herd. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
bannarach | dairymaid. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
ionaltrach | grazing. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
geamhrach | wintering. [SLIP: Wintering the cattle.] |
9. Apparatus | |
teadhar | tether. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
buarach | fetter for milking. |
adhasdar | halter. [NOTES: slip not found.] |
clog ( clok) | [pron.] weight tied to an animal. [NOTES: the slip gives pronunciation – [kɫɔk].] |
luairchgean | calfskin stuffed. [SLIP: Stuffed calfskin – so called because was stuffed with rushes, straw being too valuable.] |
10. Diseases | |
an sgoor | [pron.] diarrhoea. [NOTES: ‘animals’ added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker). Slipped under ‘sgùr’ with ‘an sgùr’ as the quotation. Definition: Diarrhoea in animals.] |
an ruaidh | hard udder at calving (mastitis). [NOTES: slipped under ‘ruaidh’ with ‘an ruaidh’ as the quotation.] |
partain | ticks. [NOTES: slipped under ‘partan’ with ‘pl. partain’ as the quotation.] |
clòimh ( | [pron.] cloy) [kɫ[ɔ̃i]] itch. [NOTES: the following added in second hand (most probably the fieldworker) – (partic. sheep scab; also ‘Bheil clòimh ort?’) – funny [?].] [NOTES: phonetic transcription added most probably by the fieldworker.] [SLIP: Itch – particularly of sheep but used jokingly for humans (as above [i.e. in the quotation]).] |
11. Miscellaneous | |
pruidh ( | [pron.] prooee) [prui] call to cow. [NOTES: phonetic transcription added most probably by the fieldworker. The slip has [pruˈi].] |
pruidh-eidh ( prooee-ay) | [pron.] call to calf. [NOTES: the slip gives the pronunciation: [pruiˈɛ̜:].] |
buachar ( booachar) | [pron.] cow dung. |
[note] | [NOTES: items below in second hand.] |
[tʹu̜k, tʹu̜k] | [call to] hens. |
[prɔkʹ] | [call to a] horse (to come to you). [NOTES: the slip has [prɔˈki].] |
[hup] and | [vai:n] [calls to horse used when] ploughing, to go one way (furrow) and then the other (rig). Not know which. [NOTES: slipped under [v[ai]:n]. Definition: one of the calls (the other being [həp]) to a horse when ploughing, to tell it to go to furrow or rig. Not known which is which.] |
[wit] | [call to a] duck. |