Measgaichte / Miscellaneous

Kate MacKinnon
c. 70
Skye, Elgol
  • [NOTES: in IPA transcriptions, the fieldworker uses [w] for [ɯ].]
lodairNotes: ladle.
maghar[mɤəɾ] Quotation: ag iasgach a’ mhaghair. Notes: fly.
maide-broillichQuotation: am maide-broillich or am broilleach. Notes: bracket at joint between stempost and keel.
muirstiachd[mu̜ʴstʹiɑxk] Notes: jellyfish. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
rolag[rɔlɑɡ] Notes: a roll of carded wool.
sligeQuotation: slig’ a chreachain. Notes: ribbed clam shell used for taking cream off top of milk in bowl or basin.
spàinQuotation: spain [sic] fhiodha. Notes: wooden spoon.
suidheachadhQuotation: a’ cur a’ bhainne air suidheachadh. Notes: leaving milk to set.
bainneQuotation: bainne slaman. Notes: curds.
bànQuotation: deoch bhàn. Notes: drink made by pouring first cold water, then boiling water on oatmeal.
bollaNotes: 140 lbs. (?)
bragQuotation: Mu’m bragadh tu cnò. Notes: In the twinkling of an eye.
breacagQuotation: breacag fhlùr. Notes: a big round griddle scone.
càlQuotation: càl deanntaig. Notes: nettle soup.
càlQuotation: càl duilisg. Notes: dulse soup.
carrachan[kɑrɑxɑ̃ṉ] Notes: has a carrot-shaped root which can be eaten. Has a small pink flower.
ceairrle[cɑʴlʹə] Notes: ball of yarn. [NOTES: the turned r used for the symbol which is unclear in the original.]
cneamh[kɾɛ̃f] Notes: garlic. Grows in soft places. If cows eat it, get a taste of onion off the milk.
cnòQuotation: Mu’m bragadh tu cnò. Notes: In the twinkling of an eye.
crannachanNotes: a butter-churn.
crosgag-thràghaidNotes: starfish.
curraiche-fitheag[kwrıçəˈfıɑɡ] Notes: small black berries.
deanntagQuotation: càl deanntaig. Notes: nettle soup – could be thickened with oatmeal and veg. added.
deochQuotation: deoch bhàn. Notes: drink made by first pouring cold water, then boiling water on oatmeal. [NOTES: slipped under ‘deoch-bhàn’.]
duileasgQuotation: càl duilisg. Notes: dulse soup.
farumach[fɑɾəmɑx] Quotation: Bha e gu math farumach; dòigh gu math farumach. Notes: well-known.
gaolachQuotation: Tha mi gu math gaolach air. Notes: used when talking about a certain type of food.
gìogan[ɡʹı:ɡɑṉ] Notes: thistle.
giomachQuotation: pron. [ɡʹũ̜mɑx]. Notes: lobster.
greideal[ɡɾedʹəɫ] Notes: griddle for making scones.